Something to peruse:
Something to peruse:
"Après moi le déluge"
The three images, re-hosted in case the CA Wiki rolls over and dies (as it has an alarming habit of doing):
At least two are new :P
I don't like the cone visions, hated them in S2TW, as if people are stuck with blinders and can't rotate their torsos lol
I guess they'll be needed with the new line of sight spotting...
Hope the horsearchers don't have them though!
Bit concerned by Raphia, looks like very made up...
Last edited by Arjos; 08-26-2013 at 16:35.
If it's like Shogun 2 all missile weapons have firing cones which can be modded.
Lets play Divide et Impera, Ptolemy Campaign. Link to full playlist down below!
Ugh firing cones >.< XD
I hope that ALL battlefield UI markings can be turned off or at least only seen when mousing over a unit or building. Shogun2 lets us turn off giant standards and missile trails but they forgot to let us disable the permanent tower owner balloons in castles after adding them in a patch. The red or yellow markers are always there. I dislike any markers of any sort that constantly float above, under or around the units. For me these things ruin the visual effect if they are always on.
Time flies like the wind. Fruit flies like bananas.
Isn't there a cinematic mode for that?
Hit k in S2tw, barebones ui, no minimal just cursor and enable ui button; true immersion :P.
Don't want to get owned in mp so I keep my ui on.
Lets play Divide et Impera, Ptolemy Campaign. Link to full playlist down below!
Last edited by Oleander Ardens; 08-29-2013 at 14:40.
Cicero, Pro Milone"Silent enim leges inter arma - For among arms, the laws fall mute"