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Thread: Most notable Faction Progression I've ever Witnessed

  1. #1

    Default Most notable Faction Progression I've ever Witnessed

    A very very interesting faction progression. The Sweboz vs Luso war has only just started and this is the first time this has happened for me. I usually have campaigns in that area or finish a campaign before Rome gets pushed out of Gaul. What's rarer is Seleucid dominance over the Ptolemaics.

    That doesn't even touch the icing on the cake though, as Central Asia strangely enough has no dominant power (probably due to a strong Seleucid faction this time around.) Pontos is doing relatively well and is rather docile too considering I'm their neighbor. KH was pushed out of Greece by Macedon before I could do it myself and have since become reliable allies against the Seleucids at Ipsos.

    Carthage has not been pushed out of Iberia despite Lusotannan dominance and are kept from expanding into Italy through the loss of Syracuse. What makes it a first for me is that they actually border the Seleucids and soon maybe even Saba, making it very tempting for me to ally with Carthage and witness some unique battles between Seleucids and Carthage or even rarer...SABA vs Carthage.

    But my god, look at Saba...
    Last edited by Grade_A_Beef; 04-18-2011 at 04:06.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Most notable Faction Progression I've ever Witnessed

    In my campains, it's rather common to see the Seleukids getting the upper hand against the Ptolemaioi. In two of my latest Romani attempts, the Ptollies were isolated on Cypros while AS and Kart-Hadast fought in eachother Libya and the Nile valley.

    Abit into the campain, I often toggle_fow to see how the AI is doing. It tends to get interesting in the areas where the player isn't involved. :)

  3. #3

    Default Re: Most notable Faction Progression I've ever Witnessed

    I'll try to get a screenshot from my romani campaign, where the Parthians have advanced all the way into Sapmi!
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  4. #4
    That's "Chopper" to you, bub. Member DaciaJC's Avatar
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    Default Re: Most notable Faction Progression I've ever Witnessed

    The Lusotanann had a similar experience in my Getai campaign ... until the Qarthadastim made a most impressive blitz of western Europe.

    + =

    3x for this, this, and this

  5. #5
    Legatvs Member SwissBarbar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Most notable Faction Progression I've ever Witnessed

    Great Carthage expansion!! Never saw this in my games. I hope in my current AS campaign, I will see some interesting AI action.
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  6. #6
    iudex thervingiorum Member athanaric's Avatar
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    Default Re: Most notable Faction Progression I've ever Witnessed

    Lusotannan and Carthage are completely OP in autoresolve modus, which is what the AI uses. The former because of their numerous AP units, and the latter because of Phalanx Pikemen spam. Thus we get to see the awful brown pest flooding Gaul or Carthage blitzing Italy. Incidentally, the Hellenistic factions are more balanced since they hold each other in check.

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  7. #7

    Default Re: Most notable Faction Progression I've ever Witnessed

    my parthian campaign, due to me ending the AS as an effective kingdom, allowed the ptolemy's to take Carthage itself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. #8
    EB:NOM Triumvir Member gamegeek2's Avatar
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    Default Re: Most notable Faction Progression I've ever Witnessed

    Quote Originally Posted by athanaric View Post
    Lusotannan and Carthage are completely OP in autoresolve modus, which is what the AI uses. The former because of their numerous AP units, and the latter because of Phalanx Pikemen spam. Thus we get to see the awful brown pest flooding Gaul or Carthage blitzing Italy. Incidentally, the Hellenistic factions are more balanced since they hold each other in check.
    This analysis doesn't make any sense. AP is not factored in autoresolve battles from what I understand. Neither is lethality. But I think the Lusos have an economic edge; Hispania is covered in mines. They also don't have to fight anyone initially, and don't get their strength sapped from potential fights with rome or the sweboz.
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  9. #9

    Default Re: Most notable Faction Progression I've ever Witnessed

    AP is not factored in autoresolve battles from what I understand. Neither is lethality.
    Are you sure? At least in my impression, it´s the "ap" ability that does count in autoresolve either, because statwise Lusos should never be able to beat Romans ( due to the heavier armour and use of many light units ).

    Also, whom do the Romans have to fight, aside Carthies, whom they mostly kick out of the Islands, and Gauls, who are too busy to fight each other? The Epirotes? Well, yes, sometimes, especially if Taras rebels to back, but once posessing Dalmatian mines, Romans got their mining income too. And Roman economy, tradewise + agriculture, appears much stronger to me, too.
    - 10 mov. points :P

  10. #10

    Default Re: Most notable Faction Progression I've ever Witnessed

    Quote Originally Posted by gamegeek2 View Post
    This analysis doesn't make any sense. AP is not factored in autoresolve battles from what I understand. Neither is lethality. But I think the Lusos have an economic edge; Hispania is covered in mines. They also don't have to fight anyone initially, and don't get their strength sapped from potential fights with rome or the sweboz.
    I think EB 1.2 badly needs a new eastern Iberian faction to counterbalance the Lusos. I'd mod it in myself, using the Casse, if I knew how. I'd love a Numidian faction to counterbalance Carthage too, seeing how much more interested AI Carthage is in North Africa rather than Sicily in the early campaign - Numidia would be far more useful than Saba.

    Are there any guides on how to migrate factions, including giving them different unit types?

