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Thread: Askthepizzaguy Mafia II: The Revengening [Concluded]

  1. #1
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Default Askthepizzaguy Mafia II: The Revengening [Concluded]

    Active Players- (50/50)

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    A completely inoffensive name
    Backwards Logic
    Captain Blackadder
    Crazed Rabbit
    Death is Yonder
    Diana Abnoba
    Double A
    El Barto
    God Emperor
    Major Robert Dump
    Skooma Addict
    Reserve Players:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Winston Hughes
    Cecil XIX
    Tiberius of the Drake
    Sasaki Kojiro

    Official Game Rules

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    1. The First Rule

    You must read these rules before playing, please.

    2. Game Setup

    There are several sides in this game, primarily divided along the usual lines of town and mafia TEAMS. However, in this game, the town will be referred to as the "evil" team, as they are essentially a collection of ex-mafiosi scumbags. The mafia will be referred to as the "chaotic" team, because they're evil, and not loyal to other evil people. Since they are essentially opposed to the evil team, which is comprised of ex-mafia scumbags, they can also be called the anti-mafia. However, for simplicity's sake, it's evil versus chaotic, evil being town, chaotic being mafia.

    3. Factions

    The sides are sub-divided into FACTIONS, which are secondary. Some factions may share the same overall goal of getting rid of the chaotic team, but they might be opposed to one another in different ways. Criminal scumbags are selfish and corrupt, and they do not behave together as nicely as a town full of civilized, lawful goodie-goodies. Therefore, some folks on your own team may not like you very much and may wish to dispose of you as well.

    4. Goals

    Each player also has a PERSONAL GOAL to complete, which could put them at odds with others on their team, or even their own faction. Who knows.

    5. Score

    These various objectives, when completed, add to your overall score. Your score is determined as follows:

    • Team victory (or) Faction victory (or) Main objective achieved- 5 points awarded
    • Faction goals completed- 3 points awarded
    • Personal goal completed- 1 point awarded
    • Survival- 1 point awarded (this is considered achieved if a Team Victory or Faction Victory has been accomplished by someone, and you remain alive)
    If you score 4 or more points, you are counted among the winners of the game. If you score 10 points, or score the highest amount awarded, you will be considered Grand Champion, which is just like winning, except it comes with a fancy title.

    6. Don't Quote Your Role PM

    You may never quote your role PM, either publicly OR privately. I provide cover roles for my players, and they're all made in a certain style, and if my players wish to create their own backstory, it would be difficult to forge a role PM for that. Therefore, quoting from your role PM, in whole or in part, is forbidden. It shall not be done, with the following exception:
    • You are allowed to discuss the data content of the role PM, such as what your faction is, what your character's name is, what items you have, and how much money you have. Because these are sets of data, they can be repeated. Do not discuss the formatting of the role PM, do not discuss when the role PM was sent, and do not post screenshots of it, or otherwise attempt to circumvent this rule in any way shape or form. If you need further instruction on this point, contact me. But the general idea is, no copy and pasting your role PM, and that includes nearly perfect paraphrasing by changing a word or two. Don't try to loophole your way out of this. Additionally, images contained within your role PM are FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. They shall not be made public unless the game host has made it public.

    7. No Private Claims

    You may not reveal your role to anyone privately by claiming to them in private. You MUST claim publicly if you are to claim your role. This includes handshaking attempts. Example: "I like the Simpsons, don't you?" to indicate you're a member of the Simpsons mafia. Generally speaking, if you're discussing things besides who you suspect to be guilty, or coordinating night actions, you're probably trying to determine each other's identity. Don't do that. If, after you have claimed publicly, you wish to discuss your role privately, you may do so.

    You may not tell someone what faction, character, item, or ability you possess, privately. All claims must be public, before they are private.

    8. Public Claims

    Revealing your role publicly is very, very dangerous. It gives information to your rivals regarding who you are, and you will likely end up dead. Revealing your role is done at your own risk. (this isn't so much a rule, as FAIR WARNING!)

    9. Remember the rules regarding public and private claims.

    Much of the game revolves around finding allies and eliminating rivals. This game could become broken and not-fun to play if everyone decides to mass reveal right away. Then, everyone with a mission to kill certain targets will attempt to do so, and the game balance is completely upended. And, you'll likely destroy your chances of victory. That's why it's important to consider the ramifications of claiming before you do so, but more importantly, DO NOT BREAK THE RULES when it comes to any rule involving claims, private communications, or things of that nature. If I catch wind of that sort of behavior, I'll likely go directly to WOG the involved players and also ban private communications for the duration of the game, depending on the severity. I've done it before in other games. It's very important that you remember rules 6, 7, and 8. They will be strictly enforced by the host, or you'll just end up defeated quickly.

    10. Day, and Wagering Rules

    • The game is divided into Day and Night phases.
    • During the Day, players may wager on who is "guilty", which in this case means not belonging to the "evil" team, including all other alignments.
    • Players are all automatically in for the betting every round by a 1 credit ante, whether they vote or not.
    • If they do not vote, they automatically lose their ante.
    • No matter how much they bet, they can only get their wagers returned to them if the candidate they wagered on is both guilty AND successfully lynched that day.
    • Wagers placed on candidates that did not die or were not guilty will be lost.
    • Every round, a limit is imposed on all players for the maximum amount of credits they are allowed to wager every day.
    • This limit increases every round by a set number.
    • All players begin the game with 100 credits they can wager, and they are all given an income of 10 credits per night that they survive.
    • Unlike the previous game, if all your credits are lost, you survive, and you can earn more.
    • However, if the total number of credits held by the Chaotic team exceeds the total number of credits held by the remaining players, the Chaotic team wins automatically, because they have a controlling stake in the wagering process and have won by brute force.

    You may wager in the following format, which must be adhered to fairly strictly (though I will excuse typos).

    Bet: 10 credits on Sasaki Kojiro to place a wager on candidate "Sasaki Kojiro"
    Fold to remove your wager.
    Raise: 5 credits to add 5 additional credits to your existing wager on Sasaki.
    These must be bolded to count.

    You may not edit your posts to change your wager. That will get you thrown out of the game immediately. Any moderator can see what you've edited in your post, and if it was to alter the number of credits wagered, I'll be informed and you'll be excused from play. Editing posts to correct grammar, spelling, or to avoid double-posting is fine. Do not touch your wagers except in a new post.

    • You're allowed to abstain from wagering on any candidate, but 1 credit will still be deducted from your total automatically as if you had voted for the wrong candidate. You may do this if you do not want people to bandwagon onto your wager and aren't sure who to vote for.

