I found this on the TWC but could not see it here so thought I would do a cut and paste job.
IanRoxCA Today, 11:35 AM
Hi all,
I just wanted to officially jump in and let you all know that we are aware of the MP issues that have been flagged up in the various forums and are currently doing our utmost to rectify them as soon as possible. We conducted an extensive multiplayer BETA test in the months prior to release, but some new problems (primarily due to the extreme extra demand on our servers at release) have surfaced. We apologise for any inconvenience and/or annoyance this may have caused and can assure you that fixes will be patched in as soon as is possible. We are ready to release the first update (with a number of major fixes) imminently. This should be out within a week. The fixes for this first update are:
-All stats should report correctly
-All avatars being flagged as ‘dishonourable cowards’ fixed. This will be removed from all existing avatars. [Incidentally, this trait has no actual effect in- game]
-Avatar cost contributing to naval battle funds fixed.
-Occasional inability to add avatar skills has been fixed.
There are a number of additional issues that we are looking at for a subsequent update. These include: fixing use of global regions for the chat channels and battle lists; fixing the leaderboard and general crashes and matchmaking problems. We will release a bigger list of these issues in due course. This second update should be available within a few weeks.
Please note that the blue screen issue that a number of users have identified has been tested extensively and we have determined that this is actually caused by old drivers or an outdated motherboard BIOS. Upgrading your BIOS is something you should be careful with, and users are individually responsible for this. Please seek advice from your computer manufacturer's technical support department on this.
As I’m sure you have all seen, there are many new features within the multiplayer – many of which involve a significant burden on our central servers. We have all worked very hard to make the multiplayer for Shogun 2 special and I can assure you that we are currently fixing the problems with a high amount of urgency. Please bear with us for the next few days/weeks while we rectify this.
Multiplayer Lead Designer