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Thread: Conquest and A game of Empires: A Seleucid AAR

  1. #31

    Default Re: Conquest and A game of Empires: A Seleucid AAR

    13. The Great War Part 2: The fall of the Getai
    The Getai had been reduced to 2 provinces by Cleon but his army was quite depleted and 3 Roman armies were on their way to Greece. Cleon received reinforcements from Pella and defeated the last of the Getic armies. However, their final city was well defended with over 30 000 heavily armed Thracian warriors. This made an assault too risky as he knew that on the walls the Thracian blades would cut his army apart. After some deliberation he decided to withdraw and wait for the King. Nikeratos arrived just as the Romans began besieging Cleons forces and his horse-archers came out of the blue and overwhelmed the first Roman army. It was a massacre. The head of the consul was thrown into the camp of the second Roman army which caused a panic. Nikeratos then surrounded the Roman camp and rained flaming arrows down on them for 3 days. A majority of the army was killed trying to break out.

    The third Roman army was more cautious but Nikeratos had another trick up his sleeve. Out of no-where a vast German horde attacked the Roman legions and they were routed by the sheer surprise and ferocity of the attack. The Getai were destroyed by the combines armies of the Sweboz, Nikeratos and Cleon. The Romans had conquered most of Germania and the displaced German horde had been invited by Nikeratos to settle down in An-Kink. This created a buffer state for the Seleucids. Instead of a long slogging match in Europe, the Germans a created a huge buffer which restricted the war to the north near Germany. Several generals were sent to the Roman-Germany/Sarmatian/Seleucid border to invade Germany. Meanwhile, a fleet of 500 ships had arrived at the port of Ambrakia and 100 000 men marched into Greece from the East awaiting the orders of their King. Fleeing from the city of Carthage, a lone stranger arrived in the camp of Nikeratos. A bitter man, filled with hatred of Rome. A legendary figure who had only a decade ago marched his army over mountains to Reach Rome. That man was Hannibal Barca

    The offensive
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    Last edited by seleucid empire; 04-09-2012 at 12:43.

  2. #32

    Default Re: Conquest and A game of Empires: A Seleucid AAR

    I wonder what Hannibal is going to do now that Rome has been trampled under. Perhaps demand revenge on the kingdom that abandoned him during his war? :p

  3. #33

    Default Re: Conquest and A game of Empires: A Seleucid AAR

    oh dont look at the map, that was after the invasion. i had no pictures but i had one save game before each of my faction leader died

  4. #34

    Default Re: Conquest and A game of Empires: A Seleucid AAR

    14. The Great War Part 3: The Liberation of Sicily and Magna Graecia
    With the help of the ingenious Hannibal, preparations were made for a swift and decisive strike in the Roman holdings in Sicily and the Roman-Greek cities in southern Italy. The army of 100 000 was split off into 3 segments. The first one was the new royal army created in Alexandrian fashion which was lead by the King and landed near the Greek City of Syracuse which was besieged quickly. The second army was lead by the Nephew of the King, Apatiourios Syriakos. This army landed near Messena, north of Syracuse and found Messena unguarded. The city was quickly taken. The Third army was lead by Epigenes Syriakos, son of Nikeratos and heir to the empire This landed in Southern Italy and immediately began to beseige Taras. Two other generals were also sent to assist in the invasion. One landed in western Sicily and found over 30 000 spanish, maure, and Greek mercenaries who were willing to join the Seleucids. The second general landed near Rhegion and found over 40 000 native Samnites, Bruttians, Celts, and Greeks who wanted to throw off the Roman yoke. The Seleucids had gathered 2 more armies for their cause. The invasion force of Italy was now over 170 000 strong, the largest force ever gathered in one place. In fact a common saying among our military historians today is "From the time of Nikeratos battles were fought on maps not battlefields". All of Sicily was conquered in 3 months and both Rhegion and Taras fell 3 months after. This war was the first war in which large scale butchering in the millions occurred. The Seleucids killed every Roman citizen they found leading to the deaths of over 1 000 000 Romans throughout Sicily and Magna Graecia.

    The Roman senate was shocked. They had expected a long slogging match in Europe where the large manpower reserves of the Romans and their efficient recruiting system would win the war for them. Instead they found over 170 000 enemies close to their heartlands with only a meager force of 4 legions (20 000 men) to defend themselves. The Senate recalled all legions in Germany but they knew the legions would not arrive in time to save Capua and Arpi. However there was a good chance they would arrive before Rome fell. The war for Italy itself would be decided at the Gates of Rome
    Last edited by seleucid empire; 04-11-2012 at 09:30.

  5. #35

    Default Re: Conquest and A game of Empires: A Seleucid AAR

    15. The Great War Part 4: Surrounding the Enemy
    Capua and Arpi were taken by the Seleucids after much resistance and the King found his forces 20 000 men fewer after assaulting their walls. The fierce resistance was due to the fact that the cities had heard of the slaughter of the Romans in Sicily and called up every single available man to defend their walls. The second factor was the walls themselves. The Roman walls had been designed so that there were few places on the wall in which siege engines could be used. It was also impossible to approach any position near the walls without coming into range of at least 3 ballista towers.

    After the fall of these two cities, Nikeratos recieved word that 12 legions had returned to Rome with over 80 000 men defending Latinum itself. Nikeratos knew he could win the battle easily but would have heavily depleted forces to deal with the remaining legions that were returning to Rome. So he decided to take northern Italy first and secure a buffer against the Remaining Roman armies. He sent orders to his nephew Apatourios Syriakos to attack Arretium and hold that position with his army. He then ordered his son and heir Epigenes to attack Ariminum and defend his position. Both were successful however, Epigenes, longing for glory disobeyed his father's orders to stay and defend his position. Instead he swept across the north attacking and taking Bononia, Medolanum and Segestica. By doing so, Epigenes had spread his forces thin and a Roman legion stationed at Pavatium attacked Bononia. Cleon Kolesyriakos received a letter from the king urging him to support Epigenes in the north as the king was unable to do so and hold back the Roman counter attack at the same time. Epigenes was forced to send his personal bodyguard to aid his lieutenant who was in charge of Bononia. The Romans took this opportunity to assasinate Epigenes. When news reached the King it was said that he didn't weep and called his son a fool who deserved his fate. Nikeratos sent envoys to several celtic tribes and gave the territory surrounding Medolanum to the Arveni tribe and Bononia to the Aedui tribe to act as buffers, similar to the German allies who were now in An-kink. He kept Segesta and reinforced it with some mercenaries. Meanwhile, Cleon had landed near Pavatium and besieged the last Roman city in Italy besides Rome itself. Nikeratos then marched onto Rome with only 30 000 men determined to destroy the Great city as revenge

    The situation in Northern Italy
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    Last edited by seleucid empire; 04-11-2012 at 09:26.

  6. #36

    Default Re: Conquest and A game of Empires: A Seleucid AAR

    16. The Great War Part 5: The fall of Rome
    In the autumn of 193 BC Nikeratos arrived in Latiunum and was challenged by two Roman forces totaling 80 000 men. Having only 33 000 men himself, the logical move would have been to retreat to Capua and await reinforcements. However, Nikeratos wanted to end the war in Italy one and for all so he decided to meet them in battle. Arrayed before him were two consuls and 14 legions. On the other hand, Nikeratos was leading the finest Greek army since Alexander the Great, full of veterans. It promised to be an epic battle

    The Romans split their forces in two and marched towards each wing of the Seleucid army in a V shape. However, Nikeratos ordered his incredibly disciplined phalanx line to spread out which it did with extreme efficiency and speed. The Romans watched as the Seleucid line almost doubled in length and the Consuls changed their battle plan, going for a direct charge into the now thin Selecuid line.
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    The legions crashed into the Seleucid phalanx expecting to break through. However the sheer discipline of Nikerato's troops kept the phalanx intact.
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    On the flanks the Hypaspistai, the best soldiers in the entire Seleucid empire were doing massive damage to forces several times their size. When all of the Roman forces had engaged, Nikeratos sent his 2000 strong Hetaroi in a devastating charge on the Roman left flank. The entire flank disintegrated immediately and the Hetaroi regrouped before charging into backs of the centre of the Roman line. This caused an instant rout of the entire Roman army and the Seleucids gave chase sparing few
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    Nikeratos then marched on Rome who opened her gates begging for mercy. He would have none of that. He slaughtered the entire Roman population of 500 000 men as revenge for killing his only son. Rome, The Greatest city in the west, matched only by Carthage was now a burning ruin
    Last edited by seleucid empire; 04-12-2012 at 11:46.

