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Thread: MP - Etiquette - How to behave correctly!

  1. #1
    Rolluplover Member Kocmoc's Avatar
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    Default MP - Etiquette - How to behave correctly!

    Its an online game and you mostly dont know the people you play against. Still.
    Its always good to be nice and make friends, a small "hi" or "good luck" might be a good start to start a game.

    The TW world is small, there are people who know each other 10 or 11 years already.
    People who cheat or act very bad and childish are mostly known in a short time to many other.

    So here are a few "rules" which will help you to get into the games, making friends and enjoy a long stay:

    1. Greet the people you play against/with at the start of the game
    2. Some dont like artillery, its a good idea to ask, if your opponent dont like to play with artillery or if he dont care
    3. You can also ask, if they are ready choosing units, before you hit the "start button".
    4. once the game started, its always good, if you write a "Good Luck" or "GL"
    5. at the end of the battle, people mostly say "gg" or "good game"


    There is an invalid army bug, which dont let you start the game. Take your time and try to speak with your partner and/or opponents.
    Explain them what the problem is and how they can solve it. Here is a short List of what cause the problem:

    1. in most cases, someone choose a retainer and dont use it, such as:
    - ox car -- but he dont brought any artillery
    - cav retainer -- but he dont brought any Guard cav
    - ninja retainer -- but he dont brought any ninja

    This is mostly the problem, if they change ther retainer the game will start

    2. Save army, delete all units and load the army again

    3. General had an lvl up, left click the general

    Important is. We all play for fun and to win of course, but winning isn't everything.
    Last edited by Kocmoc; 03-29-2011 at 10:13.

  2. #2
    The Count of Bohemia Senior Member Cecil XIX's Avatar
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    Default Re: MP - Etiquette - How to behave correctly!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kocmoc View Post
    winning isnt anything.
    I assume you mean Winning isn't everything.

  3. #3

    Default Re: MP - Etiquette - How to behave correctly!

    I kind of like the way Kocmoc puts it. :)

  4. #4
    Senior Member Senior Member Tomisama's Avatar
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    Default Re: MP - Etiquette - How to behave correctly!

    Are all of you supporting The Online Total War Multiplayers The Code of Honour?

    If not, you are invited.

    It may not save the world, but every little bit helps

  5. #5

    Default Re: MP - Etiquette - How to behave correctly!

    Quote Originally Posted by Tomisama View Post
    Are all of you supporting The Online Total War Multiplayers The Code of Honour?

    If not, you are invited.

    It may not save the world, but every little bit helps
    Considering Obake and I were the ones who created the Shogun Honor Society back in the day, I fully support it. We are grateful to you, Tomisama, for having continued on with the spirit of good sportsmanship and fair play. :) Obake and I have lived the code since our very first days playing STW1 and hope we will find many more good examples in the upcoming MP community.

    Take care my friend and good luck spreading the word.

  6. #6
    Executive Member Justy_SG's Avatar
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    Default Re: MP - Etiquette - How to behave correctly!

    hi = gg

    take it like a man.

    or for the female,
    take it like a girl ?

  7. #7
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    Default Re: MP - Etiquette - How to behave correctly!

    Winning is everything.

  8. #8
    Wolves Member FasT's Avatar
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    Having fun and enjoying the game is most important IMO. Winning helps too;) but u learn play and improve!
    As kocmoc stated u can make alot of good friends. I'm still friends with many from original shoggy 10 years ago! and still play other games with many of then still!

  9. #9
    Senior Member Senior Member Tomisama's Avatar
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    Default Re: MP - Etiquette - How to behave correctly!

    If you do not encourage the people in your community, eventully you will have no one to play against...

    Think about it

  10. #10
    Robot Unicorn Member Kekvit Irae's Avatar
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    Default Re: MP - Etiquette - How to behave correctly!

    Old thread is old, but I'd like to put in some StarCraft 2 etiquette experience for you people.

