In this AAR I will play as the Koinon Hellenon, difficulty M/M (to keep things nice and easy). But!
This AAR will happen in both the TWC and the .org EB/AAR forums. Each forum will advise 1 of the KH cities. Every 4 turns (1 game year), TWC forum members will give suggestions on what Sparta should do next, while .org forum members will suggest what Athens should do.
TWCenter forums: Sparte
.org forums: Athenai
Both cities are allied, though, and must submit their candidates to office positions in the Alliance every 4 years. The city that has a FM holding the Strategos office will be in great military advantage, as it will be able to control the full-stack Alliance Army. Other offices will give different advantages.
This first post will be dedicated to the Politeia, or the Constitution of the Koinon Hellenon, which says how this AAR will work.
There are 2 moments of voting, "Polis Sessions" (every year, city only) and "Koinon Hellenon Sessions" (every 4 years, between the Alliance).
Different matters will be decided in each of those. The first one decides actions, the second decides offices and laws.
-Every year.
-You can make a suggestion for what to do next, but your suggestion will only be executed if someone agrees with your suggestion (which is called a "motion").
-You can agree with someone else's motion if you want to see that executed.
-You can disagree with someone else's motion if you don't like it, but if more people vote in favor of it, it will be executed.
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-Every 4 years.
-You can vote for one of your city's FMs to run for the office of Strategos, and another to run for the office of Hegemon.
-You can propose laws that will change this constitution and vote on changes proposed in the last session.
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272BC: Army Regulamentation Law
-Armies outside cities have a maximum of 8 units, unless commanded by the Strategos (max 20 units) or the Polemarchos (max 12 units).
-City armies must be commanded by a general. The army will return to its city if no general is present (if the general dies, for example).
255 BC: The Recognition of Zones of Interest and Expansion between the Poleis Athenai and Sparte (by Arthouros the Divider)
-Athenai recognizes that the lands West of Hellas and all Poleis West of Hellas are in the Zone of Interest and Expansion of the polis Sparte. This with the addition of the polis Kyrene. Athenai shall not attempt to conquer poleis and land west of Hellas, and shall not actively work against Spartiatai expansion in the area, be it by ways of the sword or the word. If the Spartiatai expansion in the area happens to be harmful to the Koinon as a whole, and/or Athenai, then Athenai has the right to voice its opposition of said expansion, the reasons presented should not be of a selfish nature used to hamper Spartiatai expansion/increased range of influence. Athenai also reserve the right to voice its opposition of unfair treatment of the population of Free Poleis upon their incorporation under Sparte.
-Sparte recognizes that the lands East of Hellas and all Poleis East of Hellas are in the Zone of Interest and Expansion of the polis Athenai. This with the exception of Byzantion which shall be a neutral polis. Sparte shall not attempt to conquer poleis and land East of Hellas, and shall not actively work against Athenoi expansion in the area, be it by ways of the sword or the word. If the Athenoi expansion in the area happens to be harmful to the Koinon as a whole, and/or Sparte, then Sparte has the right to voice its opposition of said expansion, the reasons presented should not be of a selfish nature used to hamper Athenoi expansion/increased range of influence. Sparte also reserve the right to voice its opposition of unfair treatment of the population of Free Poleis upon their incorporation under Athenai.
"Hall of Fame"
I) Arthouros Attikos (Arthur, king of the Britons), known as Arthouros the Divider. Loyal Athenian, Epistates of Athenai, leader of the athenian Hellas party. First man to pass a Koinon Law since the foundation of the Alliance.
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II) Publius Appius Claudius (Populus Romanus), the Spartan-Roman Ephor of the Sparte Nationalist Party and loyal councilor of the Spartan Gerousia.
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III) You?