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Thread: On recruited generals

  1. #1

    Default On recruited generals

    Will recruited generals in EB2 have their ethnicity, name and portrait based on where they were recruited, and what type of general (hellenistic, celtic, and so on) instead of just taking from your own faction?
    A thing I found a bit immersion breaking was for your greek client king in Massilia to be a roman named Quintus Cornelius Scipio.
    It might be imposible due to engine and script limitations (I assumed this was the case in EB) but it would be nice if it was the way it would work in EB2.

  2. #2

    Default Re: On recruited generals

    In the case of the Romans, you could not command a Roman army unless you were a Roman citizen. Even the allied forces had Roman tribunes (I think). There were a lot of nobles from different cities that got Roman citizenship even if their city did not, so I guess in this case this would not be a problem. For other nations this is somewhat more problematic.

  3. #3

    Default Re: On recruited generals

    Didint they say that they would make it so that only consuls could lead armies in EB2?
    If so then that solves that issue.
    If not then you could give rome a special "roman general" thay could be recruited in type 1 goverments, all other would have a "not a citizen" trait that gives them some severe handicaps in battle, especially to unit morale.

  4. #4
    EBII Hod Carrier Member QuintusSertorius's Avatar
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    Default Re: On recruited generals

    Chances are that Greek client ruler would be a Roman citizen, with a Roman name as well as his "native" one.
    It began on seven hills - an EB 1.1 Romani AAR with historical house-rules (now ceased)
    Heirs to Lysimachos - an EB 1.1 Epeiros-as-Pergamon AAR with semi-historical houserules (now ceased)
    Philetairos' Gift - a second EB 1.1 Epeiros-as-Pergamon AAR

  5. #5

    Default Re: On recruited generals

    Most people don't only play romans tho and with the interloper/imposter traits it's really silly if your "native puppet Celtae Vollorix" is from Pontos euxenius. Thus an answer would be welcome.

    For allied generals it's indeed a bit redundant, depending on the factions policy towards Allied client kingdoms, however Client rulers really need a fitting ethnicity. I understand EB2 will use a somewhat different mechanism to deal with this.
    "Who fights can lose, who doesn't fight has already lost."
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  6. #6
    COYATOYPIKC Senior Member Flatout Minigame Champion Arjos's Avatar
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    Default Re: On recruited generals

    Quote Originally Posted by Ca Putt View Post
    it's really silly if your "native puppet Celtae Vollorix" is from Pontos euxenius.
    Not that crazy imo, Mithridates' personal bodyguard was a Galatian and it's not impossible, nor unheard of, for celtic mercenaries to be settled in an hellenistic realm and their descendants carry on with military duties :)
    And as pointed out before, romanization always began from the top of society and for these aristocrats to assume roman names (especially their patron's gens name) was common...

  7. #7

    Default Re: On recruited generals

    I understand it makes sence that way however I'm talking about the ethnictiy here, thus It's strange that a puppet king who rules over ... Massilia and is a celtic lesser king by discription is an ethnic greek from Pontos euxenius. And tbh a Puppet king would not be very convincing when he's from the Huge empire next door.
    "Who fights can lose, who doesn't fight has already lost."
    - Pyrrhus of Epirus

    "Durch diese hohle Gasse muss er kommen..."
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    "People called Romanes they go the House"
    - Alaric the Visigoth

  8. #8
    COYATOYPIKC Senior Member Flatout Minigame Champion Arjos's Avatar
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    Default Re: On recruited generals

    Ahahahahahah didn't know it was in Massalia in this case...
    I guess you could RP it as the acropolis garrison's commander, not much loved by the local population, but still in control...

    Similar to the macedonian Akrokorinthos :)
    Last edited by Arjos; 03-11-2013 at 14:42.

  9. #9

    Default Re: On recruited generals

    I did pick a particualry easy to misunderstand example, I have to admit that.

    However what I mean is that it's unpleasant to roleplay. If I buy(yes I buy him) some local noble to speak in favor of my empire instead of installing a lvl3 gov and giving it to one of my cousins brother in laws uncle, I want that chap to have some fancy "exotic" ethnicity trait. Sure there is always a way to "pretend" hes some sort of hostage or the like that was "chosen" by his adopters in order to improve the relation to my empire but that's not something I want to do everytime I install a lvl 4 gov.

    Again I know EB2 will handle government differently.
    "Who fights can lose, who doesn't fight has already lost."
    - Pyrrhus of Epirus

    "Durch diese hohle Gasse muss er kommen..."
    - Leonidas of Sparta

    "People called Romanes they go the House"
    - Alaric the Visigoth

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