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Thread: EB2 Graphic Enhancement side-mod(Open Beta)

  1. #1
    Bored Member Tux's Avatar
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    Default EB2 Graphic Enhancement side-mod(Open Beta)

    This is a graphic enhancement mod for M2:TW that is planned to be released together with Eb2 as an optional side-mod.

    For now the current features are HDR, Vignette Effect and other post-processing effects to give a more stylish look.
    In future releases more graphical features are planned to added and to deal with the noticeable performance drops that the current release does.

    Before downloading and using this please read the Readme to get acknowledged with the usage, installation and other important aspects:
    Graphic Enhancements for M2:TW
    Copyright (C) 2014  Alin L. <> of The Europa Barbarorum Team.
    This is mainly based on the ENB Series created by:
    Copyright (c) 2008 Vorontsov Boris (ENB developer)
    Description of ENBSeries on the web page may not be equal to version in downloaded mod archive (installer).
    v0.2 - 25/08/2014 - New version with improved post-processing.
    v0.1b - 02/08/2012 - After some in-house testing released as Open Beta.
    v0.1a - 08/04/2012 - First alpha version.
    Instalation and Usage 
    Simply copy the contents of the archive in the M2:TW folder.
    The enhancements are activated from the start howewer they can be deactivated or activated using Shift + F12 keys.
    The HDR effect is activated/deactivated using the Shift + F9 keys.
    To disable or tune the settings first read the ENBSeries README and modify the enbseries.ini.
    To uninstall the application simply delete the following file from the M2TW folder:
    Files that are redundant afterwards:
    The current features are HDR, Vignette Effect and other post-processing effects to give a more stylish look.
    ENBSeries README
    Videocard with support of Shader Model 2.0 or better. Videocards in the list below may fit:
    GeForce 6100, 6150, 6200, 6600, 6800, 7300, 7600, 7800, 7900, 8500, 8600, 8800;
    Radeon 9500, 9550, 9600, 9700, 9800, 300, 600, 700, 800, 850, 1300, 1600, 1800, 1900, 1950, 2400, 2600, 2900, 3850, 3870.
    I can't guarantee that mod will work on all of them by many reasons (different drivers, hardware reduced versions and just because not tested myself). ENBSeries (current version) will not run at all or will not work properly if hardware by any reason not support minimal requirements of the mod. Videocards with lower shader versions capable to work in theory, but they are too slow, no sense. Videocards of new generation (DirectX10 compatible) in common cases works much faster in this mod, than their performance equivalents in DirectX9 games.
    The requirements to videomemory size are very high, depends from screen resolution and antialiasing, for example without antialiasing in a mode 1024*768 it cost 64 Mb of videomemory, and for 1280*1024 106 Mb are necessary. Operative memory and processor play an insignificant role, though all should be balanced.
    Extract files from archive in to the game directory or where game execution file exist (.exe). For some games it is in the directories named system, bin, bin32. Warning, some games needs root game directory for mod even if .exe file is not there.
    After game start the mod deactivated by default, to activate it use key combination (for GTASA shift+f12 by default).
    After first game start with the mod, configuration file enbseries.ini will be created, use it to modify mod setting. Warning, if configuration file will be corrupted in any way, remove it and run mod again.
    EnableProxyLibrary=(0,1) load 3rd party library by the mod at game start. Helps to solve problem with multiple d3d9.dll files.
    InitProxyFunctions=(0,1) connect to functions of 3rd party library.
    ProxyLibrary=(filename) file name of 3rd party library.
    UseEffect=(0,1) activate mod at start. In some situations HUD or startup movies may be corrupted visually because of this parameter enabled.
    AlternativeDepth=(0,1) increase performance of some effects, but not all videocards can use this mode at full precision, if you see large lines on the objects, disable this parameter.
    AllowAntialias=(0,1) enables antialiasing setting from game to be used in the mod effects. (antialiasing, multisampling, fsaa, in other words).
    BugFixMode=(0..5) every value fixes it's own unsopported feature or bug in driver or hardware. For drivers 169.xx and 171.xx do not set this parameter to 1. Values from 0 to 5 actually HDR texture formats: 0 (R32G32F)-high quality and middle performance, 1 (R32F)-high quality and fast, 2 (A32R32G32B32F)-high quality and very slow, 3 (R16F)-low quality and fastest, 4 (R16G16F)-low quality and fast, 5 (A16R16G16B16F)-low quality and middle performance.
    SkipShaderOptimization=(0,1) disables optimization when compiling shader, may help to elliminate bugs.
    EnableBloom=(0,1) enables bloom effect (bright areas blurred) with time dependent adaptation. Works only if mod activated already (by key combination).
    EnableOcclusion=(0,1) enables ambient occlusions (ssao) and some other effects (mod version dependent).
    EnableReflection=(0,1) reflection of vehicles.
    EnableMotionBlur=(0,1) blurring image in fast motion of camera. Temporary disabled.
    EnableWater=(0,1) enable water effects
    EnableShadow=(0,1) enable shadow effects
    DepthBias=(0..1000) for scene depth rendering, offset of geometry relative camera viewpoint. For some videocards may be useful to remove flickering and hiding of ambient occlusions.
    BloomPowerDay=(0..100) power of bloom at day time, dependent from screen brightness.
    BloomFadeTime=(0..100000) time of bloom adaptation to screen brightness change, in milliseconds.
    BloomConstantDay=(0..100) power of bloom at day time, independent from adaptation time between screen brightness change.
    BloomQuality=(0..2) bloom effect quality, 0 means maximal quality.
    BloomScreenLevelDay=(0..100) level of screen brightness in percents, that determined as day time.
    BloomCurveDay=(-10..10) gamma correction of bloom at day time. negative values increases halftone brightness (smoggy look), positive values decrease halftones brightness (contrast, intensive image).
    BloomPowerNight=(0..100) power of bloom at night time, dependent from screen brightness.
    BloomConstantNight=(0..100) power of bloom at night time, independent from adaptation time between screen brightness change.
    BloomCurveNight=(-10..10) gamma correction of bloom at night time. negative values increases halftone brightness (smoggy look), positive values decrease halftones brightness (contrast, intensive image).
    BloomScreenLevelNight=(0..100) level of screen brightness in percents, that determined as night time.
    BloomAdaptationScreenLevel=(0..100) level of screen brightness in percents, over which bloom deactivating. It's desirable that this parameter will be greater than BloomScreenLevelDay.
    BloomAdaptationMultiplier=(0..100) percent of day time bloom brightness, that will be used when screen brightness will be greater than BloomAdaptationScreenLevel. Value 100 disable adaptation
    BloomAllowOversaturation=(0,1) if 0, bloom softly applied to screen and bright areas not become too oversaturated.
    Main credit goes to Vorontsov Boris, creator of ENBSeries., without him and his Graphic Mod this wouldn't have been possible.
    As I've only modified, set-up the tool and created a new HLSL shader.






