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Thread: Crusader Kings II

  1. #1
    The Abominable Senior Member Hexxagon Champion Monk's Avatar
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    Default Crusader Kings II


    Don't forget to check out our awesome Crusader Kings II Modding general thread, linked in my sig!

    Contests and Giveaways

    Somewhere along the way we got it into our heads to play this game with fabulous prizes on the line!

    The first Crusader Kings II Challenge was held with the ultimate goal of returning the old Roman Empire back to it's de jure glory. You can read about the player's attempts to do so in the thread here: Crusader Kings II Challenge - An Empire Divided.

    Will we do future challenges/contests? Its a possibility! If you have ideas for one, don't be afraid to post and tell us

    Original Post:

    You cannot hide from me orgahs. I can see some of you playing it on my friends list!

    I need some opinions on this one. The first was always a curiosity that I never took the time to get into. But ever since my 200+ hour love affair with EU3 I find myself giving serious consideration to any paradox grand strategy. And this ones no different.

    Thoughts? Opinions? Is it as buggy as to be expected from a paradox release? Is it really rough? I played the demo but sadly its a touch limited (with no save!). So i am at a loss as to its overall quality.

    For those curious the launch trailer is below:

    Last edited by Monk; 07-05-2012 at 02:44.

  2. #2
    The Anger Shaman of the .Org Senior Member Voigtkampf's Avatar
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    Default Re: Crusader Kings II

    I played the preview version, and really liked the new style of gameplay (more realistic than general medieval strategy games, this being more of a strategic RPG), alas, with so little time recently, I couldn't really go into depth. Now I am still struggling with finding some time for the full game, just managed to play for half an hour so far, but I once again like it. So far there is only one issue that can ruin your day, and that is the fact that AI seems to be able to carry out assassination attempts galore, not really requiring any money for it, and being utterly relentless in it. It reminded me somewhat of my old M:TW days with my spy rush tactic; I'd mass spies in a certain country, move to the neighboring one, stay there one turn, rebellions break out (there were a LOT of spies there!) and I move to the next province. Rinse and repeat. Here, the AI seems to be cheating with assassinations. But its not a gamebreaker.

    Today is your victory over yourself of yesterday; tomorrow is your victory over lesser men.

    Miyamoto Musashi, The Book of Five Rings, The Water Book

  3. #3
    Poll Smoker Senior Member CountArach's Avatar
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    Default Re: Crusader Kings II

    This potentially could be my favourite Paradox release in years. The characterisation is immensely deep and the gameplay is really challenging. The AI still does some implausible things, as with all Paradox titles, such as France attacking into Spain against the Muslim countries. The game has an incredible amount of depth, with all your Baronies, Towns and Bishoprics having their own 'courts' that will plot and scheme against each other to try to get the best results fo rhtemselves. You can just let it play out as they want or you can assassinate people who you don't want any more.

    Think of this as Game of Thrones in a real-world context.
    Rest in Peace TosaInu, the Org will be your legacy
    Quote Originally Posted by Leon Blum - For All Mankind
    Nothing established by violence and maintained by force, nothing that degrades humanity and is based on contempt for human personality, can endure.

  4. #4
    The Abominable Senior Member Hexxagon Champion Monk's Avatar
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    Default Re: Crusader Kings II

    Quote Originally Posted by Gelatinous Cube View Post
    Its out? Damn, I lost track of the days in my SWTOR binge, I was gonna buy this one the moment I read a good review (and probably even a bad one). There goes by drinking money
    Indeed. It snuck onto the market over Valentines Day if i recall. I was too busy then or I would have made a thread on release.

    Quote Originally Posted by Voigtkampf
    I played the preview version, and really liked the new style of gameplay (more realistic than general medieval strategy games, this being more of a strategic RPG), alas, with so little time recently, I couldn't really go into depth. Now I am still struggling with finding some time for the full game, just managed to play for half an hour so far, but I once again like it. So far there is only one issue that can ruin your day, and that is the fact that AI seems to be able to carry out assassination attempts galore, not really requiring any money for it, and being utterly relentless in it. It reminded me somewhat of my old M:TW days with my spy rush tactic; I'd mass spies in a certain country, move to the neighboring one, stay there one turn, rebellions break out (there were a LOT of spies there!) and I move to the next province. Rinse and repeat. Here, the AI seems to be cheating with assassinations. But its not a gamebreaker.
    Sounds like something that will get a patch eventually. I didn't notice that in the demo, but to be fair, i was so busy trying to keep things together in the demo that I really couldn't do anything else! The tutorials really dont feel like they give you half the information you need, especially when it comes to the council mechanics.

