Some of you more ancient players might remember Askthepizzaguy, back before he sold his soul to become a Made Man. Back when blitzcraft was still a thing that made men gasp.
Askthepizzaguy was thinking about returning to multiplayer campaigning. But, some things still hold this faction leader back. There would have to be some ground rules.
I'd been thinking about discussing a set of house rules which would make a game interesting enough to me to pull me out of mothballs and start the aggravating process of finding download links and patches and all that scary nonsense which takes hours, on the long shot chance I might have a good time with one of these things again.
One of the things that might make me contemplate it more seriously would be feedback on this idea. Who is still interested in Medieval 2 total war, preferably of the Stainless Steel or Broken Crescent varieties? Who thinks they'd like to try another campaign? Who has experience and isn't known for just dropping out and forgetting to do their turn?
And most importantly, who is willing to discuss some house rules? Please post here if you'd be interested in such.