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Thread: Last chance for CA to save me for the total war series

  1. #1
    Member Member Magyar Khan's Avatar
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    Default Last chance for CA to save me for the total war series

    The mp game is bugged so much that serious playing is close to impossible..... all the facts are there.....

    based on the propoganda for this game i had high hopes, too high now it seems

    The game is released one month yet and so far no major patch...... and we have to wait several weeks more..... To gain my faith in CA the following things needs to be adressed at least:

    - matchmaking (mm) in many aspects, reduce the number of bugs (3 v 1 and alike) also pairing of equal ranked/skilled players
    - ranking and ladders, none of them are working as they should work
    - no constantly restarting of the game after most games to reset the inner-settings
    - reduce 22k max in mm to 15k max 5-7.5-10-12.5k-15k is more than perfect for mm
    - increase 60sec army selecting to 90 sec
    - reduce accuracy of all sort of arty
    - being able to set up 3 vs 3 games and alike in a more succesfull way
    - work on bugs in the game like non-working retainers, speed bugs, charge bugs and alike and in the avatartree
    - bigger units in mm 2 vs 2 and above
    - and above all (personal thing) increase shooting arc for horsearchers ;)
    - and what i have forgot...

    people who have an opinion based on a few moments online are not encouraged to post in this thread...... they may read it ofc ;)
    Last edited by Magyar Khan; 04-19-2011 at 16:21.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member Senior Member Dionysus9's Avatar
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    Default Re: Last chance for CA to save me for the total war series

    also, please fix the morale penalties for flanking.

  3. #3
    Travelling Knight Senior Member Nigel's Avatar
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    Default Re: Last chance for CA to save me for the total war series

    Oh dear, Magyar Khan,

    I really hope it does not require CA to address all of the issues you mention in order to keep you at the games.

    Because I am sure only some of them will be addressed and then the community would truely miss you.

    As justified as your (our) critiques are, they are faar too many for me to believe that CA will be able to address them all in the timeframe that they will be allowed to work on it before they are driven to work on the next game. The best I hope for is that the game will get to a state where we can decently play with it, using house rules and - if nothing else works - playing with people we know and can trust to stick to certain ways of fighting and conducting themselves.

    I hope for the best and keep my fingers crossed that you will stay on.

  4. #4
    Rolluplover Member Kocmoc's Avatar
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    Default Re: Last chance for CA to save me for the total war series

    Alone the fact, that such a huge amount of bugs was even released, show already, that that CA dont got the programmer and the capacity to actual fix that all in a good time.
    The problems are caused long time before the release and I have heavy doubts that we will see this game get a serious fix within the next months.

    Im just realistic. Right now, we have such immense problems to even get a 3v3 hosted, thats just too much of a problem. Half the people dont see your game.
    There might be steam problems, but than again, why use steam, if that cause the problems?

    Anyway, there are so many problems, bugs, imbalances and general issues, that I cant imagine how that will ever be fixed. I agree with Nigel, they probably will work on some, but there will be a good amount of problems which wont get adressed.

    Its 1 month now and after 3 patches I still have to restart game the game around 10-20 times a night.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Last chance for CA to save me for the total war series

    And ive stopped playing and returned to starcraft 2 xD
    All great things are simple, and many can be expressed in single words: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope - Sir Winston Churchill

  6. #6
    Member Member Tsavong's Avatar
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    Default Re: Last chance for CA to save me for the total war series

    I have found it easer to get a 3 v 3 hosted game after the last patch it seems more people see and join them at randome.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Last chance for CA to save me for the total war series

    lol,You should play the SP then.

