Hi everyone, it's fun to be battling again with MTW when I have the spare moment now and again.
In my current expert Italian early expert GA campaign, I have two alternate games running. One I have played to about 1210, where it seems I am at war with almost everyone (French, Sicilians, Polish, Hungarians and the English), though the only faction I attacked first was the HRE (who were eliminated by the French, and then resurfaced later, attacked me first, and now are neutral). Trade has really dried up, as the English decided after reaching near Provence to backstab me. In this game, I hold Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Saxony, Lorraine, Fraconia, Swabia, Switzerland, Tyrolia, Provence, Milan, Genoa, Tuscany, Venice, Corsica, Sardinia and Nicaea. I mistakenly decided I would get the pikeman buildings provinces (Tyrolia and Switzerland), but it seems like a lot of trouble for nothing .
The grab up north is more worthwhile, and in my 2nd campaign version Italian early expert GA at around 1158, I have taken Denmark, Sweden (Norway still trying to bribe), Saxony, and just taken Flanders instead, with a grab of Freisland planned next turn.
Few questions for our warlords;
Is it harder to maintain separated empires (only connected by sea)? [I seem to remember it is]
I suppose the Sicilians should be whacked earlier (as recommended by some in the Italian campaign guide). I'm just wondering when I should attempt to do it later in my 2nd campaign. I may do it soon, using my mercs when they are replaced by other troops in Flanders and soon to be conquered Freisland.
In both games I lead in GA points, so I am not in a poor position in either campaign, though in the first one, my warchest is a bit depleted, but I can possibly take Greece and Constantinople fairly easily (the Sicilians have taken a beating and I sit on Nicaea and Trebizond). My GA points lead is slightly larger, perhaps some 18 points (contrasted with a 7 point lead or so in the 2nd version).
In the second I am at war only with the French right now, with 19K in the bank.
In both campaigns, I probably have the largest navy overall, as in the first the Sicilians have mostly parts of the med, The English only the west coast of Europe, whereas I have most of everything else. In the second one, I have ships nearly around the globe, but only 1 ship per sea region.
Which sounds like a better position to you? What would you recommend for strategy moves in each campaign?