    Preview on the campaign map:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 



    More pictures:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Download it from our ModDB page.

    Comments, criticism, improvements and bug reports are welcome. Regards,
    Last edited by Tux; 09-14-2014 at 12:20.

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  2. #2
    COYATOYPIKC Senior Member Flatout Minigame Champion Arjos's Avatar
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    Default Re: EB2 Graphic Enhancement side-mod(Open Beta)

    Tux done it again! :P
    More campaign preview and it looks amazing! Congratz on the sub-mod, it does give a more realistic feeling...
    Last edited by Moros; 08-04-2012 at 19:28.

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  3. #3
    JEBMMP Creator & AtB Maker Member jirisys's Avatar
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    Default Re: EB2 Graphic Enhancement side-mod(Open Beta)

    One thing I would like to say is that the blur effect when zooming or rotating is nice, but I don't the UI should suffer from that. Is there a way to make the effect only for the battlemap and not the UI?

    Also, thank you very much and excellent job

    ~Jirisys ()
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  4. #4
    Bored Member Tux's Avatar
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    Default Re: EB2 Graphic Enhancement side-mod(Open Beta)

    Sadly no, this is done in the final stage of the graphic pipeline so it applies to everything on screen.

    You can disable/enable the effects via Shift+F2.

  5. #5
    ‘Abdü’l-Mecīd-i evvel Member Kival's Avatar
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    Default Re: EB2 Graphic Enhancement side-mod(Open Beta)

    Looks very nice. 4shared can only be used with an account though, not sure if that is intentional.

    ‘Abdü’l-Mecīd-i evvel

  6. #6
    Bored Member Tux's Avatar
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    Default Re: EB2 Graphic Enhancement side-mod(Open Beta)

    No it wasn't.

    Download link(s) updated.

  7. #7
    JEBMMP Creator & AtB Maker Member jirisys's Avatar
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    Default Re: EB2 Graphic Enhancement side-mod(Open Beta)

    Hello. I seem to have a problem installing this mod. It works perfectly (if you can call 2 fps perfectly) on my Integrated Intel Graphics laptop, but as soon as I press Shift+F12 on my PC, M2TW crashes with no error. Both computers have 4 GB of RAM, the PC has an GeForce GTX 560 (not 560i). The logs only show an unexpected crash and the cursor remains movable below the dialog box reporting the crash. But it doesn't change or affect the game.

    Should I reinstall M2TW? Or is it a graphics card problem?

