Though I try to keep my brain away from the gossip side of the media, as I consider it mostly irrelevant over-hyped troll garbage, I find myself oddly having a morbid interest in the Charlie Sheen fiasco.
It's odd because I don't watch TV, and I haven't seen Charlie Sheen in..... anything, in quite some time. So why would I even care what he has to say? I haven't a clue.
Anyway, the bottom line is, he's been in and out of rehab and it's affecting his job. His employers aren't thrilled about it, but amazingly, are willing to put up with his bull so people can keep their jobs and everyone can continue making money. Rather generous employers, I'd say.
Now, Charlie goes off on a hate/insult rant about his employers, publicly, while stroking his own massive ego. They decide to cancel the rest of the season (not even the whole show, just the season!) and I understand why. Maybe some time off will let Charlie get back on his feet and his head back in the game. Well instead of that, Charlie goes off on several more tirades, threatening to sue, and saying that although he's the highest paid TV actor, it's not nearly enough, he needs to earn 50% more than he was earning, because he's unhappy with how he's been treated.
My initial reaction was similar to hearing NFL players whine about their contracts and not making enough money when they make what the vast, vast majority of people can only dream of, by a wide margin. But, I also understand just how hard that job is and how short most of their careers will be, so you have to make the money while you can, and it takes a toll on your body, which you only get one of.
Here, it makes even less sense. Sure, during production, an actor will work fairly hard, and then get many months off to recuperate, while earning a gigantic truckload of money, and not exerting their bodies or their minds particularly hard. It's a fairly cushy job by comparison to most jobs, but it pays well when you're in demand, because you can make loads of money for advertisers, and viewers are picky. Therefore, some of that pay is well warranted, I suppose.
At the same time, you do have to realize that you're only worth that pay because people want to watch you. When they don't, you realize really quickly that you ain't worth jack. Look at Michael Richards and how his career took a dive after Seinfeld was over, and especially after the N-word fiasco. Look at Mel Gibson, who can find work, but it's not going quite so well for him now.
One of the things that turns people off is when you have everything you could ever want, and much much more, you want for nothing, and you're beloved by millions of people, and you get a virus inside your brain that changes you from a normal human being with shame and humility, into a jackass of epic proportions.
People who earn that kind of money should be thankful every single day that they are so fortunate. Instead of spiting their employers and their fans, they should spend an hour on their knees kissing the *** of everyone they meet, thanking society at large for showing them devotion that is disproportionate for what they actually contribute to it. Let's face it, they aren't teaching kids or saving lives here.
When they get it inside their head that they are not an average human being with a (luckily) marketable face and learned acting ability who happens to be in demand (now), and decide that they are forged from the blood of angels, and that everyone on earth should be kissing their ***, and that even though they're already at the very top of the food chain, they deserve a 50% pay increase for their own jackass behavior, that's when I start to frown.
As I might have mentioned elsewhere, about 4 years ago, I was working for the same company I am working for now. Making minimum wage.
Somewhere along the line, said employer decided that since drivers earn tips, they can get away with giving drivers a 50% pay cut. It might have been when the economy tanked and they realized those drivers couldn't find better jobs elsewhere. But whatever the case may be, tens of thousands of hard working people already in the lowest of the low margins in our otherwise prosperous society got shafted by a relatively large degree; an extra million dollars is nothing to Charlie Sheen. An extra couple of dollars an hour means the difference between health insurance and going without a doctor for other people.
Some people don't realize just how good they have it, and they don't realize that if it weren't for other people out there who actually watch their programming, they would have to work a lot harder for far, far less money, and then they might actually have something worth complaining about in their lives.
It seems to me, Charlie Sheen has been bitten by the god virus. He seems to think he is god. Maybe the stress of having so much good fortune is getting to him, and it's making him lose his mind. Or perhaps it is the indulgence into excessive drugs which has scrambled his brain, but I am certain of one thing; he's lost all connection to reality, and he's set himself up for a big fall of his own design, based squarely on his own asinine decisions.
He's not done for yet, but he's pushing it. If I were a fan of Sheen's before this fiasco, I wouldn't be now. I have been turned off by stars who think they are kings before. I don't find it at all cute or amusing. I have a feeling if he keeps this up, its going to turn off some of his more loyal fans as well.
Somewhat related: He's not that old, and yet, he looks worse than my grandfather. He's not going to have marketable good looks very soon if he keeps this up. So much for that blood of the tiger nonsense; he looks like he's been mauled by the tiger. Have you seen a mirror lately, Charlie? You'd have to be tripping to think you're an Adonis. Whatever you're paying your makeup team, DOUBLE IT.
He's gone and smoked himself crazy.
This isn't going to end well. He would benefit from a heavy dose of humility and several long, public apologies. I also fear if he doesn't snap out of it, he's not going to live past 50. That level of self-absorption is actually lethal, because you forget that it all ends when you mess up that same frail set of organs that everyone on this planet has. You forget that you're not actually exceptional after all; you're just another bag of flesh struggling to breathe, and all the money in the world won't save you when they find you face down in your own toilet one morning.