    • gm (good manners) is just what it says on the tin: you or your opponent are well mannered during the fight. For TW, this means following the tenants of the Code of Hono(u)r.
    • bm (bad manners) means that either you or your opponent is acting like a jerk. Don't do this. Seriously. Note that the ultimate goal of a multiplayer game is to win. Winning does not equal bm, it is HOW you win that makes it gm or bm.
    • glhf (good luck, have fun) is most commonly said at the very start of a game. Don't be a newbie; throw out a glhf or other variation of that at the start. Even if you don't want your opponent to have "good luck", a glhf says to your opponent "I'm not a jerk and I just want to play to have fun."
    • gg (good game) means "I surrender." You should only use this when you have absolutely no chance of survival and your end is near. If the enemy has trounced you soundly using good tactics or fair gameplay, another variation is also used: gg wp (good game, well played).
    • Saying gg FOR your opponent when he/she is clearly defeated is NOT good manners. A pre-emptive gg is the equivalent of kicking dirt in the eyes of someone and laughing while they are on the ground, broken and bleeding. Don't be a jerk; gg only when YOU surrender.
    • Not saying gg when you get defeated or leaving the game early without a gg is called ragequitting. Again, don't do it. However, just because someone doesn't gg during a loss doesn't necessarily mean they are bm, it might mean they don't know how to gg.
    • "Cheese" means using a particularly unorthodox tactic or army build to win a game (IE: all cavalry, rushing, etc). Most people consider cheesing to be bad mannered, but it really isn't (at least, at higher levels of play). The reason for this is that every cheese has a counter. If your opponent can successfully defend against an extremely cheesy tactic, he/she deserved that win and you deserved that loss. Suck it up and refine the cheese, or play normally.
    • Unless you know each other, avoid banter. The time it takes to write out a message can break your reaction time and cost you a win. This is why the majority of tournaments don't have people chatting except for the standard glhf and gg. If it's at the beginning of the game and the armies aren't yet set up, then feel free to engage in a little chat, but stay silent when the action starts. Chatting to intentionally throw off your opponent's game is considered bad manners.
    • If you decide to livestream your games, set up a delay server to delay the stream about 30 seconds. Google it if you don't know how to set one up. Delay servers allow you to stream your game to the internet, while preventing your opponent from cheating (as there will be a 30 second delay between what you are doing and what is being broadcasted).
    • If you are on a losing streak, STOP PLAYING. Godwin's Law applies to multiplayer gaming: as a losing streak occurs, the probability of bm eventually increases to 1. Take a break, go outside, have a smoke, whatever. Once your mind has reached its zen state again, you can return to playing.

  11. #11
    Senior Member Senior Member Tomisama's Avatar
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    Default Re: MP - Etiquette - How to behave correctly!

    This part bothered me a bit.

    •Saying gg FOR your opponent when he/she is clearly defeated is NOT good manners. A pre-emptive gg is the equivalent of kicking dirt in the eyes of someone and laughing while they are on the ground, broken and bleeding. Don't be a jerk; gg only when YOU surrender.
    Up until “today”; a “good game” was a “good game”, win or lose.

    If both players exchange this equal recognition at the end of the game, they leave in appreciation of each other.

    It is the same as offering “good luck” as you enter.

    Failing to offer either is a slap in the face, and people who do not offer them are in my book, are disrespectful.

    To the best of my limited knowledge, these expressions have been a Total War tradition for almost 12 years now.

    And they appear in The Code, represented by the following:

    * To enter the game with a salute, and leave with a salutation, consistent with good sportsmanship.
    What could be better sportsmanship that whishing your opponent “good luck” before battle, and acknowledging their efforts in the match with a “good game” after the battle is finished, no matter who won or lost.

    And winning can “not” be the ultimate goal of multiplayer, or you will eventually destroy the player pool and devastate the game.

    The superior objective is to build a strong community that appreciates all players, and encourages growth and development.

    The motive for this can be purely selfish, as to insure you will always have opponents, or magnanimous, to insure all will be able to enjoy the game as much as you do.

    The result is the same…

    Now I can change my ways; but I think that it would be a terrible loss to the quality of the game

  12. #12
    Robot Unicorn Member Kekvit Irae's Avatar
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    Default Re: MP - Etiquette - How to behave correctly!

    Quote Originally Posted by Tomisama View Post
    Up until “today”; a “good game” was a “good game”, win or lose.

