Well this is not necessarily about the game itself but (in my case) a lack of information...as an example at the Battle of Pharsalus Pompeii has about 45000 infantry and 6000 cavalry as opposed to Caesar's army of 22000 infantry and 1000 cavalry. Now I suppose that such an army would be formed of a number of legions now my question is this: In those times did the fate of a country\faction was usually decided by means of a few large battles (with such numbers as mentioned above) or by means of smaller but more numerous battles (with armies close to the number depicted by the game 3000-4000 men strong -lets call it a skirmish) and did an army that large was the full military power of that faction on that given moment in other words did a faction committed all its forces into a decisive battle?
And finally one question about the game itself especially the AI if the first case (large battles) is more historically accurate can the team tweak the AI as to use coordinated attacks of a number of full stacked armies in order to somehow simulate large sized battles and the diplomacy to easier accept a ceasefire and\or negotiations if defeated?
Hope I didn't asked to much here :D
All the Best