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Thread: SS 6.4 - "Europa I" - Late Era

  1. #61
    Member Member Rougeman's Avatar
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    Default Re: SS 6.4 - "Europa I" - Late Era

    Quote Originally Posted by freakkriek View Post
    hurry rouge go go go
    sadly i posted the PM a few minutes after he went offline

  2. #62

    Default Re: SS 6.4 - "Europa I" - Late Era

    timing is a bitch =p
    but ok then it'll start any moment now
    can't wait guys

  3. #63
    Victory Against All Odds Member Húrin the Steadfast's Avatar
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    Default Re: SS 6.4 - "Europa I" - Late Era

    Okay creating the save now. Will be up night of today or tomorrow.
    In the meanwhile please make sure you have the correct SS 6.4 setup to prevent bugs.

    Here is the correct setup to use:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Untitled.jpg 
Views:	176 
Size:	104.7 KB 
ID:	4462

    We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children.
    "Are you a racist?" - No, i am a realist.

  4. #64
    Victory Against All Odds Member Húrin the Steadfast's Avatar
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    Default Re: SS 6.4 - "Europa I" - Late Era

    Okay save is up.

    Things to note:
    1)Factions can be viewed by all of turn 2. I know some people will see what your faction idea is but to prevent that i would need to wait to get passwords from all 7 players, which will take too much time.
    2)Please use prefix EU_ before your save name.
    3)Before starting to play your turn, make sure you have correct setup i have said in the previous post.
    4)Remember the thing i said about RPG.

    Also i didnt notice that there were a file attachment system on this forum so i will currently upload it to a 3rd party website.

    Anyway, Sicily is up!

    EDIT: Fixed save, new link here:
    Last edited by Húrin the Steadfast; 03-07-2012 at 16:37.

    We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children.
    "Are you a racist?" - No, i am a realist.

  5. #65

    Default Re: SS 6.4 - "Europa I" - Late Era

    Turn played, now it's Egypt's turn.

    Stored the file here.

  6. #66
    Victory Against All Odds Member Húrin the Steadfast's Avatar
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    Default Re: SS 6.4 - "Europa I" - Late Era

    Also for the new players: Remember to PM the next player after you have played your turn.

    EDIT: A song to start the mood

    EDIT2: Also added Reconquest settlement names in first post under Casus Belli. Not historically accurate i know. Also note that you do not need to capture them all in one go to fulfill the requirement. 1 is enough.
    Last edited by Húrin the Steadfast; 03-07-2012 at 19:30.

    We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children.
    "Are you a racist?" - No, i am a realist.

  7. #67

    Default Re: SS 6.4 - "Europa I" - Late Era

    Here comes a perhaps stupid question but I'm going to ask it anyway, sometimes AI themselves call a crusade or a Jihad, are you then allowed to join it or not? If it was not called by a human player?

  8. #68
    Victory Against All Odds Member Húrin the Steadfast's Avatar
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    Default Re: SS 6.4 - "Europa I" - Late Era

    No you are not allowed to join it.

    We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children.
    "Are you a racist?" - No, i am a realist.

  9. #69
    Strategist and Storyteller Senior Member Myth's Avatar
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    Default Re: SS 6.4 - "Europa I" - Late Era

    Quote Originally Posted by freakkriek View Post
    My final faction choice is the Crusader States. My National Ideal remains the same.

    wow brave idea.. i think i've never seen a hotseat where the crusaders survive....
    can't wait to see what you do... :) since you've just became my rolmodel :

    hurry rouge go go go
    Hehe thanks @freakkriek I will do my best not to disappoint! The survival of the CS largely depends on how many Muslim factions are human controlled and if it's AR or lead battles. If you want to see a beastly CS game see how SilverShield developed them in Clash of Gods!. He took out the AI controlled Fatamids in SS Early in 8 turns I think, WITHOTU using a Crusade.
    Last edited by Myth; 03-07-2012 at 20:49.
    The art of war, then, is governed by five constant
    factors, to be taken into account in one's deliberations,
    when seeking to determine the conditions obtaining in the field.

