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Thread: A new hero for all bullied kids

  1. #1
    Senior Member Senior Member Reenk Roink's Avatar
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    Default A new hero for all bullied kids

    <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    HOLY ****

  2. #2
    Ja mata, TosaInu Forum Administrator edyzmedieval's Avatar
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    Default Re: A new hero for all bullied kids

    Saw the video earlier, I found the thrashing a bit shocking but he kinda sort of deserved it.

    The skinny kid has a dislocated knee but otherwise he's fine.
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  3. #3
    TexMec Senior Member Louis VI the Fat's Avatar
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    Default Re: A new hero for all bullied kids

    Quote Originally Posted by edyzmedieval View Post
    The skinny kid has a dislocated knee but otherwise he's fine.
    Unless there's some backstory to all of this, I'd say the skinny bully looks just fine precisely because he's got a dislocated knee.
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  4. #4
    Little Mons†er Senior Member Secura's Avatar
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    Default Re: A new hero for all bullied kids

    Saw this video doing the rounds on Facebook, and my first thought was "oh god, not another happy-slapping video", but then I saw the target of their abuse react and wow... to say that the retribution was deserved would be an understatement.

    That's not to say that I condone violence, but having been through the 'diplomatic' process of dealing with bullies way back in high school (girls can be far worse than boys, trust me), I know that it isn't always the best approach and sometimes you just have to stand up for yourself without getting adults involved.

    Unfortunately, it seems the school of the bullied child reacted in the worst possible manner and suspended him rather than the actual bully; this is exactly what happened to me too, principally because she had more marks on her than I had on me. ¬_¬

    Quote Originally Posted by Louis VI the Fat View Post
    Unless there's some backstory to all of this, I'd say the skinny bully looks just fine precisely because he's got a dislocated knee.
    The backstory is that the bullied kid had basically been picked on through the entire course of his high school life; he finally snapped during the filming of that video.
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  5. #5
    The Abominable Senior Member Hexxagon Champion Monk's Avatar
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    Default Re: A new hero for all bullied kids

    Youtube has been nuking a lot of videos of this incident and will probably continue to do so, so grab a look while you can!

    Relevant to the conversation:

  6. #6
    Ja mata, TosaInu Forum Administrator edyzmedieval's Avatar
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    Default Re: A new hero for all bullied kids

    Quote Originally Posted by Louis VI the Fat View Post
    Unless there's some backstory to all of this, I'd say the skinny bully looks just fine precisely because he's got a dislocated knee.
    If there is a backstory, then I'm sorry but it's justified. Getting bullied day in and day out, the guy deserved his dislocated knee.
    Ja mata, TosaInu. You will forever be remembered.


    Been to:

    Swords Made of Letters - 1938. The war is looming in France - and Alexandre Reythier does not have much time left to protect his country. A novel set before the war.

    A Painted Shield of Honour - 1313. Templar Knights in France are in grave danger. Can they be saved?

  7. #7
    Senior Member Senior Member Reenk Roink's Avatar
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    Default Re: A new hero for all bullied kids

    Quote Originally Posted by Secura View Post
    Unfortunately, it seems the school of the bullied child reacted in the worst possible manner and suspended him rather than the actual bully; this is exactly what happened to me too, principally because she had more marks on her than I had on me. ¬_¬
    you were beating up kids in school? I guess that makes me unhardcore, I never got into a fight at school. I never hated on people and kids didn't hate on me. I did fight a lot playing hockey though, but that's a part of the game.

    I can understand them having the bullied kid suspended, they have those rules where anyone who fights gets suspended. That being said, first of all, the scrawny kid clearly instigated, second, there was apparently a history of this, and thirdly, that big guy didn't even seem to want to fight. He controlled himself for quite a bit. They should at least hit that scrawny kid with a harder suspension.

    From what I've seen from his fb,he seems like a total jerk too. Can't post them here, but the guy is hoping girls get raped and dresses like a complete imbecile.
    Last edited by Secura; 03-15-2011 at 05:50. Reason: Language

  8. #8
    Member Centurion1's Avatar
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    ah it did my heart good. i was never bullied (too big) but i saw it happen and it always bothers me. i dont like when, for lack of a better word, odd kids are bothered for no reason. I've been in a couple of fights and almost always under those layers of fat theres alot more strength, especially at that age.
    Last edited by Secura; 03-15-2011 at 05:52. Reason: Removed language.

