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Thread: Spring Preview 2010

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    Aetheling Member Hross af Guttenburg's Avatar
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    Default Spring Preview 2010

    To all fans of DotS,

    We have prepared a brief preview of what you can expect from two of our key areas, Outremer and Central Europe, with interesting Faction Features on Egypt, Syria, Bohemia and the Italian principalities. Please enjoy.

    Europe and the west is typically over-represented by the majority of mods. The fact that Dominion is fundamentally an overhaul of vanilla (same map focus and time scale) we are naturally keen to cover Europe primarily. The problem of course has been that Europe and its power politics never existed within a vacuum or without effects from outside of Europe. So naturally we have had to consider the world outside of Europe's borders. As soon as we considered how far our map and our limit of 199 regions was going to cover we ran into problems. We did not want to under-represent the nations in Africa, Russia or the Middle East- but we had to draw the line somewhere. We drew the line beyond the Sahara in Africa, to include the entire Arabian peninsula and to end our eastern border almost as far as India. As far as we can, we have covered the entirety of Europe and all of its outlying neighbours. 1/5 of our factions are Muslim and 1/4 of our map regions are Muslim. We hope this gives you some idea of the kind of balance and focus you can expect between East and West in the campaign of Dominion. For more details take a further look at the eastern and western overviews below.[/fieldset2]

    Western Campaign Overview
    Our western campaign reaches from Iceland to Morocco, from Finland to Croatia. Within this reach are the densely and variedly packed provinces of many creeds, cultures and civilisations. Covering all the identities of such a world, with all of its history and future potential (some 400 years of the campaign) was no small challenge. It was a challenge that has taken many years of hard work, discussion and deliberation to bring the greatest medieval simulation we possibly could to life. This is the world of Papal intrigue, pagan freedom fighters such as the Swedes, Lithuanians and Obotrites. A world of newly-won and highly contested kingdoms such as England, well-entrenched decadent superpowers such as the Holy Roman Empire. There are within this puzzle of politics a great number of smaller states that make up the lively and violent dynamics of Europe- nations formed around small republics, duchies or city states. In southern Spain the richest European cities are independent Muslim centres of great culture and learning, which if conquered can trigger untold gains for the victorious faction. In Northern Europe, Earls fight down their rival warlords to maintain claims to their thrones and the right to launch ships in support of trade between harbours and river ports.

    Since the mod's inception we have considered our choice of factions and the map to go hand in hand, and in many ways it has led us in circles. However, our underlying philosophy was always one of conflict zones. Each zone represented a small area of dynamics that had to exist in order to keep gameplay exciting in each area of play and -as much as we could- realistic, that is to say representative of the kinds of tensions of medieval history.

    Since we have not been able to test the functionality of PSFs, we had even more pressure on us to make perfect settlement choices. Most mods and mapmakers have based their settlement choices on an even spacing of settlements across the entire map. However, since our game design is so complex and so much more than across-the-board philosophies we had to look at each piece of the puzzle on a case-by-case basis. Every choice of faction and region was made in the context of its neighbours and the dynamics of the indentity of each faction. [/fieldset2]

    Basic tech tree features

    Amongst several of the RPG elements we have designed in the campaign we have several examples of tech trees that are formed around the concept of Option Forks. Option Forks are basically an either/or option, both options have positive and negative effects and which ever one of two ways you decide to go down (and construct) you will have different units, income, power, control, traits etc.

    For instance, Provincial Charters effects every region- you have to decide whether you want to develop your region to be predominantly agricultural or mainly urban. If it is urban it will not have as much food, but you will likely have greater trade later on, and be able to develop more cultural and technological buildings. However urban centres are very compact and disease is a real threat, also law and order might be easy early on but later when there are massive cities with sprawling suburbs controlling the mob will be difficult.

    Choosing to promote agriculture will give you food bonuses but will limit your population growth since the majority of the land will be taken up with farmland, and the population be made up of peasants who with backbreaking work will be unlikely to live very long or prosper, also imposing law on disgruntled masses of miserable peasants spread-out all across the province will be difficult. As you develop your agriculture however you will be able to improve the quality of life for the workers and through strengthening village communities you can create a network of law, order, trade and health throughout the region. Urban regions will be more likely to develop militias and agricultural regions will be more likely to raise levies. So your choices will be complex and require careful planning.