    11. Day- Item Voting

    When people die, they will often leave behind items. These items can be claimed by the candidate with the highest number of item votes.

    Here is the proper format for item votes:

    Vote: Slice of Pizza to myself. to vote an item to yourself
    Unvote, vote: Slice of Pizza to Sasaki Kojiro to change your vote, and to vote an item to someone else.

    Item votes must be bolded and in BLUE to be counted. You also have to indicate which item, and to whom it should belong, or it does not count.

    12. Night- Actions

    Every player can perform either zero, one, or two actions every night, and no more than that. These actions are often less than 100% effective. Failed actions will usually not be reported in the public writeups.

    Players can choose one action apiece from a maximum of two of the following categories:

    1. Item-based actions. Example: "I use my gun to shoot Seamus Fermanagh"
    2. Money-based actions. Example: "I spend 50 credits to protect Seamus Fermanagh"
    3. Skill-based actions. Example: "I roleblock Seamus Fermanagh." (note, no items or money indicated here, so neither will be used in this action)

    • Skill-based actions are useful in determining if you have hidden, innate abilities to perform certain tasks. Every character in the game has one hidden talent, and some can be found via this method.
    • Some characters begin the game with an already learned ability that requires no items or credits to perform, and they will execute such actions with a great degree of skill. Other characters can learn such skills from repeated attempts at performing that task, especially if they are done successfully.
    • No matter what, only a maximum of two actions allowed per player per night phase.

    Example: "Tonight I protect Sasaki Kojiro with my magic shield. I also spend 25 credits scanning Seamus Fermanagh with a faction scan." (bolded parts are the key bits of information I need. You do not need to bold these. Send orders via private message only.)

    Here is a complete list of things you can attempt to do without spending credits or using items, for the purposes of trying to uncover your hidden talent with your second action slot.

    1. Investigate someone
    2. Roleblock someone
    3. Vig-kill someone
    4. Protect someone else
    5. Protect yourself
    6. Kill your attacker
    7. Resist Theft
    8. Resist Scan
    9. Resist Roleblock
    10. Revive player
    11. Bus driver
    (switch two players so the effects applied to each will apply to the other... useful as a defensive or offensive weapon)
    12. Steal item
    13. Steal credits Derp. Dunno what I was thinking. You always have to spend credits to steal credits.

    13. Rules for being dead

    Dead players are still allowed to participate in play, however, there are limitations.

    1. They cannot reveal any new information or confirm anyone else's information. This means, they cannot discuss things which have not been made public yet, and they cannot confirm that something someone else made public is true.

    2. They cannot continue to discuss anything privately (out of thread) with anyone, except when I, the game host, have given them explicit instructions that it is okay. The previous rule applies also to this rule: no new information even if I do allow private communications with the dead.

    3. They cannot vote on items, or wager any credits on anyone's guilt.

    Contact me if you're unsure on these points.

    14. These rules may be amended.

    I'm not perfect, and this is a complex, experimental game. If I need to impose a new rule, it will be very carefully considered and I promise it will be in the best interests of all players and it will also have been necessary. My goal is to not have to make amendments to these rules, but it happens.

    15. Be a good sport.

    This is a game which can involve lying, bluffing, and backstabbing, possibly. It's not personal, it's just business.
    That said, please follow the game rules, and follow the gameroom rules regarding player conduct, and obey all forum rules.
    Should something frustrating happen, please do not verbally attack a fellow player or the game host or anyone else. You are allowed to criticize ideas and suggestions, but do not call people dumb.

    Example: "I think that's a bad idea. We shouldn't do that at all. In fact, I think you suggested it because you're guilty"

    This is okay! Notice how we're saying the idea is bad, advising against it, and even suggesting the player could be trying to destroy our team. However, we are not attacking that player.

    Example: "What are you, stupid? Only someone stupid would say that!"

    This is not okay. This is attacking a player. It's a friendly game, don't do this.
    Last edited by Askthepizzaguy; 04-22-2011 at 05:10.

  2. #2
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Apr 2007

    Default Re: Askthepizzaguy Mafia II: The Revengening [Game Thread]

    Reserved for game host- How to Play/FAQ - under construction


    Question: What can I attempt to do without items or credits?

    Answer: Here is a complete list of things you can attempt to do without spending credits or using items, for the purposes of trying to uncover your hidden talent with your second action slot.

    1. Investigate someone
    2. Roleblock someone
    3. Vig-kill someone
    4. Protect someone else
    5. Protect yourself
    6. Kill your attacker
    7. Resist Theft
    8. Resist Scan
    9. Resist Roleblock
    10. Revive player
    11. Bus driver
    (switch two players so the effects applied to each will apply to the other... useful as a defensive or offensive weapon)
    12. Steal item
    13. Steal credits Derp. Dunno what I was thinking. You always have to spend credits to steal credits.


    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    This is to help you understand the options at your disposal and the expected basic strategies involved with the game.

    Because there are several new or seldom-used concepts in this game, everyone will be thrown into the mix with a lack of experience, even if they've played mafia before. Since you only get to play this game once, it's probably a good idea to know what you're doing before you get started. So, think of this as like an instruction manual.

    1. YOUR GOAL

    Score as many points as possible from the following categories. 4 points makes you a winner.

    • Team Victory/Faction Victory (5 points)
    • Faction Goal (3 points)
    • Personal Goal (1 point)
    • Survive (1 point)

    Primary Goals- how to win outright

    Seeing as Team/Faction Victory alone wins you the game outright with 5 points, it should be your primary objective. If you're on the Evil team, you want to annihilate the Chaotic team. Chaotic team wants to annihilate the Evil team. However, it's possible for Evil and Chaotic to win the game together provided they belong to the same Faction, and that Faction is the last one standing. That means Evil folks betraying Evil folks, and Chaotic folks betraying Chaotic folks, to work together. It is possible. That means, watch your back. You have allies, but you're all a bunch of untrustworthy goons who want to win by any means necessary.

    Secondary Goals- how to win when you're losing

    However, along the way you are likely to die, and you can't really count on your friends to win the game for you. Therefore, you'll want to rack up some points for yourself just in case. Accomplishing your personal goal is basically a requirement if you do not survive and your faction or team does not end up victorious. That mission might become your main objective if your faction seems like it's going down in flames. Your faction goal is always to outlast 2 rival factions. That means you need to keep yourself or one of your allies alive long enough to watch the last one of your rivals burn. That's 3 points. You survive or accomplish your personal goal, that makes 4, and victory for you.