    ~Jirisys ()
    Last edited by jirisys; 08-14-2012 at 23:33.
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  8. #8
    Bored Member Tux's Avatar
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    Default Re: EB2 Graphic Enhancement side-mod(Open Beta)

    Yes, it's most likely a graphic card problem and re-installing wouldn't help.

  9. #9
    Sassem Member Sassem's Avatar
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    Default Re: EB2 Graphic Enhancement side-mod(Open Beta)

    He said

    Quote Originally Posted by Tux View Post
    Sadly no, this is done in the final stage of the graphic pipeline so it applies to everything on screen.

    You can disable/enable the effects via Shift+F2.

    You did

    Quote Originally Posted by jirisys View Post
    Hello. I seem to have a problem installing this mod. It works perfectly (if you can call 2 fps perfectly) on my Integrated Intel Graphics laptop, but as soon as I press Shift+F12 on my PC, M2TW crashes with no error. Both computers have 4 GB of RAM, the PC has an nForce GTX 560 (not 560i). The logs only show an unexpected crash and the cursor remains movable below the dialog box reporting the crash. But it doesn't change or affect the game.

    Should I reinstall M2TW? Or is it a graphics card problem?

    ~Jirisys ()

    maybe that's the problem

  10. #10
    Bored Member Tux's Avatar
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    Default Re: EB2 Graphic Enhancement side-mod(Open Beta)

    No, F12 is fine. However I presume that integrated graphic card doesn't have Shader Model 3.0 that this mod requires.

    That's why it probably crashes.

  11. #11
    JEBMMP Creator & AtB Maker Member jirisys's Avatar
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    Default Re: EB2 Graphic Enhancement side-mod(Open Beta)

    No, the Integrated intel works fine, the GeForce GTX 560 does not.

    EDIT: I just noticed I confused the nForce and GeForce names on my post, it is actually a physical Graphics card.

    ~Jirisys ()
    Last edited by jirisys; 08-14-2012 at 23:37.
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  12. #12
    Bored Member Tux's Avatar
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    Default Re: EB2 Graphic Enhancement side-mod(Open Beta)

    I said this on TWC but everyone should be aware of this.

    Quote Originally Posted by MemphisRex
    Nice one. Is there anyway that I can stop the motion-blur? And to the one who said that 'If bloom is disabled, this is better', does it give an FPS difference?
    Yes, sorry about that, I forgot disabling it from the start.
    Since it's WIP.

    Go to enbseries.ini, then at [EFFECT]:


    All those don't work for M2TW and may cause some FPS drop.

  13. #13
    JEBMMP Creator & AtB Maker Member jirisys's Avatar
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    Default Re: EB2 Graphic Enhancement side-mod(Open Beta)

    Also, I solved the CTDing by enabling the 3.0 Shaders.

    ~Jirisys ()
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  14. #14
    Member Member Kleitos's Avatar
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    Default Re: EB2 Graphic Enhancement side-mod(Open Beta)

    just installed it in the new EB 2.01 release. looks very good - much more realistic. thank you for this mod.

    a question though: is it now recommended to disable bloom in enbseries.ini [effect]? asked from MemphisRex in the "question-quotation".

    and still set the other six (blur, occlusion,reflection, shadow,DepthOfField, water) also to enable=0 ?


  15. #15
    Bored Member Tux's Avatar
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    Default Re: EB2 Graphic Enhancement side-mod(Open Beta)

    Hi Kleitos, glad you're liking it.
    However I suggest you to check the main post again and download the new version(i forgot to update it).

    It has the other six disabled and some other improvements.
    As for bloom, you should disable first the M2TW one, check how it looks and afterwards the ENB one, then check and compare.
    Let me know which you find better.

  16. #16
    Member Member Kleitos's Avatar
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    Default Re: EB2 Graphic Enhancement side-mod(Open Beta)

    thank you Tux - i just downloaded the new version - because it has the same size - i checked now the settings in effect: they are the same. (dont know of course what are the other improvements - to compare - but it seems for me it is the same)
    are you sure the link is for the new version.? ..maybe mixed up with the old one?

    ah, and regarding bloom: were in M2TW (which file) is this to disable?

    anyway i started yesterday a campaign with the mod: its perfectly in battle - and i noticed no problems for my engines.
    but: in the Campaign map every maneuver i.e. the camera, when using the arrow keys or the cursor to wander around is soo slow.
    found it strange because i expected that in Battle Map the requirements were the highest - but there it works perfectly. and in the Campaign Map (where i most of the time dont use it - because the texts are to bright) the game is actually unplayable for me here. ...i forced myself yesterday through it, took a lot of time, until next battle were everything is fine.

    could it be my engines are to slow for it? ...although in battle they perform well.?
    i have a Geforce GT 240 with memory of 1024 MB (didnt find this one in the readme file - maybe other names for it here)
    Intel Core 2Quad CPU Q8300 2.5 GHz (quad-core)
    3.25 GB RAM
    this all purchased late in 2009 if date helps to classify the graphic Card

  17. #17
    Bored Member Tux's Avatar
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    Default Re: EB2 Graphic Enhancement side-mod(Open Beta)

    Sorry, this is the link:

    Disable it in the graphic settings in m2tw.
    I noticed that too, I suggest to disable it for the campaign: shift + f12.
    The campaign map wasn't optimized too well so that's why it's slow.

