Poll: Which clan did you play for your first campaign?

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Thread: What clan did you play first?

  1. #1
    Wandering Metsuke Senior Member Zim's Avatar
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    Default What clan did you play first?

    Did a quick search and didn't see a thread on this yet. What clan is everyone playing? I went with Chosokabe for my first short campaign on normal. I liked the idea of archer bonuses and starting on a small island. Managed to lose my first TW campaign in many a year (ran out of turns). Thinking about starting Takeda next on Hard.
    V&V RIP Helmut Becker, Duke of Bavaria.

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    Kermit's made a TWS2 guide? Oh, the other frog....

  2. #2
    Throne Room Caliph Senior Member phonicsmonkey's Avatar
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    Default Re: What clan did you play first?

    Takeda - got myself whupped but I'll be back.
    frogbeastegg's TWS2 guide....it's here!

    Come to the Throne Room to play multiplayer hotseat campaigns and RPGs in M2TW.

  3. #3
    Moderator Moderator Gregoshi's Avatar
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    Default Re: What clan did you play first?

    Mori here and the campaign is still on. I haven't played for over a week now - due to lack of time, not lack of desire. This weekend is looking good for picking up the campaign again.
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  4. #4
    Member Member Zarky's Avatar
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    Default Re: What clan did you play first?

    Mori, had enormous profits from trade but then went completely unprepared to Realm Divide and went bankrupt. Didn't hurry so much the next time.
    Homo Sapiens non Urinat in Ventum - the wise man does not piss against the wind.

  5. #5
    Pleasing the Fates Senior Member A Nerd's Avatar
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    Default Re: What clan did you play first?

    I tired Shimazu for sentimental reasons. I didn't last long. Next was Date which I abandoned. Now Hojo, which is going well.
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  6. #6
    Member Member Rothe's Avatar
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    Default Re: What clan did you play first?

    I went with Date, but I abandoned that game because my economy went crazy (food deficit).
    The I tried with Shimazu, but it was VH and I left it after conquering the isle to wait until I learn some more.
    I also started a H/H with Uesugi, which went surprisingly well considering all the posts about them being difficult - I still have the save to continue that.

    My actual longest campaign is with Chokosabe and I am past the divide well on my way to win it (H/H).

    As you can see, I like to play with things...
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  7. #7
    Member Member Mumu Champion Prodigal's Avatar
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    Default Re: What clan did you play first?

    Desperately tried Uesugi on h/h, (figured n/n is for n00bs & shirley I am a total war Pro!!!)...After getting brutalised in new & interesting ways by the AI & restarting for the 5th time I gave up & went with Kai; in the event that was even more humiliating so have finally plumped with Hojo. I can't resist a starting gold mine, still h/h, currently turtelling up & keeping things interesting with only one main stack & 6 provinces.

    Want to explore the whole tech. tree & play around with as many different troop types as possible...I'm blaming lack of knowledge for my previous ignominious trouncings by the AI. When Hojo is played out and I'm waist deep in fallen clans, am going vh/vh with the Uesugi.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Senior Member econ21's Avatar
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    Default Re: What clan did you play first?

    I voted Oda, as that is the campaign I am likely to see through (H/N). I actually tried Shimzau (N/N) first but that was as easy as RTW so I gave up in boredom. The Oda campaign rocks though. The initial breakout was fun, but what is keeping me interested is the approach of realm divide. I am so unprepared - weak economy, weak army, dispersed holdings, no allies, multiple front wars. This may be the first TW game to solve the problem of keeping the game interesting even when you are the largest faction.

  9. #9
    Member Member Ishmael's Avatar
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    Default Re: What clan did you play first?

    Technically I went Chokosabe first, but when those dirty Shoni on the island over declared war and mauled my trade routes/nodes (I only had 3 provinces by this stage) I restarted as Shimazu to teach them a lesson!

  10. #10
    The Abominable Senior Member Hexxagon Champion Monk's Avatar
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    Default Re: What clan did you play first?

    Hojo, and i lost spectacularly.

    First to completion was Chokosabe, hit the victory condition after a long realm divide war. Most Total War games, if I happen to win, I'm usually so disinterested in the campaign i'm just going through the motions by the time i reach the end. This is mostly caused by me lacking a true challenge to my power. In this game I gladly ticked "continue playing."

    The Shogunate still has powerful enemies who breathe, there's no time to rest!

  11. #11

    Default Re: What clan did you play first?

    Takeda on N/N only managed to survive because I snuck around invading Uesegi army and took their lone province. done Shimazu, Date, Uesegi and Chosokabe since.
    Last edited by Seyavash; 04-07-2011 at 12:08.

  12. #12
    pardon my klatchian Member al Roumi's Avatar
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    Default Re: What clan did you play first?