    These are: (1) The Moral Law; (2) Heaven; (3) Earth;
    (4) The Commander; (5) Method and discipline.
    Sun Tzu, "The Art of War"
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  10. #70
    Mmmm, Antares is tasty! Senior Member Alien Attack Champion Nightbringer's Avatar
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    Default Re: SS 6.4 - "Europa I" - Late Era

    Of course, it also depends on whether the muslim factions are hostile to the CS... :)

    I will be able to play my turn sometime tonight.
    Last edited by Nightbringer; 03-07-2012 at 21:30.
    Moderator of The Throne Room
    “Being a Humanist means trying to behave decently without expectation of rewards or punishment after you are dead.” ― Kurt Vonnegut
    "Education: that which reveals to the wise, and conceals from the stupid, the vast limits of their knowledge." ― Mark Twain
    "Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humor was provided to console him for what he is." ― Oscar Wilde
    “While money can't buy happiness, it certainly lets you choose your own form of misery.” ― Groucho Marx

  11. #71
    Victory Against All Odds Member Húrin the Steadfast's Avatar
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    Default Re: SS 6.4 - "Europa I" - Late Era

    How come there are sudden bursts of people browsing the throne room every now and again? Right now i see 24 when there are normally 2-3.

    We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children.
    "Are you a racist?" - No, i am a realist.

  12. #72

    Default Re: SS 6.4 - "Europa I" - Late Era

    Quote Originally Posted by Nightbringer View Post
    Of course, it also depends on whether the muslim factions are hostile to the CS... :)
    Lol 't seems like you've struck a nice deal with each other, or I'm just jumping to conclusions ^^. Anyways I'd be fun if the Middle east would be controlled by two major factions, because then a backstab is never far away.

  13. #73
    Mmmm, Antares is tasty! Senior Member Alien Attack Champion Nightbringer's Avatar
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    Default Re: SS 6.4 - "Europa I" - Late Era

    Moderator of The Throne Room
    “Being a Humanist means trying to behave decently without expectation of rewards or punishment after you are dead.” ― Kurt Vonnegut
    "Education: that which reveals to the wise, and conceals from the stupid, the vast limits of their knowledge." ― Mark Twain
    "Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humor was provided to console him for what he is." ― Oscar Wilde
    “While money can't buy happiness, it certainly lets you choose your own form of misery.” ― Groucho Marx

  14. #74

    Default Re: SS 6.4 - "Europa I" - Late Era

    "Hear ye Hear ye,

    The noble Kaiser Frederick The Champion has declared his lands to be open to all trade.
    All representatives of all countries and all religions are welcome in his lands and will be treated as fellow kinsmen.
    All trade rights will be accepted, all map information will be given if equally shared.
    All quarrels with His Holiness the Pope will be forgotten and forgiven."

    This is the message that spread throughout the know world. Kaiser Frederick payed almost 500 messengers to ensure the delivery of his message to all kings, sultans and Tsars of some importance.
    The opening of the borders and search for new trade didn't happen without reason.
    Ever since his quarrel with The Pope the Kaiser was sucked into all sorts of internal problems which did not benefit the Empire one bit. After a particularly pathetic problem where the soldiers complained about the pillows in their barracks Frederic snapped. He ordered all the armies under his command to march in his lands...

    This continued for several months. Those months were the worst months in the German soldiers life, they marched seemingly without purpose through mountains, plains, fields,... The morale became so low that the captains warned Frederic about the possibility of a mutiny. The Kaiser replied with the now famous words
    "The eagle isn't meant to walk but if it will help him survive he'll walk till the end of time".

    The Kaiser unmounted his horse and started marching with the soldiers. Our Kaiser is compassionate.
    The Kaiser ordered the death of every man that wouldn't keep up the pace. Our Kaiser is strict.
    The Kaiser kept marchingwith his troops for two whole months. Our Kaiser is fit.
    The Kaiser held after the last day of his "Great March" a wrestling Tournament. Our Kaiser is fun.
    The Kaiser rewarded his wrestling Champion with a field promotion and brotherly hug. Our Kaiser is US.

    After this march Frederic got an unwavering army, commanders loyal to the bone and a country filled with people who knew that The Kaiser would let this empire be all it could be!


    England is up.

  15. #75
    Strategist and Storyteller Senior Member Myth's Avatar
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    Default Re: SS 6.4 - "Europa I" - Late Era

    The marketplace was hot and crowded - the yellow desert sun above mercilessly showered the land with scorching heat. The dry air mixed with the dust and sand blown over the streets by the eastern wind and both mingled with the sweat that poured from underneath his mail and doublet. All that made Baudouin de Lorraine quite unhappy to be out here instead of the cool stony cellar of some tavern or better yet - near a fountain in the gardens that abounded in the inner courtyard of the keep.

