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Thread: Is the Tosa cup worthless?

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    Default Is the Tosa cup worthless?

    So, I was playing this game today in the Tosa cup, against Chocobo, who thought It is a good idea to pick a mass bow cav army (and a bow general). I myself had picked a balanced army (what else?), basically consisting of 4 archers, 2 matchlocks, 3 spears, 4 cav and 6 sword inf. My enemy was hiding in the forest, and as I was moving towards the mid of the map, as he appeared, with his 6 highly vetted bow cav (and 2 great guards, plus some yari and light cav). Upon seeing that I did a controlled retreat back to my forest. Apparently my opponent had expected me to suicide my army, but as he saw my retread he refused to attack - in any manner.

    To me it was ridiculous that someone picked such a spam-army, as in all previous TW tournaments the number of bow cav was always very strictly limited. So, while I was waiting in the woods, I contacted an admin (TinCow), who later forwarded me to another admin, Kocmoc. As we were in the chat, my opponent, myself and Kocmoc, discussing the situation, Kocmoc made following points clear:

    - He suggested that It was me who should move out of the forest and attack the cav, since "the cav is so very inferior".
    - He also proposed that we restart the game, and then in each game there is one defender and one attacker.
    - However, he did not force the restart of the game under balanced conditions, or anything like that, but he said we should sort it out ourselves.
    - Furthermore he added, that if nothing, we should play on the current game (which meant camping forever).

    Of course my opponent, who was massing cav, disagreed to restart the game and play a balanced matchup. And since waiting forever was not an option for me, we agreed that I should move my army out of the forest (as Kocmoc suggested). Well, as expected I got slaughtered by the highly vetted bow cav. I then sent this replay to the admin, Kocmoc, demanding that something is done in the rules about it. He then criticized that I deployed my archers in one line, and that I should have stacked them (!?), and that that was the reason I lost...

    Here is the link to the replay (, so judge for yourself. I had concerns regarding the rules from beforehand, and now I feel confirmed. What's your opinion?

    If the rules get changed (bow cav limited), I will stay in this tournament, and I have no problem with being behind 0-1. However, I won't waste my time on a tournament where players can mass bow cav and get away with it.
    Last edited by Oda; 05-07-2011 at 22:57.


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