    You face death at the hands of chaotic scumbags, or envious rival villains, or even your own teammates by sheer accident. There's also a lynch to worry about, and lots of other players who all consider you a possible threat and a better lynch target than themselves. That means very few people are going to be walking away from this one alive.

    In order to win, you'll want to take advantage of the tools at your disposal. Here they are:

    Gathering information about factions

    Every faction in the game begins with one player who has an item which can scan factions. That faction scanner player is on a mission to identify members of his own faction, so you can begin to work together to defeat your rivals. However, EVERYONE can purchase a faction scan for the low cost of 25 credits, so everyone can try to locate members of their own faction, albeit at a cost. When a faction scanner dies, his alignment and faction are both revealed. And, his faction scanning item is put up for a vote. If that was a member of your faction, you might want that scanning item so you can continue their work.

    Along the way, a faction scanner will identify members of rival factions, too. So, they might take note of who they have to kill in order to accomplish their factional goals. It could be a good idea to identify as many members of as many factions as possible. You are permitted to share the results of your faction scans privately. Because everyone can faction scan, technically, it doesn't reveal anything about your role. And you can lie and make up information.


    Everyone begins with at least one item, some people have several. Items either give passive benefits or can be used actively at night in a night action. Most items are permanent, a few are single-use.

    Items can be combined with other items that perform the exact same function. This happens anytime you're in possession of two of the same type of item, and you use them to perform an action, or they end up being used passively. They automatically combine; you can also send me an order to combine those two items even if you don't intend on using them. This does not take up any of your action slots, so it is either automatically performed or manually performed, but costs you nothing to do so.

    Combined items will be more powerful, and give you greater chances of success.

    Note that you can also purchase actions with your credits. While they are separate actions from your item actions, if it is the same type of action and it is used on the same target-

    (example: Vigilante kill Sasaki with my gun, and purchase a vigilante action on Sasaki with my credits)

    Then the chance of success for both attempts will be combined into one. Suppose your chance of success with your item is 20%, and your chance of success with your purchased action is 50%, now you have a 70% base chance of success. This does not take into account your opponent's defensive powers, but you get the idea.

    Purchased actions

    Spending credits to enhance the odds of success of your actions, or to perform a second action, is both risky and possibly rewarding.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Purchase abilities:

    Self-defense: (50% chance) 50 credits
    Defend other: (50% chance) 50 credits
    Faction scan: 25 credits
    Block an action: 60 credits
    Block all actions: 80 credits
    Vigilante attempt: (50% chance) 70 credits
    Detective scan: (Activity, role claim, faction) 80 credits
    Vigilante attempt: (80% chance) 150 credits
    Revive: (80% chance) 180 credits
    Steal credits: (50% chance) 1 credits for every 4 attempted to steal.
    Steal item: (50% chance) 70 credits
    Self-defense: (100% chance) 100 credits
    Defend other: (100% chance) 120 credits
    Scan items: (80% chance) 180 credits

    1 successful self-defense when attacked allows you to perform a self-defense action every night, with 25% effectiveness.
    2 successful self-defense actions allows you to perform a self-defense action every night, at 50% effectiveness.
    3 successful self-defense actions allows you to perform a self-defense action every night, at 75% effectiveness.
    2 successful defend other actions allows you to perform a defend other action every night at 60% effectiveness.
    3 successful faction scans allows you to perform a faction scan every night if you wish.
    2 successful roleblocks allows you to perform that action every night at 75% effectiveness.
    2 successful vigilante attempts allows you to perform that action every night at 50% effectiveness.
    3 successful vigilante attempts allows you to perform that action every night at 80% effectiveness.
    2 successful detective scans allows you to perform that action every night at 75% effectiveness.
    1 successful revive allows you to perform that action every night at 40% effectiveness.
    3 successful steal credits actions allows you to perform that action every night at 80% effectiveness.
    2 successful steal item actions allows you to perform that action every night at 75% effectiveness.

    Q- But Pizzaguy, what if I spend most of my credits on performing an action and it fails?
    A- Those are the breaks.

    Q- What if the dice hate me and I keep failing?
    A- There's something in the game design which prevents you from being unrealistically unlucky, and that's all I have to say about that.

    Because you begin with 100 credits, assuming you survive round 1, you can perform most of the actions available in the game right away on the first night. You also earn 10 credits per round, and can spend credits for the chance to steal credits from someone. Therefore, credits can be used to enhance you offensively or defensively, or they can be used to boost your available credits.

    Anything you use your credits for has a risk of failure, even if you are at or above 100% chance of success, because of the possibility of roleblocks, bus drivers, or override abilities. Override means a chance of attacking through protection.

    Learned abilities and additional abilities

    Some players begin the game with a cost-free learned ability they could use at night as their "skill-based" action. This learned ability is not only free but has a high chance of success. That makes them a powerful role, as most roles will not have any learned abilities to begin with.

    Some players will have additional abilities which are automatically active, such as immunities to certain types of actions. This makes them a a powerful role, as most roles will not have such powers.

    Spending credits to use an ability can lead to successfully learning that ability permanently, allowing EVERYONE in the game to transform themselves into a powerful role eventually, depending on luck and persistence.

    Hidden talent

    Everyone in the game has a hidden talent. You do not know what it is, until it becomes activated. This happens one of two ways:

    1. Someone else activates your ability. Suppose you are naturally resistant to death, and you don't know it. Well, someone attacks you and you happen to survive. Bam, now you're aware of that hidden talent.

    2. You activate your ability through trial and error. You spend credits or use items or try to perform an ability without either, and it happens to be in your area of expertise. You become aware of your hidden talent.

    Some hidden talents are more useful than others, but everyone has one.

    Here is a complete list of things you can attempt to do without spending credits or using items, for the purposes of trying to uncover your hidden talent with your second action slot.

    1. Investigate someone
    2. Roleblock someone
    3. Vig-kill someone
    4. Protect someone else
    5. Protect yourself
    6. Kill your attacker
    7. Resist Theft
    8. Resist Scan
    9. Resist Roleblock
    10. Revive player
    11. Bus driver
    (switch two players so the effects applied to each will apply to the other... useful as a defensive or offensive weapon)
    12. Steal item
    13. Steal credits

    Sorry I did not post this sooner. My mistake. Will add to opening posts.

    The lynch

    This is a complicated game, but it can be solved by simply lynching the appropriate parties. You could, in theory, safely ignore items and spending credits and pursuing side missions, and just focus on lynching the scumbags. You can win the game that way.

    Or, you can take a risk, take a chance, and take matters into your own hands at night.