  7. #37

    Default Re: Conquest and A game of Empires: A Seleucid AAR

    17. End of an Era
    In the Summer of 192, Nikeratos the Reformer passed away peacefully in a villa outside Rome at the age of 66. His achievements were extraordinary. He conquered more land than Theodoros and his reforms made the Empire the strongest in the World. He had conquered Bactria, Syracuse and Rome, three of the world's largest and most well defended cities. He had destroyed the Bactrians, Parthians, Sarmatians, Getai, Saka and reclaimed Sicily for all of the Greeks. The Seleucid empire was now being called by many the reunified empire of Alexander Megas and Nikeratos Megas. Nikeratos reunited Alexander's empire and his conquest of both the Northern lands and Italy made the Seleucid empire the largest empire in history, even greater than the Persians. He had conquered the Romans homelands of Italy but he knew the war wasn't over.
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    30 years ago a man by the name of Marius had reformed the Roman military and political system. Legionaries could now be recruited in all of their provinces so the fall of Rome didn't mean the end of the war. However, the conquest of Italy had split the Roman empire in two. There were now two large blocs in Spain and Central/Eastern Europe.
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    The Western bloc in Spain was governed by Gaius Scipio (10 star, 10 management, 10 influence O.O), a legendary Roman general who had conquered most of Iberia in 20 years, all there was left was large tribe in the north resisting the Romans. The capital of the western bloc was at the former Celtiberian fortress of Numantia. The Eastern Roman bloc in Cnetral Europe was governed by the exiled senate. Nikeratos knew that unless he chose a strong successor, all his gains would have been for nothing and his son had been killed. All of the other members of the Royal family were deemed incompetent so Nikeratos made a surprising decision. He picked his nephew Cleon of the Kolesyriakos family, as his heir. Cleon would one day become perhaps our most interesting King and his legendary campaign through Iberia would prove him the Greatest general our empire has ever seen. Also, Hannibal, was given governorship of all of Italy north of Taras. He treated well those cities who were allied with him during the punic war, the Samnites and Etruscians but the city of Rome itself he ruled as a harsh tyrant. During that year, Hannibal secretly visited Carthage and came back bringing a boy of 16, a bastard son, but Hannibal named him as his heir regardless and sent him to Cleon as an aide, hoping he would one day become a general equal to himself.
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    The Campaigns of Nikeratos
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    The death of Nikeratos was truly the end of an era. Before we move onto Cleon, we will have a look at some of his political, economic and military reforms
    Last edited by seleucid empire; 04-18-2012 at 08:45.

  8. #38

    Default Re: Conquest and A game of Empires: A Seleucid AAR

    18. The Deeds of the Reformer Part 1: The Conquests and Military
    Nikeratos can be described as a Innovative King as well as a great warrior general, comparable to Alexander the Great, his conquests, and his spread of hellenism as well as Cyrus the Great and his conquests and reforms which gave the birth to the Persian empire. He entered the political scene at the age of only 16 and quickly took over administration of Antioch. In his 30's he embarked on his campaigns which incorporated the east, north and Italy. He conquered as much territory as Theodoros however keep in mind that in Theodoros' reign enemies were pushing in from all sides while Nikeratos only ever faced a threat in one direction throughout his military career.
    Map of Empire at the Death of Theodoros
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    Map of Empire at the Death of Nikeratos
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    Nikeratos was a cunning general and he took many cities by trickery such as Antiocha Margiene and Bactra. he was also adept at changing his strategy based on what troops were available to him. For example, after his army was devastated at the battle of Bactra, he quickly formed an army of horse archers and phalangites, to conquer the rest of the east. He then created an army made entirely of horse archers and conquered the stepples using nomad tactics. He adopted the Cataphract which is now one of the empires most formidable cavalry corps and created the Thorakitai Agematos Basilikou (Hellenic Elite Spearmen) affectionately called the Iron Pillars which are almost invincible in battlefield.
    Last edited by seleucid empire; 04-21-2012 at 12:54.

  9. #39

    Default Re: Conquest and A game of Empires: A Seleucid AAR

    19. The Deeds of the Reformer Part 2: The administration
    Because the empire was so large after the conquests of Theodoros and Nikeratos, there were now hundreds of provinces. The empire is based on a fusion of the Hellenic system and the old Persian system. As a result there were hundreds of Satraps, client rulers and petty kings throughout the empire, which was becoming harder to control. Nikeratos decided that change was needed if the empire was to stay intact or keep expanding. As a result he made a series of reforms which guaranteed the loyalty of the empire to its King.

    He decided to create a new class of administrators called the Arbiters. He split the empire into 11 main areas: Sicily and Magna Graecia, Italy, Macedonia and Thrace, Greece, Asian Minor, The north, The East, The Heartlands (Syria, Babylonia, Persis), Armenia, The Arabian Lands and Egypt. Each of these lands had a regional capital which would serve as a centre for military and taxation. The Arbiter's role was to oversee the military resources of that region and the power to raise troops was taken away from the satrap. The Arbiter himself was in charge of choosing generals to lead the regional forces but was discouraged to lead armies himself unless in dire emergencies.

    Before this reform, the satrap of important cities such as Bactra would have massive influence over the minor satraps around them and gained control of a large section of the empire. They could raise large amounts of troops and directly challenge the empire. After the reforms the military was in the control of the Arbiter, selected men who were loyal to the King, giving the King complete control over the empires armies. Also, since the Arbiters role was purely military, he had no cities which he directly controlled and had less support from the people of the region. In effect, a satrap had no military forces to start a rebellion and if an Arbiter rebelled he would have no cities from which to draw troops from.

    The 11 Provinces of the Empire During the Time of Nikeratos (click on the pic to enlarge)
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    The 11 Areas and capitals are:
    1. The Heartlands (Red). This covers Mesopotamia and Syria, the Trade hub of the empire and the food bowl. This is the most developed province in terms of economy, military and infrastructure Also has largest population of Greeks of military age. Even larger than Hellas and Macedonia dude to immigration. Contains Antioch, Babylon and Seleucia the Three greatest cities of the empire. Antioch is both the capital of the Region as well as the Capital of the empire. Ruled directly by Royal family (Syriakos) from Antioch. The Arbiter of this province is the King

    2. Egypt and Nubia (Dark Blue). This covers all of Egypt, Nubia, Ethiopia, Cyreniaca and eastern Libya. This it the third largest province in the empire after The East and the north. Rich in agriculture and trade hub at Alexandria which is its capital. Third most developed in terms of infrastructure and also third in fertility

    3. The East (Light Blue). The largest and arguably the strongest of the provinces. Capital at Bactra. Controls all of the east including Parthia, former Saka lands, Bactria and India. Controls most of the Iranian plateau and its mines making it extremely rich. Vast distance between cities however reduces loyalty to the Satrap of Bactra. Population is slightly lower than heartlands due to large distances and sparse population. Governed since the days of Nikeratos by the extremely loyal Phonikikes family. The Arbiter is usually the crown prince. Has a few Greek centres for military recruitment and access to many tribes of nomads. The size of the East province is as large as the Northern (second largest) and Egyptian (3rd largest) provinces combined

    4. Asia Minor (Purple). This capital of this province has constantly shifted between from Pergamon (More Greek and more wealthy) to Ankya (more central). Governed by the several different families. Contains many mines and the cities are located quite close together meaning it has a large population. It is quite rich although not as much so as the heartlands. It is a melting pot of cultures and as a result it has the largest variation of troop variety and one of the largest mercenary pools although fewer elite troops can be recruited here

    5. Arabia (Dark Green). Its current (125 BC) capital is the former capital of the Saba at Mayrab. However during the time of Nikeratos the Arabian peninsula had not yet been conquered and the capital was a Petra. Back in Nikeratos days it was a profitable region due to its spice trade however after the conquest of ALL of the Arabian peninsula and now (125), it is a dead weight due to 150 000 men needed to garrison the rebellious region.

    6. Armenia (Maroon). This province is the second poorest and has the second smallest population after the North. However it is a very well defended and secure location due to the Caucasian mountains. It has a very strong network of fortresses that makes Armenia very hard to conquer

    7. The North (Yellow). The second largest province of the empire although it is the poorest and most sparsely populated. Its capital is at the Greek coastal city of Chrenosomes. Large population of Scythian and Sarmations. It is the recuiting centre of the Great horde.