    Jerusalem had been theirs for over a hundred years yet the knights of Europe were still strangers here. The crowded marketplace was full of colorfully dressed people - men in red and green and yellow robes, baggy trousers and peculiar boots with curved tips. Veiled women, rattling with the sound of the gold coins sewn to their headdresses and woven in their belts, loud merchants trying to out yell one another, each urging the buyers to gaze at his wares. The scent of spices, of charred lamb and of sweat dominated the area, and the strange wild barking of the Saracen men or the hissing of the Jews made little sense to the French knight. Everyone here was dark of skin, at least so could be judged by their faces. Baudouin himself had been as pale as marble when he had first set foot here, so many years ago. Now his face had grown more rugged, his beard had thickened, and the arid winds and unforgiving heat of the Levante had given him a complexion that would fool his own mother if he were to present himself as a Moor or Saracen.

    His mail rustled as the knight tried to vanquish an itch that originated deep beneath the chain, the padded leather doublet and his smallclothes. It soon became apparent that it would be easier to fly than to subdue this itch trough his armour, and that annoyed Jean greatly. Somewhere to his right a merchant was shouting "Sharba! Sharba!" and that was all he needed to hear. He approached the stand, produced some copper coins, minted not but a year ago with the likeness of his Majesty King Jeran, and he took a long and deep swig of the cool and sweet drink the locals made. This particular kind tasted of lemons, honey and spices, and smelled faintly of rose petals, and it was God's own blessing for days such as this one. And such days were far from uncommon.

    Jean saw the German long before he was spotted himself. Tall - a giant even amongst Europeans, the knight towered over the local folk like a thing of legend. Jean himself was quite an able bodied man, well over six feet, strong and durable, with years of training and several campaigns under his belt, and with a hefty number of scars to show for it. His own tabard was black with a white cross - another thing that brought him discomfort, as it made him feel as if he was baking in a furnace whenever he were exposed to direct sunlight. If not for his size, Jean envied the German for his Order's tabard. The Order of Brothers of the German House of Saint Mary in Jerusalem had inverted the combination, with a black cross on a white field. Much more prudent when one was doing war in the desert.

    Jean allowed himself to be disgruntled with the uniform of the Order when he had the time to be alone and brood, but his faith and loyalty to the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem ran as deep as the marrow in his bones. Everyone who valued their sanity did not use the full name of either of the three knightly Orders unless ceremony or special occasion required it. Thus, they would still be the Teutonic Knights, the Hospitalliers and the Knights Templar. Jean felt sadness when he gazed upon the face of his comrade. Ludolf was blond and blue eyed, like so many of his countrymen, and the sun had tanned his skin red, especially on the cheekbones and the nose. He had not been able to grow tanned despite spending so much time here. This was still amusing to Jean, though he would not make jape of it.

    "Brother!" The Teutonic knight exclaimed and grasped Jean's forearm in a grip that could crush rock. The Frenchman returned the gesture and they embraced with smiles on their faces.

    "Come to see me off mein freund?" Ludolf's voice boomed like thunder. His shoulders were wide, thick with muscle even beneath mail and tabard. He maintained a great blond beard and the arabs and persians took extra effort to keep their distance from the frank. Germans, French, English, Venetians, Hungarians, Danes - they were all franks to the natives. It was amusing, and somewhat ironic. Jean thought little of such ignorance, but that was to be expected when peoples from two ends of the world met. Plus, Ludolf could be called much worse than a frank. Though probably not in his presence.

    "Oui, how could I not? It seems as yesterday when we first met in the port of Venice. Now we part ways. Such is the will of God." Jean answered with a calm voice and they made their way trough the crowded market. The local folk gave them little more than a scared glance and quickly scurried away from their path. Except for the children, who ran around yelling and laughing, dressed in little more than rags. They were not afraid to bump and push into merchants or caravan guards or even frankish knights. Their innocence showed wisdom, as they regarded all men equally, or rather - they disrespected all elders equally. The Frenchman smiled.

