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Thread: Can't Change Religion

  1. #1
    Member Member AvramL's Avatar
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    Jul 2002

    Default Can't Change Religion

    Hey guys,

    So I started a single player campaign as the Shimazu and took over the rest of Kyushu, landing me a Nanban quarter and lots of christian subjects. However, the button to change religion does not appear for either my current Daimyo or his successor (should I suicide the current Daimyo). Nor am I able to construct my own nanban trading ports for some reason. Anyone know what's going on?

  2. #2
    Member Member Rothe's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can't Change Religion

    Quote Originally Posted by AvramL View Post
    Hey guys,

    So I started a single player campaign as the Shimazu and took over the rest of Kyushu, landing me a Nanban quarter and lots of christian subjects. However, the button to change religion does not appear for either my current Daimyo or his successor (should I suicide the current Daimyo). Nor am I able to construct my own nanban trading ports for some reason. Anyone know what's going on?
    How long is it since you got the Nanban trade message (and could build the port)? Or did you in fact not get the message, but instead you conquered the quarter from another clan?

    I think the normal way is that you get in contact with nanban traders -> build port -> some years later you get the chance to switch. IT might not work if you did not build the port yourself.

    To my understanding, you can't build more than one port, but if you already have one, you can conquer another. The quarter is just an upgrade of the port. I think the max I ever had was a port I built plus a port and a quarter from other clans by conquest.
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  3. #3
    Member Member Zarky's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can't Change Religion

    In my experience the message that informs you of the availability of conversion appears some turns after either capturing or building nanban port, could it be possible that there is a bug since you captured Nanban Quarter directly?
    Homo Sapiens non Urinat in Ventum - the wise man does not piss against the wind.

  4. #4
    Member Member AvramL's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can't Change Religion

    Thanks for the help, it appears that what I needed to do was to tear down the nanban quarter I "inherited" and then build a nanban port elsewhere. What confused me was that the nanban port didn't even appear as a grayed out option until I destroyed the existing one. A minor thing CA should probably fix in the next patch.

  5. #5
    BLEEEE! Senior Member Daveybaby's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can't Change Religion

    Reading this thread made me think to myself "i wonder if i can change religion ok?", so opened my current mori game (hard, 7 provinces, doing quite nicely thankyou) and clicked the icon. Oh yeah it works... then carried on playing the game.

    Oooops. 2 turns later i'm in a 2 front war and half my provinces are rebelling. Probably should have reloaded before playing. Probably shouldnt have saved over my savegame. Probably should have thought before clicking 'change religion'.

    I'm an idiot.


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