    Quote Originally Posted by CountArach
    This potentially could be my favourite Paradox release in years. The characterisation is immensely deep and the gameplay is really challenging. The AI still does some implausible things, as with all Paradox titles, such as France attacking into Spain against the Muslim countries. The game has an incredible amount of depth, with all your Baronies, Towns and Bishoprics having their own 'courts' that will plot and scheme against each other to try to get the best results fo rhtemselves. You can just let it play out as they want or you can assassinate people who you don't want any more.
    Ah the blue blob returns. It seems its a continuing problem in these types of games! Hopefully that will get balanced as I saw a number of threads complaining about it on the paradox forums. I know the feeling about the depth, i only got a taste but what I tried i definitely liked. I was really shocked by how little control most Kings begin the game with, with your vassals scheming and (at times) warring with one another. I have to admit I spent about 15 minutes trying to figure out how to stop my vassals fighting each other until I realized I couldn't. Not without major law reforms that take decades to implement.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Crusader Kings II

    I've been playing this for serialised review on 'Matchsticks for my Eyes' so a lot of my thoughts will end up there. I'll link when the first part goes up. All the same, it will be nice to discuss a little.

    CK2 makes my inner medievalist go squee. It's complete gravy for anyone with an interest in the period. The 'time machine' and historical characters are the subject of my first serial article, so for now suffice it to say I'm impressed.

    Design-wise, they have addressed some of the biggest gaps in CK1. Female inheritance is finally present and inheritance laws are one giant step closer to historically correct for the majority of Christendom. Barons and mayors are present. Plots and intrigue are in. Crown authority is reworked. There's a wider array of religions, although you are still limited to playing as a Christian. Empires are in. Anti-Popes have come to town. There's a lot of additions.

    For the most part it's fair to say that when it comes to games like EUIII et al I'm more a fan of the concept rather than the execution. CK2 addresses some of my long-standing Paradox grumbles, and may well manage to field several others. It's too early to tell on issues like AI quality or gameyness. I can say that it's got atmosphere, personality, and IMO is intuitive and plays quite sensibly - although that could be due to the ungodly number of medieval history books I've read. It doesn't feel like it's missing chunks of content - yet. The music is simply wonderful.

    The game is fantastic at producing stories. Everywhere I go people are reporting awesome games. Everywhere except here, gah! Since I know I won't be using this material in the serial, here's a recap of my first go. It's in the form of wall of text stream of conciousness I'm afraid, sorry. I'd edit it into better shape but then it would lose half the feel. I set out to play as the King of Sicily in the Third Crusade scenario and ...

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    "Gah! I've accidentally picked the eldest son instead of the king of Sicily. I can't be bothered to restart; I'm first in the succession anyway so I'll be king sooner or later. In the meantime I'll stay peaceful and build up my demesne, then I'll have a stronger base to crusade from. Wars? Rebels? More wars? Yet more wars? What's my AI father playing at - is he trying to get us all killed!? Now his vassals are rebelling too and are headed for *my* lands! ARGH - quick, mercenaries! Oh no, oh no, oh no - Muslims! Bankruptcy! Phew, just about survived, now maybe I can disband my armies and get a bit of cash. More rebels! Nooooo! Yes! AI Daddy has won his war and made peace. I survived. Somehow. Just. Now I have no money and most of my armies are dead. Oh, he's giving me a lot of new land in Africa. That's nice. Wait - it's all completely useless: no levies, no income, nothing but a bunch of angry Muslims until 20 years have passed from conquest. Gee, thanks AI Dad. Another war?! More rebels! But I nearly had some actual money for once, why me!? Argh Muslims again! Oh no, my useless African lands are invaded - quick, to the ships! Over 2,000 more Muslims! Bankruptcy! I'm doomed, doomed forever! Foiled plots in my court! Oh look, some male relative is trying to steal my ducal title, also more rebels. My chaplain has turned heretic, off to prison you go. I have none of the money, ever. Argh, Muslims! Yay, little brother came to my rescue in one province. Oh, AI Dad won another prestigious war and here's me hanging on by the skin of my teeth fighting the bajillions of invading armies he attracts without reward or recognition. Bah! I should rebel against him if I ever get some money. Oh confoundations - more rebels all over everything! My new chaplain has turned heretic. Woo, take that, imprisonment for you rebel count dude! Now to arrest the other rebel vassal I just defeated - argh he escaped and has rebelled again! It's not fair, it's just not fair at all! Now what? My spymaster's been arrested by Byzantium - dastardly scum! Ok, re-rebelling escaped prisoner dude has no army except his castle garrisons so while I can hardly hurt him, he can't hurt me at all. Hey - the Pope sent an army in after rebel dude. That's nice. But why? I don't understand. Oh well, gift horse and mouth and all of that, let's just be happy that hideous death has been staved off for a bit longer. AI Daddy released my levies so I can scrape together an army to finish to escaped rebel re-rebel dude. And done. The realm is quiet at last. My armies consist of 3 guys total because everyone else is dead, but now maybe I can have some peace since dear AI Daddy isn't at war with anyone and the last crop of rebels are all dead. And breathe.

