The Kingdoms: Americas campaign seems to have the potential to be the best of all the Kingdoms campaigns, the music and the artwork are impressive. However there are a few elements which are poorly done, one of these is the absence of slingers. The conquistadores considered Aztec slingers to be one of the most effective of the Mesoamerican weapons. Has anyone produced a Mesoamerican slinger unit and unit card which could be added to the Aztec, Tlaxcallan and Tarascan roster? Is there a simple method to create such a unit? The depictions I've seen are of a unit with padded armour but no shield.
There are several other elements of the campaign that could be modded. Some of the city names seem unusual choices (with Tzintzuntzan and Teotitlan absent), and the provinces could be better set out (it would be useful to have a Chichimec city in the highlands north of Tollan, for instance.) Tenochtitlan was famous for its lake defences, yet these are not on the strategic map. And why start in 1521 rather than 1519 or earlier..?
The unit values also seem odd and could be experimented with. Can the Mesoamerican units be larger, why not 200-strong units on the huge setting? The attack values seem high for the stone age civilisations- I find it difficult to credit that a wooden/obsidian club is considered the equivalent of steel. Its also odd that Eagle warriors are allowed twice as much defence skill as Jaguar warriors..?
The start positions could be adjusted, even on the default map. It would be good to have the Mayans represented by two or more city-states, only cloned factions with different colours would be needed. The Tarascans might be given more of their empire at the start. The Tlaxcallans could be given Chollollan and two of the Aztec south-east provinces, which had been allied to them before a recent war and were only theoretically under Aztec control. That would make the Tlaxcallans less vulnerable to an instant attack, and make their economy more viable.
If I was to produce a small mod, most of this is fairly easy to do with text edits , its the slinger units that would be the obstacle. Any suggestions?