    Therefore, you'd want to save your credits and focus on lynching. Since it costs you credits to wager on someone, and highest total wager on a suspect gets them lynched, you need lots of credits to have control of the wager during any given round. And if you guess wrong, you'll have fewer credits to wager on your next suspect.


    It costs you nothing to vote an item to yourself. Everyone's vote counts as 1 vote in this case.

    Vote: Item to myself

    Unvote, vote: Item to Sasaki

    This is the proper format for item votes.

    Bet: 10 credits on Sasaki Kojiro to place a wager on candidate "Sasaki Kojiro"

    Fold to remove your wager.

    Raise: 5 credits to add 5 additional credits to your existing wager on Sasaki.

    These must be in bold or they do not count, NO EXCEPTIONS. That includes formatting errors where you're missing a part of the bold tag, and you end up "b]unvoting" someone by mistake.

    You may place unrealistic wagers, up to and including the maximum allowable wager for that day, whether you have the available credits or not.

    If you don't have enough credits to match your wager, I'll put your remaining credits on your bid and the final tally for that day will reflect your actual amount wagered, you sneaky sneak. Then everyone will know you're out of credits.

    If you place a wager for more credits than the maximum allowed wager for that day, it will not count as a real or fake wager at all, and I will ignore it outright, and everyone should, because by rule, it cannot be a real wager ever. Let's not do that, it's spammy and serves no purpose.


    Anyone who shares your alignment [evil, chaotic, neutral, etc] will be on your team. For the purposes of a team victory, neutral is considered part of your team, regardless of your team. So they can go both ways. Shifty buggers.

    Anyone who shares your faction [not-real example: "Pizza" Mafia] will be on your faction. For the purposes of a faction victory, or a faction goal, they share all your goals in that regard, and can share victory with you and help you achieve it, assuming it is a faction victory you're going for.

    You can claim publicly who you are. This is very dangerous and you're likely to end up dead, because certain folks are hunting for certain folks, and defenses are not usually 100% effective, killing through protection is possible. You are also not allowed to post your ROLE PM or quote from it.

    You cannot claim privately who you are, until you've made that same claim publicly
    , and in a new post. No editing in your claim into a previous post. In fact, don't edit posts from previous RL days.

    Please refer to the official rules in the first post regarding what you can and cannot claim publicly and privately.

    You can find members of your own faction by claiming publicly, or to put it more precisely, they can find you that way. However, they cannot contact you privately and suggest that they're on your team. So they would have to also claim publicly in order for you to know who they are.

    You can find members of factions by faction scanning, either with a faction scanner item, or by purchasing a faction scan for 25 credits.

    You can contact someone and claim that you have scanned them as a member of a certain faction. They cannot confirm that you are correct or incorrect. But if you are correct, they will likely want to work with you, won't they?

    You can suggest actions for each other and discuss suspects. You cannot claim to have certain items or learned abilities unless you've made that public.
    Last edited by Askthepizzaguy; 04-22-2011 at 05:10.

  3. #3
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Apr 2007

    Default Re: Askthepizzaguy Mafia II: The Revengening [Game Thread]


    Arrived in The Purgatory (Prologue)
    Jeremy Bentham of the NPC Mafia was slain (Night Zero)
    Niccolo Machiavelli of the NPC Mafia was slain (Night Zero)
    Captain Blackadder AKA Jerry Seinfeld was lynched. (Day One)
    TheFlax AKA Blitzen was murdered. (Night One)
    classical_hero AKA the Black Beast of Aaaarggghhh was murdered.
    (Night One)
    Kagemusha AKA Itchy and Scratchy was murdered. (Night One)
    ByzantineKnight AKA El Gigante was murdered. (Night One)
    Seon AKA Alfred Branagh AKA SCREWTAPE was killed in retaliation. (Night One)
    B_Ray AKA The Killer Rabbit was murdered. (Night One)
    YLC AKA Hammer Brother was lynched. (Day Two)
    Diana Abnoba AKA Andross Oikonny was murdered (Night Two)
    Csargo AKA Porcupiney the Porcupine was murdered (Night Two)
    Backwards Logic AKA Fire Brother was murdered (Night Two)
    ArpeggiateTHIS AKA Sideshow Bob AKA GANONDORF was killed in retaliation (Night Two)
    civplayah AKA Professor Farnsworth was lynched (Day Three)
    choxorn AKA
    Choir Director James Marshall was murdered (Night Three)
    Zack AKA Klingon Assassin was murdered (Night Three)
    Major Robert Dump AKA Rudolph was lynched (Day Four)
    Backwards Logic AKA Fire Brother was Revived! (Night Four)
    Beskar AKA Psycho Andy was murdered (Night Four)
    Jolt AKA Supreme Grandmaster Bane Anded was murdered (Night Four)
    Captain Blackadder2 AKA Claire Raval was murdered (Night Four)
    Earthling AKA The Black Knight Who Always Triumphs was lynched, but survived! (Day Five)
    B_Ray2 AKA Squirrely the Squirrel was murdered (Night Five)
    Autolycus AKA Android Lore was murdered (Night Five)
    Ironside AKA Kansas C. Smith was murdered (Night Five)
    Diamondeye AKA White_Eyes:D AKA CRAZED RABBIT was lynched. (Day Six)
    Robbiecon AKA Askthepizzaguy as Agent 824 was murdered (Night Six)
    Death is yonder AKA Darth Kojiro, Dark Lord of the Sith was murdered (Night Six)
    Diamondeye AKA CRAZED RABBIT was revived! (Night Six)
    Renata AKA Mace Windu ESCAPED, VICTORIOUS!!! (Night Six)
    Diamondeye AKA White_Eyes:D AKA CRAZED RABBIT was lynched. (Day Seven)
    Believer AKA Waylon Smithers was murdered (Night Seven)
    landlubber AKA Salvatore Valerio was murdered (Night Seven)
    Bow-wow-wow AKA Beary the Bear was murdered (Night Seven)
    Kagemusha AKA Itchy and Scratchy was revived! (Night Seven)
    Chaotix AKA Satan AKA KING DODONGO AKA KAFEI was lynched (Day Eight)
    Warman AKA Zapp Brannigan was murdered (Night Eight)
    Crazed Rabbit AKA Vincenzo Valerio was murdered (Night Eight)
    dcmort93 AKA Arnold "Colmillo" Grande was murdered (Night Eight)
    Red_Spy AKA Alyssa Martin AKA Anju was murdered (Night Eight)
    God Emperor AKA Yeqon Lucifuge Caacrinolaas AKA REENKIS ROINKIS was lynched (Day Nine)