    Oh noes, more messages! Two more useless African provinces for me? Thanks AI Dad. I'm going to start plotting your murder now because it's clearly a case of you or me. Woo, Children at last! I was beginning to think that the happy couple couldn't figure out what to do. It 'only' took them 9 years. Twins. Better and better. Whaaaaat!? You have got to be joking! The boy has the trait 'drooling moron' and the girl hates me because from the hour of her birth she's planning to usurp my titles. Nooooo! Doomedness unto the next generation! Wait! I'm impressed with her go-get attitude and if I kill her brother she can be my heir. Now, to save up 50 gold and pray I get lucky. Should I kill AI Daddy or moron boy first? Hmm, decisions decisions. 38 gold, getting close to murder time - argh my second brother's trying to kill me. I'll hunker down and pray I keep getting lucky in the defensive rolls since I can't afford to do anything about him yet. My third chaplain has gone heretic - is it something in the drinking water? 45 gold, nearly, nearly. More wars! There goes all of my gold. I was so close to the 50! I am cry. There go the rebels again. And there go my vassals, sick of serving a bankrupt army-less weakling. Argh, Muslims! GIANT Muslims! I'm just going to sit here quietly and hope they don't head in my direction since 100 chaps with pitchforks won't manage to kill nearly 3,000 chaps with swords. Oh hurrah they're going to kill the Pope instead! That's fine. Argh, different Muslims all over my African lands again! What a surprise: my character died of stress leaving a 1 year old drooling moron to inherit. My new chaplain has accused one of my best vassals of heresy, suppose it makes a chance from becoming a heretic himself. Now his sister is trying to kill moron boy. That's good. Then I can be her and have stats better than 0 in everything. Oh wait, my uncle has come to take everything I own including the cookie jar and I have no army and just a single gold piece. Can I be my uncle? No, I can't be my uncle because drooling moron boy isn't dead so I'm trapped as him, unable to do anything at all from my single remaining useless African province waiting for the next blob of Muslims to come party. Damn! This is all your fault, AI Granddad!"

    That's 11 years, or 3 hours, worth of play. Fun! Biggest lesson learned: if you accidentally select the wrong person to play as, kill your AI Daddy before he squanders your starting money and leaves you unable to afford assassins. Alternatively: don't be the vassal of an AI liege in a very challenging, aggressive kingdom. Or maybe: when gifted useless provinces, pass them along down the feudal food chain so someone else suffers ... although I'd probably have been required to defend my vassal anyway.

    As you may be able to tell from my repeated "Argh, Muslims!", the wartime AI isn't great. AI Daddy sent all of his troops across to Africa whilst his various enemies sent most of their troops over to Sicily. If it hadn't been for my frantic efforts at home defence AI Daddy wouldn't have done nearly as well in his wars. Those useless African provinces were the main cause of my downfall; I had to keep sending my mainland armies over to defend them, leaving me stretched much too thin and having to pay for ships as well as soldiers. If I ignored them then the AI got large amounts of warscore against me and peace became impossible.

    I begin to question whether the plot mechanics are off balance. Someone figured out prior to release that due to the way the menu of potential plots works, female characters are blocked from nearly everything. Most of them will only have the option to try and assassinate people. Characters are supposed to initiate plots instead of sitting around like vegetables. Thus it was speculated that there would be a rash of crazed female murderers. Paradox said this wouldn't happen. However, I'm finding that nearly all of the murder plots I learn about are formed by female characters, and that there's quite a few of them occurring once the game's been going for a few years. It's too early for me to say whether it is a problem or not but I'm starting to do that sceptical squint of mine.