    8. Greece (Light Green). Capital has been shifted constantly between Athens(wealth) and Sparte (Military and totalitarian control). Relatively rich land due to sea trade. Has vast Greek population but very little recruitment actually occurs here because troops here still fight in hoplite fashion as opposed to phalanx and has poor cavalry choices

    9. Macedonia and Thrace (Pink) Includes Macedon, Epirus, Thessaly, Thrace and Dacia. Capital at Pella. The Province is the main military recruitment center for all military operations west of the Hellespont. Due to its strong Macedonian tradition a very good successor army can be raised here. In Thrace fierce Thracian troops can be raised such as the taxis tribolli and thracian cavalry. This makes it the most important province in Europe. Also has a large mercenary pool.

    10. Italy (Black). Excludes southern Italy. Capital at Rome and ruled by Hannibal Barca and his descendants. Richest Agricultural land in Europe and second most fertile land in the empire. Has even more mercenaries available than Asia Minor. At the death of Nikeratos, the arbiter of Italy found over 100 000 mercenaries available throughout northern and central Italy

    11. Sicily and Magna Graecia (Brown) includes sicily and Magna Graecia and capital in the Great city of Syracuse. Although a tiny province it has several powerful trade cites and a strong greek recruitment zone. Also a mercenary hub

    We can see how successful Nikeratos' reforms have been. There has not been a single large scale rebellion by a satrap since his time (although there were plenty of rebellions caused by nationlists, warlords and brigand armies). Also this reform has allowed the empire to continually expand to what it is today.
    Last edited by seleucid empire; 04-24-2012 at 05:52.

  10. #40

    Default Re: Conquest and A game of Empires: A Seleucid AAR

    feedback??? anyone??

  11. #41

    Default Re: Conquest and A game of Empires: A Seleucid AAR

    Oh if anyone is confused this AAR is a catch up one. In my campaign it is 125 BC and i need my AAR to catch up to my current date before i can begin writing in a different style. This is told from the perspective of a Greek tutor at Antioch and the current year is 125 BC. Which is also the year my fourth King dies and I can start writing about the new King with a first/second person perspective
    Last edited by seleucid empire; 04-22-2012 at 15:04.

  12. #42

    Default Re: Conquest and A game of Empires: A Seleucid AAR

    20. The Deeds of the Reformer Part 3: The Economy and Infrastructure
    Around ten years before his invasion of Italy, Nikeratos began a massive building throughout the empire. 5 massive ports were built in the cities of Alexandria, Rhodes, Antioch, Sidon and Cyrene making the Eastern Mediterranean one of the Wealthiest trade regions in the world. In the heartlands and Asia Minor, all markets were upgraded to an enormous size, making Syria the richest territory in both land and sea trade. In Asia Minor and Macedon, mines were built and upgraded. In Mesopotamia, large agricultural estates were built and in the East, trade caravans were established. This made the empire even richer than the trade empire of Carthage and even surpassed the legendary wealth of the Persian empire. The money now flowing in allowed Nikeratos to fund the massive force of 170 000 men who partook in the invasion of Italy. The economic infrastructure built by Nikeratos is what makes our empire so rich and powerful today
    Last edited by seleucid empire; 04-29-2012 at 05:34.

  13. #43

    Default Re: Conquest and A game of Empires: A Seleucid AAR

    THis is fun but I am only about half way through. The arche is a lot of fun as you get to have a huge empire early in the game when there is not 7 million battles per turn. Troops are mostly awesome though I wish they had an armored HA like Hayasdan.

    Only wish the pics were a little bigger and maybe just a few more. But I understand you are just trying to catch up. An aar that starts 120s bc hm? Interesting.

    My arche campaign hit a standstill around illyria (about 190bc). resorted to cheating up north in ancient russia as i could not accept 400 unarmed nomads without horses giving my allied nomad armies (fullstack ha) any trouble after thrashing a large Sauromatae army. So i process cq L4 gov to get the province to stick. Any expansion north or west of Illyria seems impossible to keep without cheating (i can only justify this cheat in the nomad territories).

    i do not know how people conquer the world. I still have the save somewhere and was planning on some point at attempting to take Italy somehow. Would probably have to move the capitol to Ispos I guess and allow the old Saka lands to revolt? IDK. I also thought of letting the whole thing crumble while some young foreign/disloyal noble starts a new kingdom in Massalia or Syracuse.

    Good luck, keep it up. I am curios where you are going with this. my deepest campaign was 169 bc with hayasdan but yours will 'start' 40+ years after that.

  14. #44

    Default Re: Conquest and A game of Empires: A Seleucid AAR

    thank you moriluk!! well it should get interesting after 120 bc cause my current faction leader is a general of 41 years of age who conquered all of spain and western gaul. However he has zero influence and management which i didnt think was possible for a faction leader and he is also thousands of km from the Capital. Also there is a family member named Ptolemaios who somehow popped up in Antioch. Should make for some interesting times ahead... oh regarding the pictures you can click on the to enlarge them :)

    In my arche campaign the Sarmations ive found are more easily beaten using phalanxes and archers than a pure horse archer army. They are also better at garrisoning afterwards. The only reason i managed to do so with a horse archer army was because there were like 10 units of merc horse archers available everywhere i went. You dont need to cheat, just need to manage troops and money well. To take Italy, send 3 stacks to Sicily and assault the walls. Then move your way up Italy

    I think it would be better if you kept your capital at Antioch, because any further west and India would rebell and any further east Spain and Italy would rebel

    oh btw im a big fan of your carthage aar!!
    Last edited by seleucid empire; 05-01-2012 at 16:22.

  15. #45

    Default Re: Conquest and A game of Empires: A Seleucid AAR

    21. The Sand Wars (195-175)

    Before moving onto Cleon we will discuss the situation in Arabia and the Great Sand Wars which lasted from 195-174 BC. Alexandros Syriakos had conquered western and eastern Arabia in the later years of his life. However in his final conquest of the city of Homna he had come into conflict with the powerful Sabaen Federation which was the dominant force in Southern Arabia. What followed was a long struggle with the Sabaens over the areas of Bostra in Western Arabia and Homna in Eastern Arabia. The Sabaens would often raid the Arabian territories who were allied to the Seleucids and launched full scale attacks against Homna. In Nikeratos reign he decided it was enough. In 196 BC, while campaigning in Italy he received word that caravans had been raided by the Sabaens again and he decided to end the threat permanently. He commissioned a general named Malchos Didymikos to raise an army of Mercenaries and crush the Sabaens.

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    At the time, the Sabaens had a strong naval presence and had bribed over 700 red sea pirate ships to join their navy. Seeing that a naval invasion would be suicidal, Malchos decided to do the impossible He marched his army overland down the great desert of Ma'in. The Sabaens were too surprised to act in time to save their fortress of Carna which led to the sacking of the town. He then marched to the capital city of Maryab which he besieged. A hastily assembled force of levied face him which he crushed easily killing 40 000 men. He then took and sacked the city. The crown jewel of the Sabaens had been taken. By this time the rest of the Federation had prepared their defenses. Malchos now found himself facing over 200 000 enemies. Luckily, Malchos was a charismatic man and won support from the tribes that were formerly under the dominance of the Saba tribe. He reinforced his battered army with 10 000 Arabian skirmishers which he arranged into 5 very large "cohorts". This may have been influenced by his education in Rome in his earlier years when Rome was still an ally of the Seleucids. He sent 8 000 men to attack Carna which was once again in the hands of the Saba and then prepared Maryab for the siege he knew was coming. The Sabaen army arrived in waves. The first army had 40 000 men including many professional troops. This army broke on the Seleucid defenses. Malchos then marched his army out of the city to face the second army before the third could arrive. This army was mostly badly trained levies and its primary function was to reinforce the first army. Malchos crushed them easily. Malcho recieved 2 more "cohorts" of Arabian warriors and marched onto Tamane. At Tamane he faced a huge army of 75 000 Sabaens. This army also had the Arabian elites. The Sabaens had been holding back their best to unleash them now in an effort to overwhelm Malchos

    The battle started with Malchos sending his Allied tribal cavalry to harass the Sabaen elite infantry. He arranged his troops in a Roman fashion like a checkerboard. The first line of Sabaen elites arrived and charged the Seleucid line. However the storm of arrows and javelins from the Seleucid allies killed most of them before they even reached the first line. The Sabaen Malek ordered his entire army to charge at the weakened centre of the Seleucid army. However the Southern Arabians had never faced a phalanx before and didnt know its weaknesses. The phalanx held and the malek called for his reserves in an attempt to finally break them. The battle was now on the line and Malchos quickly made his decision. He turned to his generals bodyguard and cried "Will you ride with me? sons of the Seleucus and Alexander!" and lead his 500 cavalry straight at the Sabaen Kings warrior-priest guard. The shock of the charge was overwhelming and the entire unit routed after they saw their King fly up in the air from the impact. The Kings head was quickly cut off and placed on the lance of a companion. They then rode behind the Sabaen army shouting "your King is dead!" before charging into a unit of arabian noblemen. The effect was instantaneous. The entire Sabaen army began running for ther live and the allied cavalry chased them without mercy. The cavalry returned 3 days later. Over 70 000 of the enemy had died and the city of Tamane was destroyed not long after

