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Thread: Character Descriptions

  1. #1
    Senior Member Senior Member Ibn-Khaldun's Avatar
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    Default Character Descriptions

    Every player should make one and only one post per character in this thread. All changes should be made by editing your old post, not by making a new one. If player .

    This thread exist so that players could introduce their characters. You can give short description of your avatar, links to your stories, list secondary characters you have created etc.

    This thread does not count as public thread and thus no Declarations of War etc are valid if they are posted in here.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Senior Member Ibn-Khaldun's Avatar
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    Default Re: Character Descriptions

    Zoarchos Helios


    He grew up in a wealthy Macedonian family. His father joined the army of Ptolemaios I Soter when Zoarchos was about 5 years old. Unfortunatelly, his father died few years later on a campaign. When Zoarchos became of age he also joined the army just like his father. However, he wasn't the kind of leader like his father was. Several unlucky campaigns against southern barbarian tribes forced him to look for another ways to express himself. He became one of the Priests of Alexandros. That is when he met Eunostos Kypriakos. The old man offered him a chance to work for the state as an official and Zoarchos accepted that offer.
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    He was elected into the office of Royal Treasurer during the First Emergency Council Session. In Autumn of 269 he travelled to Sidon to raise the taxes and calm the population.

    Secondary characters:

    Philippos - Veteran officer from the days when Zoarchos fought against southern barbarians. He may represent him in the Council if Zoarchos can't be there for some reason.

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    Last edited by Ibn-Khaldun; 06-19-2011 at 18:14.

  3. #3
    Involuntary Gaesatae Member The Celtic Viking's Avatar
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    Philadelphos Ptolemaios


    Philadelphos Ptolemaios was not the eldest son of his father; what he was was his favoured son, and that turned out to be the superior quality. Because he was viewed by his father Ptolemaios Soter to surpass his elder brothers and his half-brother in skill, he was named heir. While he was serving as Kleronomos Basileus, he was taught by Philetas the poet and Zenodotos the grammarian. At age 24 he was crowned king, and his father, who would live on for the first two years of Philadelphos' rule, served as an on-and-off unofficial advisor when Philadelphos wished it. During his reign Philadelphos has focused his attention on encouraging the growth of knowledge, vying - successfully - to make Alexandreia the most learned city in the world.

    On the strategic level, his ambitions can be seen as modest by his detractors. Though he is no stranger to battle and praises Megas Alexandros for his military genius and tactical accomplishments, he holds the opinion that the empire he carved up was doomed to fail. His ambition lays first and foremost in Alexandreia and Aigyptos, keeping what his father left for him to rule and at best expanding it slowly. Creating a large empire is useless if it only lasts a day, and in Philadelphos' view, an empire expanded too far too fast won't last.

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    Secondary characters:

    Hermokrates - a young nobleman serving in Philadelphos' army mostly as a scout and messenger.

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    Last edited by The Celtic Viking; 07-10-2011 at 00:36.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Character Descriptions

    Meleagros Ptolemaios


    Meleagros Ptolemaios is the son of Ptolemy Soter by his first wife, Eurydice and half-brother to the current Basileos of Egypt, Ptolemy the Second. He briefly held the throne of Makedonia after his elder brother, Ptolemy Keraunos was killed in a war against the Gauls, but lost his crown in a mutiny. He has since returned to Egypt, reconciled with his royal sibling, seemingly indifferent to the loss of his crown. A sharp mind and a knack for numbers has seen him administer the holy city of Zeus-Ammon, Diospolis Megale, with his characteristic smile and good nature, taking an active interest in the faith of Zeus-Ammon, Egypt's foremost church. Meleagros has seen many campaigns in Makedon that forged his mind to battle, but a leg injury in his youth has left him wearing a wooden cast, restraining his activity and leading to certain accusations of sluggishness. At 46, having lost his makedonian crown and deferred to his younger sibling who succeeded their father as King and Pharaoh of Egypt, some whisper that Meleagros' star is dimming, but the son of Ptolemy Soter takes everything in stride and with an infallible trust in the future.

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    Secondary characters:

    Appolinos - A wise counselor and learned mathematician with whom Meleagros pits his wits in numerical battles, postulating and rebuking mathematical equations and geometrical theorems.
    Ben-Amun - A silent and efficient native of the Nile that has served Meleagros dutifully since his return to Egypt.