    NB: If you care about knowing where reviewers obtained their game, my copy was provided by Paradox. Sadly they failed to offer me money in exchange for a 9/10.
    Last edited by frogbeastegg; 02-17-2012 at 15:45.
    Frogbeastegg's Guide to Total War: Shogun II. Please note that the guide is not up-to-date for the latest patch.

  6. #6
    Poll Smoker Senior Member CountArach's Avatar
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    Default Re: Crusader Kings II

    Quote Originally Posted by frogbeastegg View Post
    I begin to question whether the plot mechanics are off balance. Someone figured out prior to release that due to the way the menu of potential plots works, female characters are blocked from nearly everything. Most of them will only have the option to try and assassinate people. Characters are supposed to initiate plots instead of sitting around like vegetables. Thus it was speculated that there would be a rash of crazed female murderers. Paradox said this wouldn't happen. However, I'm finding that nearly all of the murder plots I learn about are formed by female characters, and that there's quite a few of them occurring once the game's been going for a few years. It's too early for me to say whether it is a problem or not but I'm starting to do that sceptical squint of mine.
    In my Munster game the only murder plot that I've seen is from my Count's spymaster trying to kill a Bishop so that he can take over as the new Bishop. So far I haven't seen any female murder plots, but then again I'm only about 20 years into one game.
    Rest in Peace TosaInu, the Org will be your legacy
    Quote Originally Posted by Leon Blum - For All Mankind
    Nothing established by violence and maintained by force, nothing that degrades humanity and is based on contempt for human personality, can endure.

  7. #7
    The Anger Shaman of the .Org Senior Member Voigtkampf's Avatar
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    Default Re: Crusader Kings II

    Quote Originally Posted by frogbeastegg View Post
    ...I'm finding that nearly all of the murder plots I learn about are formed by female characters...
    If I say "figures-art (in this case game) imitate RLTM", does that make me sexist or simply insightful?

    But in all honesty, I'd kill for a game that would marry TW series (as far the graphic, combat and gameplay are concerned) with Paradox strategic depth. Wouldn't mind working on one myself.

    Today is your victory over yourself of yesterday; tomorrow is your victory over lesser men.

    Miyamoto Musashi, The Book of Five Rings, The Water Book

  8. #8

    Default Re: Crusader Kings II

    Part 1 of my CK2 serial has been made available, if anyone's interested. Behold the time machine! I'm trying to focus these segments on gameplay categories or on neat features which are not being talked about much. I don't intend to go the 'cool story' route since the internet is flooded with them.
    Frogbeastegg's Guide to Total War: Shogun II. Please note that the guide is not up-to-date for the latest patch.

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    Peerless Senior Member johnhughthom's Avatar
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    Default Re: Crusader Kings II

    Very nice read, perhaps we should encourage schools to make CK2 part of the history curriculum.

  10. #10
    Member Member Greyblades's Avatar
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    Default Re: Crusader Kings II

    Anyone else a little bummed out that you cant take more than one provice per war in this game, or that navies cant attack eachother?
    Last edited by Greyblades; 02-20-2012 at 00:17.
    Being better than the worst does not inherently make you good. But being better than the rest lets you brag.

    Quote Originally Posted by Strike For The South View Post
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  11. #11
    Camel Lord Senior Member Capture The Flag Champion Martok's Avatar
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    Default Re: Crusader Kings II

    I've got the demo now. I finally finished the tutorials, and played around a little in the main game this morning. I like what I see so far, but it's still early. Love the interaction between & amongst characters, though!
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  12. #12
    The Abominable Senior Member Hexxagon Champion Monk's Avatar
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    Default Re: Crusader Kings II

    Decided to buy this for a number of reasons. The first being I love the genre and am really wanting something different, the second: I need something to take my mind off ME3 and all the work i've been doing of late. A fresh experience and a change of pace was definitely needed and CK2 gave me that in abundance.