    If both players exchange this equal recognition at the end of the game, they leave in appreciation of each other.
    There is a difference between saying gg AFTER your opponent bows out, and saying gg BEFORE your opponent.

    Example 1:
    Player 1 (the loser): gg
    Player 2 (the winner): gg

    This example is a form of good etiquette. It's like highfiving the other ball team after a game.

    Example 2:
    Player 2 (the winner): gg
    Player 1 (the loser): gg

    Player 2 is an example of bad manners. It's like saying "you haven't accepted defeat yet, so I'm going to pre-emptively throw it out for you because I owned you so hard." This is what's called an Offensive GG.

    You can read more about proper etiquette for a gg at TeamLiquid's wiki:

  13. #13
    Senior Member Senior Member Tomisama's Avatar
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    Default Re: MP - Etiquette - How to behave correctly!

    There is a difference between saying gg AFTER your opponent bows out, and saying gg BEFORE your opponent.
    A fuller explaination.

    Thank you, and well done

    Edit: Unfortunately in the majority of recent match-made games, the losers bail as soon as they see what is going to happen, and we never get a chance to exchange words.

    In that case would it be proper to extend a “well played” (wp) in advance if you felt it was deserved?

    Then we might be able to squeeze a gg out of them to respond to
    Last edited by Tomisama; 09-24-2011 at 19:47.

  14. #14
    Robot Unicorn Member Kekvit Irae's Avatar
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    Default Re: MP - Etiquette - How to behave correctly!

    Quote Originally Posted by Tomisama View Post
    A fuller explaination.

    Thank you, and well done

    Edit: Unfortunately in the majority of recent match-made games, the losers bail as soon as they see what is going to happen, and we never get a chance to exchange words.

    In that case would it be proper to extend a “well played” (wp) in advance if you felt it was deserved?

    Then we might be able to squeeze a gg out of them to respond to
    You really shouldn't throw out anything until the opponent does so first. Even a pre-emptive wp can be seen as offensive. If the opponent bails early, then its their loss and you really shouldn't drag yourself down to their levels. When in doubt, wait. If you're playing against someone you know who knows you in kind, then feel free to throw out that pre-empt, as your opponent will know you're good for it. The same does not hold true to random matchmaking opponents. More often than not, if you throw up a glhf at the beginning of the game, then that will signal to the opponent that you at least know about etiquette... but since TW is worlds apart from the competitive scene of Brood War or SC2, your mileage may vary.

    However, as far as congratulating your opponent, as long as it's not done as an offensive gg or such, then feel free to banter (again, providing it's not done to distract the enemy). For example, in StarCraft 2 I usually throw out a "nice defend" if my attack fails and the opponent defended quite well. I don't consider this type of banter to be distracting (unlike questions), and require no response.

  15. #15
    Arrogant Ashigaru Moderator Ludens's Avatar
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    Default Re: MP - Etiquette - How to behave correctly!

    I am a bit surprised that GG could be offensive. I thought it was just a general politeness. Doesn't that trip up a lot of newbies who are trying to be polite?

    Thanks for the warning, anyway.
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  16. #16

    Default Re: MP - Etiquette - How to behave correctly!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ludens View Post
    I am a bit surprised that GG could be offensive. I thought it was just a general politeness. Doesn't that trip up a lot of newbies who are trying to be polite?
    Well, it depends how you look at it. While I'm not big into competitive, multiplayer strategy gaming, I do come from the world of MMORPGs, and there is a similar convention there. Using World of Warcraft because it's the largest and most recognized example, let's say I'm in a Battleground fighting against players of the enemy faction. I stumble across a very weak player, one who I can easily dispatch. If I throw out a "gg" before we even engage, it could be considered a sign of disrespect, as I'm immediately dismissing his value as an opponent. Basically, I'm saying "this fight is over before it has even begun." If someone were to do that to me in a Total War battle, after I spent time customizing and optimizing my army, studying strategies, trying to improve, etc., it would most definitely be offensive.

    Let's put it in a Total War context, then. Say I'm in a tight-pitched battle, one that could go either way, but I slip and leave my general rather exposed. My opponent is positioned to kill my general, and he knows that once he does, my battered infantry units will break and the battle will effectively be his. It could be considered rude for him to say "gg" before he sends his troops in to slay my general; it shows some arrogance on his part based on the assumption that his men will be successful in killing my general. If, however, my leader was able to escape and I proceeded to thrash the rest of his forces, he'd be quite embarrassed for saying "gg" before the battle was determined. Just equate "gg" in that context to "You're done", "It's over", or "Go home." The same applies to "wp."

    Well, that's how I understand it. Even I, who trudged through the droves of immature kids in WoW, can still get mad if someone says "gg" before it's clearly evident that he's won. If there's still a chance for me to win, I don't like him writing me off as a loser, so to speak. The real issue here is one of intent, and you should take into account what a person meant instead of only what he said.
    Last edited by King David X; 09-26-2011 at 19:56.

  17. #17
    Robot Unicorn Member Kekvit Irae's Avatar
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    Default Re: MP - Etiquette - How to behave correctly!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ludens View Post
    I am a bit surprised that GG could be offensive. I thought it was just a general politeness. Doesn't that trip up a lot of newbies who are trying to be polite?
    If it was a newbie mistake, and you know it was one, then that's perfectly understandable. The best course of action at that point would be to (POLITELY) teach them the rules of proper etiquette if they are willing to learn.

    Quote Originally Posted by King David X View Post
    Well, it depends how you look at it. While I'm not big into competitive, multiplayer strategy gaming, I do come from the world of MMORPGs, and there is a similar convention there. Using World of Warcraft because it's the largest and most recognized example, let's say I'm in a Battleground fighting against players of the enemy faction. I stumble across a very weak player, one who I can easily dispatch. If I throw out a "gg" before we even engage, it could be considered a sign of disrespect, as I'm immediately dismissing his value as an opponent. Basically, I'm saying "this fight is over before it has even begun." If someone were to do that to me in a Total War battle, after I spent time customizing and optimizing my army, studying strategies, trying to improve, etc., it would most definitely be offensive.
    GG depends on the context.

    You threw out WoW as an example. In WoW BGs (and everywhere else in the game) you are unable to speak to the other faction. In this case, when your communication is restricted to just one side, GG can really mean "good game" instead of "I surrender" or "I accept your surrender." Even so, it can be seen as a jerk move (depending on context) to throw out a GG if you're losing. If your intention is to say "Good game, well played guys. We'll get them next time," then it's perfectly alright. However, if you throw out something like "gg no re" (I surrender, I don't want a rematch), then that is totally a jerk move because not only are you saying it was a bad game, but you're also insulting the people who fought along side you.

    Now let's contrast two other games as an example: League of Legends and StarCraft 2.
    StarCraft 2 is very cut and dry; if you exit a game, then your opponent automatically wins and you are taken to the score screen. No further communication is possible unless you decide to private message the other person. Therefor, it is important that the surrendering player makes his intention known before leaving the game and the victor to wait for that surrender.
    League of Legends is worlds different. If the enemy team loses their nexus or votes to surrender early, then you've got a few seconds left before you're booted to a chatroom with the entire game's players. Because someone doesn't automatically lose when they leave (they can reconnect at any time), the fact that there's a few second delay between the surrender/nexus destroyed and the boot to the score screen, and the fact that you have an after-game chatroom, throwing up a gg regardless of who won or lost is not bad manners. However it has to come after the surrender/nexus, otherwise it WILL be seen as a jerk move. In LoL's case, gg'ing before the enemy but after the surrender/nexus is perfectly fine as etiquette.
    Last edited by Kekvit Irae; 09-26-2011 at 21:20.

  18. #18

    Default Re: MP - Etiquette - How to behave correctly!

    Well i guess i am a rather rude person, I say gg when it is clear i am going to win, if i end up being wrong i laugh about it and complement my opponent, since this dosent happen often i am rarely have to apologise.

    I dont say good luck but i do say have fun as i sincerely wish my opponent to have fun, even if it is at my expense.

    But in general i will banter in a MM game if the person seems talkative. It can be great fun, but if u seriously want to win, whoever said it was right dont talk to ppl, turn on some tunes and rape.


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