    "Ja, indeed eleven years have come and gone, and there is still more of God's work to be done. At least I will see the green hills and lush forests of the Empire once more. I would hate to die in the sands without doing so. And mein wife of course, though It has been so long I hardly remember what she looks like."

    Jean nodded. He himself had left a wife and two infant children when he departed to do God's work at the age of nineteen. Her name was Claire and he remembered her vividly. Even if they had spent only ten months together after his father arranged for their marriage, he had grown fond of the girl. This girl was now a woman of twenty eight, and she would probably not recognize her Lord husband when he came back. If he came back.

    The two knights spoke French - the Burgundian dialect. It was the best form of French Ludolf could muster, and he did rather well, even if his words sounded as if chiseled from rock instead of flowing like water as the language would allow.

    "I have never liked the cold of northern Europe, though now I long for air that is not filled with dust and heat as if rising from the bowels of Hell itself! What of these... Lithuanians? I've received word that your campaign so far has been a success. Do you think the Order will come back to do God's will here in the Levant once the pagans have been subdued?"

    Ludolf scratched his neck and inspected the black beneath his nails with a concentrated look. "Success yes, but not complete victory. Also, I have overseen the packing and shipping of the last of our possessions - I think we shall not be coming back here, nor to Acre. Unless His Holiness commands it, though even his bidding has a limit. It cost us mountains of gold to transport everyone back to the shores of Europe."

    Jean's thoughts went to Antioch. They had lost it to the Fatamid Caliph, and it was a bitter defeat to suffer. Acre was a fine citadel to have, but Antioch was an important center for pilgrims, sea trade and all three orders had erected places of worship and chapter hoses there.

    "I think His Majesty may yet send us to reclaim Antioch and Damascus. The war is far from over, and I am loathe to not have you at my back, sir." Jean was honest, and he smiled at his comrade. The German furrowed his brow and looked down for a spell.

    "It would be a dangerous gambit. Bloody business that - assaulting such strong positions. You will lose men, and the Saracens will lose men. Yet knights are hard to replace, and his hordes of camel riders are endless. And Caliph Al-Kamir is no fool - he will strike at Jerusalem and Acre while your armies are North. How long do you think the King will last without the Holy City we were sent to protect? How long until desertion and attrition make you lose more ground, more men and more strongholds? You have Krak de chevaliers and the Templars have Nicosia but those too will be overrun in time, so long as you lose even a single foot of soil to the enemy. A dangerous gambit indeed."

    Jean nodded. Such a war would be to the great disadvantage of all involved, especially the pilgrims and small folk. Yet what was to be done?

    "If it is the will of the King we may do naught but collect our swords and courage and do his bidding, no? We all joined these Holy Orders for salvation of our eternal souls. Well, most of us did. But death is not something we should shun away from."

    "Yet you must not embrace it either. Watch yourself little French man, and make it back safely to Europe. I will take you to Bavaria and you will taste real ale, not that horse piss you drink in France, hahaha!" The knight bellowed loud enough to turn a few gazes towards them. Except for a camel that was stoically standing besides them, gazing into the cracks of a nearby wall. These beasts had more courage than some men Jean knew, and that was in itself funny, or sad. It was all a matter of perspective.
    Last edited by Myth; 03-09-2012 at 16:07.
    The art of war, then, is governed by five constant
    factors, to be taken into account in one's deliberations,
    when seeking to determine the conditions obtaining in the field.

    These are: (1) The Moral Law; (2) Heaven; (3) Earth;
    (4) The Commander; (5) Method and discipline.
    Sun Tzu, "The Art of War"
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  16. #76
    Member Member Rougeman's Avatar
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  17. #77
    Victory Against All Odds Member Húrin the Steadfast's Avatar
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    Default Re: SS 6.4 - "Europa I" - Late Era

    Very nice RP so far, however i would like to see some picture too.
    Anyway, a reminder that you can only receive the bonuses with RPG from every 1 turn. That means that even if you make RPG stories more then once every turn, only one time counts. This is to prevent RPG writers having too big of a financial advantage after non-RPG writers.

    We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children.
    "Are you a racist?" - No, i am a realist.

