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Thread: A bit unfair multyplayer

  1. #1

    Thumbs down A bit unfair multyplayer

    Hi , just to say that its a bit unfair in multyplayer to start me as a noob in this game, that i always have to play whit a little ore unpowered army aggainst bigger ore bether army s ...

    last game i played i start whit 5000 en can buy me a little army.My opponent starts whit dubbel army 2times as big en bether.....,,,,?

    Why is this like that, ore ame i missing something?

    Like this noobs like me don t have a chance....

  2. #2

    Default Re: A bit unfair multyplayer

    Sorry , i forgot to say; i have also a dilay of time when i give a command, 5-10 seconds after the command thy do what i ask...laggy multyplayer?

  3. #3
    Pleasing the Fates Senior Member A Nerd's Avatar
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    Default Re: A bit unfair multyplayer

    Are you playing Shogun 2? If so there are guides and multiplayer forums related to it.

    Shogun 2 MP Guides

    Shogun 2 MP

    There are other guides and MP forums related to other TW titles. Have a look around. Welcome to the .org by the way! :)
    Last edited by A Nerd; 04-27-2011 at 10:11.
    Silence is beautiful

  4. #4
    Rolluplover Member Kocmoc's Avatar
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    Default Re: A bit unfair multyplayer

    Quote Originally Posted by View Post
    Hi , just to say that its a bit unfair in multyplayer to start me as a noob in this game, that i always have to play whit a little ore unpowered army aggainst bigger ore bether army s ...

    last game i played i start whit 5000 en can buy me a little army.My opponent starts whit dubbel army 2times as big en bether.....,,,,?

    Why is this like that, ore ame i missing something?

    Like this noobs like me don t have a chance....

    1. The lag you mention, is not gameside. It might be your PC or your connection.

    last game i played i start whit 5000 en can buy me a little army.My opponent starts whit dubbel army 2times as big en bether.....,,,,?

    Why is this like that, ore ame i missing something?

    Like this noobs like me don t have a chance....

    As in every other game, knowledge is everything. Everyone start with 5000 Koku, no one can have more. While you as lvl 1 have 5000 to spend into units, a lvl 10 has to pay 1800 for the general and only 3200 left for units.

    If you see someone with tons of units, more than you have, than they probably brought many cheap units.
    Till a certain degree mass>class.

    I personal would start with some archer (4-5) and some loan swords as your center. The loan swords are low moral units, make sure your general is around them (blue circle) else they will rout pretty quick.

    But you are right, new player, who play high lvl player have disadvances. You lack units, since you didnt unlock enough and you lack veterans.
    All you can do is, to get you someone and host games. This way you get quick unlocks by losing on purpose (3 min the game has to last at least to get you a win).


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