  9. #9
    Little Mons†er Senior Member Secura's Avatar
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    Default Re: A new hero for all bullied kids

    Quote Originally Posted by Reenk Roink View Post
    you were beating up kids in school? I guess that makes me unhardcore, I never got into a fight at school. I never hated on people and kids didn't hate on me. I did fight a lot playing hockey though, but that's a part of the game.
    I wasn't at first, "I'm a lover, not a fighter" and all that; I tried all the more diplomatic means of dealing with bullies, everything from just giving them what they wanted to getting teaching staff involved, and it never amounted to anything because the girls would just go back to their routine once the 'heat' had settled down.

    Eventually, I grew tired of the constant harassment and snapped... badly. I was suspended for three days, but honestly, it was worth it; I think it did wonders for both my self-respect and the respect I got from others, including my tormentors. They didn't hassle me again, that much can be said.

    I don't advocate violence but sometimes there's no alternative; I wasn't going to go on in a living hell, so I dealt with it. :3
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  10. #10

    Default Re: A new hero for all bullied kids

    I bet that felt good for chubby lad - good for him. Nice to see the skinny little git get his just deserts...
    Last edited by Secura; 03-15-2011 at 18:34. Reason: Language

  11. #11
    Pleasing the Fates Senior Member A Nerd's Avatar
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    Bullies smell! All of them compensate for low self-asteem by picking on someone whom they perceive as weaker.
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  12. #12
    Ranting madman of the .org Senior Member Fly Shoot Champion, Helicopter Champion, Pedestrian Killer Champion, Sharpshooter Champion, NFS Underground Champion Rhyfelwyr's Avatar
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    Default Re: A new hero for all bullied kids

    Found the video.


    to the fat kid!
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  13. #13
    In the shadows... Member Vuk's Avatar
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    lol, too bad he didn't break a few of his bones while he was at it. :P That would end up being the last time he ever bullied anyone! :P
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kadagar_AV View Post
    In a racial conflict I'd have no problem popping off some negroes.

  14. #14
    Bureaucratically Efficient Senior Member TinCow's Avatar
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    Default Re: A new hero for all bullied kids

    Quote Originally Posted by Secura View Post
    I wasn't at first, "I'm a lover, not a fighter" and all that; I tried all the more diplomatic means of dealing with bullies, everything from just giving them what they wanted to getting teaching staff involved, and it never amounted to anything because the girls would just go back to their routine once the 'heat' had settled down.

    Eventually, I grew tired of the constant harassment and snapped... badly. I was suspended for three days, but honestly, it was worth it; I think it did wonders for both my self-respect and the respect I got from others, including my tormentors. They didn't hassle me again, that much can be said.

    I don't advocate violence but sometimes there's no alternative; I wasn't going to go on in a living hell, so I dealt with it. :3
    Something similar happened to me. There was an older kid who used to pick on me on the bus pretty regularly when I was in about 4th-5th grade. One day I just snapped and started kicking him in the face when he came at me, using the seats as leverage to get some good momentum. He wasn't hurt too badly and no one got in trouble, but he stopped picking on me after that and I gained a lot of self esteem from the incident. When I told my mother, she was actually proud of me.

  15. #15

    Default Re: A new hero for all bullied kids

    Quote Originally Posted by Secura View Post
    Unfortunately, it seems the school of the bullied child reacted in the worst possible manner and suspended him rather than the actual bully; this is exactly what happened to me too, principally because she had more marks on her than I had on me.
    That happened to me a lot in middle school. Being the tallest and by far strongest kid in my class a lot of the skinnier weaker ones would pick fights with me to prove something. I still hold the record for longest time spent on suspension without expulsion, just because the principal walked by when i was being picked on once.

    One time i got 3 weeks in-house because i got into a scrap with a bunch of 6th graders. 3 of them had bloody noses and i threw one into the lockers. They all got 2 day suspensions. Kind of a load of BS if you ask me.

    More often than not its the little kids who are the bullies, but that doesnt show in movies about school yard life. They always show the bigger kids as the harasser instead of the harassed.
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  16. #16
    Ranting madman of the .org Senior Member Fly Shoot Champion, Helicopter Champion, Pedestrian Killer Champion, Sharpshooter Champion, NFS Underground Champion Rhyfelwyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Veho Nex View Post
    More often than not its the little kids who are the bullies, but that doesnt show in movies about school yard life. They always show the bigger kids as the harasser instead of the harassed.
    True. The only person to ever try to bully me was one of the popular kids that got upset when I was showing him up at football (soccer). He must have been about 5'5", so he suffered from "wee man syndrome" as we call it.