    Soon afterwards he recieved news that the governor of Homna had sent a large army of 35 000 arabians to assist Malchos and they had already taken Ubar. This gave him the confidence he needed to advance on Sabata, the last Sabaen city. By now his army was almost primarily composed of arabians, most of his mercenaries had died except his phalangites. The final Saba army was made up of elite cavalry and missile troops but Malchos trapped them inside the city. After 2 years of siege the army tried to sally but was wiped out. This marked the end of the Saba

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    After his conquests Malchos was considered the second greatest general of his time after Cleon the great and one of the most influential. In just twenty years he secured all of southern Arabia which was considered unconquerable by many nations who have tried before including the Persians. His campaigns are often compared to those of Hannibal and Cleon the Great, one of surprising actions, brilliant battles, holding together a force of different nationalities and cultures, and against overwhelming odds. However where as hannibal failed to destroy his enemies Cleon and Malchos succeeded. And while successful, Cleon's campaigns didnt have any permanant territorial gains unlike Malchos. Malchos also had to face another powerful enemy: The Desert. To this day he is still seen as one of the great generals of the empire and the only foreigner who has ever united Arabia.
    Last edited by seleucid empire; 04-24-2012 at 07:41.

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  16. #46

    Default Re: Conquest and A game of Empires: A Seleucid AAR

    22. Ascension of the Butcher, The Great War Part 6: The return of the Romans
    As mentioned before, Cleon Kolesyriakos is perhaps the most interesting of our kings and from the age of 25 to his death at 62 years of age he commanded nearly 100 battles and never retreated nor was he defeated earning him a place among generals like Alexander the Great. He earned the nickname of butcher for his atrocities in Iberia, Southern Gaul and Dacia in which he slaughtered a total of 4 million inhabitants as well as over 1 million soldiers. He is best remembered for his campaign in Iberia where he destroyed the entire Western Roman empire and faced over 500 000 troops in total as well as his defeat of the legendary Roman General Gaius Scipio. A defining aspect of his military conquests was the fact that Cleon relied solely on mercenaries in his armies. This offered him flexibility at the cost of not being able to replace his units once they were battered. This was never a real problem for Cleon because he won all of his battles with minimal casualties. He was described as the greatest military genius of all time and his tactics are still used nearly 40 years after his death
    Cleon the Butcher in 172 before his death (click to enlarge)
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    Cleon began his career at a very early age. After the death of his father to Arabian bandits, he became the head of the Kolesyriakos family and was crowned King of Damascus at age 16. He was very active in the political scene and was a strong voice in the political scene at Antioch. At age 20 he traveled west to Macedonia to evaluate the military security of the region. Reports of the unification of Thrace under the Dacian federation had many lords in the capital worried about an imminent invasion. At Pella he received reports that Dacian armies were massing near the Seleucid town of Serdike. Cleon decided to act. He convinced the Arbiter of Macedonia to grant him command of the regional forces. After which the Dacian war ensued (see chapter 13) While his uncle King Nikeratos was campaigning in Italy (refer to earlier chapters) Cleon was governing the newly conquered Dacia. However he had to return to Damascus due to a rebellion by one of the Local lords and the incompetence of the Royal family in dealing with the rebels. With only his personal bodyguard and 2 000 galatian mercenaries he scaled the walls of Damascus at night and by morning all of the leaders of the rebellion were dead. While he was in Damascus he received Nikerato's letter urging him to help his cousin the heir to the throne Epigenes (refer to earlier chapters). He quickly summoned all strength available to him and force marched them to Epirus where he boarded the fleet and laid siege to Patavium. However his was already to late and Epigenes had been assassinated. Not long after he arrived in Northern Italy, a group of companion cavalry arrived at his camp. They brought to him the will of the King and read it aloud. He was surprised and shocked to discover his uncle King Nikeratos had named him Heir before his death. He was now the ruler of the Seleucid Empire

    The day after he became King he decided to show his men that he was worthy to his predecessors who were all Warrior Kings. He assaulted Patavium and was one of the first over the walls. He won the siege with inferior forces and took 4 000 casualties compared to the 30 000 casualties of the Romans. After sacking the city, Cleon received word that Segesta had been attacked by Roman forces from Iberia. The Romans had only conquered Iberia 20 years ago. Cleon realised that unless he destroyed the Roman presence in Iberia immediately, then Iberia would soon be Romanized and he would fight an endless war in Northern Italy. He called for troops across all of Italy and created an army of fierce Samnite warriors and Cretan archers. His veteran mercenary phalangites from his conquest of Dacia also arrived to follow him. His first target would be Massalia
    Last edited by seleucid empire; 05-22-2012 at 23:52.

  17. #47

    Default Re: Conquest and A game of Empires: A Seleucid AAR

    23. The deeds of the Horde
    Nikeratos had continued to recruit horsemen from the North even during his campaign in Italy. He often sent messages to the city of Chrenosomes ordering more and more tribes to be equipped and ready for war. By the time of Cleon's ascension, there were over 80 000 men active in the north. Cleon ordered the mobilisation of the The Great Horde and within a month all of the tribes met near the city of Olbia the former Scythian capital. Cleon ordered the large horde to separate into 4 main groups and defend the entire European front against the Roman counterattack in Europe. This would enable Cleon to concentrate his efforts in destroying the Western Roman Empire in Iberia

    For the next 80 years the horde would be in Europe fighting first the Romans, then the Gauls and the Lusitanian Empire. They destroyed every single Roman force that crossed into Seleucid lands. The Roman empire was poorer after the loss of Italy. Despite the Marian reforms the Romans could barely afford to arm their men in the old fashion. Instead they used their massive manpower resources to recruit hundreds of thousands of vigiles spearmen, hoping to win a battle of attrition. Vigile armies became a common sight in the next 40 years. They would usually consist of 40 000-50 000 poorly trained spearmen lead by a general and his guard. often mercenaries would be hired as shock troops to implement the army. The vigiles although badly trained, were given good quality spears and large shields. This made them superior to the levies of most other empires and the allowed them to do some damage to the Seleucid forces. During the period between 192 to 136 BC, The combined total of all Roman forces in battle on the German front probably exceeded 3.5 million men and an additional 200 000 mercenaries. By the end of the war most conquered Roman cities were depleted. This strategy might have worked in driving Seleucid forces out of central Europe if not for the presence of The Horde.

    The stepple style of fighting meant that the Vigile armies of the Romans was quite redundant. The horde would often wait near an important bridge or crossing out of sight and wait until half the army had crossed before launching their trap. In some of these battles not a single horsemen was lost while dealing over 40 000 casualties to the Romans. Other Roman armies which were better equipped would march into Seleucid lands and face constant attacks and feigned retreats by smaller bands of horsemen before the horde would convene together and destroy them utterly. The Romans could not find a way to respond to these steppe tactics and continued to send their men to their deaths. The absence of infantry from the horde meant that they could travel and immense speeds and surprise their attackers days before they were expected to arrive. It also meant that the attacking Romans couldn't keep up to the horde and engage them in favorable terms. Often the horde would simply strip the land bare and go around the Roman army, completely destroying their supply lines.

    However the horde was primarily a defensive army despite its flexibility and speed. It could not operate in the dense forests of Germania so it rarely traveled outside Seleucid territory during the war. The conquest of cites was left to the Seleucid infantry forces led by various generals. For 56 years until the end of the great war in 136 BC it would fight over 250 battles and kill over 3 million men while only losing some 20 000 throughout the entire war. They were also responsible for the deaths of 60 Roman generals. It was the most feared army in Europe during Damdas' reign and the second most feared during the Reign of Cleon (Cleon's mercenary army was feared more). The horde kept the defensive line in Germany until the reign of Damdas Syriakos who lead the invasion which would finally destroy the last of the Romans
    Last edited by seleucid empire; 04-30-2012 at 17:00.

  18. #48

    Default Re: Conquest and A game of Empires: A Seleucid AAR

    24. The Great War Part 7: The Siege of Massalia
    Before Cleon left Italy to invade the Western Roman Empire, he created 2 large armies to guard Italy. 40 000 Ligurians were recruited to defend Segestica and block off Roman Invasion from the west. Because Cleon did not trust the Celtic tribes which Nikeratos had settled in Northern Italy, he raised an additional 30 000 allied Italians were equipped as Hastati to defend northern Italy in case of a Celtic invasion.

