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Thread: Epeiros Bodyguard vs Mak, Ptoly, and AS

  1. #1

    Default Epeiros Bodyguard vs Mak, Ptoly, and AS

    I always thought Mak, AS, Ptoly, and Eperios have the same bodyguard. Same name at least. But Epeiros has a 13 for armor while the others have 18. This is a considerable difference. They also have less charge and morale. Is this historical? Or is it to bring balance to the AI as they have such an incredible starting position?

  2. #2
    EBII Hod Carrier Member QuintusSertorius's Avatar
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    Default Re: Epeiros Bodyguard vs Mak, Ptoly, and AS

    The Epirote bodyguard have vastly superior stamina, in compensation for their lighter armour. They're actually pretty survivable since tired troops are weaker.
    It began on seven hills - an EB 1.1 Romani AAR with historical house-rules (now ceased)
    Heirs to Lysimachos - an EB 1.1 Epeiros-as-Pergamon AAR with semi-historical houserules (now ceased)
    Philetairos' Gift - a second EB 1.1 Epeiros-as-Pergamon AAR

  3. #3

    Default Re: Epeiros Bodyguard vs Mak, Ptoly, and AS

    And they're almost as swift as HA.
    I believe Molosson Agema are more similiar to Alexander's hetairoi than Diadochi's hetairoi in EB are, because the latter are much more heavily armored than that of Alexander.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Epeiros Bodyguard vs Mak, Ptoly, and AS

    I don't think hetairoi from Epirus took part in Alexander's campaign against Persia, or in the wars of the Diodochi that followed. Unlike the Macedonians, the Epirotes didn't encounter Persian-style massed foot archers or Skythian horse-archers. So didn't have such a pressing need for anti-arrow armour.

    The Epirotes were fighting Illryians, Greeks and Italians who didn't use archery to the same extent as the Asian peoples.

  5. #5
    U14 Footballer Member G. Septimus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Epeiros Bodyguard vs Mak, Ptoly, and AS

    Quote Originally Posted by Titus Marcellus Scato View Post
    I don't think hetairoi from Epirus took part in Alexander's campaign against Persia, or in the wars of the Diodochi that followed. Unlike the Macedonians, the Epirotes didn't encounter Persian-style massed foot archers or Skythian horse-archers. So didn't have such a pressing need for anti-arrow armour.

    The Epirotes were fighting Illryians, Greeks and Italians who didn't use archery to the same extent as the Asian peoples.
    You have explained my post. I would say nothing more than Yes.

    Big Romani Fan
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  6. #6

    Default Re: Epeiros Bodyguard vs Mak, Ptoly, and AS

    Quote Originally Posted by Titus Marcellus Scato View Post
    I don't think hetairoi from Epirus took part in Alexander's campaign against Persia, or in the wars of the Diodochi that followed. Unlike the Macedonians, the Epirotes didn't encounter Persian-style massed foot archers or Skythian horse-archers. So didn't have such a pressing need for anti-arrow armour.

    The Epirotes were fighting Illryians, Greeks and Italians who didn't use archery to the same extent as the Asian peoples.

    Because when the Epeirotes adopt makedon phalanx they also need heavy cavalry to fulfil role of the hammer.However Epiros is region not exactly best for horses and neither for cavalry warfare.So the small deviations from makedon course are only reasonable.And most likely Epeirotes project their cavalry to serve best in their home region.
    In such case nothing else should be behind,just mountain region and understandable reasons to make cavalry strong as possible in such region.Btw imho this is the real reason.Not the lack of projectiles heading towards cavalry.


    Because they are projected for war same as the original hetairoi and unlike the much heavier eastern cavalry projected for battle and partialy also as mark of legitimacy and token for national elite.
    In short the Epeirote cavalry cut be maintained with much ease during the campaings and even merged with local cavalry forces of same nature etc.Perhaps they dont need servant or groom or not so much.And their equipment can be more standartized and simplified ergo replaced from various sources.
    Bronze curais is just bronze curais quite common in the whole greek world,but full body armor is specific for big settlements with private industry and not for citystates/tribal federations in their way to be national state.Craftman in Antiocheia spend year to make one high quality armor and next craftman spend another year with decorations.While the Epeirote cavalry man in worse case strip down bronze armor from dead roman rider and regain full protection as was planed.


    The eastern faction were way more rich then Epeiros so they can afford badass equipment:)

  7. #7

    Default Re: Epeiros Bodyguard vs Mak, Ptoly, and AS

    Probably a combination of all of the above, really....


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