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Thread: Barbarian Invasion

  1. #1

    Default Barbarian Invasion

    Hey, i just got the BI expansion pack to RTW (finally!! But its still takin 8 hrs to download :-P). Anyway, I just wanted to hear from those who already have it about what its like, and their own comments on the game. It'll help pass the time, too!

  2. #2
    Senior Member Senior Member Jaguara's Avatar
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    Default Re: Barbarian Invasion

    I have been playing this for the last couple of weeks. I don't want to say too much to spoil it for you yet...but a few major points.

    I would say an important thing is to figure out how the hordes work as this greatly affects your strategy on any side.
    In the vanilla version, while I would stop on bridges, I never bothered camping on this game bridges are very important to hold back the hordes...
    Watch the Loyalty rating on your generals...

    Bridge battles are different because of "swimming units", but my pet peeve is that I have been unable to force a unit capable of swimming to just cross the bridge. This has serious consequences when you want your light cavalry to pursue a routing foe, and they insist on swimming across the river...thus the enemy is gone before they get across. So, I end up using heavy cavalry to chase routers...if they are available. I found this, in particular, to be annoying.

    Post back with thoughts once you get playing, I would love to have someone to discuss this with.
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  3. #3
    Strategist and Storyteller Senior Member Myth's Avatar
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    Default Re: Barbarian Invasion

    'Tis harder on your PC (hardware wise) now with torches and night battles and all that. Also, Christianity came and ruined a perfectly fine Roman Empire. I haven't gotten very far because I want to play as the WRE but I don't want Christianity, but rather the good ol' gods. Mind you, it is possible to win with the WRE when converting to paganism, it just requires time and a good computer, both of which are in short supply for me.

    See which natons can horde, as stated already this is an important new mechanic. The Franks for example, can horde and can take big cities (and make great late-game cav like Paladins).
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  4. #4
    Senior Member Senior Member econ21's Avatar
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    Default Re: Barbarian Invasion

    You are going to have a blast - BI is a really fun expansion, my favorite of all the TW expansions so far.

    Two pieces of advice:

    (1) Play the WRE campaign after watching the intro movie in full and without reading a single word on the net about strategy. I love that campaign - the premise, trying to hold back the flood, is strangely compelling to me.

    (2) When you tire of the expansion out of the box, have a look at some of the mods for it. I really like Goth mod, available from Twcenter (though you will have to dig around a little for it). It includes reskins that make the game exceptionally good looking, in an EB/RTR kind of way.

    Here's a couple of links:'s_bi_mod
    Last edited by econ21; 04-13-2011 at 01:50.


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