    Bohemia Faction Feature

    The 'Heart of Europe' is one of the names given to the lands resting amidst the Alps. Its first inhabitants, at the dawn of history, were the Celtic Boii tribe, from which the Latin name Bohemia comes from. Later, during the Migration period, Bohemia was often crossed by many tribes from various ethnic backgrounds, from Germanic tribes to Slavic tribes and Huns. During the 7th century Bohemia was settled by Slavs, who have lived there ever since. The first state created in Bohemia was the so called 'Samo's Empire', a union of the Bohemian clans formed against the invading Avars. After their defeat, the Slavs were again attacked from the west by the Frankish King Dagobert I, who was in turn also defeated. With these dangers gone however, the Empire disbanded in 659 after Samo's death, however the legacy set the foundation for the future of Bohemia.

    About 150 years later, around the year 800, Great Moravia was founded and immediately embraced Christianity. In 863 the Orthodox missionaries, brothers Constantine (Cyril) and Methodius, brought the Glagolitic Alphabet to Great Moravia and introduced Old Church Slavonic as the first Slavic church language, and also the Slavic Christian Church in general. When Great Moravia fell to the Hungarians thethe powerhouse of Bohemia shifted to the west.

    With Great Moravia fading, the tribes in Bohemia began struggling for power to fill the vacuum. From this the Premyslovci dynasty of the of the Czech tribe arose, and under Borivoj I the Principality of Bohemia was founded at the end of 9th century. This new state was successful in retaking Moravian lands previously lost to Hungarians, as well as Eastern Francia and the newly established Holy Roman Empire under the Ottonian dynasty. In 935 the Prince Vaclav was murdered by his brother Boleslav. However Boleslav proclaimed Vaclav and their grandmother Ludmila (also murdered) saints. St. Vaclav then became the Patron of Bohemia. All these aspects helped to give the rising power a great sense of national identity, building on the legacy of Samo. In 973 the Bishopric of Prague was founded and when in 997 the second Bishop - Vojtech (Adalbert/Bela) - was murdered in Prussia he was also proclaimed a saint by the Pope two years later, giving greater strength to the growing religion that helped cement the state.

    At the beginning of the 11th century the Principality was yet again in civil war when three brothers contested the throne. Similar situations were far from uncommon and the Holy Emperor often used it to his advantage in order to bring Bohemia closer to the Empire. In 1080 Prince Vratislav II occupies the throne, a strong and faithful ally of Emperor Henry IV in his numerous endeavours in Italy, Poland, and the German civil war. The currently loose ties of Bohemia and the Empire are about to be greatly strenghtened, as Henry has promised Vratislav a king's crown should they win the civil war against Rudolph of Swabia.

    Of course, the war was eventually won and Vratislav indeed became first king of Bohemia. During the 12th century the princes of Bohemia tried to reaffirm this title but the state was overshadowed by the Empire until 1198 when the title was finally assigned as a hereditary one, and the kings of Bohemia became an autonomy under the Emperor and also gained the rank of Imperial Elector. Bohemian power rose steadily until in the second half of 13th century, the kings of Bohemia were strong enough to contest the Emperor's title. They broke with Germany and formed ranks to create a central European league made up of Hungary, Poland and Bohemia. However in 1306 the male line of the Premyslovci dynasty died out.

    The Louxembourg dynasty ascended to the throne in 1310 through marriage of Jan with the Premyslovci princess Eliska. Their son, Vaclav (renamed Charles), became Holy Roman Emperor. His reign is considered a golden era of Bohemia with Charles University in Prague founded in 1348 among many other successes. Yet a crisis in the Church began to boil at the end of the 14th century erupting into full fledged religious revolution in the form of Hussitism, preluding the Wars of Reformation by 100 years.

    Dominion will give the player the option to fight as either the Hussite Revolutionaries, or to stand against them. Both options will allow many new buildings and units, however it will be the strength of your strategy that will decide the fate of your nation....

    In the rise from obscurity into a major European power, Bohemia will require choosing both allies and enemies with a discerning but iron fist. Bohemia has an advantageous strategical position in the heart of Europe, and with this great potential for invasion as well as expansion. The strong ties with the Empire may require a strong and determined ruler to lead the way, lest the Empire be a curse than a boon.


    In Dominion of the Sword there are three main northern Italian factions, the Comuni liberi (Milan, Genoa, Bologna, Ancona), Comuni Toscani (Pisa, Florence, and colonies) and Venice. However, the region will also be heavily influenced by factions such as the HRE, the Papacy and Sicily. This makes for a very intense and compact warzone.

    Comuni liberi and Comuni Toscani are perhaps the most exciting factions in the zone, in the sense that although they are to say the least 'experimental', they are two factions we are very proud of: The Comuni Toscani and the Comuni Liberi (respectively Pisa and Milan for short) are, for us, a real triumph of our think-tank over the limitations of the game engine. Naturally could not have a faction slot per city-state, but we felt we could not add Pisa without Genoa, we could not add Genoa without Milan, we could not add Milan without Florence and no Florence without Sienna, etc. Although we have made compromises and sacrifices in our choices, we feel that Comuni liberi and Comuni Toscani will be a realistic simulation of the political forces at work in medieval Italy, and most importantly a hell of a good game for you players.

    What makes Pisa and Milan so interesting is that they are real powerhouses of technology, culture and money- however as factions they are challenging and somewhat unstable. Within both factions, there will be ongoing tensions which will produce a constant struggle for the player to maintain a balance. Dogged by problems from Genoa in the case of playing Milan, or threats from Florence playing as Pisa, the lazy part of a player might be tempted to simply eject the rival city from his faction. But this is no simple solution to the problem - rival cities, once turned rebel, will be great prizes for your neighbours, and as rebels will be even greater threats than before. This balance will represent the political intrigues and struggles within medieval Italy, and to further simulate this we have used a complex system of government buildings all linked to traits, titles and ancillaries as well as various levels of control to represent these dynamics of power. A rival city will not be directly controllable by you the player, unless you choose to make it your factional capital, and then risk marginalising the former capital. For example, as Pisa you might find that it would be better to shift your faction’s centre of power to Florence, but in doing so it will freeze out Pisa and possibly force it into rebellion if you are not careful.

    Apart from the unique identities of these factions, Comuni liberi and Comuni Toscani are also the battleground between Pope and Emperor. The Holy Roman Empire, with the seat of the Kingdom of Italy based in Milan, will naturally be more inclined to lean on Comuni liberi, until they begin to resist or fight back. The Imperial presence in Italy and the focus on Rome will ensure that there will be constant strategies to consider throughout the game. Sicily is likely to colonise abroad, and any expansion by Comuni liberi and Comuni Toscani via Pisa or Genoa is bound to clash with Venice and Sicily overseas at some point. A battle abroad will bring great dangers at home, since the factions are very tightly packed in a landscape with very few tactical options. War in Italy will be violent, epic and no doubt heartbreaking- but it will be fun, and it will require careful management and clever rulership.

    In most cases, Dominion of the Sword will have a system whereby each settlement can be either a homeland, county or colony. This will dictate things such as which units that can be trained, and represent generally how much control you exert over your settlements. However for the Italians, this is a little different. For Italians, there are only two options: a homeland or a colony. However, a homeland settlement has a lengthy and complex chain that can open up a similar option to a county. Likewise, an Italian colony can grow into something similar to a county.

    For Italians, a homeland begins with a simple rural government

    This can then grow and allow trade, commerce, agriculture, law and order as well as basic militia units.

    Then you will have to decide if you want the region and its settlement to reach its full potential as a Capitulo or independent city state, or if you wish to cap its power and limit the state as a vassal. A Commune and Contado are less developed states which are more open to outside control, such as from your faction capital.

    A Contado, does not have the ambitious flare of a Capitulo state but it is well-ordered and relatively easy to govern, making them good vassal city-states. Nonetheless, it is a fully-fledged city-state and as such is a powerful and thriving community of nobles and citizens.

    A Commune will be the typical choice for the majority of your more powerful settlements, it offers a balanced mix of trade and cultural development, as well as government infrastructure.

    A Capitulo represents a rival city state within your faction, similar to a County in other faction's governments, but with much greater benefits and risks. Your faction capital should be a Capitulo, but any other city which has this power may easily challenge your faction leader and rebel.

    Once you have created a Commune, Contado or Capitulo you can 'crown' your government type by a local council and even here there are more than one option open to you in each case.

    If you choose to set up a Republic or oligarchy you can sanction a Palazzo Pubblico (work in progress examples here named 'plazzo'). A republic can still allow a single powerful ruler to rise from the nobles, but the palace in effect gives generic power, authority and influence to your nobles making them collectively stronger although this is likely to challenge your Faction Leader and may set the foundations for a future Civil War.

