Well, I spent now around 120-160 clantokens to test the clanskills.
I upgraded lvl 9 ashis, with hold firm and inspire and it dont work! It bugs all the way.
You can choose the clanskills already with lvl 5. I have the following situations:
1. I choosed clanskills (20 tokens) which show of on the botton line of the veteran on the right side of the window,
but in the game the ability isnt shown
2. I choosed clanskills which simply didnt show of! You see the veteran costs you 120 more, but you dont see the ability in the bottom line
and also you dont get the ability in game!
I upgraded a lvl 9 ashi and also spent each single (8) skill in the upper window and than spend the last point into hold firm and another unit into inspire. You can imagine my frustration, since I now got 2 lvl 9 ashis, costing me 800+ and are worth nothing.
I had a cav-clan first and destroyed some yari-cav while testing and now i can also delete some spears.
The whole veteran upgrades are bugged all the way.
Also, if you spend reload skill in the base skill and than want to spend in the bottom window the whole veteran gets bugged.
It seems, that once you choose the same upgrade in both windows, the units freaks out.
To stay nice here, this game is so heavily bugged, this really needs some quick patches! There are tons of exploits, tons of bugs, endless problems...