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Thread: Academy of Elemental Magic [Concluded]

  1. #1
    Senior Member Senior Member Jarema's Avatar
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    Default Academy of Elemental Magic [Concluded]

    Academy of Elemental Magic
    Large Mafia Game


    "Welcome in the halls of our great Academy, young ones. I am head of this institution, Chancellor Jarema. As you can see, I am quite old. Yes, I have over one hundred years of life under my belt!" he chuckled to the shocked faces in the group.

    "You say that I don't look my age? Thank you child, serving elements make people healthier. Well, if they do not get killed, at least. But I was going to welcome you all here, in the Academy of Elemental Magic. It is also called Temple of Elements. Yes, we consider ourselves priests of elements sometimes. Our study is full of awe and devotion, but I digress. During the next few weeks, you will learn as much about elements, as your tiny brains can manage. Unfortunately, most of our teaching stuff has left us due to the Great War against the Defilers, evil creatures that they are. Our Academy is the most important source of spellcasters and magic users ready to fight with forces of corruption and depravity. You will also fight in this war, and it would be sooner than I would prefer...

    Anyway, four of promising young teachers decided to stay here, and teach you. Please, greet Mistress Frashene, the Pyromancer, Mistress Eada, the Aeromancer, Master Ghozough, the Geomancer, and, last but not least, Master Bildoboone, the Hydromancer. They are heads of their respective colleges of elemental magic. Sooner or later, each of you will specialize in one of the schools of elemental magic, and become personal student of one of this great teachers.

    Now, let us greet four most promising students from previous year. I decided they should stay here, and help you understand complexities of magic. It is important task – as you know, mortality is high among pupils. And finally, there are you, our new blood. I am happy to see your young, open faces. But there is something that worries me. I suspect that agents of our Enemy are hiding among you. I was thinking for a long time about how I should approach this problem. And I made the decision, that I will use your collective wisdom. At the end of every week, we will gather here and discuss. Then, we will banish one person, the one you will found most suspicious, from the Academy.

    But it should wait until you become acquainted with each other. Now, go to your cells. After three hours of meditation, we'll meet here again and dine.


    Standard game rules apply if I haven't mentioned it here.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Information regarding the Setup:
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    1. There would be at least two scum factions
    2. Town would be divided into 4 factions – elemental colleges. Members of those colleges would be able to recruit promising students into their ranks
    3. There would be 'vanilla' newbies among townies. They would be able to join elemental colleges. Majority of scum players would be hiding among them
    4. Game will be divided into two phases: Voidday ("day”) when all students meet and discuss, and Week ("night”) when all students study and work

    Victory conditions:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    a) for scum factions – not publicly known
    b) for unaligned townies – all threats to the Academy are eliminated, survived to end of the game; this VC changes after joining college
    c) for members of one of colleges of elemental magic: all threats to the Academy are eliminated, opposite school of magic has been eradicated

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    a) there would be some items, but not many (rather several than dozens of them)
    b) with exception of artifacts, after character's death his items are buried with him. We do not rob corpses.

    Health/damage system:

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    1. Each character will have following characteristics: hit points (HP), corruption points (CP), fire attack and defense values, air attack and defense values, water attack and defense values, earth attack and defense values. There are also experience points, used to buy higher levels of those characteristics. (IMPORTANT)

    2. Typical character starts with 10 HP (full health), some have as low as 8, some as much as 14. Each character not at full health regains one HP at end of day (before lynch)
    3. Lynch deals damage to leading player/players, one point of damage per vote + one point per every week („day”) of the game (1 at day one, 2 at day 2, etc.); in case of tie all tied players would be damaged, but damage would be equal to one point per vote