    He wasn't really bullying me he just kept trying to hack me, so I just hacked him back, wasn't difficult when he was so small. In the end it worked out pretty well for me, after a football tournament all the little kids kept coming up to me and telling me how amazing at football I was.

    It was pretty funny because how good you are at football is pretty much tied to how popular you are. That's why I think the 'bully' didn't like me making him look bad, he had always been one of the most popular ones and I wasn't really unpopular/geeky/whatever, more living in my own little world lol.

    In the end we forgot about it pretty well and I got on fine with him, I don't hold grudges.
    At the end of the day politics is just trash compared to the Gospel.

  17. #17

    Default Re: A new hero for all bullied kids

    Yeah im good friends with one of the kids I beat up with, he was actually about the same size as me so it was an even fight. During middle school he was a snob but after we spent a year in the same classes during highschool we became friends.
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    You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din!
    Quote Originally Posted by North Korea
    It is our military's traditional response to quell provocative actions with a merciless thunderbolt.

  18. #18
    Oni Member Samurai Waki's Avatar
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    I had an odd reversal of fortunes, I was one of the bigger kids during Elementary/Middle School then when Highschool struck I was just around average. I never really got bullied as a kid, and by the time I was in Highschool I didn't have to worry about it. I know bullying happens on a large scale in Highschool, but I was usually acquainted with most of the big tough guys so most bullies knew I was off limits.

  19. #19
    Peerless Senior Member johnhughthom's Avatar
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    Looking back at my school days I guess I did some bullying, it was never physical but it certainly wasn't pleasant. There's one guy in particular I would love to apologise to because I was a complete ***** to him just because he was a little odd. The stupid thing is he was the sort of person I would rather be friendly with now. What makes it worse is I was sort of bullied myself early in my high school days as I went to a grammar school and was from the wrong side of the tracks. It didn't last long as I "took action", but I should have realised how my actions would have affected people. It pretty much was just to look big in front of friends, I never wanted to actually hurt anybody, but the emotional trauma never entered my head. I was a very immature teenager.

  20. #20
    Senior Member Senior Member Reenk Roink's Avatar
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    Default Re: A new hero for all bullied kids

    Quote Originally Posted by johnhughthom View Post
    Looking back at my school days I guess I did some bullying, it was never physical but it certainly wasn't pleasant. There's one guy in particular I would love to apologise to because I was a complete ***** to him just because he was a little odd. The stupid thing is he was the sort of person I would rather be friendly with now. What makes it worse is I was sort of bullied myself early in my high school days as I went to a grammar school and was from the wrong side of the tracks. It didn't last long as I "took action", but I should have realised how my actions would have affected people. It pretty much was just to look big in front of friends, I never wanted to actually hurt anybody, but the emotional trauma never entered my head. I was a very immature teenager.
    It's OK john, your kneecap should heal if you stay off of it for a couple of weeks.

  21. #21
    Mr Self Important Senior Member Beskar's Avatar
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    Default Re: A new hero for all bullied kids

    Quote Originally Posted by Veho Nex View Post
    That happened to me a lot in middle school. Being the tallest and by far strongest kid in my class a lot of the skinnier weaker ones would pick fights with me to prove something.
    I got that. A lot.

    I'm 6 foot 7, so it was effectively everyone.
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  22. #22
    Peerless Senior Member johnhughthom's Avatar
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    Default Re: A new hero for all bullied kids

    Here's the ultimate way to deal with a bully:

  23. #23
    Mr Self Important Senior Member Beskar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnhughthom View Post
    Here's the ultimate way to deal with a bully:
    That is actually illegal and gets you in big trouble for "Sexual Harrassment". I know of an incident where some one was being bullied so they did something similar to their tormentor (grabbed the tormentors pants, yanked them down, then pointed and laughed). They got into real major trouble with the school over it and were excluded for like 2 weeks.
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    Member Megas Methuselah's Avatar
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    Default Re: A new hero for all bullied kids