  8. #8
    Moderator Moderator Gregoshi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Last chance for CA to save me for the total war series

    Quote Originally Posted by Takeda Shogunate View Post
    lol,You should play the SP then.
    SP doesn't provide the same challenge as MP for these fine folks.
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  9. #9
    Rolluplover Member Kocmoc's Avatar
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    Default Re: Last chance for CA to save me for the total war series

    I noticed a very interesting thing yesterday, Im sure you can repeat that at yourself:

    1. I opened the "Battlelist"
    2. I saw just 2-4 games
    3. I waited around 5-10 minutes - was working on the other monitor
    4. suddenly a BIG (really monsta) list did appear and than disappear after a few seconds

    This happened many times. Now I tested to click really quick to get into a game and I could manage that.
    Sitting in the setup page for like 20 sec and than got "kicked" out of the game.

    There are still problems, to ensure that everyone can see all the hosted games.

    Anyway, CA is not able to deliver whats needed for a successful MP-game. They have good ideas, the basics are very good, but they dont get it online.
    Since many years its more or less the same, they publish a game, we go online and than face a big bunch of bugs.

    This is clearly a problem of bad programmer or people who lack MP-experience. As long there is no heavy change within the CA-team, we wont see any change concerning MP-quality. The biggest problem I see here is, that CA has no idea what their own MP-part needs. The basic gameplay is bad designed, its shown by the massive amount of negative posts everywhere.

    A MM is a good thing to have, as long you got a certain amount of player playing online, right now new player face lvl 10 full time.
    IF you think about the way the game has to be played, with veterans and good clan-upgrades, than you can imagine, how frustrating it will be for new player to win some games even! They give up, since they need at least 10 clantokens to even get a single good upgraded vet.

    This are basics, there should be smart people thinking about a Plan-B before the game is released.
    It was obvious before release and I already pointed that out at a time the demo came out.

    To let people unlock maps, units and retainer is a nice mmog thing, but after 1-2 weeks things get out of hands. New player who come online need much better petting,
    I would give new player veterans for free and also half the unlocks. Another way around would be to give them all units for free, but not the retainer, so the unlocking has still some value.

    Example: I go bring my monkbow with 200 range in a 5k game! Standing there with my bow gen (also 200 range) and just shoot them to pieces.
    What is that for an experience? New player has no chance!

    Lets take that example. Imo there should be a limit of things which are allowed to bring in 5k battle. An easy way would be to not allow any veteran unit in 5k games.
    This would at least give new player some chance, but only, if they get all units free from start. Else people will go with monk bows (175 range) at those poor guys.

    There was many more good suggestions, look at my "artillery button", that would solve the problem with artillery. It would still be in game, but people can choose not to press the button. Same goes with enemy shown before the game starts, its a spoiler and the escaping is getting out of hands.

    People alt-f4, drop from the game, the AI takes over and if the AI lose, he still get a loss, even if not playing anymore.

    All those things was known before release... We speak about clancampaign, tons of people mentioned it before release, that this is only mass > class.
    It makes no sense, its pointless, in the current TW game skill is not really seen, its all about mass, alt-f4 a lot of time.... thats it.

    I just can say, that Im about to stop playing, this game (with all its potential) is an early beta or even an alpha. I cant see other people hosted games, I cant play vs other clans, since someone always cant see the game and cant join. Ladder is crap, clancampaign is crap, tons of bugs, tons of problems, tons of imbalances....

    Its a nightmare and a shame! The game got dumped down, but is that really what people want? I doubt it, look at WC3 there are 40k people playing it still in the morning and a lot more in the peaks, 12k games up the same time.... this game is not dumped down its extreme good, balanced....

    Amazing is, how CA can get away with this. With such a big amount of problems... The MP part is no success and they might never learn it, but looking at what they brought for the MP part all those years, I just can say, that they are not having the personal for getting it done correctly.
    There are too many people who have no idea about how their game is working online, they dont see it, since they dont play online and if there are some playing online they are utterly crap player and wont understand the problems anyway.
    Last edited by Kocmoc; 04-20-2011 at 10:22.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Last chance for CA to save me for the total war series

    True. Especially the part that they get away with it too good. I for myself decided not to buy anymore games from CA even if I love the TW-style. Problem is that the games are sooo poor in quality that even most other games betas look 1000x more polished.

