Buffyverse Mafia: Apocalypse Now
This will be a high-conversion game in the tradition of Lylat Wars here and War of Hyrule over on TWCenter.
Days and nights will be 24 hours and will take the rough narrative form of Episodes, with a Buffy "Episode" ending each day and beginning each Night and an Angel "Episode" doing the reverse. Roles will be revealed on death, but not Team. Every Role will be a part of a Team and resident in a Location, either L.A. or Sunnydale for most. Teams will be Innocent teams, Mafia teams, or possibly something else. The Victory condition for all Innocent Teams is: eliminate all members of Mafia Teams. Other team VC's will be rigorously defined in Role PMs. This should all be clearer after I do the first Intro post, i.e. the Buffy Pilot, which will contain a complete innocent Role PM.
Important Game Information,As usual, this information may or may not be relevant to tonight, but I realized should be publically available.
Phase end will always be 10 pm Eastern unless I specify differently, regardless of my being around. Phases are about 24 hours, unless I specify otherwise.
For gameplay reasons, vampires will not be mentioned as turning to dust, i.e. people may turn to dust upon death, but I won't be telling you that.
Scans occur after conversions.
Role-blocks do not appear in the phase posts.
Successful Conversions do not appear in the phase posts.
New seasons begin with the Buffy epsiode following an episode in which a team is exterminated. That is the only indication of teams being eliminated.
No quoting PMs from me,
the Dead may not send or receive PMs, write in QTs, or reveal external to thread information (i.e. scan results or older PMs)
This includes making any claims about who you were or were not in contact with, WHETHER OR NOT they claim in the thread to have been in contact with you. Rule of Thumb, if you're in doubt, don't post it.
If alive, you may send messages, create QTs, whatever you please as long as you don't quote me. I do appreciate being kept in the loop on out-of-thread communication, though.
There is some variation in format of Role PMs, so don't rely on small irregularities to give you hints.
You are always welcome to PM me questions or post them here. I may choose to not give you an answer, I may even choose not to respond at all. You have been warned.
I am looking for 40 players. Please bear with me, as this is the largest game I have run.
Sign-Ups: 35/40
1.Sasaki Kojiro
5. Diamondey
10. pevergreen
11. Sprig
12. Atpg
13. Khazaar
14. Seon
15. Robbiecon
16. Csargo
17. Glenn
18. TheFluffyOne93
20. TinCow
21. Zack
22. Gibson
24. Renata
25. acin
26. Ironside
27. Psychonaut
28. Nictel
29. Winton Hughes
30. Captain Blackadder
31. Death Is Yonder
32.Cecil XIX
33. Skooma Addict
34. Link
35. Lord Winter
1. Chaotix
2. Reenk Roink