    4. During night phase, every character can attack other player using force of one of four elements
    5. If attack value exceeds apropriate defense value, damage is done. 5. Damage is equal to attacker's AV – defenders DV + 1, and can be higher due to attacker's corruption. Some effects can influence damage. Damage is always equal to at least 1.
    6. Three or more attackers from the same college can attack together for a devastating result.In case of coordinated attack, attack automatically hits, and damage is equal to the sum of attackers AV – respective DV. For example, if three attacker with fire AV 4 attacks defender with fire DV 3 separately, they will do 6 points of damage (or more, if one of them is highly corrupted), and against fire DV 4 they will do 0 damage. In case of coordinated attacks against DV 3 they will do 9 points of damage (3 points more, not counting corruption) and against DV 4 they will do 8 points of damage (8 more, regardless of corruption scores)
    7. If attack misses due to DV of defender being higher than relevant AV of attacker, counter-attack will happen. Defender will attack attacker with the same element that attacker chosen for his assault.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    1. Every day, active player (the one who votes) get 2 XP
    2. Every night, player who studies or who succesfully does something other than defending, get 1 XP
    3. You can spend XP on AV and/or DV. For each AV or DV you pay as many XP as the new level of it would be. For example, if you want to raise your water DV from 1 to 2, it will cost you 2 XP. If you want to raise your fire AV from 2 to 5, it will cost you 12 XP
    4. You can spend XP on corruption score, at the same rate as for AV and DV
    5. You can spend XP on hit points. In order to raise your maximum HP (and your current HP) by 1, you must pay [your new maximum HP – 10]; for example, to raise your HP from 11 to 12 you must pay 2 XP, for raising from 10 to 15, you must pay 15 XP. If your maximum HP are lower than 10, then raising it by 1 costs 1 XP.
    6. Described costs may differ due to some special abilities of some players

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    1. Player has a corruption score ranging from 0 to 10. It is "invisible” to other players, but under some circumstances general level of someone's corruption could be assessed
    2. Levels of corruption: uncorrupted (0), mildly corrupted (1-2), moderately corrupted (3-4), severely corrupted (5 and more), utterly corrupted (special)

    MY MISTAKE: corruption score of 1 was/is sometimes treated as uncorrupted. Sometimes it was assumed to be like: uncorrupted (0-1), mildly corrupted (2-3), moderately corrupted (4-5), severely corrupted (6 and more), utterly corrupted (special)

    3. Corruption can be raised unvoluntarily, or as a consequence of some actions (like killing someone), or willingly, by expending XP – every player cand do it
    4. Corruption is a mixed blessing. At one hand, the more corruption player has, the more damage he deals. Also, corruption protects against corruption-based attacks, so corrupted player will take less damage from scum attacks. At the other hand, the more corrupted player becomes, the more scummy he looks (because high corruption level is typical for scum). Also, at higher corruption levels, it can effect player in surprising (and not necesserily pleasant) way, when he becomes more and more deranged.
    5. All scum players would be corrupted, more or less. But, they may have ways of hiding it.

    Colleges of magic:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    1. there are four colleges of magic: College of Flame (Pyromancers), College of Wind (Aeromancers), College of Wave (Hydromancers) and College of Stone (Geomancers)
    2. their heads and higher rank members can recruit new players to the colleges (from ranks of 'new students'). If you are new student, and you are approached by such character, you will get option to join given college (no forced recruitation). That will change your victory condition, and give you access to further development
    3. College will help you develop AV of its chosen element. Therefore, it could be beneficial to join college associated with element you are already strong in.
    4. Heads of colleges are guaranteed innocents – at least at the begining of the game.

    Night actions:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    1. Each character can attack at night
    2. Each character can study at night
    3. Each character can defend at night (defending raises all DV by 1 for this night, but defending character does not gain XP)
    4. Characters who have special abilities can use them
    5. Characters who have special items can use them
    6. As a free action, character can give his/her item to someone else. I must get message from this other player that he wants to take that item, then the transfer will happen at the end of night

    Standard innocent role PM:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Young Pupil
    Welcome in the Academy of Elemental Magic.
    You are young student from one of the Empire core cities. You have not chosen path for your elemental training yet.
    Alignment: town
    Faction: unaligned
    Elemental training: Fire: AV 2 DV 0; Earth: AV 0 DV 0; Water: AV 0 DV 1; Air: AV 1 DV 1.
    Corruption Score: o
    Hit Points: 10/10
    1. beginners luck: first attack that would otherwise kill you, reduces your HP to 1 instead. If you join any college of magic, you will lose this ability. It is one-time only ability
    2. you start game with 5 XP
    Victory condition: All threats to the Academy are eliminated, you survive to the end of game
    AV & DV would be different for different players, that is one of possible combinations.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    1. Private communication outside the game thread and gm-sanctioned qt is NOT allowed
    2. You can still participate after death. Dead players can post both here and in their relevant qt's, but they must not reveal any information not posted in the game thread already. They may still scumhunt or try to befoul town
    3. All forms of quoting pm's from host are forbidden. You should also not discuss technical details of them (like the time when you get your role pm, or its lenght)
    4. There would be no WoGs for inactivity