  11. #11

    Default Re: Most notable Faction Progression I've ever Witnessed

    vollorix is not that the roman economy is better it´s just that roman stronger troops are cheaper then for instance a kh hoplitai or a epirote deuteroi

    and scato numantine as in arevaci or numantians as in desert nomads ? they´re 2 diferent people

  12. #12
    iudex thervingiorum Member athanaric's Avatar
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    Default Re: Most notable Faction Progression I've ever Witnessed

    Quote Originally Posted by gamegeek2 View Post
    This analysis doesn't make any sense. AP is not factored in autoresolve battles from what I understand. Neither is lethality. But I think the Lusos have an economic edge; Hispania is covered in mines. They also don't have to fight anyone initially, and don't get their strength sapped from potential fights with rome or the sweboz.
    Except they never build mines, until very late in the game And Lusitanians are very poor initially and their economy sucks.

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  13. #13
    ridiculously suspicious Member TheLastDays's Avatar
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    Default Re: Most notable Faction Progression I've ever Witnessed

    Well I almost always see the lusos dominating Spain pretty easily... until Carthage starts a northward push... in my lates Romani campaign I have a hard time dealing with the carthies, not necessarily because I can't beat them but every province I take from them in northern Africa they add another one in Spain ^^ I do feel a little bad about having pushed them into the Luso's with which I had stable friendly relationships so far... ^^ - well at least when they reach southern Gaul they'll have run away from me long enough to meet my other end ;)

    The Ptolemies do also pretty much dominate the east as I usually see it, the Seleukids have lost their heartlands and been pushed into their hinterland (which is slowly being eaten away by Baktria...)

    And Saba is doing pretty well in that campaign too, fighting the Ptolies for the lands south of egypt.
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  14. #14

    Default Re: Most notable Faction Progression I've ever Witnessed

    Yeah, I played about ten more turns and the Lusos have already taken three Sweboz territories. My buffer state of Rome at Patavium is now useless as the Lusos border me at the northern alps, as I own the settlement where the southernmost super stack spawns. Funny enough I can never fully remember the name of the settlement (luva something?), but I can so remember Satres.

    On a side note I wouldn't count on the numidians being much of a threat to Carthage. AI Carthage always seems to focus on Northern Africa first, and the Numidians have no reliable trade partners or allies that can be an early threat to Carthage's core cities.

    In my experience Antiochea is pretty much the key city that defines which superpower will dominate the East. If the Ptolemaics fail to take and hold it before losing Side and Tarsus they're usually screwed, and the opposite is true for the Seleucids. In my experience not even the combined expansionist aims (read early war) with Pontos, Parthia, and Bactria match losing Antiochea to the Ptolemaics, as that city pretty much opens up the Babylonian heartlands for invasion.
    Last edited by Grade_A_Beef; 04-19-2011 at 23:52.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Most notable Faction Progression I've ever Witnessed

    i´ve recently discovered that if you play with fow off the seulekids normally take over i guess the ptolomay are shy conquerors and don´t like being watched ... i wonder if it´s because they screw around with their sisters while they´re young and then are forever ashamed ...

  16. #16
    ridiculously suspicious Member TheLastDays's Avatar
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    Default Re: Most notable Faction Progression I've ever Witnessed

    I hate Satres...

    That's to that, and iirc it's Iuvavoaetum, or something like it ;)

    In my formerly mentioned ROmani campaign I had to beat him twice because I had to retreat after the first battle against him and he respawned for my second invasion... killed him twice too ^^
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  17. #17
    iudex thervingiorum Member athanaric's Avatar
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    Default Re: Most notable Faction Progression I've ever Witnessed

    If you play as Rome, it pays to take Spain and eliminate the Lusotannan before you even touch Gaul. Spain is richer anyway (if you play SPQR and tech up those provinces with deep mines, decent ports, and paved roads, you can make 50k mnai per turn from Hispania alone), and you need to stop the Carthies from expanding too much there.
    In my recent SPQR campaign, I only hold Italy, the Mediterranean Islands, Spain, Africa, Egypt, and Southern France, and I'm making more than 100k mnai/turn. After defeating the Lusotannan, things got much easier.

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  18. #18
    ridiculously suspicious Member TheLastDays's Avatar
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    Default Re: Most notable Faction Progression I've ever Witnessed

    Well for mke there won't be much Lusotannan to defeat anymore, a I stated...they are down to two regions in northern Spain now... I know spain is richer... but it somehow feels wrong not to fight the Gauls and Carthies ;)

    And money isn't really a problem... I'm fielding 5 field armies at the moment, 2 in northern Africa, 2 that have just finished the Gauls and 1 that is keeping the Suebi off my back... plus a bunch of strong garrisons where they're needed, a small navy and I still make around 40-50k per turn, my family members getting the nota censoria (dunno if the name's correct) all the time...
    I hear the voice of the watchmen!

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  19. #19

    Default Re: Most notable Faction Progression I've ever Witnessed

    Quote Originally Posted by athanaric View Post
    If you play as Rome, it pays to take Spain and eliminate the Lusotannan before you even touch Gaul. Spain is richer anyway (if you play SPQR and tech up those provinces with deep mines, decent ports, and paved roads, you can make 50k mnai per turn from Hispania alone), and you need to stop the Carthies from expanding too much there.
    Agreed, Rome should concentrate on taking coastal cities around Italy, Sicily, southern Gaul, eastern and southern Spain, and western Illryia. Coastal cities means sea trade, and that is the great moneymaker in EB. Penetrating into central Gaul can wait until later - besides, the Gallic factions will help keep the Sweboz at bay for a while.


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