  18. #78
    Mmmm, Antares is tasty! Senior Member Alien Attack Champion Nightbringer's Avatar
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    Default Re: SS 6.4 - "Europa I" - Late Era

    Do battle reports count as RP?
    I was planning on doing one for this turn since I haven't figured out what I want to write about more fully. Plus, full on story writing has never really been my thing.
    Also, could we start a courtroom for the game? If we are putting emphasis on RP I would love to have a designated place for diplomats, since diplomacy RP is the kind I like best!
    Moderator of The Throne Room
    “Being a Humanist means trying to behave decently without expectation of rewards or punishment after you are dead.” ― Kurt Vonnegut
    "Education: that which reveals to the wise, and conceals from the stupid, the vast limits of their knowledge." ― Mark Twain
    "Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humor was provided to console him for what he is." ― Oscar Wilde
    “While money can't buy happiness, it certainly lets you choose your own form of misery.” ― Groucho Marx

  19. #79
    Victory Against All Odds Member Húrin the Steadfast's Avatar
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    Default Re: SS 6.4 - "Europa I" - Late Era

    I think we should keep all RP in this thread. And yes After Action Reports also count as RP.

    We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children.
    "Are you a racist?" - No, i am a realist.

  20. #80
    Mmmm, Antares is tasty! Senior Member Alien Attack Champion Nightbringer's Avatar
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    Default Re: SS 6.4 - "Europa I" - Late Era

    Okay, we have generally done separate courtroom threads here to keep things clear, but we can try mixing it together too.

    To everyone,

    A messenger, garbed in elegant dark green silks, and bearing a gold encrusted scroll case, arrives in your capital with a small escort. The scroll he carries is an invitation for all leaders to send diplomat's to the city of Alexandria of the Ayyubid Dynasty.

    Upon arrival (assuming you send a diplomat), your diplomat is escorted to a large domed building near the coast. Inside, they are led through a curtained doorway into a spacious and well lit room. The roof is open in the center, allowing sunlight and the fresh sea breeze to flow down onto the large circular table that is the central focus of the room. Bowls of figs, almonds, and pomegranates, and lain out on the table, and a stick of incense burns in the center, mixing with the smell of the nearby Mediterranean pleasantly.

    Several men dressed in white silk stand attentively near the table, holding trays of crystal glasses filled with clear water.
    At each of the two doorways to the room, a stern looking, but silent Mamluk stands at attention, his eyes scanning your diplomat as he enters, clearly checking for any signs of weapons.

    Seated at the table, in the largest and most lavishly cushioned chair, is a portly man dressed in flowing red embroidered robes leans back, surveying the entering diplomats. A full beard and fashionably trimmed mustache adorn his round face, and he appears quite welcoming and jolly in all but his piercing green eyes which apart from being quite unusual for his ethnicity, having a piercing nature to them that makes one feel rather uncomfortable.

    This man waves a hand for your diplomat to come to the table, and introduces himself as Abu Fadi El-Amin.
    Moderator of The Throne Room
    “Being a Humanist means trying to behave decently without expectation of rewards or punishment after you are dead.” ― Kurt Vonnegut
    "Education: that which reveals to the wise, and conceals from the stupid, the vast limits of their knowledge." ― Mark Twain
    "Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humor was provided to console him for what he is." ― Oscar Wilde
    “While money can't buy happiness, it certainly lets you choose your own form of misery.” ― Groucho Marx

  21. #81
    Norse Uikikr Member Mithridate's Avatar
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    Default Re: SS 6.4 - "Europa I" - Late Era

    Miswar looked out over the desert as the sun set, thinking back on the days event. Sultan Tahirs message had arrived hours prior, changing everything for him and the household.

    Out on the rocky, sand covered plains he observed as some farmers returning home to their families after a merciless day under the sun. Forever amazed over how pointless they and their lives where while yet being absolutely vital to the Sultanates existence. How they carried them all on those worn backs, planting the very seed of all of their futures in the meager soil.

    Now, by the command of the Sultan he was their master in all but title. Tahir had put all his authority on him and declared holy war for the reconquest of Iberia, the decree being that all men in iberia must be allowed the true teachings of Allah and not forced to the Christian faith. No true Muslim can stand aside and watch their neighbors be turned from the one true god.

    "Tahir have spent too much time in Cordoba and luxury if he thinks me to sit aside in this great war, I shall show our people who I am and what I am capable of! No Portugiese, Aragonese or Castilian shall stand against me as i do the work of god, I will lead them on the path of the true faith or i shall destroy them."

    The armies of moor where already massing but they where to fight under his banner and not the one of his father, he would see to that.