  18. #18
    Member Member Kleitos's Avatar
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    Default Re: EB2 Graphic Enhancement side-mod(Open Beta)

    yes, this one is different im gonna try it right now.

    ..the graphic settings in m2tw? this the medieval2.preference.cfg ? ..cause there i found a setting with bloom under [video]

    well i disabled this of course in the campaign map (via shift+F12) but it makes no difference at all. ..the picture there is jerking evertime i use the arrow keys - and when placing the cursor on the small radar map in a position which is farther away then it took around a minute! engines are not to outdated for it.?

    oh, and something else: in Battle, after some minutes a message appeared on the top of the screen in bold bright green letters. it stayed for the rest of this game session - also in campaign map and in the EB menue.
    like in the attachment.
    thought first i hit some key-combination which brought this up - but im not sure - happened twice always in battle - and remained then.
    you know this? there a way to remove them?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	kingdoms 2014-09-14 01-01-18-87.jpg 
Views:	657 
Size:	140.6 KB 
ID:	14393  
    Last edited by Kleitos; 09-14-2014 at 13:07.

  19. #19
    Bored Member Tux's Avatar
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    Default Re: EB2 Graphic Enhancement side-mod(Open Beta)

    In game or the cfg:

    Go to the in-game graphic settings and choose disable campaign map shadows.
    That should bring a big fps boost.

    Yes, it's a shortcut shift + F key(or just an F key), I can't remember which, try to see if it toggles.

  20. #20
    Member Member Kleitos's Avatar
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    Default Re: EB2 Graphic Enhancement side-mod(Open Beta)

    sorry to bother you so much with that.

    i installed the new Enhancer now, and disabled the campaign map shadows.

    But there is no difference in speed at all.
    then i also set in the medieval2.preference.cfg bloom to =0
    again: no difference.

    its shift + F12 yes, i used that of course already - but it makes no difference in speed on the campaign map though.

    for a change i tested the mod in battle:
    here everything again is fine - and i noticed with this new one a blur effect on details which are farther away -
    looks good - especially the trees (leafage) appear now more realistic.

    but then again this nasty green message on the top of sceen appeared after some minutes as in every battle. it remained again also on the campaign map (s. attachment)

    i really love the mod in battle but with this ever appearing message and the the campaign map situation i have two problems now.
    ..i think, sadly i have to uninstall it - if there are not other possibilities to solve that im not aware of.?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	kingdoms 2014-09-14 15-02-26-18.jpg 
Views:	797 
Size:	116.4 KB 
ID:	14394  

  21. #21
    Bored Member Tux's Avatar
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    Default Re: EB2 Graphic Enhancement side-mod(Open Beta)

    Then I have no clue why it runs slow for you on the campaign map.

    As for the green message I told you, there's a button to show/hide it.
    It doesn't appear out of nowhere, I've looked again and it's the * button from the numpad, press it a couple of times.

  22. #22
    Member Member Kleitos's Avatar
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    Default Re: EB2 Graphic Enhancement side-mod(Open Beta)

    oh, ok i misunderstood that - thought you referred that to the normal enable/disable of the mod.

    ..was my first thought also: some key-combination accidently hit in the heat of battle. ..i´ll check this out with the *button next time and which one to show/hide that.

    too bad, regarding the campaign map

    but thank you for your help!

  23. #23
    Bored Member Tux's Avatar
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    Default Re: EB2 Graphic Enhancement side-mod(Open Beta)

    No problem! Enjoy the mod. :)

  24. #24

    Default Re: EB2 Graphic Enhancement side-mod(Open Beta)

    Do i Install into the EB mod folder or Medieval ii total war folder?

  25. #25
    Bored Member Tux's Avatar
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    Default Re: EB2 Graphic Enhancement side-mod(Open Beta)

    Quote Originally Posted by Lizardo View Post
    Do i Install into the EB mod folder or Medieval ii total war folder?
    M2tw folder

  26. #26

    Default Re: EB2 Graphic Enhancement side-mod(Open Beta)

    Does anybody know if this mod works with EB II 2.3? Some years ago someone called HaHawk did a really good looking graphics overhaul for Medieval II using a programme called Reshade, but I don't want to risk porking my install of 2.3 without good advice first. Thanks for an amazing Mod btw.


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