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Thread: Siege Equipment

  1. #1
    Senior Member Senior Member ReluctantSamurai's Avatar
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    Default Siege Equipment

    Is there anyplace that states who can use what equipment? Common sense would dictate that units with "heavy" weapons (like the 20ft. long Sarissa) cannot climb into towers and, I would assume, not be able to climb ladders. Some units have the "Can Sap" ability, so that's rather obvious, but who besides light infantry and archers (or those with "light weapons") can use the towers and ladders.

    I ask this because I had a very strange thing happen in the middle of a got broken off for no apparent reason and I get the message "Path Blocked"??? Perhaps I built something that couldn't be used by my infantry? If that's the case, I shouldn't be able to build it in the first place, no?
    High Plains Drifter

  2. #2
    Strategist and Storyteller Senior Member Myth's Avatar
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    Default Re: Siege Equipment

    Weird... I thought any infantry unit could at least pick up your basic ram. I'd autocalc in that specific case then, it's like in M2TW where Mangonels don't actually harm buildings (they spray flaming oil in barrels or some such) but in Autocalc you can use them as Catapults.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member Senior Member ReluctantSamurai's Avatar
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    Default Re: Siege Equipment

    I always auto-calc sieges anyways (except for sally battles)...far too boring to fight on the map. For the case I mentioned, I just re-sieged and built only sap equipment for the walls, and rams for the gates (no ladders or towers) and things went along just fine after that. From this I would assume that phalanx units (at least those using the sarissa) cannot use either towers or ladders.
    High Plains Drifter

  4. #4

    Default Re: Siege Equipment

    That is strange, you should only the "Path blocked" message if you run into another army or settlement, most of the time it happens agents, but armies should go into an "enemy zone of control" (If contacting another military force) or simply just besiege the settlement...

  5. #5
    Senior Member Senior Member ReluctantSamurai's Avatar
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    Default Re: Siege Equipment

    My army was already besieging the settlement. Being a large Roman city with a large garrison, I was taking two turns to build enough siege equipment to get the job done. At the conclusion of my second turn, the AI automatically lifted the siege with the "Path Blocked" message as the reason for breaking the siege. I did have siege towers built and all my infantry were phalanx, so this is why I came to the conclusion it has something to do with "heavy" spear units not being able to utilize towers (which makes sense). I clamped a siege down next turn and built only sap equipment and rams. Didn't have a problem the second time.

    Unfortunately, siege equipment that you cannot use is not "greyed out" as unavailable when you are choosing what to build.
    High Plains Drifter


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