    Quote Originally Posted by johnhughthom View Post
    Looking back at my school days I guess I did some bullying, it was never physical but it certainly wasn't pleasant. There's one guy in particular I would love to apologise to because I was a complete ***** to him just because he was a little odd. The stupid thing is he was the sort of person I would rather be friendly with now. What makes it worse is I was sort of bullied myself early in my high school days as I went to a grammar school and was from the wrong side of the tracks. It didn't last long as I "took action", but I should have realised how my actions would have affected people. It pretty much was just to look big in front of friends, I never wanted to actually hurt anybody, but the emotional trauma never entered my head. I was a very immature teenager.
    I wasn't a bully, but I was certainly an a-hole. I began to put an end to that behaviour in grade 12, but even then, it wasn't quite so. In some ways, I was mature, whilst in other ways, I was not.

    Props to the bullied kid, though. When he picked up his tormentor and threw him to the ground, I was like, "Yeah, this is how we do it in mah 'hood!" Good stuff.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Megas Methuselah View Post
    "Yeah, this is how we do it in mah 'hood!" Good stuff.
    I always had the strange idea that your hood was more severe on "bullies" as I recall it was NEVER a good idea to pick on Natives, or you'd get about twenty more of their friend's ready to do more than throw you to the ground...

  26. #26
    Old Town Road Senior Member Strike For The South's Avatar
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    My only complaint is that the kid stopped
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  27. #27
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    When I was a very small child, very young, I was.... well, beyond wimpy. I was a bookworm, and I had a big sensitive heart that always made me such an easy target. When I was about.... I'd say second grade, I'd get upset when people would pull up dandelions, because I knew from experience that the dandelions died when you picked them like that. To say I wouldn't hurt a fly was an understatement. My parents got it in my head that I was not to raise my fists at people, and to this day I am still very much a pacifist.

    Anyway, until about 7th grade, every bully in school knew I was an easy mark because I would take it, unresponsive, and not taunt back or hit back. But around about 7th grade, I remember it clearly, there was a day when most of the staff and students went on a field trip. There were only a few teachers and students left, and the teachers were not paying much attention. Most of us were in the computer lab, goofing off, playing games. So on the computer game, I kept getting vile messages from one of the other students, who of course was also sending these messages to the rest of the class; the usual stuff, vulgarities describing my mother, insults directed at me personally, and so on and so forth. As usual, I just ignored this stuff, and after "class" I left to go to one of the other classrooms to get my things and to cool off. But, I found the exits to the room were blocked off by this bully and his buddies. They had trapped me in the room with no teachers around, and the bully started taunting me, and I told him to leave me alone.

    He asked me if I was going to cry, and I said no. He then decided I was going to fight him, and so everyone started shouting "fight! fight! fight!", which was awesome because there were only like 15 of them and one of me, because I didn't have ANY friends to back me up. I tried to leave the room but his friends wouldn't let me through, and he got up in my face and started pushing me around. It was this moment I was dreading the most, because my options were to stay there and let him shove me around, empty the contents of my bookbag on the floor, and otherwise make me miserable, or I'd have to actually fight the guy, and seeing as I've never had a violent act in my life, I knew I wouldn't exactly be good at it. This kid was also purportedly taking karate classes, and I'm sure that would have been some advantage. He was also more into sports than I was, so a little athleticism goes a long way.

    But, at that moment, I wasn't really afraid of what he was going to do to me, or what his friends were going to do to me. They were going to do rotten things to me now, and probably later on as well. Seeing as I put up with it every day, there was no way it could get worse; they had nothing left to threaten me with. If they're going to make my life miserable anyway, no matter what I do, and I can't escape, I figured I had no reason to fear. And, I also felt, it wasn't morally right to allow someone to make me feel so miserable without bothering to defend myself. It was actually wrong to do nothing, because that only encourages more of the same.

    So I wasn't afraid, and I was pretty royally pissed as well. What's more, I saw that my tormentor was extremely vulnerable, as he had his badass reputation on the line, and all his friends were watching. If he didn't beat the living pulp out of me, and for no apparent reason, he would appear weak in front of his buddies. He had so much to lose, and I had nothing to lose. He had made a terrible mistake, and although he was in a cocky, joyous mood, I was in a rather grim, annoyed mood. One is more advantageous than the other in this situation, as he had his guard completely down, thinking I'd be unable or unwilling to fight back.