    I really hope that a competent developer team just steals the TW-style and manages to publish such an RTS in a good quality and with a faultless multiplayer part. CA doesn't seem capable in doing so.
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  11. #11
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    Default Re: Last chance for CA to save me for the total war series

    Play and enjoy it like I am doing or eat your words and leave once and for all, it's that simple.

    This is why I play FPS game more now then I ever did :D.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Last chance for CA to save me for the total war series

    I agree.

    except the FPS bit.

  13. #13
    Senior Member Senior Member Dionysus9's Avatar
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    Default Re: Last chance for CA to save me for the total war series

    I don't think saying "if you don't like it don't play" is very constructive. It's like saying "if you don't like how your government is running your country then you should leave." Actually the opposite is true-- you should do what you can to illuminate the faults and do what you can to stimulate a change in the system. Just packing up and leaving is a last resort. That's fine if you've had enough of CA and I completely understand-- but telling other people they should stop trying to fix what they perceive as wrong is pointless.

    I've never agreed with the "Love it or Leave it!" attitude. I say "Fight for what you love"

  14. #14

    Default Re: Last chance for CA to save me for the total war series

    why should people have enough of CA?

    CA deliver top quality games and no other major company can make it,not even EA or Ubisoft.

    I just think we need to thank CA for making these games,yes there are faults,yes they are fixing it now .

    I hate the fact that people will not respect a company making these typpes of games.

    Imagine if there were no total war game..then what would you do?

  15. #15

    Default Re: Last chance for CA to save me for the total war series

    Quote Originally Posted by Takeda Shogunate View Post
    why should people have enough of CA?

    CA deliver top quality games and no other major company can make it,not even EA or Ubisoft.

    I just think we need to thank CA for making these games,yes there are faults,yes they are fixing it now .

    I hate the fact that people will not respect a company making these typpes of games.

    Imagine if there were no total war game..then what would you do?
    Imagine if someone like blizzard were given a project like total war? It would be so superior in every way....

    Where would i be if there was no total war? Several thousand hours better off probably (Thats just the period inbetween games too)
    All great things are simple, and many can be expressed in single words: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope - Sir Winston Churchill

  16. #16

    Default Re: Last chance for CA to save me for the total war series

    Then you should not be buying a total war game,why have you joined this website?

    Imagine if someone like blizzard were given a project like total war? It would be so superior in every way....

    No.Its to different.Total war is a much better simplistic way to see the campagin map.And CA are the only ones capable of making a 3d-2d map. Remember these games are historical.

    Total war is amazing,But you should not be here.You dont deserve these games after all. Where would i be if there was no total war? Several thousand hours better off probably (Thats just the period inbetween games too).

    Respect CA.

    Is their jobs on the line,they work hard to deliver these game.

    Don't brag of them and like that and boast ''oh yes total war sucks,i mean like the games crap,shogun2 is thiss and that,blizzard should do well,we should fire CA ,they dont make proper games,lets fire them.


    You should get out then!
    Last edited by Marshall Louis-Nicolas Davout; 04-20-2011 at 22:31.

  17. #17
    Rolluplover Member Kocmoc's Avatar
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    Default Re: Last chance for CA to save me for the total war series

    Quote Originally Posted by Takeda Shogunate View Post
    Then you should not be buying a total war game,why have you joined this website?

    Imagine if someone like blizzard were given a project like total war? It would be so superior in every way....

    No.Its to different.Total war is a much better simplistic way to see the campagin map.And CA are the only ones capable of making a 3d-2d map. Remember these games are historical.

    Total war is amazing,But you should not be here.You dont deserve these games after all. Where would i be if there was no total war? Several thousand hours better off probably (Thats just the period inbetween games too).

    Respect CA.

    Is their jobs on the line,they work hard to deliver these game.

    Don't brag of them and like that and boast ''oh yes total war sucks,i mean like the games crap,shogun2 is thiss and that,blizzard should do well,we should fire CA ,they dont make proper games,lets fire them.