    On the other hand, the option to build a Palazzo Ducale will give you a monarch in the city, raising a single noble to the rank of Doge. This noble, if chosen correctly can be one of your faction's most trusted and useful lords. However, combined with other characteristics and titles his power might gain so much momentum that there will be few nobles to challenge him and he himself could spark Civil War by rivalling your Faction Leader.

    In place of the colony system used by other factions, Italian states will have a three-tier system open to them, which in fact represents minor autonomous states as they develop. The level of development is therefore incrementally higher in Italian colonies than in Italian homelands, or for that matter amongst colonies of other other factions. These three buildings are used for the government of colonies: 'curatoriae', 'giudicato', 'consulo principati'. The 'curatoriae' upgrades to the 'giudicato' and the 'giudicato' upgrades to the 'consulo principati'.

    The Curatoriae is the first stage in colonial government, used when you are taking over a settlement of another cultural background than your own. This period of colonisation will be required to exist for some time in order for you to unlock military units, religious buildings and agriculture. The Curatoriae will slowly convert the settlement religiously as well as estalbishing law and order, whilst functioning as a trade outpost. It is most vulnerable at this time.

    The next two tiers of colonies will have higher rates of income, and greater development options than standard colonies of other factions.

    The Guidicato is a much more powerful and thriving state than a mere colony, for the majority of your colonies it will be a more than adequate choice. In fact, it may even be wise to cap the colony's development at this level. The Giudice of this settlement can wield impressive power, and you may not want him to become too powerful.

    A Consular Principality is an independent state similar to a County. The Consular Prince can easily rival your Faction Leader if he himself does not have multiple titles. A Consular Prince is likely to be a major player in your faction since his power, authority and influence will allow him to run this colony like an independent royal centre. Culture, finance and military strength will be an asset to your faction overseas. However, it must be kept on a tight leash.


    Outremer Campaign Overview
    The Middle East is one of the most varied and action-packed regions of the world, in history, DotS, and indeed the modern world. It is an area that is often given something of a short straw in Medieval 2, therefore we feel it is important to represent Outremer with just as much depth and care as we employ with Europe. We also want to recreate the mediterranean as what it was in history, a great court across which ideas (and invasions) were flung back and forth like tennis balls. Although the proudest influence of the Muslim world on the West was its academic contribution that helped bring on the Renaissance, the one which we in the business of Total War concern ourselves with primarily are the Crusades into the Levant, and their Andalusian cousin the Reconquista.

    Our Eastern campaign encompasses five major Muslim factions, as well as two or three Christian kingdoms who share the area. Outremer itself contains almost all of these: Syria, Egypt, Armenia, the Turks and the Seljuqs. This region is truly a melting pot of literally hundreds of different ethnicities, religions, sultanates and warlords all awaiting their chance to seize power. In 1080, we find it teetering on the edge of a descent into chaos. The newly independant Sultanate of Rum is taking advantage of the recent crushing defeat of the Byzantines to solidify its power in Anatolia. The Seljuqs are enjoying the final years of a Golden Age under Malik Shah and his legendary vizier Nizam al-Mulk, ruling half of Southwest Asia. Syria is a dormant serpent, retaining on the outside a facade of subservience to the Seljuqs, but ever ready to leap up and seize power at the first opportunity. The Fatimids are lying curled up, their former greatness receding into near insignificance, with the Seljuqs gradually pushing their advantage near the very borders of Egypt itself. But all this is about to change.

    A campaign in Outremer will be defined by a series of challenging invasions, almost from the off, first by the furious Christians in the West, and later by the scurge of Genghis Khan's Mongols. Syria has Egypt in its sights, and if it can avoid the wrath of the Seljuqs and Crusaders, it has the option of replacing the Fatimids with the powerful dynasty of Ayyubids, under the famous general Salah al-din. The Turks are poised to seize any opening they can find in the waning giants on either side of them, perhaps transitioning to the Ottomans and ruling the Muslim world with the might of their janissaries. Even the Seljuqs have the option of regaining their former glory by succumbing and joining forces with the mighty Mongol Horde, or maybe choosing to resist it with the Persian successor the Khwarezm shah.