    Day One
    Night One
    Day Two
    Night Two
    Day Three
    Night Three
    Day Four
    Night Four
    Day Five
    Night Five
    Day Six
    Night Six
    Day Seven
    Night Seven
    Day Eight
    Night Eight
    Day Nine
    Night Nine
    Day Ten
    Night Ten
    Day Eleven
    Night Eleven
    Day Twelve
    Night Twelve

    Living Players:
    1. Captain Blackadder
    2. Askthepizzaguy
    3. Memnon
    4. Alsark
    5. Ironside
    6. Visorslash
    7. Issaikhaan
    8. White eyes:D
    9. Robbiecon
    10. Johnhughtom

    Dead Players
    Montmorency (aeromancers)
    NinjaCow (pyromancers)
    Andres (hydromancers)
    Arjos (Defilers)
    BSmith (Defilers)
    El Barto (hydromancers)
    Riedquat (Defilers)
    TinCow (aeromancers)
    Kennigit (Defilers)
    Edse (hydromancers)
    Elite Ferret (aeromancers)
    Autolycus (geomancers)
    Xenoneb (factionless)

    Chaotix, Demon Worshipper

    Attacked Players:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Alsark (n3, n8)
    Andres (n3, n3, n3)
    Askthepizzaguy (n2, n4, n8, n9)
    Autolycus (n7 - group, n10)
    Chaotix (n1, n4, n4, n4)
    Edse (n1)
    El Barto (n6, n6)
    Elite Ferret (n9, n9)
    Ignoramus (n3)
    Ironside (n11)
    Issaikhaan (n4, n5, n5, n5)
    Johnhughtom (n3, n11)
    Kennigit (n3, n4, n6, n6)
    LazyMcCrow (n1, n1, n3, n3, n7-group)
    Montmorency (n1, n2, n2)
    Riedquat (n4)
    TinCow (n3, n4, n7 - group)
    Visorslash (n2)
    Xenoneb (n1, n2, n5, n9)

    * I want to thank Visorslash for a great job of formatting this opening post for me. Now it surely looks better
    Last edited by Jarema; 12-27-2012 at 21:32.

  2. #2
    Bastion of Sanity Member Captain Blackadder's Avatar
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    Default Re: Academy of Elemental Magic

    In please

    Coming Soon to a Gameroom Near You

  3. #3
    kumquattor Member Riedquat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Academy of Elemental Magic

    Count me in!
    returning to the shadows.....

  4. #4
    Masked Man Member autolycus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Academy of Elemental Magic

    Sure I'll be in.
    My game on Civfanatics could use a few more!: MNOTW XVII: The Cursed Blade!

  5. #5
    Do not Dis Member LazyMcCrow's Avatar
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    Default Re: Academy of Elemental Magic

    Colour me intrigued.

    Q: How will your corruption level raising 'make you seem more scummy'?

  6. #6
    Senior Member Senior Member Jarema's Avatar
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    Default Re: Academy of Elemental Magic

    A: you will have to learn it in game :)

  7. #7
    The Bad Doctor Senior Member Chaotix's Avatar
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    Default Re: Academy of Elemental Magic

    Let's do it.

    Question- is there any difference between the four elements, or are they all the same except for their names? Is fire more effective against a water mage than an earth mage, etc?
    Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer: The Gameroom

  8. #8
    Senior Member Senior Member Jarema's Avatar
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    Default Re: Academy of Elemental Magic

    There are some relations between opposite elements - like no one will start strong in both fire and water for example, but someone may start strong at both water and air. There are also differences in abilities of elemental masters - I tried to balance it yet make every element unique.
    The rest is to be learned through studying elemental magic
    Last edited by Jarema; 10-25-2012 at 17:45.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Academy of Elemental Magic

    This looks really cool. But I can't devote time to it, sorry. Maybe if I am killed off in a few more games. (THAT'S NOT A HINT!)

  10. #10
    Senior Member Senior Member Jarema's Avatar
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    Default Re: Academy of Elemental Magic

    Small warning: I still work on rules ant there may be small changes in the rules posted. Players should re-read them before game, to make sure they know newest version

  11. #11
    Senior Member Senior Member Jarema's Avatar
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    Default Re: Academy of Elemental Magic

    Quote Originally Posted by Visorslash View Post
    This looks really cool. But I can't devote time to it, sorry. Maybe if I am killed off in a few more games. (THAT'S NOT A HINT!)
    maybe later :D
    I do not think it will start in a few days

    or... I suppose I will need a reserve

  12. #12

    Default Re: Academy of Elemental Magic

    Vitiate Man.