    You should get out then!
    There has promises made from CA. Which are clearly not true.
    Many people bought the game of those promises and now they are dissapointed.
    To tell someone that he shouldnt by a game, where you can read that there is "massive MP" or "they focus on MP" and than crash full time, restart full time, dont be able to host games, dont be able to see games, dont be able to play classic, retainer not working, bugs everywhere.... is Fail!

    If CA would write on their games:

    MM dont work, You crash full time, You cant see games, You cant host games, your missles are bugged, you retainer are bugged, your gen is bugged.... than those peopel here wouldnt buy the game. I hope you get the hint.

  18. #18
    Senior Member Senior Member Dionysus9's Avatar
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    Default Re: Last chance for CA to save me for the total war series

    If there is a hair in my sandwich, I'm going to complain about it-- but I might also pull the hair out and keep eating because its my only sandwich and I'm hungry.

    As consumers we have a right to complain about defects in the game, especially when virtually every Total War game has been riddled with mutiplayer bugs upon release. At this rate, all the old timers here can predict that CA's games are going to have significant multiplayer bugs. At this rate, we all know that before we buy them. But that doesn't mean we have to keep our mouths shut about it.

    Your "love it or leave it" logic also applies to these forums. If you don't like to hear what we have to say on these forums, you are free to leave. I personally think that form of logic is flawed-- but you seem to like that logic. If so, why do you keep trying to convince us rather than just leaving? I think because you like these forums and wish they were better and so you are going to stick around and do what you can to improve them.

    That is precisely what we are doing regarding Shogun 2 multiplayer.

  19. #19
    The Black Senior Member Papewaio's Avatar
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    Default Re: Last chance for CA to save me for the total war series

    I do not play MP. Why because I'd probably have to alt-F4 to often to deal with things outside of the game. I do work in IT so I have a pittance of an idea about software and Agile projects.

    I'd list the bugs by area, priority and suspected ease to fix. I'd also as a community take up the idea of a steady stream of mini patches then the max of three that used to be the case.

    For instance 60 second timer to 90 second seems an easy win.
    Not so easy might be changing the max size down to 14k.

    Limiting art to less then a Gatling like menace may be as easy as allowing a toggle button for it's inclusion or scaling up the cost dramatically beyond the first. When I think of shogun I think swords and samurai not Bruce Willis and Armageddon.

    Alt-F4 should if possible be tracked on a players profile. I think the idea that an AI takes over is fine... Until people purposely do so to give others an easy win.

    For noob friendly players the option to play a matching force in composition seems a good idea. Rather then just trouncing them, you could play the same armies vs each other.

    Small quick stable games and I'd have the time to compete too.
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    The rest is either as average as advertised or, in the case of the missionary, disappointing.

  20. #20
    Chief Sniffer Senior Member ichi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Last chance for CA to save me for the total war series

    I know that I've been away for a very long time but . . .

    I don't remember the Org being like this, posters telling other posters that they don't belong here.

    Humor poor ol ichi and knock that talk off.

    SP is beautiful, it has been interesting, but as Barrett-san has stated, its more about gaming the game than strategy and development.

    I tried MP and its not in a good state. The posters complaining about the problems in this and other threads have, almost to man, earned their chops and the right to speak out. Many of them made comments almost a decade ago that helped improve the original.

    More importantly, I find their comments to be constructive, specific, well-written (despite Kocmoc's English) and informative.

    I'm hoping that CA fixes some issues, I'd like to try a few more battles.
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  21. #21
    Senior Member Senior Member Tomisama's Avatar
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    Default Re: Last chance for CA to save me for the total war series

    Hiya Ich

    Most likely a major patch will fix most problems the first week in May (maybe sooner).

    "Never Give Up and Never Give In!"

    04-14-2011 01:00 PM

    Hi guys,

    In the weeks since Total War: Shogun 2’s launch, we’ve been working super-hard to make the Shogun 2 experience as great as we can make it. As part of our long-term commitment to supporting the game, we’ve been making issues identified by members of our community our top priority.

