personally im a naginata samurai kind of guy just so versatile compared to yari and katana.
personally im a naginata samurai kind of guy just so versatile compared to yari and katana.
i second that :)
never born never died 黒い山
No-dachi samurai.
I'm not sure why, I just absolutely love using them.
Originally Posted by TosaInu
Rest in peace TosaInu
no dachi are good. btw split i saw you online yesterday haha
Naginata sam are just used that much, because of all those rusher showing up. It has highest base armor which is pretty useful vs archer/missles.
Thats about it. Once you dont plan a quick rush, you wont use this unit, the stats are not good enough!
Also you have to consider the retainer like +3 defense for swords. With the combination of this retainer (there are other as well) sword units turn out a lot better statwise, than the naginata sam, unless you need the armor and maybe the cavbonus.
The question of a favorite unit has to get split:
1. what is in my opinion the strongest unit - Guns and guard-cav
2. what is the unit i like to play with most - Bow hero
3. What is the unit i use to build my strong center - Loan sword (with 3 upgrades) & upgraded ashis.
I use a highly balanced setup with 10-12 hotkeys.
edit: ND initially are good, yes. But due to the bugs and the bad designed bubble-gum-units, NDs who has a natural high charge bonus of 28, are only good (if all goes well) in the pretty early start of a melee-clash. The ND needs a clean charge, once the fight started and the units are spread all over the map, you never ever will get a charge again with your ND.
The bubble gum units will always have a single men far away and your ND will get stack into this single men and not reaching the unit you did ordered it.
Even if the ND reach the other unit, the charge is gone by this one single men!
I strongly advice you to not take unit with high charge (apart from cav), maybe 1 ND, if you can micro it, anything else you just waste stats!
Last edited by Kocmoc; 03-23-2011 at 10:31.
My S2 Youtube channel:
Takeda Cavarly
gotta agree about the ND from facing them, they have no staying power what-so-ever.
naginata samurai are tough, and I tend to get stuck on them quite a bit, but they are not a priority for me--haven't even unlocked them yet.
I like just plain old samurai swords. They've suprised me lots on the field, allowing me to pull wins out of my asshole.
Standing up for the rights of gay spies everywhere.
Ah, I was Naginata fan on STW, but now their Att-Def is reduced so they only good against archers, but they cant even catch them... So I stopped using Naginata long ago.
I was fan of Yari Samurai, but they reduced their skills too and now Katana or No-Dachi beats them so quick.
And even worse, they nerfed Naginata Warrior Monks too! Somehow they turn and run and they arent deadly like old STW. (Warcry is so effective though)
Anyway my fav. is Loan Sword Ashigaru. With few upgrades they become like "Large numbered Katana Samurai"
I like bow cav.
I rarely use them and when I do, I suck at it. They are still my favorite since they are the image of the mounted samurai for me.
My favourite unit is the Katana cavalry. They are really deadly when used effectively and just gobble up those loan sword spams.
Friendship, Fun & Honour!
"The Prussian army always attacks."
-Frederick the Great
My favorites are
Sword Infantry: The Loan Sword Ashigaru
- Theese cheap infantry units are my favorites because they are cheap and numerous. They get the job done in a infantry assault if they are backed up by proper support, a leader general and proper retainers (I always use Drill Square, Yaguy sword something..:), and the way of the Ikko Ikki, which boosts ashigaru defense and morale, even though they make samurai cost more. I also use the inspiring orator, if the battle has medium ore low funds
Archer: Bow Warrior Monks
- 1 reason..... their all-round skirmishing stats! Theese archers can pwn enemy bows in every way, and with the clan upgrade "increased range", they are killers in siege battles
Spear Infantry: Yari samurai
- I know that theese units might not be a favorite, but i generally dont care much for spears in battle. The only tactic i use them to is to counter enemy cav. Yaris are cheaper then naginatas, have more bonus vs cav, and have the rapid advance.... a couple of those and im fine
Matchlock: Matchlock Ashigaru
- They might be slow and have a poor range, but they are matchlocks, and their bullets as good as any others.... i cooperation with my loan swords, i can pwn almost every other infantry force because of numbers, cheapness, leader gen and proper retainers
Cav: Yari Cavalry
- Theese cavs are my 1st way of countering enemy cav. That is usually my tactics. I want to defeat the enemy cav (ore match them 50/50), so that they arent a thread to my main core and sually skirmish heavy army.
Special unit: Fire Rockets
- A way of countering campers big time..... a frightening unit to bring in a battle woth choke points and againgst infantry heavy campers. I have a lvl 9 veteran of theese and it is simply awesome!
Katana samurai, naginata samurai and yari ashigaru because you can recruite them in times of need and in huge numbers
naginata samurai for the most part, then are quite resistant to bow warrior monks unlike other infantry, if not them then defiantly bow cav if used properly
Mizukage of the Shinobi Clan
Warrior Monks !