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Thread: CTD

  1. #1

    Default CTD

    Hi all,

    I'm a brand spanking noob and would very much like some help with CTDs! I'm running 1.2 and the CTDs occur occasionally when loading a battle. It doesn't seem to matter which faction I'm playing for or playing against. Find below the link to one of the save files that this is happening to. I am running on Steam.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    EB Support Guy Senior Member XSamatan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Default Re: CTD

    Welcome to the forum!

    Some questions regarding your CTD problem:
    1. Are the fixes for 1.2 installed? (You can get them from my signature)
    2. Are your graphical drivers up-to-date?
    3. Occasionally means random or is there a situation when a battle fails to load in a row?

    Please post you game specs (RTW/BI/ALX, mini-mods) so I can safely load up your game.


    1.2 fixes - Updated regularly. Latest news from 2009-02-01.
    EB FAQ --- Tech help important thread list --- Frequent issues and solutions

  4. #4

    Default Re: CTD

    Aha! I've not tried the fixes. I'll try them now and get back to you. Thanks XSamatan!


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