    I am assuming the 1.03 patch fixed a lot of complaints because some of the things mentioned, both here and in the official forums, I'm just not seeing. People said crusades need to be stronger, but there's been two successful crusades in my game, and a third is currently underway. People said France is too powerful, but their expansion has been quite tempered and not at all the breakneck blue blob I expected. (it still could use a balancer though)

    All in all I am seriously impressed, both by the depth of this game AND how fun it is. I played it for something like 5 hours on Sunday. When i looked up it was time for my first class.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    In typical paradox fashion I scouted around for suggested newbie countries. Everyone suggested either an Irish duke or a german prince to really get a feel for the game in a controlled, relatively safe environment. So to that end I chose Munster in the south of Ireland and set about uniting the Island. I swear its like my family was determined to see everything ruined. After uniting the Duchies of Munster and Connacht my good for nothing heir decided to plot the death of his brother. Under my succession laws all titles held by the ruler are divided amongst the ruling children, so naturally, less children, more for the rest. I attempted to arrest him but failed and ended up in a bloody civil war. Gah!

    Won the civil war and spent years licking my wounds. Changed the succession laws so that the oldest child inherits everything. I also killed my good for nothing son in prison, unfortunately that made everyone mad because my Duke was a kinslayer. Look guys. Its not like I wanted to... he nearly destroyed the realm! He was gonna kill his brother! No one wanted to hear anything of it and I ended up in a second civil war ten years later. Double Gah!

    The joke was on all of them, after winning two terrible civil wars I ruthlessly confiscated titles from the traitors and expanded the powers of my ruler's personal holdings. My family tree was a mess with those both in prison, those exiled for being traitors and those who were killed in battle, but my ruler was ten times more powerful because of it. I now had the most powerful and no doubt most experience army in all of Ireland, outnumbering my rivals at least two to one in any engagement. With my family finally brought into line I could once again resume my conquest of the island, bringing the rest of the Irish lords to heel. It was far easier than fighting numerous civil wars against my own family, and toeing the line between savior and kinslayer i can tell you that!

    About twenty years ago in 1125 I declared myself King of Ireland and am currently trying to assert hegemony over the welsh lords, more out of fear than anything else.. You see France may not be blobbing like crazy in their wars but,you know, lemme just show you.

    England collapsed in 1115 in a succession crisis that lasted until 1130, numerous lords fought over the crown of england.. but it seems France ended up inheriting everything. Now I'm scared o_o

  13. #13
    Senior Member Senior Member Ibn-Khaldun's Avatar
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    Default Re: Crusader Kings II

    I downloaded the demo and CK2 looks very interesting. However, I am not going to pay 40€ for a game! I guess I'll just have to wait a year or so until it get's cheaper.

  14. #14
    The Abominable Senior Member Hexxagon Champion Monk's Avatar
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    Default Re: Crusader Kings II

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    My first game has ended in failure sad to say, and it all started when a deposed, imprisoned vassal petitioned the pope to have me excommunicated.

    First off, who's the disloyal pahtak that's been allowing him to correspond to people in between torture re-education sessions?

    It wasn't enough that I lose a war against the Scots that drained 10 years and thousands of troops (for both of us, scotland split into a civil war following its conclusion) but one of my vassals decided at that moment to try to usurp the crown of Wales away from me and declare himself a King. I'd recently created the title "King of Wales" and gave it to my monarch. I thought it was quite fun, King of both Ireland and Wales and all.

    I was winning the war when all of a sudden my cousin on the throne of England (placed there after I kicked the french out of the British Isles no less!) sides with my rebellious vassal. Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhghhggghhh. I still wasn't 100% from the ten year slug fest with scotland, So the English rolled over me and Wales broke away from me as an independent Kingdom. The realm was completely drained and I desperately needed a chance to rest - that's when the deathblow came.

    My own brother launched a plot to dethrone my monarch and claim Ireland for himself. Treachery! Civil war! And my own armies were in shambles. As soon as the fighting started I noticed almost all of his forces were intact, while mine were in pieces after almost 18 years of fighting.. had.. had he been deliberately holding back? Can the AI do that?

    I don't care. What really matters is I lost the ensuing civil war (quite badly) and it all came to an end. I could have kept playing as I still had a few counties, but my few remaining loyal vassals were such a mess getting out of that hole would be impossible. Game over.

    Oh well. 120 years and i'd united all of Ireland/Wales only to be overthrown by a coalition of disgruntled vassals and ungrateful relatives. Family, its a kick in the pants!

