Quote Originally Posted by MSB
I just wanted to say the google search for CA posts does not work.

To find CA posts you have to search by CA member.
Hmm, it seems something has changed about the way Google formats the site when it's indexing it. Previously it would have "avatar" sandwiched inbetween username and the usergroup, e.g. "Caliban's Avatar. CA". This meant that "Avatar. CA" would pick up on CA posts. However, perhaps with the move back to the MTW skin, or a board upgrade, the Usertitle and Usergroup (both usually CA in the case of CA staff) are being indexed one after the other above the avatar. This is a little strange, as when I manually select the MTW skin, it has the usertitle below the avatar, the same as with the RTW skin.

I'll try to search for another motif that differentiates CA posts from other Members, but I guess it's not a biggie these days now that we have the search engine back. As Ludens mentions above, we were without it for extended periods in the past, and much of the current search section was written when the board search was completely offline. As you say though, now all you need to do if search by their username. I suppose we could start to compile a list of CA staff members, past and present, with their positions/games worked on, e.g.: