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Thread: Wishlist for Rome 2 (and beyond)

  1. #31
    Member Member EB rocks's Avatar
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    Default Re: Wishlist for Rome 2 (and beyond)

    im hoping that they add some of the reforms from EB they are so realistic yet very challenging they add a level of realism to a roman and other faction campaigns.

    {EB rocks}
    Is eating a taco.

  2. #32
    Senior Member Senior Member Graphic's Avatar
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    Default Re: Wishlist for Rome 2 (and beyond)

    - A single Roman faction. Julii/Brutii/Scipii thing was stupid.

    - Ptolemaic Egypt instead of Moses-era fantasy

    - Barbarian tribes only having one province each so they can fight amongst each other as they did, but if they perceived you as a big enough threat they'd unite against you.

    - No magic powers bestowed by temples or wonders. Stuff like +2 archer accuracy for having an Artemis temple always felt Age of Mythologyish.

    - No head chuckers, screaming women, incendiary pigs, etc.

    I don't require the level of realism and complexity that you see in a lot of mods, but I'd like the fantasy units kept at an absolute bare minimum. I want this game to be as true to the era as Napoleon was to the Napoleonic era.

    - I want them to keep direct fire mode from FotS. I want to aim ballista

    - I want trade to develop on its own. No state owned trade ships or trade treaties. I want it to be something the merchants do on their own that you simply put a tax on and encourage via buildings, not a state enterprise like it's a Leninist regime.

    - I want Spartan Hoplites to look correct. I want them to be one of the best units in the game without being a cartoonish unstoppable weapon of mass destruction.

    - I want horse archers to have the wide firing arc like they used to.

    - Pre-ETW complexity in characters. I want dread, piety, acumen, command, etc. to all be stats that go up to 9 stars. I want to get traits and retinue that don't come as part of an unlock on a skill tree. Go back to the RPG style.
    Last edited by Graphic; 07-07-2012 at 10:00.

  3. #33

    Default Re: Wishlist for Rome 2 (and beyond)

    Quote Originally Posted by Graphic View Post
    - Pre-ETW complexity in characters. I want dread, piety, acumen, command, etc. to all be stats that go up to 9 stars. I want to get traits and retinue that don't come as part of an unlock on a skill tree. Go back to the RPG style.
    And also I want the flavour text for stars, especially the one at 9 command stars about battles conducted by this man being like symphonies (anachronistic, I know, but it was anachronistic in MTW, too). And for some reason I miss the option of incestuously marrying your princesses to their uncles or whatever.

  4. #34

    Default Re: Wishlist for Rome 2 (and beyond)

    - Bring back the battle maps generated from the strategic map terrain ! It's much more varied and fun than having a bunch of repetitive hand-made ones.
    - More dynamic fighting. Since MTW2 included, the "anti-blob" feature made mélée fighting rather boring, with small series of duel while people around look blankly, instead of vast lines of killing in formations. Rome especially lends to having soldiers killing in close order and not breaking ranks to go on a dueling display.
    - More realism. Realism is always good.
    - Please, please, please, give us an adequate AI. STW2 was the only one giving at least a rough feeling of having actual people and not pure random decisions. Keep improving the AI !
    - No Steam. Please. We shouldn't be required to use third-party malware to play a game we supposedly paid for.
    If violence didn't solve your problem... well, you just haven't been violent enough.

  5. #35

    Default Re: Wishlist for Rome 2 (and beyond)

    A couple of minor wishes:

    - A search function for the encyclopedia
    - The ability to reorder the display of unit cards

    The first bugs me when I know something is mentioned somewhere... or I have the feeling that it probably should be but have no idea which entry to start looking for it in.

    The second would be very handy for command and control. Knowing the unit on the left flank is (or at least can be ) displayed on the left end of the unit cards would make the game much more pleasurable for me.

  6. #36
    Senior Member Senior Member ReluctantSamurai's Avatar
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    Default Re: Wishlist for Rome 2 (and beyond)

    You can explain the current behaviour by saying that the army icon only represents an army dispersed in a general area that has a certain amount of strategic mobility (+baggage trains, etc.)
    Then here's a thought....if armies are depicted as being dispersed in a general area, then at deployment time you only get to deploy a portion of your army with both sides receiving the rest of the army as reinforcements. Then battles might become "meeting engagements" much like the the ACW battles of Antietam or Gettysburg.