    History repeats the old conceits
    The glib replies, the same defeats

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  13. #13
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Academy of Elemental Magic

    Reporting for duty as a space-filler.

  14. #14
    Member Member Plasmanaut on Fire Champion Memnon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Academy of Elemental Magic

    In as well

  15. #15
    COYATOYPIKC Senior Member Flatout Minigame Champion Arjos's Avatar
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    Default Re: Academy of Elemental Magic

    Abracadabra... In :P

  16. #16
    Senior Member Senior Member Jarema's Avatar
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    Default Re: Academy of Elemental Magic

    I will send some invites on Monday, at weekend I do not have any spare time.
    But free to join now :)

  17. #17
    Italian stallion Member edse's Avatar
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  18. #18
    Member Member BSmith's Avatar
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    Default Re: Academy of Elemental Magic

    I'll play.
    Always meet on the level, act by the plumb and part on the square.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Academy of Elemental Magic

    I'm in and I'll bring a box of Lucky Cows to share around as well.

    They're magicly suspicious!
    But there ARE smilies on this forum! They are just well hidden. Hence the couch.
    I like Mafia! Play it at CFC! (and TWC)
    Why don't you have a bunch of quotes by famous and not-so-famous people?
    "There is no need to link Socialism to Evil, I live in Europe and have Free Speech." - strijder20 (lolwut?)
    "This thread is a either testament to the mods not giving a crap about us or their ability to be amused by our antics." - DoubleA (On this thread)

  20. #20
    Senior Member Senior Member Jarema's Avatar
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    Default Re: Academy of Elemental Magic

    Quote Originally Posted by NinjaCow64 View Post
    I'm in and I'll bring a box of Lucky Cows to share around as well.

    They're magicly suspicious!
    what is their predominant element?

    EDIT: Now seriously: my internet connection was down for more than 12 hours and now I go to work. I will send some invites tommorow
    Last edited by Jarema; 10-30-2012 at 13:18.

  21. #21
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Academy of Elemental Magic

    Quote Originally Posted by Jarema View Post
    what is their predominant element?

    Not just dirt, mind you- their main ingredient is cow pies.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Academy of Elemental Magic

    Sounds complicated. Ergo, count me in!
    If you're a fan of smaller mafia rounds and/or rounds with lots of powers (or where you can pick your own role), you should sign up for Vendetta Strada! 9 out of 10 doctors recommend it! The other got night-killed by the mafia.

  23. #23
    Master of useless knowledge Senior Member Kitten Shooting Champion, Eskiv Champion Ironside's Avatar
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    Default Re: Academy of Elemental Magic

    Shooy I'll try, in.
    We are all aware that the senses can be deceived, the eyes fooled. But how can we be sure our senses are not being deceived at any particular time, or even all the time? Might I just be a brain in a tank somewhere, tricked all my life into believing in the events of this world by some insane computer? And does my life gain or lose meaning based on my reaction to such solipsism?

    Project PYRRHO, Specimen 46, Vat 7
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  24. #24

    Default Re: Academy of Elemental Magic

    Cannon fodder at the ready sire!

    (Standard inactivity warning, though activity should pick up in about two weeks hopefully).

  25. #25
    Spirit King Senior Member seireikhaan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Academy of Elemental Magic

    Sure, why not.

    It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then, the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.

  26. #26
    Liar and Trickster Senior Member Andres's Avatar
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    Default Re: Academy of Elemental Magic

    Andres is our Lord and Master and could strike us down with thunderbolts or beer cans at any time. ~Askthepizzaguy

    Ja mata, TosaInu

  27. #27
    Bureaucratically Efficient Senior Member TinCow's Avatar
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  28. #28

    Default Re: Academy of Elemental Magic

    oh yeah I meant to be in this please

  29. #29
    Semi-Corruptible Member White_eyes:D's Avatar
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  30. #30
    Member Member Ishmael's Avatar
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    Default Re: Academy of Elemental Magic

    In as a reserve please. I don't have quite as much free time as normal at present, but I'll be cannon fodder if you can't get enough people.

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