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Thread: Cash for Eleutheroi.

  1. #1

    Default Cash for Eleutheroi.

    Hey chaps, :)

    I know giving the Eleutheroi vast sums of money through the console can make them more aggressive, but has anyone ever tried modifying the EB script to make it an automatic process? I find it turns these region factions into more dignified local powers; factions that didn't make it into the game due to engine limits, rather than just fodder and pickings for expansion. The eleutheroi now actively develop their regions, train troops, and even attack lightly defended regions owned by other factions.

    There is a catch though. Giving them too much money seem to neuter the smaller factions like Getai, Lusotannan and Hai in early game, or kill them off downright (they killed Getai D:). Also, the constantly respawning generals like Satres now seem to have a nasty habit of attacking anything they can get their hands on within a single turn. Worse still, when they die, the army they leave behind are supplemented by local recruitment and would rampage down Cisalpine Gaul.

    I think there is a delicate balance that needs a good deal of play testing. But if done right, perhaps it may make the respawning generals somewhat redundant?

    Just a thought. :)

  2. #2

    Default Re: Cash for Eleutheroi.

    Two questions:

    1. How exactly did you do this?

    2. What campaign difficulty level are you using?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Cash for Eleutheroi.

    eleutheroi only attack on very hard

  4. #4

    Default Re: Cash for Eleutheroi.

    Hard. I use add_money. LOTS of times. Every turn. Might work on medium, too. I'll need to check.


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