    - A single Roman faction. Julii/Brutii/Scipii thing was stupid.
    Certainly the boys in green should go, and the SPQR relegated to having a Rome garrison and nothing else, but I like having the Julii being depicted as a descendant of Julius Caesar, and the Scipii from Scipio Africanus
    Last edited by ReluctantSamurai; 07-08-2012 at 15:05.
    High Plains Drifter

  7. #37

    Default Re: Wishlist for Rome 2 (and beyond)

    Quote Originally Posted by Akka View Post
    - No Steam. Please. We shouldn't be required to use third-party malware to play a game we supposedly paid for.
    Hello, 2007.

    - More dynamic fighting. Since MTW2 included, the "anti-blob" feature made mélée fighting rather boring, with small series of duel while people around look blankly, instead of vast lines of killing in formations. Rome especially lends to having soldiers killing in close order and not breaking ranks to go on a dueling display.
    mêlée: do it right!

  8. #38
    COYATOYPIKC Senior Member Flatout Minigame Champion Arjos's Avatar
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    Default Re: Wishlist for Rome 2 (and beyond)

    Another feature that I would like is the possibility to change names for the newborns or even rename cities in-game :)

  9. #39
    Member Member EB rocks's Avatar
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    Default Re: Wishlist for Rome 2 (and beyond)

    I personally hope for reforms and eras for multiple factions as was historical i also wish for the ability to build forts and be able to turn them into settlements that you name and build buildings in them as was also historically accurate.
    Is eating a taco.

  10. #40

    Default Re: Wishlist for Rome 2 (and beyond)

    Since they're introducing combined naval and land battles, do you think they might have river naval battles? Or do you think they'll have constructible bridges? I recall seeing something on the history channel about Julius Ceasar building some sort of bridge across the Rhine in 10 days to conduct some sort of punitive raid.

  11. #41

    Default Re: Wishlist for Rome 2 (and beyond)

    Quote Originally Posted by Noncommunist View Post
    Since they're introducing combined naval and land battles, do you think they might have river naval battles? Or do you think they'll have constructible bridges? I recall seeing something on the history channel about Julius Ceasar building some sort of bridge across the Rhine in 10 days to conduct some sort of punitive raid.
    The German preview said they were thinking about having navigable rivers.

  12. #42

    Default Re: Wishlist for Rome 2 (and beyond)

    I just want it to run decently on current systems. Dont want to buy a new laptop just for one game (dont want to sit out till I upgrade either)

  13. #43
    Member Member Sp4's Avatar
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    Default Re: Wishlist for Rome 2 (and beyond)

    Better AI (Is asking for a better AI for a TW game = trolling? Sometimes I think it is)
    Unit/faction diversity
    Bigger campaign map
    Keep the campaign map gameplay as it was in Shogun 2/FotS (this is pretty much the only thing about the entire game where I didn't feel I have something to complain about, save for some minor bugs/annoyances)

  14. #44
    Strategist and Storyteller Senior Member Myth's Avatar
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    Default Re: Wishlist for Rome 2 (and beyond)

    Some of the suggestions are already present in M2TW. For example, the renaming of cities. What I want:

    - More historically accurate factions and unit rosters, as well as unit models and buildings/architecture. I do not want, however, the insane real names of units and buildings from EB. Axrodstyyxhsetpi Swordsmen? Keep it in English please. However take note from that mod and add the diverse culture, units, buildings, strategy map, accurate population levels, temples, unit stats, reforms and so on. Specifically i'm pointing against no "lorica segmentata", no red and purple soldiers, no superhuman axemen who can flng a cataphract rider in the air and so on.

    - More historical events and characters, greater diversity in specific regions on the map, key settlements and so on.

    - Make upkeep and unit prices realistic, add more mercenaries.

    - Add a grand gampaign mode for multuplayer

    - Balance autoresolve for the units that are deadly in a player's hands. Know your own units and game mechaincs - don't let a stack of 19 horse archers lose versus 19 slow-arse spearmen just because of attack/defence stats.

    - Whatever you did with the S2TW engine, make it better. My computer is far and well above anyhting required to play any game out there, yet my brief experience with Shougn II left me disappointed at the sluggishness of it. Perhaps it's a feature of the game, but I liked my crisp and to the point camera movement in RTW and M2TW.

    - The return of population as a resource for unit recruitment.

    - More realistic unrest/civil system.

