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Thread: Global and Local Effects

  1. #1

    Default Global and Local Effects

    Hi everyone,

    I'm trying to mod the game just for myself.
    It really bothered me that I had to recruit units from specific regions if I wanted better units due to speciality building locations, like Fletcher and Stone quarries, only providing local effects. I was able to increase their construction costs, bonus values and other things to balance my game. But what I don't seem to be able to do is turn those bonus effects into global effects.
    I figured that since there are effects like that, from legendary buildings, it would be possible.
    Would it be possible to make such effects innate to those buildings? Or would I have to make some kind of faction buff type of thing for them?
    In either case, I think I definitely need some guidance xD
    Thanks for reading.

    P.S.: In addition to unit bonuses like melee+ or moral+, I would also like to turn localized cost reduction bonuses global as well.

  2. #2
    Pincushioned Ashigaru Member Poulp''s Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Paris, France

    Default Re: Global and Local Effects

    I'm on it myself too.

    You'll find all effects in db/effects table/effects using PFM. From what I saw, "tech effects" are separated from the rest and I have yet to discriminate between effects from events and from buildings. I have yet to find the junctions too.

    Making a list will have to wait until I figure out how to copypaste it. Typing it will be my last option.

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