Has anyone played around with siege weaponry?
I never bothered to research that line in my current campaign, but I came up against the Tokugawas Mangonel yesterday. Luckily for me it was in a half stack that I attacked, and the Tokugawa decided to hang back in defense on a hill a bit behind the mangonels. I advanced on both flanks in a pincer attack, but when I got hit by that thing the first time, I withdrew my infantry to contemplate the situation.
That thing is pretty damn accurate! I don't want to know what it'll do to closely packed troops. Since I had bow cavalry, I approached the Mangonel with it. It started firing on them, and I tried this dodging manouver I've seen the AI pull off, perhaps unintentionally, against long range arrow fire. And lo and behold, I could quite comfortably dodge incoming mangonel projectiles, and make my way up to the Tokugawa position, at which point they naturally sent a Yari Samurai unit chasing after my bow cavalry. The AI was a bit stupid here and sent one unit at a time after my bow cav into some waiting bow samurai, but that's another story.
Anyway, if you're up against Mangonels and are given the opportunity to freely manouver like this, it's probably possible to exhaust the ammunition of enemy mangonels without taking casualties. Cheesy? Yes.
Do you guys have any experience with or against Mangonels, or whatever comes after that in the art-tree?