    I'm a bit frustrated it all ended like that, but this game has surpassed all expectations for me. Absolutely amazing narrative potential and really quite fun, even when you lose.
    Last edited by Monk; 02-21-2012 at 14:29.

  15. #15
    Liar and Trickster Senior Member Andres's Avatar
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    Default Re: Crusader Kings II

    Tempted. Really tempted.

    Perhaps after another 50 hours in Skyrim and after The Witcher II and Deux Ex: HR... But I'm not sure I can wait that long. It's all your fault, Monk, you evil thread about CK II opener
    Andres is our Lord and Master and could strike us down with thunderbolts or beer cans at any time. ~Askthepizzaguy

    Ja mata, TosaInu

  16. #16
    The Abominable Senior Member Hexxagon Champion Monk's Avatar
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    Default Re: Crusader Kings II

    Quote Originally Posted by Andres View Post
    Tempted. Really tempted.

    Perhaps after another 50 hours in Skyrim and after The Witcher II and Deux Ex: HR... But I'm not sure I can wait that long. It's all your fault, Monk, you evil thread about CK II opener
    I apologize for naught.

    The game isnt without its quirks, but then, what Paradox game is? Empires especially seem a bit too powerful with both the HRE and the Byzantines being a tad too resilient. I'm really looking forward to further balancing patches for that reason.

    Other than that though? I've been completely shocked by how much I enjoy CK2. Its in contention for my favorite grand strategy at the moment.
    Last edited by Monk; 02-22-2012 at 11:21.

  17. #17
    Mr Self Important Senior Member Beskar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Crusader Kings II

    Quote Originally Posted by Greyblades View Post
    Anyone else a little bummed out that you cant take more than one provice per war in this game
    If you have multple claims, you can choose "Press all claims", if you are doing a Holy War, you fight over a duchy. But other then that, it is a little annoying but if you are desperate, take the prestige hit.
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  18. #18
    Member Member Greyblades's Avatar
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    Default Re: Crusader Kings II

    Prestiege hit? You mean for the press all claims bit? That would be nice but I sometimes really want to play the warmounger and its annoying just getting the claims, I would really like the system from EU3 where I could dictate terms and declare war whenever I wanted if I was willing to take the badboy hit. Wouldn't be so bad if making false claims didn't take years of waiting on my chancellor to hit that 10% chance of success.

    Ok I've come across an annoying problem, when you are in a succession crisis and one of your vassals that is fighting for independance has its ruler die; for some reason the war is over, yet I dont get the lands back and I lose all claims I have on the land. I've found sometimes that I can just offer vassalization to get them back but I feel I really shouldnt have to go to the bother whne my troops were about a day from winning the siege before this imposed peace.
    Honestly it gets really frustrating sometimes when my wars end without a victor because the other side's leader dies, doesnt happen every time but It gets annoying, I really feel I shouldn't have my wars end automatically without my imput.

    And yet despite all that I'm still addicted to this game.
    Last edited by Greyblades; 02-22-2012 at 17:57.
    Being better than the worst does not inherently make you good. But being better than the rest lets you brag.

    Quote Originally Posted by Strike For The South View Post
    Don't be scared that you don't freak out. Be scared when you don't care about freaking out
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  19. #19
    Senior Member Senior Member Fisherking's Avatar
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    Default Re: Crusader Kings II

    Quote Originally Posted by Monk View Post
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    My first game has ended in failure sad to say, and it all started when a deposed, imprisoned vassal petitioned the pope to have me excommunicated.

    First off, who's the disloyal pahtak that's been allowing him to correspond to people in between torture re-education sessions?

    It wasn't enough that I lose a war against the Scots that drained 10 years and thousands of troops (for both of us, scotland split into a civil war following its conclusion) but one of my vassals decided at that moment to try to usurp the crown of Wales away from me and declare himself a King. I'd recently created the title "King of Wales" and gave it to my monarch. I thought it was quite fun, King of both Ireland and Wales and all.

    I was winning the war when all of a sudden my cousin on the throne of England (placed there after I kicked the french out of the British Isles no less!) sides with my rebellious vassal. Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhghhggghhh. I still wasn't 100% from the ten year slug fest with scotland, So the English rolled over me and Wales broke away from me as an independent Kingdom. The realm was completely drained and I desperately needed a chance to rest - that's when the deathblow came.