    Useful Links

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Mini Simpsons Mafia

    (Monty Burns and Waylon Smithers)
    Futurama Drama Mafiama
    (Professor Farnsworth and Zapp Brannigan)
    The Full Monty
    (Sideshow Bob, Burns, Apu, Krusty, Moe, Smithers, Itchy and Scratchy, Snake, Mayor Quimby, Barney Gumble, Cat Lady, Kang and Kodos)
    The Golden Rule
    (Askthepizzaguy as FBI Agent 824)
    Murder Manor I
    Murder Manor II
    (Captain Blackadder/Assassin and Yoyoma1910/Lord of Annihilation)
    Psycho Mafia
    (Detective Andy/Psycho Andy, and the Serial Killer)
    Treehouse of Horror
    (Sideshow Bob, Don Vittorio, Abe Simpson/Black Hand, MANY others)
    Mini Mafia IV
    (Obi-Wan Kenobi and Mace Windu)
    Mini Mafia V
    (Klingon Assassin, Redjac the possessor, Mirror Universe Kirk, The M-113 Creature, Mirror Universe Spock)
    Resident Evil Omega
    (Kansas C. Smith, Cleveland King/Tyrant)
    Speed Mafia
    (Advice Dog, Tacgnol)
    The Snatcher
    (The Snatcher)
    Mini Mafia VII
    (Romulan Agent/Geordi, Data/Lore)
    Speed Mafia II
    (Fluffy Bunny, Insane Dog)
    Psycho Mafia II
    (The Psycho/God of Destruction, First Disciple, Second Disciple/God of Consumption)
    The Night Santa Went Crazy
    (Rudolph, Blitzen)
    Murder Manor III
    (Yeqon Lucifuge Caacrinolaas)
    Resident Evil: Dark Falls
    (Alfred Branagh, Claire Raval, Chris Goldman, Luis Morales, El Gigante, Arnold "Colmillo" Grande, Sam Hunnigan, Charles Holland, Pain Demon, Panic Demon, Fear Demon, Alyssa Martin/Novia Mortal, Michael Otto, others)
    Star Fox: Lylat Wars
    (Andross Oikonny, Wolf O'Donnell, Leon Powalski, Panther Caroso, Pigma Dengar, Attack Carrier, Rock Crusher, Vulcain, Shogun Droid, Gorgon, Granga)
    Askthepizzaguy Mafia I
    (Anthony Valerio, Vincenzo Valerio, Salvatore Valerio)
    Star Wars: Fall of the Order
    (Darth Kojiro, Darth Sigurd, Darth Fermanagh, Darth Aggony, Darth Khaan, Darth Abnoba, Supreme Grandmaster Bane Anded)
    South Park Mafia: Imaginationland
    (Manbearpig, Squirrely the Squirrel, Porcupiney the Porcupine, Beary the Bear)
    South Park Mafia [@TWC]
    (Stan/Satan and Kyle/Saddam)
    Vexing Mafia [@TWC]
    (Clippy the Microsoft Office Assistant and Jerry Seinfeld the unfunny comedian)
    Silent Hill Mafia [@TWC]
    (Dark Alessa, Alessa's Mother, Alessa's Wrath)
    MarioKart Madness [@TWC]
    (Hammer Bros, Fire Bros, Boomerang Bros)
    The Chainsaw Gang [@CFC]
    (Satanic Pastor Richard Bird, Satanic Teacher Josh Timman, Satanic Choir Director James Marshall)
    Monty Python and the Holy Grail [@CFC]
    (The Knights who say Ni, The Black Beast of Arrrggghhh, The Killer Rabbit, The Black Knight who Always Triumphs)
    Last edited by Askthepizzaguy; 05-29-2011 at 11:48.

  4. #4
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Askthepizzaguy Mafia II: The Revengening [Game Thread]


    A relatively long time ago, in a gameroom not that far away....

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Shinseikhaan idled away as the people of Fatlington discussed with vigor down to the very end. He seemed entirely fascinated with his ability to cast a shadow of what appeared to be a dog with his hands, as though it were some kind of phantom upon the ground. He was snapped somewhat out of his mindless absence when one of his guards pounded a gavel upon a desk, indicating that time had lapsed. Finally turning to the conversation at hand, 'khaan found that there was a tie, between Crazed Rabbit and Sasaki Kojiro.

    'Khaan frowned slightly, then tilted his head. Something wasn't quite right. Oh, yes. That was it.
    As he peered around the crowd, he could not find Crazed Rabbit anywhere in sight. As the guards rounded up Sasaki, 'Khaan turned to Commissioner Fermanagh and whispered in his ear, querying as to where the Crazed one would likely be. Fermanagh paused a second, then his eyes lit up. He whispered back into the ear of 'Khaan, who nodded. 'Khaan jumped up from his post, and proclaimed to all of Fatlington to follow him.

    With 'Khaan and Commissioner Fermanagh took the lead, followed by the guards who were detaining Sasaki, with the rest of Fatlington following behind. The group took the path leading to the Angler's Dangle. Sure enough, as they arrived, eyes squinting to use the last fading rays of the sunset, Crazed Rabbit lay sitting on the edge of the dock. He had a brush in hand, and was staring intently at a nearly completed mural on the side of the dock. The artwork, even in the dim lights coming down from the pier onto the long canvas, was quite beautiful. The group closed in behind, and despite the accusations brought upon him, all had to admit that they were envious of the man's artistic ability. The colors were sharp, clear, and bold. CR had heard the people behind him, but ignored them for the time being, as he contemplated his last few brush strokes. The group, wishing to see the final product, silently agreed to give him his chance to complete the mural. Finally, after several minutes, CR put the final details into place, the luscious red lips on a portrait of the new starlet, Marilyn Monroe. The group gave a muted round of applause. CR finally turned, a sobered look on his face, and two of 'khaan's guards apprehended him without struggle.

    “Sasaki Kojiro, Crazed Rabbit. The two of you have been deemed by the people of Fatlington to be dangerous threats!” Khaan declared. “However, as they could not agree upon which of you was the greater threat, it has been left to me to decide your fates. I have made my decision, though I did not like it."

    'Khaan paused for a moment, then finally shook his head.

    “The two of you will be sentenced to death,” 'Khaan proclaimed in a somewhat distasteful voice. “I feel it is my duty to uphold the will of Fatlington, and it was made abundantly clear that they fear you both as murderers. However... I still rather like the both of you. And so, I have decided to make your deaths as pleasant as possible. Indeed, I have even gone into my own expense book for the both of you.”

    Sasaki and Crazed Rabbit both raised an eyebrow at the director. What sort of execution required the director to spend much of their own money?

    'Khaan whispered to one of his guards, then motioned for the rest to get going. The guards brought a large table and two chairs out to the pier, while 'Khaan quickly jaunted to his house before returning with a large sack. Sasaki and CR were both strapped into the chairs by their wastes, leaving their hands free. 'Khaan stepped before the two, with his paper bag and the entire town watching. He set the bag down, then revealed its contents. Six, 25. 4 ounce bottles of Kentucky Spirit, one hundred and one proof bourbon.

    “I hope the two of you appreciate this, it really is my favorite brand of liquor,” Khaan explained. “The two of you are to each drink three entire bottles of Kentucky Spirit, until you are deceased by alcohol poisoning.” 'Khaan nodded to one of his guards, who smashed a gavel against the wooden pier. “And with that, GO!”

    The two condemned men began drinking at an astonishing pace. The severity of the liquor barely seemed to faze either one. Astonishingly, after ten minutes, Sasaki had polished off his first bottle, with CR just behind. However, upon reaching the second bottle, the effects of the bourbon were visibly taking their toll. Both men were quite chatty for having been just condemned to death, and were swaying in their seats despite the restraints. The second bottle was taking the two longer. However, in a display of pure internal fortitude, both men finished their bottles at nearly the same time, after twenty minutes. The third bottle for each seemed to be the finishing point, however. The two were practically panting with the effort required to focus upon drinking more. CR's left hand was twitching uncontrollably for some reason, and Sasaki was beginning to convulse in his chair. However, with guns aimed at them, the two continued their brave attempts at downing the final bottles of bourbon. The third bottle was taking even longer than the previous two combined, and night had well fallen. The people of Fatlington had stayed, however, for the sight. Despite their previous death sentence just an hour ago, with the two condemned man in an insane drinking race, the townspeople began chanting and cheering “Go, Go, Go!” to their favored competitor. And so it was that the two men, both ready to fall out of their chairs if they had not been restrained, downed the last of their respective bottles.

    'Khaan and Commissioner Fermanagh were both stunned. Neither had seen such displays of manhood and fortitude. Neither were remotely surprised, then, that not fifteen seconds after polishing off the last of the bourbon, both of the condemned men face planted into the table before them, tumbling down and bringing their chairs with them in two separate heaps of drunken mess. 'Khaan sent one of the guards to check the pulse of the men. The man stood back up after getting nauseatingly close to the smell of pure liquor, and informed them that both men were, in fact, snoozing on the ground.

    “What?!” 'Khaan yelped. “What a waste of good liquor.”

    'Khaan quickly grabbed a pistol from the guard, then walked up to the collapsed men. 'Khaan turned the pistol on Sasaki, and blew three shots into the man's skull. He then turned to CR, repeating the process.

    Nearly Two Years Later......

    No stop signs
    Speed limit
    Nobody's gonna slow me down
    Like a wheel
    Gonna spin it
    Nobody's gonna mess me around
    Hey Satan
    Payin' my dues
    Playin' in a rockin' band
    Hey momma
    Look at me
    I'm on the way to the promised land
    I'm on the highway to hell
    Highway to hell
    I'm on the highway to hell
    Highway to hell
    Don't stop me

    I'm on the highway to hell
    On the highway to hell
    Highway to hell
    I'm on the highway to hell
    (highway to hell) I'm on the highway to hell
    (highway to hell) highway to hell
    (highway to hell) highway to hell
    (highway to hell)
    And I'm goin' down
    All the way
    I'm on the highway to hell

    -- AC/DC

    Beyond the edges of the known universe

    Pain. Maddening pain. It never stopped, never let up for even a single moment. The figures stood in the burning valley, trying in vain to end each others' suffering. They used whatever weapons they could find, but it was of no use. They were little more than mindless animals, and had been that way for as long as any of them could remember. Any thoughts they once had were long forgotten, and memories of their former selves dimmed by the day. All they felt was pain and agony, and wanted desperately for it to stop.

    Without warning, there was a disturbance in the... sky, for lack of a better term. An expanding bubble of brilliant energy appeared out of nowhere, and in its wake was a calm, pure... nothingness. The beings which had been engaged in fruitless violence against one another were swiftly engulfed by the calm. In an instant, their pain disappeared. They were disoriented, shocked by this. All they could do was gaze in wonder up at the glowing halo of energy, which had brought relief to their suffering.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    The fighting stopped, and they wandered toward the light. Whatever it was, it couldn't be worse than maddening, everlasting pain. From within the heavenly light came a familiar, angelic voice.

    "Greetings. I have come to save you from this eternity of torment, and bring you out of this existence. You must first prove your worthiness for a second chance at life, through a test of your skills and strength. If you succeed, you will return to your former lives. If you fail- you will return here, and will not be granted a third chance."

    The tormented beings readily agreed, and headed towards the light, closer, and closer......

    The beings were bathed in light, and felt their surroundings changing as if by magic.

    They felt disoriented, and couldn't see through the brightness.

    "What.... is this place?" you find yourself thinking.

    "This is an echo of your past lives. What you're seeing is a place created by your long forgotten memories, a reflection of who you used to be."

    This doesn't seem like a place I've ever been before.....

    "There are several dozen of you here. You have many unique and diverse experiences, but this reality is an approximation of something most of you should find familiar. There will be things here which you personally recognize, and things that you do not, but others will. The purpose of this place is to give you all a chance to prove yourselves worthy of a second life."

    What must I do? I would do anything. ANYTHING....

    "Answers will come. You must be patient. You may have trouble remembering yourselves, and you may not recognize everyone among you. But you all have something in common."

    I have no idea who these people are. What could they possibly have in common with me?

    "You have all struggled against a common enemy. An enemy that has, in fact, defeated many of you. Some of you were victorious, but were later captured, or killed. In any case, you all have committed acts that are considered evil. You've murdered, you've stolen, and you've conspired to destroy and become powerful. You've all tried to defeat this enemy. Do you remember?"

    Some of this does sound familiar. I know that before I died, I struggled against.... someone. A whole group of them. There were so many of them.... why can't I remember who they are?

    "This enemy takes many forms, and you've encountered them in many places, many dimensions. They were likely the ones that destroyed you, or you just barely managed to escape their wrath. Try to remember."

    I do... I remember feeling angry at them. I felt hate. I would have destroyed them all, given the chance. I would kill them all without a second's thought. They are probably the reason I was suffering for so long....