    After shoving me a few times, and checking his friend's reaction, I saw my moment. I knew I wouldn't be able to throw a decent punch, but, I moved forward as quickly as I could, and planted both palms squarely into his chest. He went flying backwards, smashed into a group of his friends, and ended up sprawled on the ground looking up at the ceiling.

    Several years' worth of frustration culminated to that moment, and although a teacher arrived to break up the fight, as they dragged us both down the hall and to the principal's office, he was rather quiet, and I unleashed a rather loud torrent of expletives, explaining that if he ever came near me or looked at me the wrong way again, I would finish what he started. In the principal's office, I looked him straight in the eye as he looked at the ground, and explained that I was done taking his bull, and that I would make sure he had a bloodied nose and broken teeth the next time he laid a hand on me.

    To my recollection, no one ever laid a hand on me again, even into high school. I was fortunate, though, that I did not live in a drug/gang-filled area where weapons at school are the norm. There's not a whole lot one unarmed kid can do against that, but even so.... if they were going to hurt me no matter what I did, I opted to leave at least one of them bloodied and confidence shaken, rather than not.

    I still think it was the right choice, even if it wasn't much of a choice. I would rather recommend getting some friends to help one watch your back, and trying to avoid trouble in the first place. As nice as my story ended, it could have had an unfortunate ending. It's not like I could have taken all of his friends at once, but I am fairly confident after that encounter, his bark was worse than his bite. I *might* have been able to finish that fight with him more bloodied than me.

    "Karate" indeed.

  28. #28
    Liar and Trickster Senior Member Andres's Avatar
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    These stories always end in the same way, don't they?

    Bullies only stop once the victim finally finds the courage to give them a good beating.

    It was no different with me. Just like Pizza, I was from the "couldn't hurt a fly" type. In primary school (from 6-12 years), I was a giant (but I kinda stopped growing in secondary school, where I became of average lentgh after a year or two). I always was the tallest kid in class during that period. And the strongest. And the smartest, if I may proudly add

    And yes, there were two other kids who bullied everybody else and I, the friendly giant, was the usual target. Others got bullied by them too, but I was most frequently bullied. And nobody had the guts to stand up against them.

    Until one day, after a couple of years of bullying, I simply had enough of it, I snapped and I punched them both straight in the face and then literally threw them away.

    The funny thing is, I never had done that before, not because I was afraid of the bullies (I was a full head taller than them), but because I was afraid I would... hurt them too much

    Anyway, both their faces showed the marks of my punches for more than a week (). Of course, I got punished by the school authorities because of it (thankfully, this was before the age of hysterical parents who take a lawyer if somebody dares to ruin the haircut of their beloved, holy children who never do something wrong), but one teacher who had seen it all, took me apart after it had happened and you know what he said? He said to me that he had never understood why I had taken that **** for so long and that he was glad I finally stood up for myself Indeed, my teacher was proud of me. My parents not so much, but they weren't exactly angry at me because of it. I think they understood, but didn't want to encourage such behaviour.

    In secondary school (12-18 year) there was this one kid who bullied everybody. He claimed he had a black belt in karate

    One day, he made the mistake to pick on me. Of course, I had learned my lesson in primary school. One unexpected punch on the side of his head and he simply went down. It happened outside of school. He never tried to bully me again, but he kept bullying others and was eventually expelled.
    Last edited by Andres; 03-16-2011 at 11:13.
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    Ja mata, TosaInu

  29. #29
    Tree Killer Senior Member Beirut's Avatar
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    Can't find the video.

    Oh well...
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  30. #30
    Liar and Trickster Senior Member Andres's Avatar
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    Default Re: A new hero for all bullied kids

    Quote Originally Posted by johnhughthom View Post
    Looking back at my school days I guess I did some bullying, it was never physical but it certainly wasn't pleasant. There's one guy in particular I would love to apologise to because I was a complete ***** to him just because he was a little odd.
    Even though I finally stood up for myself, I never, ever want to see those two boys who bullied me again. They made my life in primary school miserable for years and they did ruin a substantial part of my childhood.

    If one of these two ever rings at my door to offer an apology, then a few more punches and kicks in their groin would be the reward. I usually don't hold grudges, but I can't bring myself to forgiving those two jerks.
    Last edited by Andres; 03-16-2011 at 11:31.
    Andres is our Lord and Master and could strike us down with thunderbolts or beer cans at any time. ~Askthepizzaguy

    Ja mata, TosaInu

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