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Thread: Is there a way to delete AI-10'000 Mnai/round-cheat

  1. #1

    Unhappy Is there a way to delete AI-10'000 Mnai/round-cheat

    Hi there

    we play with Hayasan on VH/M, as you suggested.

    But we are in big trouble. We know it's a hard campaign, so we aren't surprised that our great ally Arche Seleukeia butt***** us with Argyraspides, and from north Sauromatae attacks with their ponies.

    But what really upsets us is the cheating game engine (10'000 Mnai per turn). Bankrupt Sauromatae, after we defeated their army, the only remaining general hires all the mercenaries on the market and continues as nothing had happened. This isn't challenging anymore, just ridiculous and frustrating at the same time. To cheat the ourselves (wipe every hired stack with the cheated money with auto_win attacker) isn't an option, is there a way to eliminate these 10'000 Mnai per turn and still play on very hard.

    Thank you for your help

  2. #2

    Default Re: Is there a way to delete AI-10'000 Mnai/round-cheat

    well, first of all, the AI gets scripted money every turn, and it gets 10.000 mnai every turn due to the VH settings

    IF you want to try removing money from them it would be for the factions you mentioned:

    AS: add_money "roman_julii" -40000

    Sauro: add_money "scythia" -40000
    War is a puzzle with morphing pieces

    I make Ancient Weapons and Armor

  3. #3

    Default Re: Is there a way to delete AI-10'000 Mnai/round-cheat

    that's not a solution. that just delays the time from which they get back in the green.

    like i said the money cheat is understandable but in reality it breaks the game

  4. #4

    Default Re: Is there a way to delete AI-10'000 Mnai/round-cheat

    10k mnai per turn isn´t actually the EB scripted money, but the vh campaign difficulty bonus to the AI factions ( 5k would be on "hard" ).
    Play on medium, and AI won´t hire mercs at all ( with really few exceptions, afaik ).
    The script doesn´t work this way, it grants money to AI from time to time when the conditions are met.
    The actual challenge with nations like Hay and Pontos is to survive long enough with very little amount of money, a quite poor units, and while you slowly grab settlements around you ( in case of Hay to get their reforms = aka Cataphrakts ).
    - 10 mov. points :P

  5. #5

    Default Re: Is there a way to delete AI-10'000 Mnai/round-cheat

    VH campaign setting is for 'blitz' players who want to expand their empire as fast as humanly possible, attacking every city in sight, using the best army they can afford - all-elite armies if they have the funds. It's the 'powergamer' setting for people who want to conquer as quick as they can. VH provides such players with a challenge by allowing the AI to recover quickly from a succession of rapid defeats.

    M campaign is for slow-paced, role-playing campaigns where the fun is in playing more historically, with periods of peace between wars, rather than in speed of conquest. The AI is less aggressive, and it's only fun if you are less aggressive too.

    H campaign is a balance between the two.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Is there a way to delete AI-10'000 Mnai/round-cheat

    I never, under any circumstances, play VH. I can manage, even with Hayasdan, but there's simply no fun in doing it (for me that is), If you have problems, you should lower the difficulty setting, and play a couple of campaigns as Armenia, before you try it on VH. It's probably amongst the hardest campaigns there is...


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