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Thread: Need help with unlocking factions.

  1. #1
    King of Randomness Member nara shikamaru's Avatar
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    Default Need help with unlocking factions.

    Before i begin I will say I did try to find the solution on my own, but didn't see anything like it around.

    Now then I already know where to go to unlock all the factions in the game, if I do not feel like either beating them, or to play as the others that can be playable, without being detrimental to the game. My problem seems to be after opening the correct file, and putting all the factions I'd like to play as under the playable portion, that when I try to save the file, it tells me it is a read only file. Now in the past I've never had that problem, and I can only see one of two problems as it it. First is I had to replace my RTW copy with a new one, so I got the total war battle pack, which for some reason wont let me change its files, or more likely, I'm now using a computer utilizing windows 7, as before I used XP, and never had this problem.

    So if anyone knows how to get around this problem, it'd be greatly appreciated. I don't mind having to re-beat some factions to unlock them, but I'd like to play as the others you can't get by beating them.
    "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to know where to hide the bodies."

  2. #2
    Senior Member Senior Member ReluctantSamurai's Avatar
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    Default Re: Need help with unlocking factions.

    Is there a way in Win7 to change a file's attributes? I still use WinXP and when I transfer something like photos from a CD to my HD, I have to change the "Read Only" attribute to something else if I want to edit the photos with a program.

    Just a thought...
    High Plains Drifter

  3. #3
    One easily trifled with Member Target Champion Motep's Avatar
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    Default Re: Need help with unlocking factions.

    edit: misread. I have no advice, I am afraid. There should be way to change the read only, though. Internet search on "win7 read only change" yields some results, but my tired eyes refuse to read such things at this time.
    Last edited by Motep; 05-08-2011 at 05:51.
    TosaInu shall never be forgotten.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Need help with unlocking factions.

    how do you unlock all the factions on vanilla? i am playing on an xp rig. thanx

  5. #5
    Throne Room Caliph Senior Member phonicsmonkey's Avatar
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    Default Re: Need help with unlocking factions.

    To the OP - I believe you have to change the attributes of the top folder in the folder system (so, your Creative Assembly folder I think, whichever one comes after the drive letter in the path). Once that has been changed so it is not read-only then the sub-folders and files should also change. You may have to provide administrator consent to do this.

    To cogre you have to find your descr_strat file (it's in data -> world -> imperial campaign I think) and cut and paste the names of the factions from under the header 'unplayable' to 'playable'. save the file and you're done. Make a backup first!
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  6. #6

    Default Re: Need help with unlocking factions.

    thanx i couldn't find the file and gave up, as i am a total moding noob

  7. #7
    One easily trifled with Member Target Champion Motep's Avatar
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    Default Re: Need help with unlocking factions.

    Quote Originally Posted by cogre View Post
    thanx i couldn't find the file and gave up, as i am a total moding noob
    A couple of sub forums down, there is quite a bit of info about modding if you are into that sort of thing.
    TosaInu shall never be forgotten.

  8. #8
    King of Randomness Member nara shikamaru's Avatar
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    Default Re: Need help with unlocking factions.

    thanks to phonicsmonkey, I didn't know about that, but it seems to have done it. So now to go and play some RTW finally.
    "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to know where to hide the bodies."


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