    First campaign was Shimazu on N/N. I got a few turns into the realm divide, lost my allies and trade partners and my economy went down the pan. I could have turned it around by culling my millitary but realising a whole raft of structural weaknesses in my economy, I decided instead to start a new campaign as Chosokabe and put in some preparation before going for Shogun. Following that success of Chosokabe on N/N, I played an Oda campaign -also on N/N, which I finished last night.

    I'm surprised to still be "hungry" for this game and will probably start a Mori Campaign on H/H this weekend.

  13. #13

    Default Re: What clan did you play first?

    Chokosabe first. It was the tutorial faction and I skipped it, thought it would be a good place to start.

    Shimazu was next. That island has everything!

    Mori campaign was a disaster. Game really brought it all and brought it fast that time. Excellent learning experience. "Schooled" in more than one way :p

    Have 2 saves at Clan Divide; might finish them when I figure out how this game works
    Ja-mata TosaInu

  14. #14
    Ja mata, TosaInu Forum Administrator edyzmedieval's Avatar
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    Default Re: What clan did you play first?

    Takeda on H/H because I have always been a fan of them. Turn 140 so far, Kyoto is now under my wing and I am Shogun!
    Ja mata, TosaInu. You will forever be remembered.


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  15. #15
    The Count of Bohemia Senior Member Cecil XIX's Avatar
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    Default Re: What clan did you play first?

    Voted Chosokabe because, although I made a brief attempt with the Uesugi, I've been really focusing on trying to complete a campaign with the them on Legendary. I took a break to delve in MP recently, but I'm think I'll try again soon. I just did the math and noticed I'll have the most time per province with a Long game, whereas previously I'd been playing with short victory conditions. Sixth time's the charm...

  16. #16

    Default Re: What clan did you play first?


    On my legendary conquest.Kyoto is now surrounding by 2 armies of the Takeda.I am a victor,my generals respect me,I have money comming like this 309274.

    The Takeda are marching through the lands...

  17. #17
    Pincushioned Ashigaru Member Poulp''s Avatar
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    Default Re: What clan did you play first?

    Shimazu, normal, short campaign to get a feel of the game.
    After Realm Divide triggered, I switched to Oda Hard. Less steamrolling, more politics.

  18. #18
    Member Member Azi Tohak's Avatar
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    Default Re: What clan did you play first?

    My first campaign was Shimazu on Normal. With background research on here I was well prepared and I did quite well. My current second campaign with Chosokabe on Normal has been a mess. I'm not doing too bad, but good grief this game can be hard!
    "If you don't want to work, become a reporter. That awful power, the public opinion of the nation, was created by a horde of self-complacent simpletons who failed at ditch digging and shoemaking and fetched up journalism on their way to the poorhouse."
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  19. #19

    Default Re: What clan did you play first?

    Tokugawa of course. I went straight for the Kanto region, the farmland of Japan. Didn't get it in entirety yet, but I do hope it matches historical significance. From there, I will pulverize Takeda and eliminate that arrogant Shingen from history...

  20. #20

    Default Re: What clan did you play first?

    Ah,not If we the Takeda will stop you.

    Aslo,the Tokugawa on my campagin always get destroyed by the Imagawa.

  21. #21
    Member Member snorky's Avatar
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    Default Re: What clan did you play first?

    I started with Hojo on H/H. It went reasonably well at first because kept winning battle after battle but my economy was never strong enough to substain more then one stack and before I knew it I was fighting of a massive alliance from three different fronts and the further I had to withdraw to my original territory, the more factions joined the alliance against me.

    So I tried again with Shimazu on H/H, which I'm still playing and it's going much better. After having conquered the island of Kyushu I didn't want expand to my neighbours because I was getting a large portion of my trade income from there. So I decided to cripple my biggest competitors, the alliance of Hojo and Date who together possessed almost half of japan. With a bit a of sneaky diplomacy and a load of cash I managed Hojo to break their alliance with Date, leaving Date so outraged they joined me the moment I declared war on Hojo. I invaded Hojo territory by sea from the north and south coast, however after having conquered around 3 three regions from both the north and south, realm divide suddenly smacked me in the face, the economy went down the drain and my homeland Kyushu was now under threat while my armies were all in in the east.

    At the moment I have managed to stabilize my economy to 300 per turn, my homeland is being protected by a strong fleet, hopefully stopping anyone trying to invade, however my army in the east, consisting of three full stacks is having trouble holding on to the tiny bites out of japans backside. I haven't lost any territory yet but I have to chose my battles extremely carefully because losing one battle will cause the enemy to steamroll over me. This is why I love Shogun 2, when this game gets harder it doesn't get frustrating, because when the enemy does something smart it pushes you be smarter and rewards you when you succeed.


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