I'm having a mini early mid-life crisis right now. I feel I've got my priorities wrong. I'm about to be finished my Uni education with a degree from a top Uni in a few months time, and I ploughed straight on with my education, so I'm as young as you can be to be in such a position. I've got a job and I've built up savings for when I move out after Uni, so I have no debt worries or anything like that.
And yet I've had no social life, no hobbies until very recently. I know people working dead-end jobs (without future prospects for a better one, before anyone points out where I work
), but they are married. I have friends who have no jobs or education, yet they still go on holidays and see the world. I literally haven't been without a 30-mile radius from where I live in the whole four years I've been at Uni.
idk how to feel. On the one hand, my life is kind of boring and crap so that's meh. But on the other hand I am very happy because I am in pretty much the perfect situation for where I need to be in terms of building a future.
The OP is right in that people worry too much about goals. A lot of people work so much they never have time to appreciate what they work for, so I don't want to be one of those people.
Man, I have no idea what to do with my life right now...