    He arrived in Massalia and immediately began to create siege equipment for an immediate assault despite the garrison outnumbering his army. He sent forth several siege towers with bolt throwers. This cleared the wall for the Seleucids. The Samnites scaled the walls along with 3 battalions of Cretan archers who began to devastate the Romans beneath the walls. The Romans retreated to the center of the city to regroup with Cretans shooting into their backs. Only 10 000 Romans reached the city square and these were mostly vigiles. Nikeratos sent his 8 samnite battalions to surround this force and attack from all sides with javelins and then charge in boxing the Romans in. The garrison was easily crushed and killed to the last man. The siege had been won with only 1 000 casaulties on the Seleucid side and 40 000 on the Roman side. Afterwards, Cleon slaughtered the entire population excluding the Greeks and set up the foundations of a Greek Satrap. He left his Massalian hoplite Mercenaries in charge of the city and moved his army out within the month.

    His next target would be Tolosa but before he set out, he sent a diplomat to forge an alliance with the Lusitanians who were the last free peoples in Iberia. Although the Lusitanian once owned half the Iberian Peninsula, they were crushed by the Roman Empire 20 years earlier and now only owned Asturia. The Lusitanian accepted the alliance with the condition that all conquered territories would be liberated and the Seleucids would leave Spain after they destroyed the Romans. Although Cleon was at first angered by the proposal he soon realised that he could not hold onto the territories he conquered with only his current forces so he agreed. He then began his journey to Tolosa.
    Last edited by seleucid empire; 05-04-2012 at 11:43.

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  19. #49

    Default Re: Conquest and A game of Empires: A Seleucid AAR


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  20. #50

    Default Re: Conquest and A game of Empires: A Seleucid AAR

    25. The Great War Part 8: Iberia Liberated
    Tolosa was taken after Cleon defeated the Regional Roman forces and the city was sacked. Thousands of Iberians and Romans alike were massacred. When the Lusitanian heard about the massacre they sent envoys to Cleon asking him to explain the deaths of over 80 000 Iberians but the envoy was sent away with a simple response from the King: I did what was necessary. This was the first step in worsening relations between the Lusitanian tribe and the Seleucid Empire. After the sack, Cleon freed the remaining Iberians and they sent an envoy asking the Lusitanians for protection. This was the beginnings of the Lusitanian Federation which would grow into a short-lived but powerful empire

    Cleon's next target was Emporion, a Greek trade city with a large Iberian population. The city was stormed and taken with few casaulties on the Seleucid side due to the genius of Cleon. The Greek population was spared but the Roman and Iberian people were again massacred. The brutality of Cleon's actions once again caused the inhabitants of the Area to send envoys to the Lusitanians asking to join their federation. The same thing happened throughout the rest of Iberia. Whenever Cleon conquered a city he would massacre the population and they would join the Lusitanian federation for protection.

    The Romans under the command of Gaius Scipio who lead the defense from Numantia continued to send armies of 50 000 men to face Cleon and each of these were defeated easily. The Roman armies were mostly composed of vigiles, however there were over 500 000 of them present in Iberia. Cleons army only numbered 30 000 at the very beginning of the campaign but these men were veterans. They were mercenaries hardened through wars in Dacia and Italy. They were equipped with the very best armor and weapons. They were disciplined Greeks, fierce Samnites, vengeful Celts and skilled Cretan archers. And most importantly they saw Cleon as their God of War. Their confidence was fueled by the very presence of their general. They believed that with Cleon, they were invincible. The Roman soldiers believed it too. In the battle for Arse, 80 000 Vigiles descended on Cleons 30 000 men but after only a few minutes of fighting, half the Romans were fleeing from the ferocious Seleucid troops. The Seleucids chased these men into the very heart of the city and slaughtered them all in 2 days of bloodshed. This continued until a further 200 000 inhabitants of Arse were dead. The Romans placed 4 armies of 40 000 men between Arse and Mastia but all of these met the same fate. They fled after pitiful resistance and the Seleucids chased them until there were few left. Only a few hundred Seleucids would be dead or wounded by the end of each battle. Cleon, having just killed almost 160 000 soldiers found Mastia and Baikor easy targets.

    In the battle for Gadar, Cleon found Iberian troops among the Romans. The Iberians were terrified of Cleon and many decided to aid the Romans rather than face another massacre. Regardless, The city was taken with few casualties and sacked. Cleon had now fought over 40 large battles and skirmishes in Iberia. He had killed a total of 300 000 Roman troops and a million Iberian and Roman civilians. His army had lost 3 000 men and now had 27 000 left. Because Cleon bought only a single army to invade Iberia, the Romans had underestimated him. Gaius Scipio believed that he could win a war using overwhelming forces. However, there was no way to bring all of their men into a single battle. On the other hand, Cleon simply sacked a city and moved on with its supplies, making his army self sufficient and much faster than the Romans. Even when the Romans brought a massive force into place (such as the 80 000 in the battle of Arse), the superiority of the Seleucid troops and their fear of Cleon caused a quick rout.

    Sucum-Murgi and Oxtraca were taken except in this case the population was left alone since they were the original homelands of the Lusitanian allies. An envoy was sent by Cleon to the Lusitanians urging them to bring an occupational force. 2 000 elite cavalry sneaked past Roman Territory and occupied both cities. The Lusitanians had returned home. However these last few sieges had seen several battalions of Roman legionaries which fought well on the walls. As a result, Cleon's forces took another 3 000 casualties and was left with 24 000 men. As Cleon was marching on Tyde a force of 10 000 Celtiberians blocked his route. Their leader approached Cleon and informed them that they were rebels and mercenaries who had been resisting Roman rule in Celtiberia. They offered their services as Mercenaries in exchange for Liberating Numantia. Cleon quickly agreed and they marched onto Tyde. In the siege of Tyde, Cleon held back his own men and sent forth the Celtiberians with Rams to breach the walls supported by his Cretan archers. They took the city with only 1 000 casualties and Cleon was so impressed at these men that he is rumor to have said, "Give me a whole army of men like these, and the world would be mine"

    Cleon then moved onto the Capital of the Western Romans: Numantia. Numantia itself was defended by Gaius Scipio (10 stars, 10 management, 10 influence), the Greatest Roman general in history who had conquered Iberian 20 years earlier and at 60 years of age, was 9 years older than Cleon. Gaius had also started his career earlier than Cleon and at the age of only 16 lead his first army. Present at the siege were the 13th, 4th and 11th legions. These were not vigiles but true Roman soldiers. Cleon faced 12 000 heavily armed legionaries and 30 000 vigiles under the command of Gaius Scipio. Cleon had 29 000 men at his command, 9 000 of which were determined to reclaim their homeland of Celtiberia. Although Gaius was a legendary commander with a reputation equal to Cleon himself, Cleon did not fear defeat. After all, a few more years of experience is no match for a military genius. The siege began with the Celtiberians pushing the siege towers up to the walls. They reached the top and engaged the Roman legionaries and both sides suffered massive casualties. Cleon then sent up his samnites who began to overwhelm the Romans. The remaining Roman troops fled back to the center of the city. Cleon ordered all of his troops into the city center where a fierce battle ensued. Cleons bodyguard met those of Gaius in a titanic struggle. Both companies of horsemen were elite and experienced men. Many men of both companies were well into their 60s having fought since they were boys and in the ensuing struggle some of the greatest warriors in the world would fall. Cleon's Somatophylakes Strategou (2 gold chevrons) charged into Gaius' Consular Guard cavalry (3 silver chevrons). Cleon's horsemen were equipped in heavier armor and weapons, as well as having the advantage of Macedonian horsemanship tradition which marked the companions the best horsemen in the world. However he only had 400 men compared to Gaius 1 100 and Gaius' bodyguard were as experienced as Cleons men having fought through all of Spain years earlier. In the battle Cleon cut his way through the Romans and dueled Gaius. After what seemed an age, Cleon finally got the upper hand and pierced Gaius shoulder with his xyston. The Roman General fell off his horse and an unknown Samnite warrior who had wondered into their mist stabbed him before Cleon could react. The rest of Gaius' men began to panic and Cleon's men quickly massacred them. Numantia was taken with over 4 000 Seleucid casualties and the City was returned to the Celiberians. Cleon then commissioned a statue of his deceased enemy Gaius with the engraving: To the most brilliant adversary I have ever faced in this game men call War.