    My own brother launched a plot to dethrone my monarch and claim Ireland for himself. Treachery! Civil war! And my own armies were in shambles. As soon as the fighting started I noticed almost all of his forces were intact, while mine were in pieces after almost 18 years of fighting.. had.. had he been deliberately holding back? Can the AI do that?

    I don't care. What really matters is I lost the ensuing civil war (quite badly) and it all came to an end. I could have kept playing as I still had a few counties, but my few remaining loyal vassals were such a mess getting out of that hole would be impossible. Game over.

    Oh well. 120 years and i'd united all of Ireland/Wales only to be overthrown by a coalition of disgruntled vassals and ungrateful relatives. Family, its a kick in the pants!

    I'm a bit frustrated it all ended like that, but this game has surpassed all expectations for me. Absolutely amazing narrative potential and really quite fun, even when you lose.
    Interesting you chose the Irish.

    Old Irish proverb; “As long as you have relatives you will never want for enemies.”

    I have only played about 9 years as Scotland (and that took 4 hours) and have emptied my treasury trying to get my people on my side. Of course my children hate my guts and I have a for a spy master. My good Chancellor dropped dead while trying to fabricate a claim.

    I don’t know where it is all going but it would be nice to have some cash. Prestige is what I have loads of, just not much else.

    Education: that which reveals to the wise,
    and conceals from the stupid,
    the vast limits of their knowledge.
    Mark Twain

  20. #20
    The Abominable Senior Member Hexxagon Champion Monk's Avatar
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    Default Re: Crusader Kings II

    Quote Originally Posted by Fisherking View Post
    Interesting you chose the Irish.

    Old Irish proverb; “As long as you have relatives you will never want for enemies.”
    Hah! This game seems designed around that proverb then. More often than not, my worst enemies are not dastardly mongols or foreign kings, but treacherous vassals and plotting siblings. Balancing your internal relations while still effectively expanding your influence abroad can be a real headache, but its a good kind!

    RPS did a write up a couple days ago on CKII which can be read at this link. I think they did an amazing job summing up everything i love about this game in quite a humorous article.

  21. #21
    Member Member Greyblades's Avatar
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    Default Re: Crusader Kings II

    So there's this one time, I got bored of messing around with only taking one county at a time and assassinated the entire scottish royal family in one day.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	England.png 
Views:	692 
Size:	2.27 MB 
ID:	4127

    My guy ended up as King Uhtred the Great, King of Enland, Scotland, Wales and Denmark.
    Being better than the worst does not inherently make you good. But being better than the rest lets you brag.

    Quote Originally Posted by Strike For The South View Post
    Don't be scared that you don't freak out. Be scared when you don't care about freaking out
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  22. #22

    Default Re: Crusader Kings II

    Quote Originally Posted by Greyblades View Post
    So there's this one time, I got bored of messing around with only taking one county at a time and assassinated the entire scottish royal family in one day.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	England.png 
Views:	692 
Size:	2.27 MB 
ID:	4127

    My guy ended up as King Uhtred the Great, King of Enland, Scotland, Wales and Denmark.
    lol, thats great.

    I wanna know, anyone want to play MP some time?
    Tho' I've belted you an' flayed you,
    By the livin' Gawd that made you,
    You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din!
    Quote Originally Posted by North Korea
    It is our military's traditional response to quell provocative actions with a merciless thunderbolt.

  23. #23
    Member Member Greyblades's Avatar
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    Well, I'm game any time between 5PM-2AM GMT on fridays and saturdays, college is pretty uninvolving right now
    Being better than the worst does not inherently make you good. But being better than the rest lets you brag.

    Quote Originally Posted by Strike For The South View Post
    Don't be scared that you don't freak out. Be scared when you don't care about freaking out
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  24. #24

    Default Re: Crusader Kings II

    Thats between 9am-6pm PST for me. Do you have the game on steam?
    Tho' I've belted you an' flayed you,
    By the livin' Gawd that made you,
    You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din!
    Quote Originally Posted by North Korea
    It is our military's traditional response to quell provocative actions with a merciless thunderbolt.

  25. #25
    Member Member Greyblades's Avatar
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    Default Re: Crusader Kings II

    Being better than the worst does not inherently make you good. But being better than the rest lets you brag.

    Quote Originally Posted by Strike For The South View Post
    Don't be scared that you don't freak out. Be scared when you don't care about freaking out
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  26. #26

    Default Re: Crusader Kings II

    Im down. Just name a time and ill try to make it.