    So, we’re planning to roll out some fairly substantial fixes in the coming weeks and months. The first stage of this is Patch 2 which, we’re thrilled to announce, will also upgrade the engine to DirectX 11. This means those of you with DX11-capable cards will be able to access features such as hardware tessellation and enhanced shadowing. Patch 2 will also bring Anti-Aliasing support.

    Since Shogun 2’s launch, we’ve been completely blown away by the success of multiplayer. However, the multiplayer issues many of you have identified require our thorough attention, so that’s a really big priority as well. You can expect a raft of multiplayer fixes and modifications in Patch 2, and beyond.

    You’ll appreciate that all this takes a lot of time and testing, and while we’re working as hard as we can, we may not quite make the 2-4 week post-launch window that we’d originally hoped to hit. We’re aiming to get patch 2 to you in the first week of May though, so not long to wait now.

    Thanks for your ongoing patience, and please bear with us!

    Last edited by Tomisama; 04-21-2011 at 02:23.

  22. #22
    Senior Member Senior Member Dionysus9's Avatar
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    Default Re: Last chance for CA to save me for the total war series

    Wow, thanks for the CA statement from "Craig"! That's what I want to hear from CA. We've never heard these sorts of things about MP from CA-- it has always been "MP is not our priority." In some of the pre-release movies CA produced I thought I detected an excitement about MP that hadn't been there before. They've already given us 2 important patches and they are promising more. I think they can finally see the long term potential for developing an MP player base.

    Ichi makes a good point-- we are all friends here and are united in our love for the game. I also take Warman and Takeda's point, to an extent. I think the old fogeys around here are a bit too negative at times. We need to make an effort to start some more interesting and postive discussions. Afterall MP really has some insanely huge potential, and it is very fun when it works (which is usually). Then again, if you overhear someone's conversation on the street you don't stop and say "your conversation is annoying me" you just move along.

    For me it is all about MP. I'm not interested in administering an empire or even too terribly concerned with keeping up my supply routes. I find enjoyment on the battle field, struggling with another will for a tactical advantage across this stream, or those woods. Having to worry about levying troops and maintaining castles doesn't interest me. I want to crush skulls, not count beans (no offense to people who like SP-- its just not what I enjoy). When 4v4 MP is working top notch, there is nothing more satisfying than TotalWar MP.

    I love the MP game, and I'm starting to believe that CA really is going to polish it up nice and neat for us. 2 patches already, plans for a 3rd large one? Finally we have a committment from them to improve MP. I'm happy.
    Last edited by Dionysus9; 04-21-2011 at 04:54.

  23. #23
    Arena Senior Member Crazed Rabbit's Avatar
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    Default Re: Last chance for CA to save me for the total war series

    Quote Originally Posted by ELITEofKingWarman8 View Post
    Play and enjoy it like I am doing or eat your words and leave once and for all, it's that simple.
    No, it's not. Everyone is able to voice their opinion.

    Quote Originally Posted by Takeda Shogunate
    I just think we need to thank CA for making these games,yes there are faults,yes they are fixing it now .

    I hate the fact that people will not respect a company making these typpes of games.
    Pointing out things you want fixed does not mean you are disrespecting CA.

    These posters want these things fixed because they want the game to be as enjoyable as possible. Bringing up bugs will help improve the game.

    Saying people shouldn't complain does nothing to improve the game.

    OK and in turn It is tiresome listening to all these so called "MP Experts" talk about fixing the MP stats and all that just because they won some online pictures saying they won a tournament or two and not allowing oh, I don't know, people like me who never won a little CWC/CWB/TWPL picture to voice in when we do have something good to contribute.
    By a tournament or two, you mean at least one thousand victories online? (Good grief, I don't know if I've played a thousand TW battles, win or lose, in all TW games (Actually, I do; I haven't come close))

    And no one's preventing you from saying anything. If you feel like people aren't listening, why not speak on the game issues instead of telling people to leave or that their posts annoy you?

    Now, surely we all want the same thing; a great game. There should be no reason for strife.

    Ja Mata, Tosa.

