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Thread: Again about the reforms..

  1. #1
    Member Member DionCaesar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Germania Inferior (the Netherlands)

    Question Again about the reforms..

    Hi guys,
    I know this is not the first post on this topic, but I couldn't quite find an answer to my question..
    I'm starting a new Campaign soon, and I'd like it to be perfect in as many ways as possible. Apart from a whole range of mini-mods, I like the reforms to take place when I want them to. I edited the Polybian reforms to take place at 250 (didn't change the conditions, so I still need to have the required cities for them to happen), and the unconditional Marian reforms when I have 49 cities. Now I noticed, the Augustan Reforms don't have an unconditional trigger, but only the one with the Emperor. Now my question: Can I just change this

    monitor_event FactionTurnEnd FactionType seleucid
    and I_CompareCounter Romani > 54
    and I_TurnNumber > 499
    and I_NumberOfSettlements seleucid > 89
    ;and BattlesFought > 399
    and I_CompareCounter Romanii_Reform = 2
    and I_CompareCounter AugustanReformatorCounter = 1

    set_counter Romanii_Reform 3
    set_counter AugustanReformsAdvisor 1

    to this? :

    monitor_event FactionTurnEnd FactionType seleucid
    and I_CompareCounter Romani > 54
    and I_TurnNumber > 328
    and I_NumberOfSettlements seleucid > 65
    ;and BattlesFought > 250
    and I_CompareCounter Romanii_Reform = 2
    and I_CompareCounter AugustanReformatorCounter = 0

    set_counter Romanii_Reform 3
    set_counter AugustanReformsAdvisor 1

    (I only changed battles fought, turn number, and most importantly, the reform counter = 0)..

    I'm also wondering what I_comparecounter Romani > 54 means.. Unfortunately I don't have the time to experiment with these values, so I'm forced to ask for help here.

    Thanks in advance!
    Imperare sibi maximvm imperivm est

  2. #2

    Default Re: Again about the reforms..

    I_comparecounter Romani > 54
    Number of type II governments you got running.
    Yes, it will work. You can just delete the reformator need, or you actually won't be able to reform if you get a reformator : )
    Uncomment the BattlesFought if you want it to be needed (remove the semicolon, ; )

  3. #3
    Member Member DionCaesar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Germania Inferior (the Netherlands)

    Thumbs up Re: Again about the reforms..

    So I could easily delete the line about Romani Counter too? Or is it wiser to just set it to a low number? I'd say itdoesn't matter, but as I said, I don't have the time to test it myself:(. If yes, couldn't I just delete all lines except the number of settlements needed and the turn number? :)

    thanks in advance, and apologies for my poor knowledge about scripting!
    Imperare sibi maximvm imperivm est

  4. #4

    Default Re: Again about the reforms..

    Just comment (insert a semicolon, ; ) at the start of the line that includes the requirement you want to skip. Or change the number.
    Deleting works just as well as commenting, but is less reversable in case something goes bad : )


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