    All Muslim factions will have the option of recruiting powerful warriors to their cause, in the form of religious fanatics in Holy Jihad, and also guilds of ghazis, men from the borders eager to win God's grace by raiding and terrorising their foes' settlements. DotS will also include some Muslim unique regional and unique units, for example Khwarezm's elephants, Turkoman tribes, or the fearsome mamelik and ghelman slave soldiers. Each Muslim faction will have detailed and varied unit rosters, with many different transition options, and no shortage of interesting enemies to fight, including the emergent Kingdom of Jerusalem subfaction.

    Egypt Faction Feature

    Egypt is one of the oldest countries in the world, with a history dating back to the Pharoahs of ancient Egypt, through the conquests of first Alexander the Great, then the Roman empire. Its position on the Nile delta has always made it a very rich country, and one of great value to any empire looking to conquer its fertile soils and strategic position in the mediterranean. Islamic Egypt started with the conquest of most of the Egyptian lands in the year 641 CE. The general who conquered it, Ibn al-As, proceeded to build the city of Fustat, which would be an important city for generations to come. From about the year 900, the foreign Abbasid Caliphate's grip started to weaken, ushering in the next era of independant rule, the Fatimid Caliphate.

    The Fatimid Caliphate was founded in the year 909 by an Arab general called Ubayd Allah al-Mahdi Billah. His influence began in the region of Ifriqya, in western Africa, and it took quite some time before the Fatimids moved to the Egypt proper. The task of conquering the then Abbasid Egypt was succeeded in 973, by a man called Ma'adh Abu Tamim al-Mu'izz li Din Allah. The incompetence of the Abbassid's puppet government and the inability of the Abbassid Caliphate to retaliate left the way open for Al-Muizz's armies. They marched into Egypt without encountering any real resistance, and founded the city of al-Qahira, known as Cairo in English.

    The largest -and most obvious- difference between the Fatimids and the other caliphates of the day is the fact that the Fatimid Caliphate claimed to trace its lineage back to Fatimah' the daughter of the Prophet and wife of Ali' ibn Abi-Talib, making the Fatimid Caliphate a Shi'a state rather than the more predominant Sunni sect. However, despite the Shia reputation for intolerance, al-Muizz was greatly loved among his Jewish and Christian subjects for his tolerance.

    Abdallah, the crown prince, had died before Al-Mu'izz himself had died, so the power was shifted to his second son, Abu Mansoor Nizar al-Aziz Billah. One of his first deeds was the defeat of the Bedouin tribes in Palestine and the conquest of Damascus in 983. Under al-Aziz, the Fatimid position in Syria and Egypt was fortified and it was him who first introduced the Ghulam warriors, the predecessors of the Mamluks. In this time more Christians and Jews also rose to important positions, leading to some grumbling by the Muslim inhabitants (both Shi'ite and Sunnite) of the Fatimid Caliphate. As a result, Al-Aziz requested the Jewish and Christian governors to appoint more Muslims to their offices. Under the rule of Al-Aziz numerous universities were set up all over Egypt, as well as the economic system of Egypt improved, by constructing paved roads, expanding existent roads and canals, thereby increasing the tax revenue of Egypt.

    After this first golden age of Egyptian Islamic civilisation, al-Hakim came to the throne. He was one of the most controversial rulers of the Fatimid Caliphate, who imposed some strict rules on both Muslims and non-Muslims. One of the reasons of Al-Hakim's religious intolerance towards Jews and Christians is the release of the Baghdad Manifesto of 1011 CE. The Baghdad Manifesto was recited at Friday Mosques all over the Abbassid Caliphate, and this led to severe action against the Christian and Jewish population in the Fatimid Caliphate. In Jerusalem, he ordered several arrests and some churches were burnt at random. In 1004 he ordered that Christians could no longer celebrate Easter and Epiphany and this was followed by the outlawing of the production of intoxicating drinks and foods. Al-Hakim's rule was generally known for his completely erratic behaviour; in 1005 he ordered all dogs in Egypt killed and having their bodies left in the desert. He subsequently ordered all inhabitants in Caïro to work during the night and sleep during the day and was known to severely punish those who did not follow his orders. He disappeared age 36, riding off into the desert to practice a meditation session, and to this day it is unknown what became of him. In the last years of his rule an Ismaïli sect by the name of the Druze was founded, which regarded al-Hakim as a reincarnation of God.