    Links to stories:
    Last edited by Ashurnasirpal II; 06-23-2011 at 02:39. Reason: tea and biscuits
    The supreme, the merciless, the destroyer of opposition, the exalted King, the shepherd, the protector of the quarters of the world, the King the word of whose mouth destroys mountains and seas, who by his lordly attack has forced mighty and merciless Kings from the rising of the sun to the setting of the same to acknowledge one supremacy.
    -Ashurnasirpal II

    Org Games
    Kings of the Nile - Chancellor Meleagros Ptolemaios, Nomarch of Upper Egypt
    Clash of Gods - Kingdom of Castilla y Leon
    Wrath of the Khan II - Kingdom of France

  5. #5

    Default Re: Character Descriptions

    Euergetes Ptolemaios
    Kleronomos Basileios


    Euergetes is a sickly and poorly grown youth. He is small and his muscles have grown so little there is little power in his sword strike or spear throw. The Gods did not gift him great wisdom either, though that's not to say he is dumb. He knows how to read and write and is competent in mathematics and logistics, though he does not excel in any of these. In battle it is unknown how he will cope, but he is tactically aware.
    His greatest gift is a silver tongue, one that can win the hearts of man and woman alike. This has helped in his selfish womanising through the major cities he has visited with his father, even at such a young age. His relationship with his father is strained at times, due to him not agreeing with many of the decisions he makes, though he is steadfastly loyal and would never think of going against the Basileus' words.

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    Secondary Characters:
    Herakleides - An ageing of warrior in his late 30's. He has fought in many Ptolemaic campaigns and his valour and wisdom has led him to become the
    commander of Euergetes bodyguard.

    Nikias - Infantry commander in Euergetes army. He is small and has mouselike features, and is one of the most clever and witty men known by Euergetes.

    Pellas - Cavalry commander in Euergetes army. He is tall and strong with a distasteful habit of occupying a large amount of any given cities prostitutes.

    Euboula - The young and beautiful wife of Euergetes. She is very shy yet comes from one of the most noble families of the Greek world and is possessor of the most envious body in the East.

    Link to stories:

    Battle of Tarsos
    Last edited by LeoCordis; 07-10-2011 at 18:53.

    Kings of the Nile: Kleronomos Basileios Euergetes Ptolemaios

  6. #6

    Default Re: Character Descriptions

    Ankhwennefer Philometer


    Origin: Little is known of The Anchor's early life, except for the famous story of him as a boy of 17, when his hometown in a coastal Anatolian village was under siege by bandits. They rushed into the village, and instead of running away or hiding, he grabbed the anchor off the ship he was on, and attacked the bandits with a group of sailors. They were surprised and before they could retaliate, Ankhwennefer had crushed the skull of the bandit leader with the anchor, and subsequently routed the bandits. He was often called 'The Anchor' because of this. A few years later, he sailed to Egypt to make something of himself, and has risen to the rank of Strategos.

    Secondary Characters:
    Marius - A former Roman sergeant, he left Rome for the coastal town in Anatolia where Ankhwennefer hails from for a life of quiet, but instead became a mentor of Ankhwennefer, and gives sound advice to his protege.
    Last edited by Visor; 06-12-2011 at 13:01.

  7. #7
    Member Member GenosseGeneral's Avatar
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    Satyrion Limyraios

    He was born into a Makedonian family which has a long tradition of serving in the military. His great-grandfather served as a simple cavalryman from Thessalia in the army of Alexandros. Since then, his grandfather and father have been serving as officers, leading regiments of medium cavalry for Ptolemaios and his descendants in their numerous. His father is a battle-hardened veteran, but never managed it to achieve an own commando.
    He grew up on his father's estate in the Delta Neilou. While his father was absent, he got educated by Androsthenes, an old veteran who served with his grandfather. His education was concentrated on making him an able officer and soldier. So he became: He is self-confident and vigourous for his 16 years, though he is not a friend of too much talking.
    On his 16th birthday he was sent to Alexandreia that he may gain an own command or at least an opportunity to take part in a campaign to proof himself. His father's good name opened many doors for him and he's burning to increase his family's glory to make it a part of the kingdom's nobility. In the royal council he is yet more listening than active, due to his calm nature, his young age and his somewhat low rank. He could only enter because of some higher noble, whom his father saved in battle, doing a favour.

    Secondary Character
    His best friend and son of one the lower officers in his father's regiment. The two grew up together and he is now accompanying him where ever he may go in the king's service.

  8. #8
    Strategist and Storyteller Senior Member Myth's Avatar
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    Alexandros Thraikikos


    Alexandros is the grandson of Soter I Ptolemaios trough his mother - Lysandra. Trough his grandmother - Eurydice, mother of Lysandra, he has the blood of Antipater. As such and because of his name, he views the deeds and life of Mégas Aléxandros as almost scared and as benchmarks that all Hellenic civilization must aspire to. The best way to earn the lad's friendship is to speak well of Mégas Aléxandros and indulge with him in dreams of future glory and restoring the once great empire of his ancestor. The quickest way to offend him, then, would be to hint at his great-grandfather's supposed hand in the assassination of Mégas Aléxandros.

