Just in case it might be useful to someone,
a little study on all of the ways to play.
Multiplayer = Multiplayer Campaign & Avatar Conquest
Multiplayer Campaign = Campaign Games
Campaign Games = Join & Host (2)
Avatar Conquest = Set up Team & Match Made & Battle List
Set up Team = Battle Types & Team Members
Land | Sea | Siege | Three Electable Players | Merging with other Teams (3x3+1=10)
Match Made = Battle Types & Game Modes
Land | Sea | Siege | 1 on 1 | Auto-Team | Campaign Drop-In (3x2+1=7)
Battle List = Join & Spectate & Host
Play | Watch | Host | Classic Battles (4)
By my count there are 23 different ways to enjoy Multiplayer games in Shogun2
Edit: As far as I know Set up Team & Match Made are the only battles that count for Clan Competition Map and Leaderboards.
Is this correct?
2nd Edit: Correction, 25 different ways (see post below).