    The poorest man may in his cottage bid defiance to all the forces of the Crown. It may be frail; its roof may shake; the wind may blow through it; the storm may enter; the rain may enter; but the King of England cannot enter – all his force dares not cross the threshold of the ruined tenement! - William Pitt the Elder

  24. #24
    Rolluplover Member Kocmoc's Avatar
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    Default Re: Last chance for CA to save me for the total war series

    If you look at different treads or posts and at what time they was written, than you can see, that some of them was at times as the demo was released or even before.

    Im not a programmer, but if I see some our infos put together in a suggestion tread and than see, that so many things of this didnt got looked at.... i dont know.

    As example I want to bring the chatrooms/foyer, that was a big issue, many people stated, that they want such a foyer back.
    Now we got some kind of chat, but is it what we did want? No. The chatrooms are divided by regions, we cant use the foyer, since most of us are split into different rooms.
    Whats so hard to understand? CA give us something, we cant use.

    Since MTW1 we know that artillery in MP is a no go, we also know that there should be a good max fund for games.
    I bring these kind of examples, since we couldnt know about the stability problems before, but the examples I brought here was well known years ago.

    Some problems or bugs are "acceptable", that can happen, other I cant accept, since the community told CA before the release already what they want and what not.
    If you go to the .com you see a lot more people complaining, there are endless negative posts, the most without the smallest input or suggestion.

    Treads like "ban the legendaries"...
    Here at the Org I see almost only good constructive critic, with examples how to improve it or suggestions.

    As Craig posted here some weeks ago, Betatester from the community are working and helping.
    Critic the way its done here, in the most cases, must be allowed. We should take care, that we dont switch into bashing or losing our manner.

    In the end we brought so many input, suggestions and ideas in here, that I cant see us as bad guys.

    Now, surely we all want the same thing; a great game. There should be no reason for strife.
    As CR said, we want a great game, with telling CA that anything is just great, we wont get that.
    I love Shogun2, I love TW, I put a lot of time and work into this all to get what we all want and deserve, a great game, with many player online, enjoyable, without crashs or restarts.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Last chance for CA to save me for the total war series

    I have posted multiple times on all community boards the fixes which i believe need to be dealt with immediately, and those which can acceptably take longer. Yes i have played legendary... the AI is exactly the same except it cheats, woopy!

    My constructive criticism in these posts has worn thin as CA anger me to the point that copying and pasting the same problems with the game that were present from day 1 will not suffice.

    Im bitter after experiencing so many superior mp games. I love the concept of total war, thats why ive played it... but it has become a case of "playing" once every hour of waiting.
    All great things are simple, and many can be expressed in single words: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope - Sir Winston Churchill

  26. #26
    Shadow Senior Member Kagemusha's Avatar
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    Default Re: Last chance for CA to save me for the total war series

    After a "minor" clean up, the thread is open again. Im sure everyone will agree that poor old Kage does not have to close it again?
    Last edited by Kagemusha; 04-21-2011 at 14:05.
    Ja Mata Tosainu Sama.

  27. #27

    Default Re: Last chance for CA to save me for the total war series

    That was high level operating docteur ;) Thanks for it and for opening the thread :)
    The Caravel Mod: a (very much) improvedvanilla MTW/VI v2.1 early campaign

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  28. #28

    Default Re: Last chance for CA to save me for the total war series

    Quote Originally Posted by gollum View Post
    That was high level operating docteur ;) Thanks for it and for opening the thread :)

    I would love to defeat you.

  29. #29

    Default Re: Last chance for CA to save me for the total war series

    I'm sure you would Takeda Shogunate. You just have to wait till i decide to buy the game and play mp with it, that's all.
    The Caravel Mod: a (very much) improvedvanilla MTW/VI v2.1 early campaign

    Please make sure you have the latest version (v3.3)
    Since v3.3 the Caravel Mod includes customised campaigns for huge and default unit settings

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  30. #30

    Default Re: Last chance for CA to save me for the total war series

    Yes,And I would like to see your troops running!

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