I have Rome: Total War and Alexander: Total War. What other requirements are there to download and play EB? Where is the download - can someone reply with a link?
I have Rome: Total War and Alexander: Total War. What other requirements are there to download and play EB? Where is the download - can someone reply with a link?
Read the FAQ. (Which has the download link in it.)
And I mean ALL the FAQ. Very, very carefully. If you don't, you won't even manage to get the mod installed and working.
This is not a joke.
Also recommend you check out the Technical Help Forum, and look for the stickied thread called 1.2 Fixes you should try...
Look at the other threads in there also. There's an installation guide with images.
Last edited by Titus Marcellus Scato; 02-22-2011 at 18:12.
Even Google "Europa Barbarorum", really I can't stand such lazyness levels XD