Greetings, all here.
I am interested in the question, "What is the origin of the universe?" It find it an interesting one for which I think I have found the answer. Currently, here, I would like to put it in a fashion as simple and clear as possible according to my power and inspiration.
I wish to pose an argument whereof I think that it cannot be refuted.
Anything that begins to exist, must have a cause.
The cause of such a thing cannot be the thing itself, thus the cause (or source) is outside of it and must be something else.
The universe is physical and cannot have caused itself. (Can X create X? No. X leading to Y, yes.)
Therefore, the cause of the universe must be outside of the universe.
Because the universe is physical, finite in time, has space, and its cause must be outside of it, the cause is non-physical, spaceless and independent of time.
(This cause has caused time, space and matter to exist, and therefore this cause could not be subject to these things it made to exist.)
(By the way, the universe must have a beginning, because the second law of thermodynamics state that the amount of useful energy is being used up. This implies time. If the universe were "infinitely old", it would have used up all the energy and would have arrived at temperature of absolute zero, but since there are many energy sources, for instance the sun, the universe must be finite in duration.)
Thanks for reading :)