    - More realistic supply for armies and army morale.

    - General traits acquired while you play. Less randomness (getting a bad trait just by standing outside a city or inside one with a tavern) but no to selecting abilities as you "level up". Let the system assign traits accordingly, and make the command star growth and things like Night Fighter more valuable and rare to obtain.

    - Please make siege assaults less tiresome and boring.

    - Make the AI behave with cunning, don't just give it a 10k gold injection per turn and hope for the best.
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    Sun Tzu, "The Art of War"
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  15. #45

    Default Re: Wishlist for Rome 2 (and beyond)

    Quote Originally Posted by Myth View Post
    - More historically accurate factions and unit rosters, as well as unit models and buildings/architecture. I do not want, however, the insane real names of units and buildings from EB. Axrodstyyxhsetpi Swordsmen? Keep it in English please. However take note from that mod and add the diverse culture, units, buildings, strategy map, accurate population levels, temples, unit stats, reforms and so on. Specifically i'm pointing against no "lorica segmentata", no red and purple soldiers, no superhuman axemen who can flng a cataphract rider in the air and so on.

    - Whatever you did with the S2TW engine, make it better. My computer is far and well above anyhting required to play any game out there, yet my brief experience with Shougn II left me disappointed at the sluggishness of it. Perhaps it's a feature of the game, but I liked my crisp and to the point camera movement in RTW and M2TW.
    - A bit strange to ask for more historical units but without their historical names, isn't it? I mean, to a large degree, the name is all that's 'historical' about a unit.

    - For some reason NTW ran a lot smoother than ETW on my laptop. Probably an optimisation thing.

  16. #46
    Senior Member Senior Member Ibn-Khaldun's Avatar
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    Default Re: Wishlist for Rome 2 (and beyond)

    One more thing I hope we don't see in this game: Mercenaries dressed in green!

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  17. #47
    Provost Senior Member Nelson's Avatar
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    Default Re: Wishlist for Rome 2 (and beyond)

    I want to see proper naval battles including ramming and appropriate missile weapons. Hopefully the corvus can be included, too.

    Music. I want to hear trumpets, horns, flutes, drums, bagpipes and whatever else armies played to direct and motivate the troops.

    Thick, tough earth and timber walls for the Gauls would be nice. Oppida were difficult to break into.
    Time flies like the wind. Fruit flies like bananas.

  18. #48

    Default Re: Wishlist for Rome 2 (and beyond)

    There's a picture in the new PCG showing an x-reme ramming and breaking another ship in two. Don't think it's a screenshot, though.

  19. #49
    Member Member Ishmael's Avatar
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    Default Re: Wishlist for Rome 2 (and beyond)

    I do like the idea of moving back towards the RTW RPG system a bit. Whilst I thought the TWS2 skill tree was nice (particularly the multiplayer one, which would work well in SP as well), I missed putting my lunatic generals in charge of an army so that I could hear their crazy pre-battle speeches .

  20. #50
    Senior Member Senior Member Ibn-Khaldun's Avatar
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    Default Re: Wishlist for Rome 2 (and beyond)

    Quote Originally Posted by Ishmael View Post
    I do like the idea of moving back towards the RTW RPG system a bit. Whilst I thought the TWS2 skill tree was nice (particularly the multiplayer one, which would work well in SP as well), I missed putting my lunatic generals in charge of an army so that I could hear their crazy pre-battle speeches .
    You may be able to do that and try to remember all the old RTW stuff(that made the game fun) if you follow my signature.

  21. #51
    COYATOYPIKC Senior Member Flatout Minigame Champion Arjos's Avatar
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    Default Re: Wishlist for Rome 2 (and beyond)

    Another thing I'd really like to see are phalanxes that can actually "charge", sure not as fast as other infantry, but we have descriptions of phalangitai rushing to the enemy...
    In RTW they walked, against the AI it still works, but in MP it just makes them useless XD

  22. #52
    Strategist and Storyteller Senior Member Myth's Avatar
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    Default Re: Wishlist for Rome 2 (and beyond)

