anyway to make long story short going into start a game and someone in lobby pipes up ****** clan are useing cannon biggie l think as its par for the course these days and continue onto matchmakeing for my conquest of the world when low and behold who shows up but ******..anyway we decide to carry on only to our dismay to see one of them had 2 cannons...3 in total for a 2v2
anyway with a little perserverence we took out thier cannons and toasted them...most enjoyable game for me to see the bad guy get it
Picture links available from CanCritter privately
in the end this clan should be avoided and banned from any future tourneys
being its sunday am gona wander over to the .com and see whos day l can ruin..a old coots day is never done....
if screen shots dont work will sort it out and post them took about 4