Now we're talkin'!
Now we're talkin'!
Last edited by Lemur; 07-25-2013 at 17:57. Reason: Fixed YouTube link.
"Après moi le déluge"
Sweet! Really cool!
In fact, Patricia was ok - not nearly as annoying as the Two Stooges from Rally Point.
And the game menu and campaign map teasers were fascinating.
Thanks for sharing mate i liked this video, it seems that i will really enjoy the campaign map. Also the edicts are going to make things more interseting i beleive.
Love that each faction now has an internal politics system. This was one of the biggest failings of the original RTW as while it made Rome feel special and everything else felt like a second rate faction. Great touch.
I do not like the look of the campaign map. It's very pretty but it feels cramped somehow. Hard to put my finger on it. Won't know until I tried.
Another thing i noticed is the culture grouos are being represented under different tabs. So we got one for rome, carthage, succesors, eastern kingdoms etc. It my understanding that each culture pack dlc will add a new group tab witharound three factions. What i dont understand is that why would germanic, gaulic and briton tribes would need individual tabs? We have only a singlw tribe from each group dont we? Also i remember reading that the different tribes under each culture will have identical units. So does these seperate groupings means that we will be able to unlock different tribes as we play? If Jack is around, can you please explain this?
My bet, given the videogame market trend of these days, they will indeed release more DLCs (even of such groups that already have one).
When you look at the already known DLCs, they are structured as new factions/political parties, but also bringing in new units. So my guess is that they will make such encompassing additions...
Personally I find it a commendable approach: who can't wait will pay more, but get a decent amount of new content; while patience will allow pretty sweet steam sale deals ^^
rickinator9 is either a cleverly "hidden in plain sight by jumping on the random bandwagon" scum or the ever-increasing in popularity "What the is going on?" townie. Either way I want to lynch him. - White Eyes
Excellent preview. I'm drooling over the campaign map. Reminds me of Civilization (in a good way). The idea of a somewhat more historical RTW with no "Rebels" faction is just awesome. I hope they do eventually make most factions playable, even if it means a freaking DLC for every culture group. I'd really like to be able to campaign as Galatia one day.
And I really, really like the fact that the campaign map doesn't have lines for region borders, only faction borders. That looks so much better.
What I do not like about this, is that by reading the prices for the "Hellas" DLCs, each have its own tag. So it looks like they will make a DLC = new faction, probably released in tandem with a couple of others. But each at a full DLC price...
Gotta love how the marketing people squeeze every dime they can :P
Yep agreed. Half the work, triple the money..
Yeah, it's definitely a rip-off, but if the alternative is no more factions, well... I'll pony up for the ones I actually want to play.
I think it looks cramped because of the scale of the cities. They all look like modern urban sprawls. I assume that is so you can see what they have at a glance without having to zoom in. But it does make the "10x" larger map look smaller when you put "100x" larger icons on it.
@The Outsider, found the details here. As I thought, it's tied to the "wishlist."
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Thanks this looks Great!
"It's true that when it's looked at isolated, Rome II is a good game... but every time I sit down to play it, every battle, through every turn, I see how Rome I was better. Not unanimously, but ultimately." - Dr. Sane