    Alexandros himself is still young and inexperienced when it comes to battle, though his quick mind, his reverence of the gods and his good nature have let him govern a medium sized city with relative success. He is stout, black haired and black eyed, and with a hint of his mother's prominent nose. He is called handsome by many a maiden and should he had not be thrust into the world of politics and war as soon as he had come of age, he perhaps would have had a wife already.

    Alexandros dreams of war, victory, glory and conquest, though he dose so not of desire to further his personal wealth, but rather to restore the former glory of the Makedon and Hellenic civilization. His personality is still unsullied by the vile touches of corruption and vice and he has an aura of purity about him few men from the council possess.
    The art of war, then, is governed by five constant
    factors, to be taken into account in one's deliberations,
    when seeking to determine the conditions obtaining in the field.

    These are: (1) The Moral Law; (2) Heaven; (3) Earth;
    (4) The Commander; (5) Method and discipline.
    Sun Tzu, "The Art of War"
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  9. #9
    Peerless Senior Member johnhughthom's Avatar
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    Leontiskos Thraikikos


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    Alexandros' younger brother he is also proud of his ancestry, though accusing his Grandfather of murdering Megas Alexandros would more likely see him roll his eyes than grow angry. He shares his brothers looks, though more of the hair is on his face than his head. He doesn't share his older brother's serious nature however, and constantly mocks Alexandros, mostly about the fact he has already led armies, married and fathered a child, while the older Alexandros still waits. Despite that the only person in the world he honours more than Alexandros is his new daughter, Archetime, and he would gladly give his life for him. Not that he'd tell him that.

    Secondary characters:

    Apollonois Rhodios

    A minor librarian at The Great Library in Alexandria he was a keen writer and dreamed of a great epic that would be remembered thousands of years after his death. People thought he was Leontiskos' scribe, he was no servant, he followed Thraikikos as a friend and was treated as such.
    Last edited by johnhughthom; 06-13-2011 at 00:27.

  10. #10
    Member Member Folgore's Avatar
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    Timon Arrhidaeos


    Timon was born 23 years ago to a relatively unimportant Syrian civil servant and his wife in Damascus. His life took a drastic turn when in 279 Ptolemy II took over the city and his father was made the chief administrator of Damascus's most important district. Over the next five years, his father's keen administrative skills earned him several promotions, making him one of the most influential men in Damascus. The Seleucid invasion of 274 however, forced the Arrhidaeos family to flee to Alexandreia, as Damascus fell to the enemy.

    Since then, Timon has devoted himself to the liberation of his city, learning the arts of war and using his family's influence to steer the attention of the kingdom's politicians to Koile-Syria. Although Timon is, like his father, at heart very much a bureaucrat and not much of a warrior, he will stop at nothing to get Damascus under Ptolemaic rule once more. Considering his family's good position in Ptolemaic society primarily a result of Ptolemy II's conquest of the city 10 years ago, he is a strong supporter of the Basileus and fiercely loyal to him.

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    Secondary Characters:
    None yet.
    Last edited by Folgore; 06-15-2011 at 03:30.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Character Descriptions

    Lysimachos Ptolemaios


    Lysimachos is clever and outspoken, but his good qualities are somewhat offset by his aversion to physical exertion. He is more healthy and fit than his older brother, but this advantage is offset by his general lack of motivation. He often uses his abilities to convince others to do his will but his will is often egalitarian and populist in nature. That is not to say that he is spineless, and would always avoid personal action: he just prefers not to be an active player in most affairs. He generally cares about others, and worries for the war-stricken common folk. He opposes high taxation, and wants to improve the overall quality of life for the populace of the kingdom.

    He especially fears battle, and wants to deploy at the rear of his forces whenever he gets his first command, believing that it is more important to have a good understanding of the battlefield than to act 'heroically'. However, his pessimism and gloominess often anger and worry his subordinates during battle. His overall pessimistic nature is slightly offset by his strong religious beliefs.

    In particular, he has a love for the sea and for trading, and wishes for his father to place him in a fleet command position, that is, if he must serve in the military.

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    Secondary Characters:
    Onesandros - Lysimachus's personal clerk, organizing and verifying his documents.

    Link to stories:

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    Last edited by Paul D; 07-10-2011 at 01:58.


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