    "They were considered to be "good". You were considered the villain. You were the outcasts, shunned, hounded, and persecuted. But you did commit acts of great evil. You were sent to burn as punishment for those sins."

    Yes, they tried to kill me! They attacked me.... I don't remember how many of them I killed... but it was necessary.

    "It needed to be done."

    It needed to be done.

    "You want to face them again. But before you lies a challenge, and you must face that challenge. We will speak again in the morning."

    The morning? What was..... it had been so long, you had forgotten what morning was. You remember you dreaded the morning. They would always come out during the day, to try to destroy you. But you haven't seen a morning since before you died. Now, the morning seemed like a savior, come to rescue you from the darkness and the pain. You felt weak, finally able to relax. Sleep came quickly.

    Last edited by Askthepizzaguy; 04-16-2011 at 10:30.

  5. #5
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Askthepizzaguy Mafia II: The Revengening [Game Thread]

    Night Zero

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    The Purgatory

    When they woke in the morning, they were summoned to the center of town by the angelic voice. The Angel appeared before them, and they listened intently.

    "Before we begin, some of the more observant among you will note that not everyone arrived at this meeting. There are two of you missing."

    This was all too familiar. The gathering, being informed of who didn't make it. Everyone immediately knew what was going on.

    "As you have already probably guessed, they were murdered. In this plane of existence, you were all given mortal bodies, to ease your transition back to the world of the living. And, as you've already concluded, there are some among you who wish for your destruction."

    This couldn't be happening. You were so close to escaping from death and agony...

    "You cannot allow these traitors within your midst to escape back into the world of the living. They must be stopped here and now, or they will pose a threat to you in your next life. Bring them before me, and I will deal with them appropriately. You can also take matters into your own hands and try to destroy them yourselves. Do you understand?"

    Yes, of course.

    "Please note, you are still adjusting to your mortal bodies. Every day you survive, you will strengthen by a little bit. If you expend too much energy performing certain actions, or fighting amongst yourselves, you will become weak. If you are too weak to apprehend those among you who were responsible for this, they will continue to murder you unchecked and you will all be sent back from whence you came, in defeat."

    Strength? I see... when you try to apprehend a suspect, you will expend "credits" of energy trying to bring them down. If you exhaust yourself bringing down the wrong suspects, you'll be a sitting duck.


    "Please begin to discuss who could have done this. I have every confidence that you can win this contest of skill and strength, but remember the stakes. Should you lose this most dangerous game, you'll be doomed forever. Should you succeed, you will return to your former lives... and you'll be able to exact revenge on those who sent you to your deaths."


    Summary of events:

    Jeremy Bentham has been slain!

    Niccolo Machiavelli has been slain!

    The Non Player Character Mafia has been eliminated!

    Alive Players- (50/50)

    A completely inoffensive name
    Backwards Logic
    Captain Blackadder
    Crazed Rabbit
    Death is Yonder
    Diana Abnoba
    Double A
    El Barto
    God Emperor
    Major Robert Dump
    Skooma Addict

    Reserve Players-

    Winston Hughes
    Cecil XIX
    Tiberius of the Drake
    Sasaki Kojiro


    Jeremy Bentham- [Evil] NPC Mafia (Mini Mafia III- Philosopher's Mafia) Red Joker
    Niccolo Machiavelli- [Evil] NPC Mafia (Mini Mafia III- Philosopher's Mafia) Black Joker
    Last edited by Askthepizzaguy; 04-17-2011 at 09:12.

  6. #6
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Askthepizzaguy Mafia II: The Revengening [Game Thread]

    Game is ready for play. Everyone has their role PMs, the rules are posted, and I am just about ready to begin hosting this thing.

    However, we have a number of people who will be inactive for the first phase because of RL concerns, and I need a break from the Role Pm sending, etc. Look at your role Pm, and now picture that 49 more times, plus extra roles for the mafia. That's why I need a breather.

    DAY ONE WILL BEGIN MONDAY, APRIL 18th, 2011, at 0100 hours. (01:00 AM) and will continue until April 20th, 2011, at 0100 hours (01:00 AM)

    Because Day One has not begun yet, wagers will not be accepted, and I'd encourage folks not to reveal their roles. Please take a breather and read the game rules and the How To Play section before posting. There is no rush. Know the power of the dark side, I mean, instruction manual.... the power to play legally and competently. Also ask me questions privately if you'd like, I will begin a Frequently Asked Questions section.

    Still remaining for me to do is post links to every game I've hosted that features characters involved in this game. It won't take me but 30 minutes to do it, but I'm not doing it right now. Should be done before Day One Begins.

    And here.... we..... go. You may now post.

  7. #7
    The Pony Whisperer Member Believer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Askthepizzaguy Mafia II: The Revengening [Game Thread]

    This looks so awesome.

    Good luck and have fun all. :')
    Believer says (11:06):
    Can I have the 3 last replies as a signature?
    ATPG says (11:06):
    Believer says (11:06):
    ATPG says (11:06):
    not org-appropriate
    Believer says (11:07):
    Nothing we say is org-appropriate

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Askthepizzaguy Mafia II: The Revengening [Game Thread]

    This is going to be FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. #9
    Bastion of Sanity Member Captain Blackadder's Avatar
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    Default Re: Askthepizzaguy Mafia II: The Revengening [Game Thread]

    It is going to be made of win.

    Coming Soon to a Gameroom Near You

  10. #10
    Tuba Son Member Subotan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Askthepizzaguy Mafia II: The Revengening [Game Thread]

    1AM EST?

  11. #11
    Never played Total War. Member mythmonster2's Avatar
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    Default Re: Askthepizzaguy Mafia II: The Revengening [Game Thread]

    All right, let's DO THIS!

  12. #12
    Member Member classical_hero's Avatar
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    Default Re: Askthepizzaguy Mafia II: The Revengening [Game Thread]

    This will be niarly fun.

  13. #13
    POOTIS Member thefluffyone93's Avatar
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    Default Re: Askthepizzaguy Mafia II: The Revengening [Game Thread]

    "They're just overloaded from the spamgasm."-Askthepizzaguy
    "... Either your as destructive as the most depraved 4 channer or so devious that you can cause the most trouble while acting utterly oblivious as to make us think your too dumb to be doing this intentionally... and the scary thing is I cant help but think the latter."-Greyblades
    "Thefluffyone is the greatest thing to happen to the .org since Beefy187."-Askthepizzaguy
    "TheFluffyOne makes me feel moist."-Askthepizzaguy

  14. #14
    <Insert Joke Here> Member Choxorn's Avatar
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    Default Re: Askthepizzaguy Mafia II: The Revengening [Game Thread]

    We have come to kick butt and chew bubble gum. I'm not out of bubble gum yet, but when I am...