    While celebrating with his men, Cleon received an urgent message. The barbarian tribe in north Italy (see earlier chapters) who were associated with the Aedui Federation had attacked Arrentium. The Regional troops had driven them back but with heavy casualties and Hannibal's had requested permission to raise troops from Sicily and Magna Graecia. Cleon shook with rage at this betrayal. Although he had expected it, the news came at a time where he should have been celebrating his victories. Cleon now had a new target for his fury. He marched with his army to the last Roman city in Spain, Velika and after the took the city he had every man he saw as a barbarian flayed and hung on the city walls. The Romans were gone from Iberia. In just 12 years they were destroyed completely by Cleon. Over 550 000 troops and 2 million civilians were killed in the campaign. Each province he liberated quickly joined the Lusitanian Federation for protection. By the time Cleon left Iberia, the entire Peninsula was in the hands of the Lusitanian and they would, in the future become another powerful enemy the Seleucids would have to face

    After sacking Velika, Cleon prepared his army to march on Western Gaul determined to destroy the Aedui Kingdom. At the foot of the Pyrenees a Celtiberian messenger arrived at his camp and informed him that 4 000 Celtiberians had decided to follow him into Gaul. Many were grateful for his liberation and others had decided to follow this God of War wherever he may lead them. At the head of the most feared army in the World, Cleon marched through the Pyrenees seeking his revenge

    Cleon's Campaign through Iberia (Click to Enlarge)
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    Spain before the Invasion (click to enlarge)
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    Spain After the Invasion (click to Enlarge)
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    Last edited by seleucid empire; 05-12-2012 at 11:58.

  21. #51

    Default Re: Conquest and A game of Empires: A Seleucid AAR

    im finding it really hard to remember exactly how my campaigns went so im gonna make the exploits of each king a bit shorter and describe each in less detail from now on :/

  22. #52

    Default Re: Conquest and A game of Empires: A Seleucid AAR

    26. The Great War Part 9: How the Strong Fall, The Mortal God
    When the Chief Magitrate of the Aedui Federation heard of Cleon's march on Southern Gaul he quickly forged an alliance with the Eastern Roman Empire and called all of the tribes raising 120 000 men. The Aedui cheftain was confident in his ability to defend his lands. After all Cleon only had 25 000 men and they were accustomed to fighting weak Roman vigiles and Iberian levies not the mighty Gallic warriors.

    The Aedui had dominated most of Gaul and the Belgae, leaving their former rivals the Averni with a few territories in South-Eastern Gaul. Their Kingdom was considered the strongest in Europe
    Gaul before Cleon's rampage (click to enlarge)
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    At the Battle of Burdigala, Cleon met his first Gallic army composed of 20 000 heavy infantry including many proud Gallic swordsmen and 10 000 cavalry consisting of the famous Gallic light cavalry and the feared Brihentin. Cleon marched 2000 of his celtiberians along the road and hid his main army in the forest nearby. The Gauls thought that they had found the vanguard of the Seleucid army and committed all of their cavalry to crush the small force. The rest of the Celtiberians arrived and pushed back the cavalry causing the light cavalry to rout. Cleon then charged in with his seemingly invincible personal bodyguard and routed the heavy cavalry. The Celtiberians then formed a thin line and lured the Gallic infantry in. The Aedui general ordered his remaining infantry to charge the line expecting to break through. Cleon then sprung his trap, using an ambush tactic he had seen the Iberians employing countless times in his Campaigns. The rest of his army charged into the flank of the Gallic army unleashing all of their javelins. The Gallic army disintegrated quickly and a full rout followed. Burdigala was sacked and a message was sent to the lusitanians urging them to bring a garrison. Cleon then headed towards his next target: Lemonum.

    After a few weeks marching he received news that a warband of 4 000 Gauls had retaken Burdigala. He almost turned his army around but a Lusitanian envoy arrived notifying Cleon that the Lusitanian Federation had gathered a force of 30 000 men to retake the city. This move alarmed Cleon who was surprised at how quickly the broken and battered Iberians managed to gather a large army. Nonetheless he continued marching and arrived at Lemonum weeks before the Gauls were prepared. In the Ensuing battle, the unprepared gauls were massacred and Lemonum was taken without a fight. After this victory, several bands of gallic swordsmen offered their services to Cleon. With his army back at full strength Cleon marched on Avaricum, where the High Magistrate waited with the finest army in Gaul.

    The battle of Avaricum was remembered as the battle in which Cleon came closest to defeat. The Aedui magistrates army consisted of 2 warbands of Solduros, 2 warbands of Carnute Cingetos, 2 warbands of Neitos, 6 warbands of the feared Gaestatae, who were considered the most frightening infantry in the world. The Gauls also had a strong cavalry arm of 4 000 Brihentin and 4 000 Bataroas. Cleon's army consisted of 3 000 Celtiberians, 6 000 samntes, 1 000 Thessalians, 4 000 Greek Phalangites, 5 000 Cretans, and 6 000 Gallic mercenaries.

    The sheer momentum of the Gallic army almost crushed Cleon's forces but he had foreseen this and put his finest Greek infantry in the centre. These men held the line even against the Gaestatae. Cleon then sought out the Gallic Magistrate with this personal guard. The Gallic high Magistrate was forced to counter-charge and a massive melee between the two cavalry forces ensued. Cleon's Thesselian cavalry in reserve wheeled around and charged into the backs of the Gallic cavalry, Killing the Magistrate. With this the 4 000 Bataroas fled, freeing up the Samnites who flanked the Solduros, killing them with their armour piercing swords. Cleon's gallic mercenaries were being overrun by the Brihentin so Cleon once again had to commit his bodyguard to the fight. The Solduros eventually fled and the Neitos followed. The Gaestatae however, continued to fight even when the Seleucids had surrounded them. The battle went into the evening and eventually every last Gaestatae had fought to the end. This was Cleon's most costly battle, with about 10 000 Casualties on the Seleucid side. Avaricum was taken soon after.

    The Lusitanian army sent to retake Burdigala had been defeated by the tiny force of Gauls inside the city and a second army arrived and blocked off their retreat to Iberia so Cleon asked them to occupy Avaricum and they readily agreed. Bibracte was taken next and Cleon offered the city to the Averni tribe who accepted. He received a message from his nephew Demodamas Syriakos urging him to help on the German front. Demodamas had been leading the infantry forces against the Eastern Roman empire and he reported that the Eastern Romans had began to mobilize more and more troops each season. With this new information Cleon marched his army to Vendilicoppolois, where a huge Roman garrison awaited. The Garrison was defeated once again and Cleon occupied the city

    However the very same winter in 172, Cleon Colesyriakos passed away. There were many stories concerning his death. In one version it is said that Cleon gathered his closest companions together and bid them farewell before a light descended on him and his spirit was taken away. In another version, Ares was said to have come down from Olympus and embraced Cleon as a brother before taking him away in his chariot. Either way, Cleon had passed from this world and the Seleucid empire had lost its God of War. His final act had been to name Demodamas Syriakos as his heir. Cleon had been a valid choice as King because of the close relationship between the Syriakos and Colesyriakos line. However Cleon was the last of his line and did not want to start a civil war by naming someone outside of the Syriakos family. In the end he picked the most competent man, Demodamas who would one day become a very good King.
    Death of Cleon (Click to Enlarge)
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    Cleon's Campaigns and the World at his death (Click to Enlarge)
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    Cleon's brilliance has been burned into the pages of History and we will never see another mind like his again. His actions however were notorious in earning the hatred of the Iberians, while at the same time making Iberia a powerful nation. The Iberian's hatred of Cleon was so great that as soon as he died, they declared war on the Seleucids, sending a tiny fleet to blockade Rome. This was a message to the new King: The Iberians do not forget, We are coming to destroy your lands just as you destroyed ours.
    Last edited by seleucid empire; 05-17-2012 at 09:09.

  23. #53

    Default Re: Conquest and A game of Empires: A Seleucid AAR

    27. Nikanor the Navigator
    While the Legendary Cleon was winning all of his battles on land, an equally great man was fighting an equally important war on the Seas. This man was the legendary Admiral Nikanor the Navigator
    Nikanor before his death (click to enlarge)
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    It is a common story told that Nikanor and Cleon were born on the same day and died on the same day. Nikanor was taken by Poseidon to his underwater Kingdom and Cleon was taken by Ares to Olympus. Like Cleon, Nikanor faced extraordinary odds and like Cleon, he never lost a battle. However, unlike Cleon, Nikanor was not born with the privileges that came with noble birth. He was the grandson of a trader from Epirus who lost his fortune after Theodoro's invasion.