    Quote Originally Posted by Arjos View Post
    Another thing I'd really like to see are phalanxes that can actually "charge", sure not as fast as other infantry, but we have descriptions of phalangitai rushing to the enemy...
    In RTW they walked, against the AI it still works, but in MP it just makes them useless XD
    Press "F" to remove the phalanx formation, doubler click to charge, then press "F" once again once you're in melee range to make them raise their spears/sarsissa pikes. Works like a charm.
    The art of war, then, is governed by five constant
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    These are: (1) The Moral Law; (2) Heaven; (3) Earth;
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  23. #53
    COYATOYPIKC Senior Member Flatout Minigame Champion Arjos's Avatar
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    Default Re: Wishlist for Rome 2 (and beyond)

    Quote Originally Posted by Myth View Post
    Press "F" to remove the phalanx formation, doubler click to charge, then press "F" once again once you're in melee range to make them raise their spears/sarsissa pikes. Works like a charm.
    And when you lower the pikes to attack, I just run away with my mobile infantry: it doesn't work like anything XD

  24. #54
    Senior Member Senior Member ReluctantSamurai's Avatar
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    Default Re: Wishlist for Rome 2 (and beyond)

    If you are training cohorts in the middle east for 100 years though, shouldn't they be as good? You can have it that over time, the military tradition grows, so you eventually can produce elite units there.
    I was thinking more in terms of provincial bonuses, much like STW where, for instance, Warrior Monks trained in Kii or Kaga came with a +1 honor bonus. Even the original RTW had provincial bonuses for mercs, just extend this to trainable units.
    High Plains Drifter

  25. #55

    Default Re: Wishlist for Rome 2 (and beyond)

    hi thanks for opening this idea thread if someone has in special ideas only related to multiplayer or things that would influence multiplayer aswell feel free to take part on this prized

  26. #56
    COYATOYPIKC Senior Member Flatout Minigame Champion Arjos's Avatar
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    Default Re: Wishlist for Rome 2 (and beyond)

    I also wonder what kind of voice acting we are going to get: modern and japanese dubs were nice, although there still were pearls like "shamefur dispray" XD
    I just dread to hear more stereotypical acting for most cultures :S

  27. #57
    Senior Member Senior Member Fisherking's Avatar
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    Default Re: Wishlist for Rome 2 (and beyond)

    What I don’t want is more like it.

    I don’t want to have all the cultures in their native tongues.

    No one is going to get what they are saying and researching it is money better spent elsewhere.

    I don’t particularly care what Aromatic or Phoenician sounded like. No one is going to agree on how Latin sounds, so save the arguments, and Ancient Greek, I just don’t care.

    I would rather the troops make wise cracks in a language I have a chance to understand.

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  28. #58
    Member Member cunctator's Avatar
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    Default Re: Wishlist for Rome 2 (and beyond)

    Anything but authentic, or at least authentic sounding voices, would be a huge step backward compared to their last few Total War games. If they don't want to spent the money for research CA should use modern Greek or some Gaelic speakers. Just not units of different culture speaking modern English with some cheesy accent.
    For me the Latin voicemod for R:TW and later the other ancient languages added to EB improved atmosphere in battles dramatically. It also makes it possible to distinguish speech from my own and enemy troops.
    I can see from the interface what my own men are doing, without understanding every said word, and don't want to know all intentions of the enemy.

  29. #59

    Default Re: Wishlist for Rome 2 (and beyond)

    I would like to be able to actually Siege a city, not just watch from outside the walls, with my army standing idle for three years, I wish I could build fortifications and such to actually prevent the ennemy from fleeing (which is implemented already but has no visual explanation).
    This could be easy to do : just an option while laying siege to a city/fort... : in the menu where you build siege engines (rams, sapping points...), just allow the building of wooden walls and maybe towers all arpund the city to help when the besieged army tries to get their way out. Maybe only allow this with big cities with stone walls, so as not to have better siege camps than the community. Oh, and make this require a huge amount of building points.
    This could really be cool to have when you don't want to assault the walls. The Romans actually did this in a number of occasions, and I am pretty sure they were not alone.

  30. #60

    Default Re: Wishlist for Rome 2 (and beyond)

    Hola, me gustaria que incluyeran en la battalla una opcion para personalizar y guardar formaciones de los ejercitos ademas de las que ya vienen, entonces segun el ataque o la defensa de nuestro oponente, podamos cambiar de formacion con un numero del teclado.
    Bueno por ahora solo se me ocurre eso, adios.

    Hello, I would like that battles include an option to personalize and save army formations besides the ones already included so that depending on the attack or defense of our opponent, we can change formations with a number on the keyboard.
    Last edited by Praetorian Commander; 08-17-2012 at 01:12.

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