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Thread: Making regions Eleutheroi

  1. #1

    Default Making regions Eleutheroi

    Okay, so I'm making some modifications to EB, and I'm trying to make Taras and Mediolanum Eleutheroi regions. Have gone into Descr. Strat and moved the settlement details and family members into Eleutheroi section, removed all trace of families from the factions (and made the general in Taras a FamilyMember and added a female character in Eleutheroi section - as well as removing superfluous traits and "of Aedui" from Madiolanum named character).

    Went into EBBS and removed gov building script for both settlements. But now my game just CTDs when I try to start my campaign. I'm obviously missing something important here, but have no idea what it is. Is there some order in which the settlements need to be placed (I have simply added them to the end of the appropriate section in Descr.Strat). Any ideas about where I'm going wrong?

    Cheers for any guidance, and...I have tried the search function but haven't found anything that helped.

  2. #2
    That other EB guy Member Tanit's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    The Frozen North

    Default Re: Making regions Eleutheroi

    Have you checked to see if the family member you removed was important to the existence of another family member like a wife or child who now cannot exist without?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Making regions Eleutheroi

    Quote Originally Posted by Tanit View Post
    Have you checked to see if the family member you removed was important to the existence of another family member like a wife or child who now cannot exist without?
    I double-checked that, just to make sure and...its not that. Just checked to make sure I've not duplicated any names. Everything seems in order, but clearly it isn't.

    It isn't actually a CTD at first either. At first, when I try to start the campaign the screen reverts to the previous menu page (Main Campaign, Historical Battle..). Frustrating.

  4. #4
    EB Support Guy Senior Member XSamatan's Avatar
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    Mar 2008

    Default Re: Making regions Eleutheroi

    Since this is not am EB-'bug' I'll move it to the unofficial mod area, I'm sure you will get help there.


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  5. #5

    Default Re: Making regions Eleutheroi

    Just in case this is useful for anybody else, I've figured out what the problem was. I hadn't deleted the barracks/muster buildings from the settlement description (noticed that they were missing from the Eleutheroi settlements and added via the campaign script).


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