  27. #27
    The Abominable Senior Member Hexxagon Champion Monk's Avatar
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    Default Re: Crusader Kings II

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    The lessons learned from my Irish game are being put to good use as Castille.

    Its been a rocky 120 years but I have emerged as a true force to be reckoned with. Reuniting the northern kingdoms is almost more trouble than it's worth. Since everyone in Spain starts as apart of the same dynasty it means that from the start you're locked in a power struggle with your dynastic ties. My first attempted ended in six years due to my brother assassinating my king and absorbing my kingdom, not unlike what happened in the launch trailer...

    This go has been punctuated by periods of bloody conquest and pitched battles against rebellious elemants inside my own borders. I'm learning that having "super-duchies", made so by giving more than one duchy title to a noble is a very bad idea. Sure, he may be grateful now - but just wait 20 years down the line. Soon he'll be getting visions of granduer where he can rule his duchies without you looking over his shoulder. After all, he's almost your equal de facto, if not de juro. A marriage here, an assassin there, and he will soon become your worst nightmare. My realm was nearly torn asunder twice by such men.

    Over the last 30 years i've been instituting a ruthless campaign of decentralization of my vassals. Thus far it has worked flawlessly, not only in keeping my vassals content that they can boast and brag they are the duke/duchess of x, but with no one man/woman holding enough power to topple their neighbors without a good web of alliances. This is especially the case after I pushed my crown authority to the point where they can no longer war against each other.

    The Reconquista is going well but it's not been without its own close calls. The last war against the muslim lords in the south nearly broke the bank and seriously drained my manpower. Of course they didn't come out of it any better, as you can see. Mauretania used to control ALL of North Africa as well as the south of spain, but after my war with them they completely fractured and are fighting for their life in a civil war. I'm watching eagerly to see who wins and rebuilding my strength in the meantime, continuing to consolidate my power.

    Elsewhere France has started to chip away at Africa, they came into the Iberian penesular about 80 years ago to fight one of the emirates there, but the ore power they grab the more they pay for it. Their interal strife has kept them occupied for the last 40 years and they aren't much of a threat to anyone right now, which the HRE has abused to take away vast parts of their territory.

    Not shown here is a huge empire controlled by the Rus. They've effectively blocked Byzantine expansion and are looking like the top dogs of the campaign. I'm glad I'm on the other side of the map, i'd hate to fight them...

    The First Crusade was a rousing success with Poland, of all nations, declaring final victory and capturing Jerusalem. Unfortunately, twenty years after the fact they were thrown out, and the Second Crusade has been an unmitigated disaster. I'm sure the Pope would love for my 20k strong army to join in the fighting but I've got my hands full at home.

    This game is way too fun.
    Last edited by Monk; 02-25-2012 at 16:37.

  28. #28
    Member Member Greyblades's Avatar
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    Their interal strife has kept them occupied for the last 40 years and they aren't much of a threat to anyone right now, which the HRE has abused to take away vast parts of their territory.
    How? I could have sworn it takes over decade of truces and waiting for false claim attempts just to take one provice from someone.
    Being better than the worst does not inherently make you good. But being better than the rest lets you brag.

    Quote Originally Posted by Strike For The South View Post
    Don't be scared that you don't freak out. Be scared when you don't care about freaking out
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  29. #29
    The Abominable Senior Member Hexxagon Champion Monk's Avatar
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    Default Re: Crusader Kings II

    If you build false claims then absolutely it takes forever. Getting real claims through dynastic ties is how you end up getting much larger areas of land at once. I think the HRE took about full 3 duchies within France all within ten years of each other due to that, one flipped without a conflict and from there they just pressed their dukes' claims to gain more.

  30. #30
    Senior Member Senior Member Fisherking's Avatar
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    Default Re: Crusader Kings II

    I keep having problems that I don’t expect.

    I make a new title and it tells me I lose claim to my original holdings.

    I marry an heir to my lands to a Countess only to find later that the kids took her name and I have no heir. (got lucky twice, I killed her and my eldest son and got the land and my youngest child is heir. There were steep odds against me too.)

    Some others were so complex I won’t even go into them but some of this is just baffling and I know the general laws and the lay of the land.

    I really don’t understand why my lands could be lost or what to do about it.

    Education: that which reveals to the wise,
    and conceals from the stupid,
    the vast limits of their knowledge.
    Mark Twain

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