    At age 14 Nikanor saw no prospects for him in the trade business as the Romans were at war with the Seleucids, cutting off all trade in the Adriatic. He saw only two options to make a living: Join the Army or the Navy. To join the army at the time, meant fighting a defensive war in Illyria with little prospects of plunder. On the other hand, the Seleucid navy was a relatively new concept meaning there was a chance for promotion and Greater riches. At the Port of Ambrakia, he signed up for the Seleucid navy as an oarsman. However, he had inherited from his grandfather his skills at sailing and he was quickly noticed by the other officers who promoted him to a lieutenant in charge of one row of a ship. He continuously excelled in encouraging his men and was eventually promoted to a captain of a ship at age 17. His first task was to hunt down a pirate ship which had been raiding the shores of the Adriatic. He was quick to find the pirates and in a skirmish captured the pirate ship and brought it back to Epirus. The governor was so impressed at this young boy he gathered another crew for the captured ship and put that under Nikanors command. With his two ships Nikanor hunted down many pirates and he continued to be promoted until he was in charge of a whole squadron of 52 ships at age 22. The governor became a personal friend and commissioned one of the fastest ships ever made for Nikanor: The Neoptolemus which became Nikanor's flagship

    During Nikerato's invasion of Italy (see earlier chapters) Nikanor was part of the fleet which transported the troops to Sicily. It was there he commanded his first battle. The Carthaginians had been at war with the Seleucids over Kyrene since 240 BC so when they saw the Seleucids sailing past the foot of Italy they mistakenly believed that the Seleucids were invading North Africa and sent their formidable fleet to attack the transport ships. The Admiral of the Seleucid fleet and most of the commanders were killed when they sailed over to the Carthaginian fleet to explain their intentions and call a truce which left Nikanor as the senior officer. He commanded the entire 200 ships of the fleet and successfully destroyed the much larger and more experienced Carthaginian navy, which left both empires in shock. Nikanor was promoted to Admiral upon his return to Epirus. He received reinforcements and then headed back out to sea to prevent further Carthaginian attacks. Nikanor fought the Carthaginians over 30 times in the next few years. He completely destroyed the Carthaginian navy which was the strongest in the world. Carthage would never recover its naval strength again.

    During Cleon's campaigns Nikanor became the first Greek to sail an entire navy past the treacherous Pillars of Heracles to deliver supplies to Cleon, earning him the title "Nikanor the Navigator". He then returned to fight the Carthaginians who had rebuilt their navy and destroyed 400 Carthage Ships with only 200 of his own in a famous battle off the coast of North Africa.

    The circumstances surrounding his death were as mysterious as the ones surrounding the death of Cleon. He died on a winter afternoon in 172, The same day as Cleon. One version of the story claims that he told his crew his time in this world was up and to unfurl the Neoptolemus's sails and leave the ship. The puzzled crew watched as their beloved admiral sailed alone in his ship towards the Horizon. When the ship had left the harbor, a great storm engulfed the Seas and the sailors sailed out frantically to find their admiral. Many ships were lost but they could not find Neoptolemus. After the storm resided the Neoptolemus drifted into the harbor without the admiral. Many believed Poseidon had come up from his Domain to reclaim his lost son.

    The legacy which Nikanor left behind influenced many admirals today and his achievements are undeniable. In just twenty years he destroyed the Carthaginian naval superiority completely and made the Seleucid empire, masters of the Mediterranean sea.
    Last edited by seleucid empire; 05-12-2012 at 15:44.

  24. #54

    Default Re: Conquest and A game of Empires: A Seleucid AAR

    29. A Conservative General & The Great Wat Part 10: Finale
    Demodamas was not like the other Seleucid Kings. He did not have the tactical genius or daring of Cleon and Theodoros. Neither did he have the Administrative abilities or cunning of Nikeratos. He was, by nature, a very conservative General. He relied on his experience alone. Nonetheless by the end of his reign he had not only doubled the Seleucid holdings in Europe but he had also built enough political and economic infrastructure in Europe to make it a powerful and permanent part of the empire. He was also remembered as the man who finally destroyed the Romans and Ended the Great War.
    Demodamas at the beginning of his Reign (click to Enlarge)
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Demodamas at his coronation.png 
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ID:	5568

    When Demodamas inherited the throne, Europe was in chaos. The Lusitanian Federation had betrayed the Seleucids and began attacking Segesta while Simultaneously conquering Western Gaul from the now weakened Aedui Kingdom. The Aedui would be completely destroyed in a decade. The Eastern Roman Empire had rebuilt its strength and was now sending 3 or 4 vigile armies into Seleucid lands every season. Demodamas realized the Empire's fast expansion into Europe in the last 30 years meant the Infrastructure of the West was not properly built to withstand a counterattack so he adopted a defensive strategy. He knew that if he destroyed the Romans too quickly he would have to face the full strength of the rising Lusitanians.

    After the unification of Iberia under the Lusitanians due to Cleon's liberation, the Lusitanians had rebuilt their strength frightening quickly. Aided by the Roman infrastructure left behind in Iberia. The population had grown at an unprecedented rate. The King of the Lusitanians had invaded Gaul and sent all prisoners to work in the numerous Gold, Silver and iron mines of Iberia. The money and steel was used to equip the military and by the time of Demodama's ascension to the throne, the Lusitanians had over 200 000 extremely well equipped warriors.

    Demodamas ordered Italy to undergo a building program and meanwhile recruited an additional 20 000 hastati to defend Italy. The total forces in Italy numbered 90 000 men. He then advanced slowly against the Eastern Roman empire. He also ordered several northern generals to invade the baltic lands. The invasion as a success and many of the tribes fell. The only tribe that resisted were the Austjos with 80 000 warriors under their fearsome general Diazelmes who crushed several Seleucid incursions.

    Now because Demodamas invasion of The Eastern Roman empire was slow and most of the battles he fought were well calculated to his advantage, there are no particular victories that are well remembered. What is remembered is the amount of training and discipline he expected of his men. In the beginning of the war, he trained over 30 000 Greek hoplites from Athens to fight the Romans. However by the time he reached the Eastern Roman Empire's heartlands his army had dwindled to the point that it was no longer a functional fighting force. To wait for reinforcements from Pella meant letting the Romans recover so instead he raised an army of Germanic Warriors. German warriors were not known for their discipline, However, Demodama's methods turned his rabble into a professional fighting force. He trained his warriors in the Roman style using large and flexible cohorts. The warlike nature of the Germans and their skills in combat combined with Demodama's training made his army of German warriors the most flexible and versatile in the world.

    In 134 BC, 38 years after ascending the throne, Demodamas finally destroyed the last Roman city ending the Great War. However he knew the war in Europe wasn't over as the Averni had sided with the Lusitanian Federation and were doubling their efforts to invade Italy. He named his grandson, Dikaiarchos Syriakos as his heir and died peacefully in 134 BC surrounded by his faithful Germans.
    Demodamas and his German army at the time of his death (Click to Enlarge)
    Click image for larger version. 

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    Empire at the Death of Demodamas and his campaign (click to enlarge)
    Click image for larger version. 

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    Demodamas was perhaps the least well remembered of our Kings but what he lacked in daring and brilliant victories he made up for in ability. He achievements are equal to any of the Great Kings of Seleucia and his legacy was a stable and strong Europe and none may say he was a lesser general. He left the empire to Dikaiarchos Syriakos our current King and Leader

    Last edited by seleucid empire; 05-20-2012 at 02:51.

  25. #55

    Default Re: Conquest and A game of Empires: A Seleucid AAR

    ok i just need to write the intermission before i can get onto ACT II which will be written from a point-of-view or second/Third person view. Also before i begin act two i mite write a mini AAR on a small faction and right now the poll is telling me its gonna be Syracuse.

  26. #56

    Default Re: Conquest and A game of Empires: A Seleucid AAR

    Intermission Part 1: The conquests of Dikaiarchoes up until present day
    Dikaiarchos Syriakos was already a seasoned general at the age of 24 upon his coronation. He had been leading the defense of Northern Italy successfully for the past 5 years and he had just gathered a large army of elite mercenaries, planning to invade Iberia and end the Threat of the Lusitanian Federation. He had also secretly contacted the Celtiberians who were grateful to the Seleucids for their liberation years earlier and plotted to aid the Seleucids in their attack.
    Dikaiarchos at his coronation and his army of mercenaries(click to enlarge)
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Dikaiarchos at his coronation.png 
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ID:	5571
    Before his invasion he enlisted the help of his friend Hyspaosines Tabaiou Persikou and his long time Mentor Aphrodisios Anemuriou Kilikikou who each gathered an army for the invasion. The total forces numbered 90 000 men and Dikaiarchos knew that 12 000 Celtiberians would join him once he reached Numantia.
    Aphrodisios (click to enlarge)
    Click image for larger version. 

