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Thread: Character Traits

  1. #1

    Unhappy Character Traits

    Well I am unfortunately forced down the road of editting my Characters traits in order to see these Augustan Reforms.

    I've played a good 200 years in EB as Romani and not one blasted General has given me any of the traits I need and otherwise I have the criteria (sad times). do I edit my character via Console? I tried google and for some odd reason kept getting info on mtw and how to edit flippnig Princesses...useful but only providing she was able to trigger the Augustan reforms but sadly no, this isn't Bill and Ted.

    Help appreciated and needed before I hit new campaign for Romani.

  2. #2
    EB Support Guy Senior Member XSamatan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Default Re: Character Traits

    I personally would not do this with console, faster and easier way is to change the requirements:

    Backup EBBS_SCRIPT.txt found in \EB\Data\scripts\show_me and you saves

    Search for: Imperial trigger (roughly line 56000)

    replace the original with:
    declare_counter Romani
    declare_counter AugustanReformatorCounter

    monitor_event SettlementTurnStart BuildingExists = gov2
    and FactionType seleucid
    and I_CompareCounter Romanii_Reform = 2

    inc_counter Romani 1


    monitor_event FactionTurnEnd FactionType seleucid
    and I_TurnNumber > 499

    set_counter Romanii_Reform 3
    set_counter AugustanReformsAdvisor 1


    monitor_event FactionTurnEnd FactionType seleucid
    set_counter Romani 0
    If I'm not to tired, this should do the trick.


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