    Novgorod up
    Last edited by Mithridate; 03-10-2012 at 01:55.

  22. #82
    Master of the Universe Member LooseCannon1's Avatar
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    Default Re: SS 6.4 - "Europa I" - Late Era

  23. #83
    Strategist and Storyteller Senior Member Myth's Avatar
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    Default Re: SS 6.4 - "Europa I" - Late Era

    @Húrin the Steadfast, why are we not using Huge unit scale?

    Sicilly up. @Dallor
    Last edited by Myth; 03-10-2012 at 15:36.
    The art of war, then, is governed by five constant
    factors, to be taken into account in one's deliberations,
    when seeking to determine the conditions obtaining in the field.

    These are: (1) The Moral Law; (2) Heaven; (3) Earth;
    (4) The Commander; (5) Method and discipline.
    Sun Tzu, "The Art of War"
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  24. #84

    Default Re: SS 6.4 - "Europa I" - Late Era

  25. #85
    Victory Against All Odds Member Húrin the Steadfast's Avatar
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    Default Re: SS 6.4 - "Europa I" - Late Era

    I guess i forgot, sorry.

    We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children.
    "Are you a racist?" - No, i am a realist.

  26. #86
    Mmmm, Antares is tasty! Senior Member Alien Attack Champion Nightbringer's Avatar
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    Default Re: SS 6.4 - "Europa I" - Late Era

    Quote Originally Posted by Húrin the Steadfast View Post
    I guess i forgot, sorry.
    Thats okay, its not a huge deal...

    HRE up! @freakkriek

    Does nobody want to come to my courtroom?

    Also, when is it that you get the money for RP posts?
    Last edited by Nightbringer; 03-11-2012 at 01:10.
    Moderator of The Throne Room
    “Being a Humanist means trying to behave decently without expectation of rewards or punishment after you are dead.” ― Kurt Vonnegut
    "Education: that which reveals to the wise, and conceals from the stupid, the vast limits of their knowledge." ― Mark Twain
    "Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humor was provided to console him for what he is." ― Oscar Wilde
    “While money can't buy happiness, it certainly lets you choose your own form of misery.” ― Groucho Marx

  27. #87

    Default Re: SS 6.4 - "Europa I" - Late Era

    Kaiser Frederick walks restless in his tent. In order to make his empire great he must have friends... powerfull friends! To have agreements is one thing but to have the agreements followed is another question. Luckily the Kaiser has two more diplomatic weapons in his arsenal. His son and heir, Heinrich, is still unmarried but needs a wife quickly to produce offspring that in one day hopefully will inherit the world. Secondly his daughter Elisabeth von Hohenstaufen is in need of a husband.

    Frederick instructs his finest diplomats to spread the word that any faction heir that marries his daughter can count on his unwavering loyalty and gratitude, a dowry worthy of an Imperial princess.
    The country of the princess that marries Heinrich will be protected and considered equals as long as their offspring rule the empire but a fitting dowry is expected.

    Now the only thing the Kaiser can do is wait...

    England is up @Rougeman

  28. #88
    Mmmm, Antares is tasty! Senior Member Alien Attack Champion Nightbringer's Avatar
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    Default Re: SS 6.4 - "Europa I" - Late Era

    Wow, we really are moving fast!

    Are people interested in having diplomats together in a city? I find it makes general proclamations easy to disseminate, and also promotes some good debates over international policy, and some good boasting by the diplomats of successful empires.

    here is an example of how that has gone in the past for those of you who don't usually play here
    Moderator of The Throne Room
    “Being a Humanist means trying to behave decently without expectation of rewards or punishment after you are dead.” ― Kurt Vonnegut
    "Education: that which reveals to the wise, and conceals from the stupid, the vast limits of their knowledge." ― Mark Twain
    "Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humor was provided to console him for what he is." ― Oscar Wilde
    “While money can't buy happiness, it certainly lets you choose your own form of misery.” ― Groucho Marx

  29. #89
    Victory Against All Odds Member Húrin the Steadfast's Avatar
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    Default Re: SS 6.4 - "Europa I" - Late Era

    I believe the best time to add RPG money is after every 3 turns, the same time as i check all modifiers.

    We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children.
    "Are you a racist?" - No, i am a realist.

  30. #90
    Member Member Rougeman's Avatar
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