  15. #15

    Default Re: Askthepizzaguy Mafia II: The Revengening [Game Thread]

    This will be great!
    There was a big high wall there that tried to stop me
    Sign was painted, it said private property
    But on the back side it didn't say nothing
    This land was made for you and me

  16. #16
    Peerless Senior Member johnhughthom's Avatar
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    Default Re: Askthepizzaguy Mafia II: The Revengening [Game Thread]

    Quote Originally Posted by Earthling View Post
    This will be great!
    Yes, yes it will.

  17. #17
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Askthepizzaguy Mafia II: The Revengening [Game Thread]

    Quote Originally Posted by Subotan View Post
    1AM EST?
    Yes. I usually work late and get home at midnight or later. 1AM will be a good time for me. It gets me several hours to process orders and post writeups before I pass out. That's Eastern time, USA/Florida, I believe it's GMT -5, if I remember correctly.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Askthepizzaguy Mafia II: The Revengening [Game Thread]

    I am ready for this.

  19. #19
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Askthepizzaguy Mafia II: The Revengening [Game Thread]

    Please note, some of the links in your role PMs may not link to the correct games or youtube(s).

    If you spot something that doesn't seem to add up, contact me and I'll correct the error. Sometimes my mouse button doesn't want to copy and then paste, it just pastes, and I don't notice the difference because the text still reads correctly, but the link does not.

  20. #20
    smell the glove Senior Member Major Robert Dump's Avatar
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    Default Re: Askthepizzaguy Mafia II: The Revengening [Game Thread]

    Gambling is a sin, and it is a shame that we will be forced to gamble on Passover.

    Also, I did not see mention in the rules (like mentioned in sign up) what will happen in the event of ties. If duels are in effect, this game gonna get ugly
    Baby Quit Your Cryin' Put Your Clown Britches On!!!

  21. #21
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Askthepizzaguy Mafia II: The Revengening [Game Thread]

    Ah yes, there will be duels in the event of exactly tied wagers.

    Given the negative consequences of betting on a candidate that is not lynched, I would advise against allowing the candidates to be tied. It's basically a 50/50 shot you lose your money, even if somehow both candidates were guilty.

    There's very little tactical benefit from allowing a tied tally in this game, in particular.

  22. #22
    still making Bowser jokes Member Roach Kill Champion, Donkey Rocket Champion Double A's Avatar
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    Default Re: Askthepizzaguy Mafia II: The Revengening [Game Thread]

    I'm not sure I'm going to have time for this game.

  23. #23
    syö minun šortsini Member Space Invaders Champion, Metal Slug Champion, Bubble Trouble Champion, Curveball Champion, Moon Patrol Champion, Zelda Champion, Minigolf Champion El Barto's Avatar
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    Default Re: Askthepizzaguy Mafia II: The Revengening [Game Thread]

    Hello, everyone, scummers!

    vote:Earthling; ponys are horrible.

    EDIT: Avatars here suck.
    Last edited by El Barto; 04-17-2011 at 06:33.
    good lord| if you're telling the truth you're setting new records for scumminess as a townie -Renata on IM, 16/09/2011
    Feles deliberatissimae subiugare humanitiati sunt, et res solae quae eas desinunt canes sunt.
    I see I've been sigged yet again -Askthepizzaguy, 02/08/2012
    Hindsight is 20/20 Askthepizzaguy, 10/07/2013

  24. #24
    Mayor Member Seon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Askthepizzaguy Mafia II: The Revengening [Game Thread]

    You don't vote use credits...and you must bold your votes.

    Bet: 5 credits on El Barto

    See, like this.

    Edit: Actually, you are not even in this game
    Last edited by Seon; 04-17-2011 at 06:53.

  25. #25
    <Insert Joke Here> Member Choxorn's Avatar
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    Default Re: Askthepizzaguy Mafia II: The Revengening [Game Thread]

    And the game doesn't begin for another day anyway.

  26. #26
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Askthepizzaguy Mafia II: The Revengening [Game Thread]

    Quote Originally Posted by Seon View Post
    Edit: Actually, you are not even in this game
    Yes he is...

  27. #27
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Askthepizzaguy Mafia II: The Revengening [Game Thread]

    I've already got a flurry of questions sent to me privately, and I thank you all very much for asking!

    First and foremost, I'd say just about all of those questions can be answered by the rules post and the how to play post, located post number one and number two of the thread. It's a lot to read, and that's why I'm sure there was some skimming or folks scrolled right past it without clicking on the spoilers. Hey, it happens. You're definitely going to want to read those posts though, to get your bearings.

    Secondly, as expected, a lot of people here were surprised to find out they were mafia, and had no idea who their teammates were or if they could even kill.

    Yes, a concept which isn't all that confusing but runs contrary to the usual games is that the "townies" or protagonists in this game are all dead/former members of mafia families or serial killers, etc, from previous games, in other words, the antagonists of previous games. And the "mafia" or antagonists in this game are.... well, you'll find out, but they are called the anti-mafia and are of chaotic alignment. The "townies" in this game are called mafia and have evil alignment.

    Thirdly, many of you have personal goals and side missions which seem impossible to achieve with your starting skill set and item alone.

    This is intentional. As the game progresses, you can get more items, more credits, and more skills, and you'll have fewer folks to choose from if your mission involves other people. Therefore, your missions can become easier and more likely to succeed in time, and with effort.

    I try not to make missions where all you do is guess correctly on N1 and you win. There is usually some skill and luck and effort involved.

    So far everything has already been covered, besides that, so no need to make a FAQ just yet. But keep the questions coming, please!

  28. #28
    The .org's resident pirate Member landlubber's Avatar
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    Default Re: Askthepizzaguy Mafia II: The Revengening [Game Thread]

    I'm ready... let's go!

  29. #29
    This Space For Rent Member Renata's Avatar
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    Default Re: Askthepizzaguy Mafia II: The Revengening [Game Thread]

    Please take a breather and read the game rules ...

  30. #30
    The great Shai-Hulud Member God Emperor's Avatar
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    Default Re: Askthepizzaguy Mafia II: The Revengening [Game Thread]

    Quote Originally Posted by Renata View Post
    haha :D
    In the game of chess you can never let your adversary see your pieces.

    I have got a plan so cunning you could put a tail on it and call it a weasel


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