    Al-Hakim was succeeded by his son Ali az-Zahir, and he is somewhat of a sad character. Under his rule, Egypt descended into a period of civil unrest, plague and famine. He died of the plague 1036 and was succeeded by his young son, Ma'ad al-Mustansir Billah. During the early years of al-Mustansir's rule there was a famine again, and the Berbers in Lower Egypt at long last revolted. Al-Mustansir then called upon the Armenian Ghulam Badr al-Jamali to come to Egypt. Al-Jamali succeeded in destroying the rivaling Turks and made himself one of the most influential men in all of Egypt.

    Historically, the Fatimid Caliphate managed to continue on through the First Crusade, but was finally annexed 90 years later by the Syrians under the famous general Saladin, and the age of the Ayyubids began. In DotS, the player has the opportunity to fuse with Syria, and transition into the Ayyubids, and later the fearsome Mamluks. Can you fight off the Crusaders? Can you defeat the scurge of Genghis Khan's Mongols as the Mamluks did? Perhaps you could go a step further, and achieve what the Egyptians historically failed to do - defeat the mighty Ottoman military machine, and restore Egypt to its ancient title as the world's greatest civilisation?

    Syria Faction Feature

    Syria is not included in a lot of mods, but it is one of the most interesting Muslim powers. It will be challenging and exciting for the player, however we had some trouble as to defining them. Here is an explanation of the Syria faction. Syria was an area corresponding to modern day Syria, western Iraq, and Lebanon. In 1080, it was governed by many atabegs (prefects) of the Seljuq empire. It included many cities, from Tyre to Damascus to Aleppo, all in constant struggles to wrestle control from their fellow city states from each other. Damascus, the traditional capital of Syria, was under the control of Tutush I, the brother of the Seljuq king Malik Shah.

    Our faction however starts with just Aleppo and Mosul. Although at the moment these two cities seemed rather insignificant, they would soon play host to the rise of the Zengids under Zengi, later led by Nur ad-Din and Salah al-din to annex Egypt and form the Ayyubid dynasty, and serving as a powerful force for the Crusaders to reckon with.

    Syria is rather disorganised: due to its strategic position between Iraq, Anatolia and Egypt, it was constantly being attacked, conquered and reconquered. As such, it did not have firm state structures, as few organizations would survive each ruler. Still, the Zangid period has perhaps some of the clearest periods of economic growth and stability within a Muslim society; a truly rich and dynamic culture. Among the most interesting cultural advances were the development of advanced metalwork (ie the famed Damascus steel) and painting, originating in Mosul, supported by Zengid rulers. These techniques involved intricate metal inlay, using bronze and silver.

    The player will have the opportunity to break away from the Seljuqs, and develop its unique blend of Turkic and Arab warfare. Should you wish to take on the Fatimids, you may be rewarded by transitioning into the Ayyubid dynasty, opening up new tech tree branches and Egyptian elite units. You will be able to recreate the epic battles of Zengi and Saladin with the Crusaders, if you manage to survive the anger of the breakaway from the mighty Seljuqs, and the later invasion of the Mongol horde.


    • Artwork - Giovi, Walkman
    • Units - Sumskilz, Dome, Pacco
    • Research - Copperknickers, Hross, Resurrection, Starlightman, Sumskilz, Jermagon
    • Write-ups and compilation by Copperknickers, Hross, Resurrection and Uanime5

    Please rep all of these people as soon as you come across them :)

    Please note that some tech tree pictures are still work in progress and are intentionally misspelt or given incomplete names since they are placeholders, used here as examples of our designs.

  2. #2
    Member Member soibean's Avatar
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    Jun 2004

    Default Re: Spring Preview 2010

    Wow I've got to say that I am impressed with the level of detail that you are striving to include. I look forward to seeing what other goodies you include within the mod

  3. #3
    The Count of Bohemia Senior Member Cecil XIX's Avatar
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    Default Re: Spring Preview 2010

    This looks like it will be my mod of choice for Medieval II.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Spring Preview 2010

    Is this mod still being worked on? It looks awesome, I really hope to see it released soon, because Deus Lo Vult doesn't work on my computer no matter how hard I've tried, and this seems like an even better experience anyways!
    1x From Fluvius Camillus for making him laugh.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Spring Preview 2010

    Yes, it's still being worked on and they're coming close to a beta release. Check out the forums at TWC, if you haven't already.



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