A very very interesting faction progression. The Sweboz vs Luso war has only just started and this is the first time this has happened for me. I usually have campaigns in that area or finish a campaign before Rome gets pushed out of Gaul. What's rarer is Seleucid dominance over the Ptolemaics.
That doesn't even touch the icing on the cake though, as Central Asia strangely enough has no dominant power (probably due to a strong Seleucid faction this time around.) Pontos is doing relatively well and is rather docile too considering I'm their neighbor. KH was pushed out of Greece by Macedon before I could do it myself and have since become reliable allies against the Seleucids at Ipsos.
Carthage has not been pushed out of Iberia despite Lusotannan dominance and are kept from expanding into Italy through the loss of Syracuse. What makes it a first for me is that they actually border the Seleucids and soon maybe even Saba, making it very tempting for me to ally with Carthage and witness some unique battles between Seleucids and Carthage or even rarer...SABA vs Carthage.
But my god, look at Saba...