Hi there
we play with Hayasan on VH/M, as you suggested.
But we are in big trouble. We know it's a hard campaign, so we aren't surprised that our great ally Arche Seleukeia butt***** us with Argyraspides, and from north Sauromatae attacks with their ponies.
But what really upsets us is the cheating game engine (10'000 Mnai per turn). Bankrupt Sauromatae, after we defeated their army, the only remaining general hires all the mercenaries on the market and continues as nothing had happened. This isn't challenging anymore, just ridiculous and frustrating at the same time. To cheat the ourselves (wipe every hired stack with the cheated money with auto_win attacker) isn't an option, is there a way to eliminate these 10'000 Mnai per turn and still play on very hard.
Thank you for your help