I almost always play MTW campaign on Normal/Hard, and fight only auto-caluclated battles, cuz my battle mode doesn't work.
So, first of all, I want to know what exactly is Morale, and how does it effect troops. I suppose it makes them more immune to routing and wavering? The problem is, I'm not able to see the morale count of a particular unit, so I want to know if it's memorized correctly for every single unit I train.
I also want to know, does it affect auto-calculated battle results in any way.
Secondly, Valour is, as far as I know equivalent to Experience from RTW. However some of the Valour-adding building seem to malfunct (like Master Spearmaker, Master Swrd, Master Stables...). I suppose those buildings only add valour to units that are produced in them (for example, Master Stables adds +1 valour to cavalry), but that is not the case. Anyone knows why I don't receive correct morale improvements?
And finally, how are naval combat results calculated? I think that when you attack with a fleet, your Attack is the relative attribute, while the enemy's defense is relative on his part, but I'm not sure. Also, are there any ships efficient in coastal combat and are there ones that are efficient in deep sea ones?