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    Hyspaosines (click to enlarge)
    Click image for larger version. 

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    With the newly formed army and his two closest friends, Dikaiarchos would go onto conquer both Iberia and all of Europe in just 18 years ending all independance in Europe. The Seleucids now controlled all lands outside of North Africa and Briton. In 116 BC (present day) The Seleucids finally conquered all of Europe except for a lone Kingdom in the Baltics which was still resisitng the Seleucids and destroying every army sent to crush them.
    Map of Empire in the Present day and Dikaiarchos campaigns (click to enlarge)
    Click image for larger version. 

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    At 116 BC, Dikaiarchos the greatest living general of the age rested his army at Cenabum
    Dikaiarchos at Present Day (Click to enlarge)
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Dikarchos current.png 
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ID:	5576

  27. #57

    Default Re: Conquest and A game of Empires: A Seleucid AAR

    Intermission Part 2: The Second Reorganization of the Empire

    After the Expansion of the Empire and the Conquest of Europe the Empire again reorganized based on the same model as Nikerato's reforms (See earlier chapters). Nothing had been changed except new lands were incorporated into the system and several territories changed hands from different Arbiters

    The 14 Regions of The Empire at 116 BC (Click to Enlarge)
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2nd reorganistion of the empire.png 
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ID:	5577

    1. The Heartlands (Purple)
    Includes the Richest and most fertile lands of the empire. Richest of all provinces due to trade. Has densest population and largest population of Greeks. Most powerful and developed in terms of military, economy, infrastructure and stability. Capital at Antioch the largest city in the world which is also the Capital of the Entire Empire. Also has the second and third largest cities of the Empire, Seleucia and Babylon. Arbiter is the King

    2. The East (Dark Blue)
    The largest of all of the provinces. Covers one quarter of the Empire and is as large as the second largest (The North) and 3rd largest (Egypt and Nubia) provinces combined. Mines and Eastern trade routes makes it the second richest province. Capital at Bactra governed by extremely loyal Phonikikes family. The Arbiter is the crown prince. Vast distance between cities however reduces loyalty to the Satrap of Bactra. Population is slightly lower than heartlands due to large distances and sparse population. Has a few Greek centres for military recruitment and access to many tribes of nomads. Developed Infrastructure and Military but not as much as Heartlands

    3. Egypt and Nubia (Dark Green)
    This covers all of Egypt, Nubia, Ethiopia, Cyreniaca and eastern Libya. Rich in agriculture and trade hub at Alexandria which is its capital. Very fertile Land however control of Egypt is sometimes difficult as the Greek population is centered around Alexandria.

    4. Asia Minor (Light Teal)
    This capital of this province has constantly shifted between from Pergamon (More Greek and more wealthy) to Ankya (more central). Governed by the several different families. Contains many mines and the cities are located quite close together meaning it has a large population. It is quite rich although not as much so as the heartlands. It is a melting pot of cultures and as a result it has the largest variation of troop variety and one of the largest mercenary pools although fewer elite troops can be recruited here. The fearsome Galation warriors have been trained here and the Galatian nobility have become a powerful faction within Asia Minor

    5. Macedon, Thrace, Dacia and Epirus (Pink)
    Includes Macedon, Epirus, Thessaly, Thrace and Dacia. Capital at Pella. The Province is the main military recruitment center for all military operations west of the Hellespont. Due to its strong Macedonian tradition a very good successor army can be raised here. In Thrace fierce Thracian troops can be raised such as the taxis tribolli and thracian cavalry. This makes it the most important province in Europe. Also has a large mercenary pool. Militarily this is the third strongest after the Heartlands (strongest) and the East (second strongest). Very well developed province and very loyal

    6. Greece and the Greek Islands (Black)
    Capital has been shifted constantly between Athens, Rhodes (wealth), Sparta and Crete (Military and totalitarian control). Relatively rich land due to sea trade. Has vast Greek population and strong military. Very well developed province

    7. Syracuse and Magna Graecia (Dark Teal)
    Includes Sicily and Magna Graecia and capital in the Great city of Syracuse. Although a tiny province it is very powerful with several powerful trade cites and a strong greek recruitment zone. Also a mercenary hub

    8. The North (Yellow)
    The second largest province of the empire although it is the second poorest and second most sparsely populated. Its capital is at the Greek coastal city of Chrenosomes. Large population of Scythian and Sarmatians. It is the recruiting centre of the Great horde. Under the reign of Cleon it became very powerful militarily. The horse based armies of the North are the most feared in the world

    9. Italy, Sardinia and Corsica (Red)
    Excludes southern Italy. Capital at Rome and ruled by Hannibal Barca and his descendants. Richest Agricultural land in Europe and second most fertile land in the empire. Has even more mercenaries available than Asia Minor. At the death of Nikeratos, the arbiter of Italy found over 100 000 mercenaries available throughout northern and central Italy. Local Italian armies can also be raised here. Became a strong province after the Building program of Demodamas. It has a very strong military presence with at least 100 000 active troops

    10. Germania and Scandinavia (White)
    Capital at former Sweboz strong hold of Swebotraustastmonz. Although only conquered recently it is an extremely loyal province. Neither Rich nor poor. Vast population of fierce Germans makes it a very important province for recruitment. The fierce German warriors are prized by all Seleucid generals

    11. Arabia (Maroon)
    Capital at the great city of Mayrab. Very rich region due to its spice trade and mines however it is a dead weight due to 150 000 men needed to garrison the rebellious region. Good arabian infantry and excellent light cavalry can be recruited here as well as Hellenized Arabians who can join the phalanx. Although technically as large as Egypt, most of Arabia is inhospitable desert, leaving only the fringes or coastal areas inhabitable

    12. Iberia (Brown)
    Although recently conquered it is not very rebellious due to the presence of Loyal Celtiberians. Capital at the Celtiberian fortress of Numantia. Although recently conquered it is the 3rd richest Province in Europe (After Sicily and Greece) due to the extremely high numbers of mines. Loyal Celtiberians can be recruited here as well as Greek troops from the coastal cities such as Emporion. The coastal Greek cities generate much sea trade especially with Italy and Sicily

    13. Gaul (light Green)
    Relatively rich due to land trade. Good Gallic soldiers can be recruited here and there are a few fiercely loyal tribes from which elite Gallic troops can be raised. Exporter of fine steel and iron. Capital at Gallic hill Fortress of Avaricum

    14. Armenia (Orange)
    The Poorest and most sparsely populated Region. However it is a very well defended and secure location due to the Caucasian mountains. It has a very strong network of fortresses that makes Armenia almost impossible to conquer. Capital at the Fortress-City of Armavir
    Last edited by seleucid empire; 05-20-2012 at 02:54.

  28. #58

    Default Re: Conquest and A game of Empires: A Seleucid AAR

    Intermission Part 3: The Power Crisis
    By 116 There was a power Crisis within the Empire. Because of the Constant Wars of Expansion, no King had returned to Antioch once they were crowned since Theodoros. The Throne had remained empty for 100 years. The King still had absolute power based on the system of Arbiters and the Loyal Satraps of the Heartlands, Macedon and the East as well as the presence of the Royal family in Antioch. There were also 4 large and powerful royal armies based in Antioch, Seleucia, The East and Egypt, armed in the finest equipment. However in the Kings absence many lords and disloyal Satraps began to plot and many petty warlords appeared all over the empire. Loyalty to the Kings was waning in their absence. Dikaiarchos himself had very little influence at all

    The system of Arbiters was meant to prevent disloyal lords from acquiring troops however the Seleucids in the past century had began to hire more and more mercenaries for their wars. As a result, many rich lords gathered private armies, paving the way for Conflict ahead
    Last edited by seleucid empire; 05-22-2012 at 03:26.

  29. #59

    Default Re: Conquest and A game of Empires: A Seleucid AAR

    ACT II coming SOON

  30. #60
    Member Member Alexandros Megas's Avatar
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    Sep 2010
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    Default Re: Conquest and A game of Empires: A Seleucid AAR

    greetings seleucid empire! I've enjoyed a lot your story! Arche Seleukeia is my favorite faction in the game and I always try a new campaign. I am waiting the Act II. I wait that you had decided to invade Kart Hadast and complete the conquest of the world. Sincerely congratulations!
    Αλεςανδροσ Μεγασ Ο΄ Μακεδονικε και Ασιασ Βασιλευσ

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