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Thread: Sacred Band Infantry reskinned

  1. #1
    Member Member Paltmull's Avatar
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    Dec 2008

    Default Sacred Band Infantry reskinned

    One of the many things that I love about EB is the beautiful units. But there's one unit that I've never really liked; the Sacred Band Infantry. So I've attempted to make some changes to the Sacred Band's textures. Here's the result:



    I've used the amazing work of Gustave, shown in the EB II preview, as inspiration - for the shield design in particular.

    The tunic has been taken from the elite Liby-Phoenican infantry and edited quite a lot.

    I'm very much a beginner when it comes to this, so any constructive criticism is welcome.

    How to use the new textures:

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    Extract the files to your Rome - Total War\EB\Data directory. Nothing will be overwritten.

    Find the descr_model_battle.txt file in your Data folder, and make a backup of it.

    Open descr_model_battle.txt and find the following section:

    ; Carthaginian infantry - Sacred Band Phalanx
    type			carthaginian_infantry_sacredbandphalanx
    skeleton		fs_spearman, fs_swordsman
    indiv_range		40
    texture			egypt, eb/data/models_unit/textures/carthage/ebcarthage_infantry_sacredband_phalanx_prom_egypt.tga
    texture			slave, eb/data/models_unit/textures/carthage/ebcarthage_infantry_sacredband_phalanx_prom_egypt.tga
    Put a semicolon before the line marked in green above, and add a new line below it:
    texture			egypt,eb/data/models_unit/textures/carthage/ebcarthage_infantry_sacredband_phalanx_prom_egypt_Paltmull.tga
    It should now look like this:
    ; Carthaginian infantry - Sacred Band Phalanx
    type			carthaginian_infantry_sacredbandphalanx
    skeleton		fs_spearman, fs_swordsman
    indiv_range		40
    ;texture			egypt, eb/data/models_unit/textures/carthage/ebcarthage_infantry_sacredband_phalanx_prom_egypt.tga
    texture			egypt,eb/data/models_unit/textures/carthage/ebcarthage_infantry_sacredband_phalanx_prom_egypt_Paltmull.tga
    texture			slave, eb/data/models_unit/textures/carthage/ebcarthage_infantry_sacredband_phalanx_prom_egypt.tga

    Download link:
    Last edited by Paltmull; 04-18-2011 at 21:51.

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  2. #2

    Default Re: Sacred Band Infantry reskinned

    WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is one of my verrrrrry few issues with the game and you just fixed it, wow!!!!!!!!!!!!
    they look amazing.

    the all silver is good in concept, but the execution made it seem very dull when i imagine due to their state provided wealth it would be so bright as to be blinding. the bullshead to represent baal seems a bit low res though

    i do have a request... and was actually about to make a thread on the very subject... but if you had time could you perhaps reskin the pendatapoi phalangites of the eastern Hellenes? Notice how Pontus, Ptolemy, Seleukid and Baktrian phalangites are very indentical and very boring to look at. In fact i think the only difference between the 3 is that Machimoi are dark skinned and Baktrian have a blank shield. The Hayasdan have the same color scheme but they have a dark padded cuirass.

    However, the Sabean and Pahlavan pendapoi phalangites have unique skins and different armor. they are pleasing to look at on the battlefield and make your army seem distinct from the many while still reflecting that these are relatively poor levies.
    Last edited by fomalhaut; 04-17-2011 at 23:21.

  3. #3
    Member Member Paltmull's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sacred Band Infantry reskinned

    Quote Originally Posted by fomalhaut View Post
    WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is one of my verrrrrry few issues with the game and you just fixed it, wow!!!!!!!!!!!!
    they look amazing.

    the all silver is good in concept, but the execution made it seem very dull when i imagine due to their state provided wealth it would be so bright as to be blinding. the bullshead to represent baal seems a bit low res though

    i do have a request... and was actually about to make a thread on the very subject... but if you had time could you perhaps reskin the pendatapoi phalangites of the eastern Hellenes? Notice how Pontus, Ptolemy, Seleukid and Baktrian phalangites are very indentical and very boring to look at. In fact i think the only difference between the 3 is that Machimoi are dark skinned and Baktrian have a blank shield. The Hayasdan have the same color scheme but they have a dark padded cuirass.

    However, the Sabean and Pahlavan pendapoi phalangites have unique skins and different armor. they are pleasing to look at on the battlefield and make your army seem distinct from the many while still reflecting that these are relatively poor levies.
    Thanks! I'm glad you like them!

    About the levies: I could take a look at them some time. But as you said, they are levies, and therefore difficult to edit without making them look too fancy.
    Last edited by Paltmull; 04-17-2011 at 23:32.

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  4. #4

    Default Re: Sacred Band Infantry reskinned

    definitely, but notice the Pahlavan one for instance; just light cloth armor it seems, but colorful and works well with the persian influence. the shield design helps too

    the Sabean are similar, bullshead shield design and white and brown cuirass.

    every other phalangite is effectively identical though :(

    for better reference, see the deuteroi of Macedonia and Epirote, or the Hoplites of Hellas. They are both poor levies (though relatively better off than their eastern friends) but they are distinct units and reflect their culture better. also good on the eyes.

    It's just a big deal to me because they do serve either as a huge part of my own army, or a large portion of my enemies. and fighting through Baktria, AS, Hayasdan, Ptolemy and then Pontus on my Journey westward has gotten stale seeing the same unit with only the most trivial of distinctions between them. Also seems weird that my group of Nomads or Desert Warriors field more diverse Phalangites than the rich Diodachai who buy them all from the same soldier store :P

    I'm not suggesting that they should be colorful , flamboyent or *gasp* be color coded like the crayon box units of vanilla RTW, but i feel some unique touches will reallly help out these nearly identical units who are fielded in such large numbers. Your work with this Sacred Band shows you have an eye for things and the skill as well!
    Last edited by fomalhaut; 04-18-2011 at 00:01.

  5. #5
    Member Member Dudok22's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sacred Band Infantry reskinned

    Link is dead. Can someone please reupload this nice mod?

  6. #6
    Member Member Paltmull's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sacred Band Infantry reskinned

    Quote Originally Posted by Dudok22 View Post
    Link is dead. Can someone please reupload this nice mod?
    Oh, that sucks. I made this on an old computer, so I'm afraid I don't have the files anymore. I did find an incomplete version that I had emailed to myself as backup, so I might try to finish that version. I could also check if I have the harddrive from the old computer left. But either way it's going to take a while.

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